64 research outputs found

    Study on some key technologies of shallow draught bulk carrier based on EEDI

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    The Design of Electronic Toll Collection System Based on Radio-Frequency Identification

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    This paper first analyzes the current situation of highway electronic toll collection system of domestic and International, depth research on some of the key technologies of Radio-frequency identification (RFID), establish electronic toll collection system based on RFID, RFID in the ETC of city application, on the one hand, greatly improved the image of city vehicle management, prevent manual vulnerabilities, on the other hand, greatly promoted the automation construction in city

    Climate Change Control Systems and Technology Series

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    Man lives in two worlds, the biosphere and the techno sphere world over the years, time needs, growth, speed, and knowledge and competition have created demand that necessitated man to build a complex institution. Ship design is not left out in this process. Inland water, are under treat from untreated waste that can feed bacteria and algae, which in turn exhaust the oxygen. The ocean covers 70 percent of the globe, many think that everything that runs into it is infinite, the ocean is providing the source of freshening winds and current that are far more vulnerable to polluting activities that have run off into them too many poisons, that the ocean may cease to serve more purpose if care is not taking to prevent pollution. This issue of the environment becomes so sensitive in recently and most are linked to infrastructure development work. Most especially in maritime industry polluting activities from oil bilge to ballast pumping that has turned into poison has advert effect on water resources. Some have choked too much estuarine water where fish spawn. In a nutshell, the two worlds we live in are currently are out of balance and in potential conflict. Man is in the middle, and since the treat are mostly water related, ship is in the middle too. Historical records of a number of calamities that has resulted in heavy lost and pollution call for the environmentally sound ship. This has to lead to a number of regulations today that will subsequently affect policies change and procedures interaction with the system. The current situation has affected the design of new ships and modification of existing ships. This paper review and discuss green technology emanating from regulations and highlight new system design being driven by marine pollution prevention and, protection and control regulation

    The Design of Electronic Toll Collection System Based on Radio-Frequency Identification

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    This paper first analyzes the current situation of highway electronic toll collection system of domestic and international, depth research on some of the key technologies of Radio-frequency identification (RFID), establish electronic toll collection system based on RFID, RFID in the ETC of city application, on the one hand, greatly improved the image of city vehicle management, prevent manual vulnerabilities, on the other hand, greatly promoted the automation construction in city

    Modelling of coal trade process for the logistics enterprise and its optimisation with stochastic predictive control

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    In the paper, a typical coal trade process is described and modelled, where one logistics enterprise with blending equipments lies in the core and two types of common contracts are elucidated to define constraints. A mixed-integer model is built and featured by addressing contract violation, blending operation, real-time price information and arbitrarily distributed stochastic demands. To deal with the stochastic demands, probabilistic constraints are formed. Accordingly, stochastic model predictive control strategy with both receding horizon and decreasing horizon formulations is developed to handle the probabilistic constraints and exploit the value of newest price information. By solving a series of mixed-integer linear programmes, optimal coal trade decisions for the logistics enterprise can be obtained, including procurement decision, selling decision and operational decision of the blending equipments. Thorough simulation experiments are carried out and compared with three different strategies, which interpret the effectiveness of the proposed strategy.In part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China [61304090] and the Department of Education of Liaoning Province, China [L2013132].http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/tprs202016-07-30hb201

    Software package applications for designing rail freight interchanges

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    Ph.D. ThesisRail freight transport has a crucial role to play in the economy, delivering significant reductions in logistics costs, pollution, and congestion. Typically, the conventional architecture and layout of the rail freight interchange constrain the capacity and performance of the whole railway system. A well-designed rail freight interchange can enhance the system performance by maximizing vehicle usage and minimizing last mile distribution cost. Therefore, the study of rail freight interchange operation is considered crucial to understand how to increase and improve the attractiveness for rail freight transport. This thesis uses game engines to develop software packages that are used for the design of new rail freight interchanges, considering multistakeholder decisions drivers. A novel and modular approach has been applied with the purpose of developing and deploying simulation tools that can be used by multiple stakeholders to: -Understand the impact of multiple-criteria decision analysis on rail freight interchange layouts; -Use a genetic algorithm to identify the most suitable components of the future interchange to be designed, considering the multi-stakeholders’ priorities; - Quickly enable the design of a wide variety of rail freight interchanges from the information selected by a decision maker in a computer-based userfriendly interface. This research has proposed a framework for software development. Three case studies are used to illustrate adaptability of a number of applications for different scenarios. The findings of the research contribute to a better understanding of the impacts of the multiple stakeholder’s decisions on rail freight interchange designs. Key words: Rail Freight Interchanges, Multi stakeholders decision, genetic algorith

    Arctic Northern Sea Route prospects, obstacles & Chinese stance

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    Historia, evolución y perspectivas de futuro en la utilización de técnicas de simulación en la gestión portuaria: aplicaciones en el análisis de operaciones, estrategia y planificación portuaria

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    Programa Oficial de Doutoramento en Análise Económica e Estratexia Empresarial. 5033V0[Resumen] Las técnicas de simulación, tal y como hoy las conocemos, comenzaron a mediados del siglo XX; primero con la aparición del primer computador y el desarrollo del método Monte Carlo, y más tarde con el desarrollo del primer simulador de propósito específico conocido como GPS y desarrollado por Geoffrey Gordon en IBM y la publicación del primer texto completo dedicado a esta materia y llamado the Art of Simulation (K.D. Tocher, 1963). Estás técnicas han evolucionado de una manera extraordinaria y hoy en día están plenamente implementadas en diversos campos de actividad. Las instalaciones portuarias no han escapado de esta tendencia, especialmente las dedicadas al tráfico de contenedores. Efectivamente, las características intrínsecas de este sector económico, le hacen un candidato idóneo para la implementación de modelos de simulación con propósitos y alcances muy diversos. No existe, sin embargo y hasta lo que conocemos, un trabajo científico que compile y analice pormenorizadamente tanto la historia como la evolución de simulación en ambientes portuarios, ayudando a clasificar los mismos y determinar cómo estos pueden ayudar en el análisis económico de estas instalaciones y en la formulación de las oportunas estrategias empresariales. Este es el objetivo último de la presente tesis doctoral.[Resumo] As técnicas de simulación, tal e como hoxe as coñecemos, comezaron a mediados do século XX; primeiro coa aparición do computador e o desenvolvemento do método Monte Carlo e máis tarde co desenvolvemento do primeiro simulador de propósito específico coñecido como GPS e desenvolvido por Geoffrey Gordon en IBM e a publicación do primeiro texto completo dedicado a este tema chamado “A Arte da Simulación” (K.D. Tocher, 1963). Estas técnicas evolucionaron dun xeito extraordinario e hoxe en día están plenamente implementadas en diversos campos de actividade. As instalacións portuarias non escaparon desta tendencia, especialmente as dedicadas ao tráfico de contenedores. Efectivamente, as características intrínsecas deste sector económico, fanlle un candidato idóneo para a implementación de modelos de simulación con propósitos e alcances moi variados. Con todo, e ata o que coñecemos, non existe un traballo científico que compila e analiza de forma detallada tanto a historia como a evolución da simulación en estes ambientes portuarios, clasificando os mesmos e determinando como estes poden axudar na análise económica destas instalacións e na formulación das oportunas estratexias empresariais. Este é o último obxectivo da presente tese doutoral.[Abstract] Simulation, to the extend that we understand it nowadays, began in the middle of the 20th century; first with the appearance of the computer and the development of the Monte Carlo method, and later with the development of the first specific purpose simulator known as GPS developed by Geoffrey Gordon in IBM. This author published the first full text devoted to this subject “The Art of Simulation” in 1963. These techniques have evolved in an extraordinary way and nowadays they are fully implemented in different fields of activity. Port facilities have not escaped this trend, especially those dedicated to container traffic. Indeed, the intrinsic characteristics of this economic sector, make it a suitable candidate for the implementation of simulation with very different purposes and scope. However, to the best of our knowelegde, there is not a scientific work that compiles and analyzes in detail both, the history and the evolution of simulation in port environments, contributing to classify them and determine how they can help in the economic analysis of these facilities and in the formulation of different business strategies. This is the ultimate goal of this doctoral thesis

    The technical efficiency of SACU Ports: a data envelopment analysis approach

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    There ever growing international trade and increasing congestion of ports led to an increased focus attention on technical efficiency. Seaports are a central and necessary component in facilitating international trade. Yet, there is only limited comprehensive information available on the technical efficiency of African ports. The study investigated the technical efficiency of the SACU ports during the period 2014-2019 using DEA model. The DEA model is effective in resolving the measurement of port efficiency since the calculations are nonparametric and do not need definition or knowledge of a priori weights for the inputs or outputs, as is necessary for estimate of efficiency using production functions. To identify the roots of the technical inefficiency of the SACU ports, the study subdivided technical efficiency into pure technical and scale efficiency. The model used cargo handled, container throughput, ship calls as output variables. Whilst, quay cranes, number of tugboats, draft, quay length and number of quays were used as input variables. The study used the scores of DEA-BCC model as explanatory variables in Tobit model. The results showed that quay cranes and quay length are the cause of technical inefficiencies in the ports.Thesis (MCom (Economics)) -- Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences, 202