176,562 research outputs found

    Designing Enterprise Resources Planning Application for Integrating Main Activities in a Simulator Model of SCM Network Distribution

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    Collaborative supply chain is a specific topic in supply chain management and studied by industrial engineering students in supply chain management course. Unfortunately, conventional learning media cannot explain the phenomenon of collaborative supply chain to the students. This study aimed to design a dynamic learning media so that inter-company collaboration and information sharing on the activities of Supply Chain entities can be explained effectively to the students. The problem was solved using 3 (three) steps. First, the distribution network was described using mock up. It consists of miniature trucks, miniature network and miniature of the manufacturer-distributor-retailer embedded with tag and reader of RFID. Second, the Enterprise Resources Planning application was developed for supporting business activities. Third, we developed the integrator consists of monitor’s user interface and practice modules. The result of the research - an SCM-Simulator – will be able to improve learning skills of industrial engineering graduates, especially abilities to identify, formulate, and solve the activities of tactical plan & operational routines of Supply Chain entities. However, distribution module designed is for limited scale laboratory study of simple objects. Keywords: Distribution Network, Enterprise Resource Planning, Industrial Engineering Education, SCM Simulator,and Learning Media

    Tectonic history of the South Tannuol Fault Zone (Tuva region of the northern Central Asian Orogenic Belt, Russia) : constraints from multi-method geochronology

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    In this study, we present zircon U/Pb, plagioclase and K-feldspar Ar-40/Ar-39 and apatite fission track (AFT) data along the South Tannuol Fault Zone (STFZ). Integrating geochronology and multi-method thermochronology places constraints on the formation and subsequent reactivation of the STFZ. Cambrian (similar to 510 Ma) zircon U/Pb ages obtained for felsic volcanic rocks date the final stage of STFZ basement formation. Ordovician (similar to 460-450 Ma) zircon U/Pb ages were obtained for felsic rocks along the structure, dating their emplacement and marking post-formational local magmatic activity along the STFZ. Ar-40/Ar-39 stepwise heating plateau-ages (similar to 410-400 Ma, similar to 365 and similar to 340 Ma) reveal Early Devonian and Late Devonian-Mississippian intrusion and/or post-magmatic cooling episodes of mafic rocks in the basement. Permian (similar to 290 Ma) zircon U/Pb age of mafic rocks documents for the first time Permian magmatism in the study area creating prerequisites for revising the spread of Permian large igneous provinces of Central Asia. The AFT dating and Thermal history modeling based on the AFT data reveals two intracontinental tectonic reactivation episodes of the STFZ: (1) a period of Cretaceous-Eocene (similar to 100-40 Ma) reactivation and (2) the late Neogene (from similar to 10 Ma onwards) impulse after a period of tectonic stability during the Eocene-Miocene (similar to 40-10 Ma)

    Exploring Maintainability Assurance Research for Service- and Microservice-Based Systems: Directions and Differences

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    To ensure sustainable software maintenance and evolution, a diverse set of activities and concepts like metrics, change impact analysis, or antipattern detection can be used. Special maintainability assurance techniques have been proposed for service- and microservice-based systems, but it is difficult to get a comprehensive overview of this publication landscape. We therefore conducted a systematic literature review (SLR) to collect and categorize maintainability assurance approaches for service-oriented architecture (SOA) and microservices. Our search strategy led to the selection of 223 primary studies from 2007 to 2018 which we categorized with a threefold taxonomy: a) architectural (SOA, microservices, both), b) methodical (method or contribution of the study), and c) thematic (maintainability assurance subfield). We discuss the distribution among these categories and present different research directions as well as exemplary studies per thematic category. The primary finding of our SLR is that, while very few approaches have been suggested for microservices so far (24 of 223, ?11%), we identified several thematic categories where existing SOA techniques could be adapted for the maintainability assurance of microservices

    Signals of demographic expansion in Drosophila virilis

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    BACKGROUND: The pattern of genetic variation within and among populations of a species is strongly affected by its phylogeographic history. Analyses based on putatively neutral markers provide data from which past events, such as population expansions and colonizations, can be inferred. Drosophila virilis is a cosmopolitan species belonging to the virilis group, where divergence times between different phylads go back to the early Miocene. We analysed mitochondrial DNA sequence variation among 35 Drosophila virilis strains covering the species' range in order to detect demographic events that could be used to understand the present characteristics of the species, as well as its differences from other members of the group. RESULTS: Drosophila virilis showed very low nucleotide diversity with haplotypes distributed in a star-like network, consistent with a recent world-wide exponential expansion possibly associated either with domestication or post-glacial colonization. All analyses point towards a rapid population expansion. Coalescence models support this interpretation. The central haplotype in the network, which could be interpreted as ancestral, is widely distributed and gives no information about the geographical origin of the population expansion. The species showed no geographic structure in the distribution of mitochondrial haplotypes, in contrast to results of a recent microsatellite-based analysis. CONCLUSION: The lack of geographic structure and the star-like topology depicted by the D. virilis haplotypes indicate a pattern of global demographic expansion, probably related to human movements, although this interpretation cannot be distinguished from a selective sweep in the mitochondrial DNA until nuclear sequence data become available. The particular behavioural traits of this species, including weak species-discrimination and intraspecific mate choice exercised by the females, can be understood from this perspective

    A Comparative Evaluation of the Internets Influence on International Market Penetration and Development Strategies of Australian SME's

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    The Internet has the capability to generate geographical international market expansion and future growth for the firm, a concept known as Internetalisation. However, it is yet to be determined as to how much or to what level the Internet influences internationalisation, and thus international market growth. Both international market penetration and the development of new international customers are achievable goals for the Internet enlightened SME. The aim of this research is to explore the influence of the Internet on international market penetration and development from the strategic perspective of the SME in Australia. It was found that although the Internet has given firms the capabilities to become instantly international, a new theory is not needed but rather an evolved version of network theory may be a better explanation of internationalisation of SME’s in today’s digital environment

    A molecular phylogeny of Southeast Asian Cyrtandra (Gesneriaceae) supports an emerging paradigm for Malesian plant biogeography

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    The islands of Southeast Asia comprise one of the most geologically and biogeographically complex areas in the world and are a centre of exceptional floristic diversity, harbouring 45,000 species of flowering plants. Cyrtandra, with over 800 species of herbs and shrubs, is the largest genus in the family Gesneriaceae and is one of the most emblematic and species-rich genera of the Malesian rainforest understorey. The high number of species and tendency to narrow endemism make Cyrtandra an ideal genus for examining biogeographic patterns. We sampled 128 Cyrtandra taxa from key localities across Southeast Asia to evaluate the geo-temporal patterns and evolutionary dynamics of this clade. One nuclear and four chloroplast regions were used for phylogenetic reconstruction, molecular dating, and ancestral range estimation. Results from the dating analysis suggest that the great diversity of Cyrtandra seen in the Malesian region results from a recent radiation, with most speciation taking place in the last five million years. Borneo was recovered as the most likely ancestral range of the genus, with the current distribution of species resulting from a west to east migration across Malesia that corresponds with island emergence and mountain building. Lastly, our investigation into the biogeographic history of the genus indicates high levels of floristic exchange between the islands on the Sunda shelf and the important role of the Philippines as a stepping stone to Wallacea and New Guinea. These patterns underlie much of the plant diversity in the region and form an emerging paradigm in Southeast Asian plant biogeography
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