24 research outputs found

    Detecting Process Anomalies in the GMAW Process by Acoustic Sensing with a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) for Classification

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    Today, the quality of welded seams is often examined off-line with either destructive or non-destructive testing. These test procedures are time-consuming and therefore costly. This is especially true if the welds are not welded accurately due to process anomalies. In manual welding, experienced welders are able to detect process anomalies by listening to the sound of the welding process. In this paper, an approach to transfer the “hearing” of an experienced welder into an automated testing process is presented. An acoustic measuring device for recording audible sound is installed for this purpose on a fully automated welding fixture. The processing of the sound information by means of machine learning methods enables in-line process control. Existing research results until now show that the arc is the main sound source. However, both the outflow of the shielding gas and the wire feed emit sound information. Other investigations describe welding irregularities by evaluating and assessing existing sound recordings. Descriptive analysis was performed to find a connection between certain sound patterns and welding irregularities. Recent contributions have used machine learning to identify the degree of welding penetration. The basic assumption of the presented investigations is that process anomalies are the cause of welding irregularities. The focus was on detecting deviating shielding gas flow rates based on audio recordings, processed by a convolutional neural network (CNN). After adjusting the hyperparameters of the CNN it was capable of distinguishing between different flow rates of shielding gas

    Data Analysis and Modeling Techniques of Welding Processes: The State-of-the-Art

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    Information contributes to the improvement of decision-making, process improvement, error detection, and prevention. The new requirements of the coming Industry 4.0 will make these new information technologies help in the improvement and decision-making of industrial processes. In case of the welding processes, several techniques have been used. Welding processes can be analyzed as a stochastic system with several inputs and outputs. This allows a study with a data analysis perspective. Data mining processes, machine learning, deep learning, and reinforcement learning techniques have had good results in the analysis and control of systems as complex as the welding process. The increase of information acquisition and information quality by sensors developed at present, allows a large volume of data that benefits the analysis of these techniques. This research aims to make a bibliographic analysis of the techniques used in the welding area, the advantages that these new techniques can provide, and how some researchers are already using them. The chapter is organized according to some stages of the data mining process. This was defined with the objective of highlighting evolution and potential for each stage for welding processes

    Development of an acoustic emission monitoring system for crack detection during arc welding

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    Condition monitoring techniques are employed to monitor the structural integrity of a structure or the performance of a process. They are used to evaluate the structural integrity including damage initiation and propagation in engineering components. Early damage detection, maintenance and repairs can prevent structural failures, reduce maintenance and replacement costs, and guarantee that the structure runs securely during its service life. Acoustic emission (AE) technology is one of the condition monitoring methods widely employed in the industry. AE is an attractive option for condition monitoring purposes, the number of industrial applications where is used is rising. AE signals are elastic stress waves created by the fast release of energy from local sources occurring inside of materials, e.g. crack initiating and propagating. The AE technique includes recording this phenomenon with piezoelectric sensors, which is mounted on the surface of a structure. The signals are subsequently analysed in order to extract useful information about the nature of the AE source. AE has a high sensitivity to crack propagation and able to locate AE activity sources. It is a passive approach. It listens to the elastic stress waves releasing from material and able to operate in real-time monitoring to detect both cracks initiating and propagating. In this study, the use of AE technology to detect and monitor the possible occurrence of cracking during the arc welding process has been investigated. Real-time monitoring of the automated welding operation can help increase productivity and reliability while reducing cost. Monitoring of welding processes using AE technology remains a challenge, especially in the field of real-time data analysis, since a large amount of data is generated during monitoring. Also, during the welding process, many interferences can occur, causing difficulties in the identifications of the signals related to cracking events. A significant issue in the practical use of the AE technique is the existence of independent sources of a signal other than those related to cracking. These spurious AE signals make the discovering of the signals from the cracking activity difficult. Therefore, it is essential to discriminate the signal to identify the signal source. The need for practical data analysis is related to the three main objectives of monitoring, which is where this study has focused on. Firstly, the assessment of the noise levels and the characteristics of the signal from different materials and processes, secondly, the identification of signals arising from cracking and thirdly, the study of the feasibility of online monitoring using the AE features acquired in the initial study. Experimental work was carried out under controlled laboratory conditions for the acquisition of AE signals during arc welding processing. AE signals have been used for the assessment of noise levels as well as to identify the characteristics of the signals arising from different materials and processes. The features of the AE signals arising from cracking and other possible signal sources from the welding process and environment have also collected under laboratory conditions and analysed. In addition to the above mentioned aspects of the study, two novel signal processing methods based on signal correlation have been developed for efficiently evaluating data acquired from AE sensors. The major contributions of this research can be summarised as follows. The study of noise levels and filtering of different arc welding processes and materials is one of the areas where the original contribution is identified with respect to current knowledge. Another key contribution of the present study is the developing of a model for achieving source discrimination. The crack-related signals and other signals arising from the background are compared with each other. Two methods that have the potential to be used in a real-time monitoring system have been considered based on cross-correlation and pattern recognition. The present thesis has contributed to the improvement of the effectiveness of the AE technique for the detection of the possible occurrence of cracking during arc welding

    Visual Sensing and Defect Detection of Gas Tungsten Arc Welding

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    Weld imperfections or defects such as incomplete penetration and lack of fusion are critical issues that affect the integration of welding components. The molten weld pool geometry is the major source of information related to the formation of these defects. In this dissertation, a new visual sensing system has been designed and set up to obtain weld pool images during GTAW. The weld pool dynamical behavior can be monitored using both active and passive vision method with the interference of arc light in the image significantly reduced through the narrow band pass filter and laser based auxiliary light source.Computer vision algorithms based on passive vision images were developed to measure the 3D weld pool surface geometry in real time. Specifically, a new method based on the reversed electrode image (REI) was developed to calculate weld pool surface height in real time. Meanwhile, the 2D weld pool boundary was extracted with landmarks detection algorithms. The method was verified with bead-on-plate and butt-joint welding experiments.Supervised machine learning was used to develop the capability to predict, in real-time, the incomplete penetration on thin SS304 plate with the key features extracted from weld pool images. An integrated self-adaptive close loop control system consisting the non-contact visual sensor, machine learning based defect predictor, and welding power source was developed for real-time welding penetration control for bead on plate welding. Moreover, the data driven methods were first applied to detect incomplete penetration and LOF in multi-pass U groove welding. New features extracted from reversed electrode image played the most important role to predict these defects. Finally, real time welding experiments were conducted to verify the feasibility of the developed models

    Acoustic methods in real-time welding process monitoring: Application and future potential advancement

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    The rapid advancement of the welding technology has simultaneously increased the demand for the online monitoring system in order to control the process. Among the methods that could be possibly used to assess the weld condition, an air-borne acoustic method grasps the attention from scholars due to its ability to provide a simple, non-contact, and low-cost measurement system. However, it is still lack of resources involving this subject in an attempt to deeply understand the emitted sound behaviour during welding especially when dealing with a complete deviation of a process parameter, welding types, workpiece material as well as the noise from the surrounding. This paper reviews the application of the acoustic method in monitoring the welding process. Specifically, this review emphasized the source of both structure-borne and air-borne acoustic during the welding process and the significance of applying the acoustic method in more detail. By focusing on the liquid state welding process, the scope of discussion converged on the arc and laser welding process. In the last part of this review, the potential future advancement of this method is pointed out before the overall conclusion is made

    Advanced titanium welding in particle physics and aerospace engineering

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    The quest for answers that will unlock the mysteries of the cosmos and broaden our perception and understanding of the physical laws that govern the universe, demands studying particle collisions of high energies at particle accelerators. Monitoring of these collisions requires complex detectors whose development pushes the boundaries of engineering. In the present study advanced titanium welding is explored in the development of the new ATLAS Inner Tracker detector to be installed in line with the High-Luminosity Large Hadron Collider at CERN. Pulsed welding currents are employed to join thin titanium pipes used in the detector’s evaporative CO2 cooling system. The benefits of the low heat input enabled by the welding process are utilised in the repair and remanufacturing industry of aerospace applications. Wire arc additive manufacturing is applied in the regeneration of aerospace components providing successive material deposition on a layer-upon-layer manner. To this extent investigations and implementations related to Pulsed Gas Tungsten Arc Welding are explored in the presented work aiming to further understand, implement and advance the welding process. Assurance of the weld quality is furthered studied, as the outcome of the process depends on maintaining input parameters and welding conditions at optimum levels for the whole duration of the process. By implementing process monitoring methodologies, invaluable data are recorded whose analysis can be utilised in the detection of process disturbances and weld quality assessment

    Realisation of a multi-sensor framework for process monitoring of the wire arc additive manufacturing in producing Ti-6Al-4V parts

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    Wire arc additive manufacturing (WAAM) is arc welding-based additive manufacture which is providing a major opportunity for the aerospace industry to reduce buy-to-fly ratios from 20:1 with forging and machining to 5:1 with WAAM. The WAAM method can build a wide range of near net shapes from a variety of high-grade (metallic) materials at high deposition speeds without the need for costly moulds. However, current WAAM methods and technologies are unable to produce parts reliably and with consistent structural material properties and required dimensional accuracy. This is due to the complexity of the process and the lack of process control strategies. This article makes a brief review on monitoring methods that have been used in WAAM or similar processes. The authors then identify the requirements for a WAAM monitoring system based on the common attributes of the process. Finally, a novel multi-sensor framework is realised which monitors the system voltage/current, part profile and environmental oxygen level. The authors provide a new signal process technique to acquire accurate voltage and current signal without random noises thereby significantly improving the quality of WAAM manufacturing

    Neuro-fuzzy control modelling for gas metal arc welding process

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    Weld quality features are difficult or impossible to directly measure and control during welding, therefore indirect methods are necessary. Penetration is the most important geometric feature since in most applications it is the most significant factor affecting joint strength. Observation of penetration is only possible from the back face of the full penetration weld. In all other cases, since direct measurement of depth of penetration is not possible, real time control of penetration in the Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) process by sensing conditions at the top surface of the joint is necessary. This continues to be a major area of interest for automation of the process. The objective of this research has been to develop an on-line intelligent process control model for GMAW, which can monitor and control the welding process. The model uses measurement of the temperature at a point on the surface of the workpiece to predict the depth of penetration being achieved, and to provide feedback for corrective adjustment of welding variables. Neural Network and Fuzzy Logic technologies have been used to achieve a reliable Neuro-Fuzzy control model for GMAW of a typical closed butt joint having 60° Vee edge preparation. The neural network model predicts the surface temperature expected for a set of fixed and adjustable welding variables when a prescribed level of penetration is achieved. This predicted temperature is compared with the actual surface temperature occurring during welding, as measured by an infrared sensor. If there is a difference between the measured temperature and the temperature predicted by the neural network, a fuzzy logic model will recommend changes to the adjustable welding variables necessary to achieve the desired weld penetration. Large scale experiments to obtain data for modelling and for model validation, and various other modelling studies are described. The results are used to establish the relationships between the output surface temperature measurement, welding variables and the corresponding achieved weld quality criteria. The effectiveness of the modelling methodology in dealing with fixed or variable root gap has also been tested. The result shows that the Neuro-fuzzy models are capable of providing control of penetration to an acceptable degree of accuracy, and a potential control response time, using modestly powerful computing hardware, of the order of one hundred milliseconds. This is more than adequate for real time control of GMAW. The application potential for control using these models is significant since, unlike many other top surface monitoring methods, it does not require sensing of the highly transient weld pool shape or surface