1,570 research outputs found

    Fast exact algorithms for some connectivity problems parametrized by clique-width

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    Given a clique-width kk-expression of a graph GG, we provide 2O(k)n2^{O(k)}\cdot n time algorithms for connectivity constraints on locally checkable properties such as Node-Weighted Steiner Tree, Connected Dominating Set, or Connected Vertex Cover. We also propose a 2O(k)n2^{O(k)}\cdot n time algorithm for Feedback Vertex Set. The best running times for all the considered cases were either 2O(klog(k))nO(1)2^{O(k\cdot \log(k))}\cdot n^{O(1)} or worse

    Layout of Graphs with Bounded Tree-Width

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    A \emph{queue layout} of a graph consists of a total order of the vertices, and a partition of the edges into \emph{queues}, such that no two edges in the same queue are nested. The minimum number of queues in a queue layout of a graph is its \emph{queue-number}. A \emph{three-dimensional (straight-line grid) drawing} of a graph represents the vertices by points in Z3\mathbb{Z}^3 and the edges by non-crossing line-segments. This paper contributes three main results: (1) It is proved that the minimum volume of a certain type of three-dimensional drawing of a graph GG is closely related to the queue-number of GG. In particular, if GG is an nn-vertex member of a proper minor-closed family of graphs (such as a planar graph), then GG has a O(1)×O(1)×O(n)O(1)\times O(1)\times O(n) drawing if and only if GG has O(1) queue-number. (2) It is proved that queue-number is bounded by tree-width, thus resolving an open problem due to Ganley and Heath (2001), and disproving a conjecture of Pemmaraju (1992). This result provides renewed hope for the positive resolution of a number of open problems in the theory of queue layouts. (3) It is proved that graphs of bounded tree-width have three-dimensional drawings with O(n) volume. This is the most general family of graphs known to admit three-dimensional drawings with O(n) volume. The proofs depend upon our results regarding \emph{track layouts} and \emph{tree-partitions} of graphs, which may be of independent interest.Comment: This is a revised version of a journal paper submitted in October 2002. This paper incorporates the following conference papers: (1) Dujmovic', Morin & Wood. Path-width and three-dimensional straight-line grid drawings of graphs (GD'02), LNCS 2528:42-53, Springer, 2002. (2) Wood. Queue layouts, tree-width, and three-dimensional graph drawing (FSTTCS'02), LNCS 2556:348--359, Springer, 2002. (3) Dujmovic' & Wood. Tree-partitions of kk-trees with applications in graph layout (WG '03), LNCS 2880:205-217, 200

    Kasteleyn cokernels

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    We consider Kasteleyn and Kasteleyn-Percus matrices, which arise in enumerating matchings of planar graphs, up to matrix operations on their rows and columns. If such a matrix is defined over a principal ideal domain, this is equivalent to considering its Smith normal form or its cokernel. Many variations of the enumeration methods result in equivalent matrices. In particular, Gessel-Viennot matrices are equivalent to Kasteleyn-Percus matrices. We apply these ideas to plane partitions and related planar of tilings. We list a number of conjectures, supported by experiments in Maple, about the forms of matrices associated to enumerations of plane partitions and other lozenge tilings of planar regions and their symmetry classes. We focus on the case where the enumerations are round or qq-round, and we conjecture that cokernels remain round or qq-round for related ``impossible enumerations'' in which there are no tilings. Our conjectures provide a new view of the topic of enumerating symmetry classes of plane partitions and their generalizations. In particular we conjecture that a qq-specialization of a Jacobi-Trudi matrix has a Smith normal form. If so it could be an interesting structure associated to the corresponding irreducible representation of \SL(n,\C). Finally we find, with proof, the normal form of the matrix that appears in the enumeration of domino tilings of an Aztec diamond.Comment: 14 pages, 19 in-line figures. Very minor copy correction

    Hypergraphic LP Relaxations for Steiner Trees

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    We investigate hypergraphic LP relaxations for the Steiner tree problem, primarily the partition LP relaxation introduced by Koenemann et al. [Math. Programming, 2009]. Specifically, we are interested in proving upper bounds on the integrality gap of this LP, and studying its relation to other linear relaxations. Our results are the following. Structural results: We extend the technique of uncrossing, usually applied to families of sets, to families of partitions. As a consequence we show that any basic feasible solution to the partition LP formulation has sparse support. Although the number of variables could be exponential, the number of positive variables is at most the number of terminals. Relations with other relaxations: We show the equivalence of the partition LP relaxation with other known hypergraphic relaxations. We also show that these hypergraphic relaxations are equivalent to the well studied bidirected cut relaxation, if the instance is quasibipartite. Integrality gap upper bounds: We show an upper bound of sqrt(3) ~ 1.729 on the integrality gap of these hypergraph relaxations in general graphs. In the special case of uniformly quasibipartite instances, we show an improved upper bound of 73/60 ~ 1.216. By our equivalence theorem, the latter result implies an improved upper bound for the bidirected cut relaxation as well.Comment: Revised full version; a shorter version will appear at IPCO 2010

    Feynman Categories

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    In this paper we give a new foundational, categorical formulation for operations and relations and objects parameterizing them. This generalizes and unifies the theory of operads and all their cousins including but not limited to PROPs, modular operads, twisted (modular) operads, properads, hyperoperads, their colored versions, as well as algebras over operads and an abundance of other related structures, such as crossed simplicial groups, the augmented simplicial category or FI--modules. The usefulness of this approach is that it allows us to handle all the classical as well as more esoteric structures under a common framework and we can treat all the situations simultaneously. Many of the known constructions simply become Kan extensions. In this common framework, we also derive universal operations, such as those underlying Deligne's conjecture, construct Hopf algebras as well as perform resolutions, (co)bar transforms and Feynman transforms which are related to master equations. For these applications, we construct the relevant model category structures. This produces many new examples.Comment: Expanded version. New introduction, new arrangement of text, more details on several constructions. New figure

    Coloring, location and domination of corona graphs

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    A vertex coloring of a graph GG is an assignment of colors to the vertices of GG such that every two adjacent vertices of GG have different colors. A coloring related property of a graphs is also an assignment of colors or labels to the vertices of a graph, in which the process of labeling is done according to an extra condition. A set SS of vertices of a graph GG is a dominating set in GG if every vertex outside of SS is adjacent to at least one vertex belonging to SS. A domination parameter of GG is related to those structures of a graph satisfying some domination property together with other conditions on the vertices of GG. In this article we study several mathematical properties related to coloring, domination and location of corona graphs. We investigate the distance-kk colorings of corona graphs. Particularly, we obtain tight bounds for the distance-2 chromatic number and distance-3 chromatic number of corona graphs, throughout some relationships between the distance-kk chromatic number of corona graphs and the distance-kk chromatic number of its factors. Moreover, we give the exact value of the distance-kk chromatic number of the corona of a path and an arbitrary graph. On the other hand, we obtain bounds for the Roman dominating number and the locating-domination number of corona graphs. We give closed formulaes for the kk-domination number, the distance-kk domination number, the independence domination number, the domatic number and the idomatic number of corona graphs.Comment: 18 page