97,616 research outputs found

    Topologically Consistent Models for Efficient Big Geo-Spatio-Temporal Data Distribution

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    Geo-spatio-temporal topology models are likely to become a key concept to check the consistency of 3D (spatial space) and 4D (spatial + temporal space) models for emerging GIS applications such as subsurface reservoir modelling or the simulation of energy and water supply of mega or smart cities. Furthermore, the data management for complex models consisting of big geo-spatial data is a challenge for GIS and geo-database research. General challenges, concepts, and techniques of big geo-spatial data management are presented. In this paper we introduce a sound mathematical approach for a topologically consistent geo-spatio-temporal model based on the concept of the incidence graph. We redesign DB4GeO, our service-based geo-spatio-temporal database architecture, on the way to the parallel management of massive geo-spatial data. Approaches for a new geo-spatio-temporal and object model of DB4GeO meeting the requirements of big geo-spatial data are discussed in detail. Finally, a conclusion and outlook on our future research are given on the way to support the processing of geo-analytics and -simulations in a parallel and distributed system environment

    A Statistical Graphical Model of the California Reservoir System

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    The recent California drought has highlighted the potential vulnerability of the state's water management infrastructure to multiyear dry intervals. Due to the high complexity of the network, dynamic storage changes in California reservoirs on a state-wide scale have previously been difficult to model using either traditional statistical or physical approaches. Indeed, although there is a significant line of research on exploring models for single (or a small number of) reservoirs, these approaches are not amenable to a system-wide modeling of the California reservoir network due to the spatial and hydrological heterogeneities of the system. In this work, we develop a state-wide statistical graphical model to characterize the dependencies among a collection of 55 major California reservoirs across the state; this model is defined with respect to a graph in which the nodes index reservoirs and the edges specify the relationships or dependencies between reservoirs. We obtain and validate this model in a data-driven manner based on reservoir volumes over the period 2003–2016. A key feature of our framework is a quantification of the effects of external phenomena that influence the entire reservoir network. We further characterize the degree to which physical factors (e.g., state-wide Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI), average temperature, snow pack) and economic factors (e.g., consumer price index, number of agricultural workers) explain these external influences. As a consequence of this analysis, we obtain a system-wide health diagnosis of the reservoir network as a function of PDSI

    Assessing water availability in Mediterranean regions affected by water conflicts through MODIS data time series analysis

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    Water scarcity is a widespread problem in arid and semi-arid regions such as the western Mediterranean coastal areas. The irregularity of the precipitation generates frequent droughts that exacerbate the conflicts among agriculture, water supply and water demands for ecosystems maintenance. Besides, global climate models predict that climate change will cause Mediterranean arid and semi-arid regions to shift towards lower rainfall scenarios that may exacerbate water conflicts. The purpose of this study is to find a feasible methodology to assess current and monitor future water demands in order to better allocate limited water resources. The interdependency between a vegetation index (NDVI), land surface temperature (LST), precipitation (current and future), and surface water resources availability in two watersheds in southeastern Spain with serious difficulties in meeting water demands was investigated. MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) NDVI and LST products (as proxy of drought), precipitation maps (generated from climate station records) and reservoir storage gauging information were used to compute times series anomalies from 2001 to 2014 and generate regression images and spatial regression models. The temporal relationship between reservoir storage and time series of satellite images allowed the detection of different and contrasting water management practices in the two watersheds. In addition, a comparison of current precipitation rates and future precipitation conditions obtained from global climate models suggests high precipitation reductions, especially in areas that have the potential to contribute significantly to groundwater storage and surface runoff, and are thus critical to reservoir storage. Finally, spatial regression models minimized spatial autocorrelation effects, and their results suggested the great potential of our methodology combining NDVI and LST time series to predict future scenarios of water scarcity.Published versio

    Assessment of public water distribution using geographic information system in Yola, Nigeria

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    Public water supply is capital intensive and requires a significant investment, effective management and public participation. The task is most challenging in developing countries with lower income, where less attention is given to provision of infrastructure and inefficient management of the system is ever present. However, the issue of inadequacy of water supply and ineffective distribution system in most of the cities in developing countries has been compounded by rapid increase in population. This research focuses on assessment of public water distribution in Yola, Nigeria using geographic information system (GIS). It is aimed at analyzing water distribution system in Yola with a view to optimize the distribution. The study considers elevation, population density and availability of space as well as centrality within the densely populated areas as criteria for the analysis. Five different datasets were used for the study; street data, existing pipeline network, parcels (open spaces), elevation and population data. Yola geodatabase is the source of spatial data generated using ArcGIS 10.2.1. The existing water distribution network was digitized on the street map to define the areas covered by the network; digital elevation model (DEM) was also generated using ArcGIS 10.2.1 to visualize the topography of the study area. A suitability model with elevations, available spaces and population density as inputs, was developed to determine suitable locations for reservoirs in order to ensure smooth flow from the reservoirs to consumers under gravity. Shortfall in water supply for Yola was also determined by computing water supply deficiency for each administrative ward within the study area. Findings from the study provided three alternatives and the first alternative with three reservoirs is considered the most suitable. Reservoir locations in the first alternative were determined based on the top most level of the set criteria, to ensure total coverage of the study area. This study concluded that suitability analysis using spatial analyst extension provides suitable location for reservoirs to ensure optimal water distribution system

    GIS Characterization of Beaver Watershed

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    Beaver Reservoir watershed is located in Northwest Arkansas including portions of Madison, Washington, Benton, Carroll, Franklin and Crawford counties. This watershed is important to the Northwest Arkansas region because it supplies most of the drinking water for the major towns and cities, and several rural water systems. The watershed consists of 308,971 ha with elevations ranging from approximately 341 m to 731 m above mean sea level. It includes the Springfield Plateau and the Boston Mountains provinces within the Ozark Plateau physiographic region. There are approximately 581 km of streams, 532 km of shore line, and 3712 km of roads in the watershed most of which are city streets and rural roads. The soils in the watershed vary extensively and are quite complex due to the differences in parent material, topography and time. Most parent material of the soils in the Springfield Plateau is limestone, whereas in the Boston Mountains the dominant parent material is sandstone and shale. The differences in soils have led to the differences in landuse and land cover. The near surface geology in the watershed is also divided by physiographic provinces. Most of the Springfield Plateau surface geology is limestone, whereas the Boston Mountains are primarily sandstone and shale. Spatial details of the streams, roads, soils and geology attributes in the watershed are presented in this report. The GIS database and characterization of the watershed offers an excellent beginning to future research and modeling of various water quality parameters in this and other watersheds

    A river basin as a common-pool resource: a case study for the Jaguaribe basin in Brazil

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    Rainfall variability and the associated water stress are of major concern in semi-arid regions subject to conflicts between water users. To achieve sustainable and stable agricultural performance it is necessary to understand\ud the interaction between natural processes and human response. This paper investigates the applicability of common-pool resource (CPR) concepts to understand governance of water resources in semi-arid river basins. This is done by evaluating the governance of water resources in the Jaguaribe basin in the semi-arid Northeast of Brazil. The results show that common-pool resource concepts offer valuable insights for explaining variations in water resource use and availability at the river basin scale. The water system in a river basin can be characterized as one large CPR consisting of asymmetrically linked smaller CPR’s. This study showed that CPR concepts are useful for explaining agricultural productivity, stability and equitability in a semi-arid river basin. The asymmetry of a river basin CPR is the cause of unidirectional externalities towards downstream. The topography, the sequence of rainfall events and distribution of reservoir capacities in a river basin strongly\ud influence the extent to which convergence of resource flow can compensate for these externalities

    Mesoscale mapping of sediment source hotspots for dam sediment management in data-sparse semi-arid catchments

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    Land degradation and water availability in semi-arid regions are interdependent challenges for management that are influenced by climatic and anthropogenic changes. Erosion and high sediment loads in rivers cause reservoir siltation and decrease storage capacity, which pose risk on water security for citizens, agriculture, and industry. In regions where resources for management are limited, identifying spatial-temporal variability of sediment sources is crucial to decrease siltation. Despite widespread availability of rigorous methods, approaches simplifying spatial and temporal variability of erosion are often inappropriately applied to very data sparse semi-arid regions. In this work, we review existing approaches for mapping erosional hotspots, and provide an example of spatial-temporal mapping approach in two case study regions. The barriers limiting data availability and their effects on erosion mapping methods, their validation, and resulting prioritization of leverage management areas are discussed.BMBF, 02WGR1421A-I, GROW - Verbundprojekt SaWaM: Saisonales Wasserressourcen-Management in Trockenregionen: Praxistransfer regionalisierter globaler Informationen, Teilprojekt 1DFG, 414044773, Open Access Publizieren 2019 - 2020 / Technische Universität Berli

    Predicting soil erosion after land use changes for irrigating agriculture in a large reservoir of southern Portugal

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    The construction of the Alqueva reservoir in a semi-arid Mediterranean landscape brought new opportunities for irrigated farming. Land use changes and climate change may alter the risk of soil erosion that was not predicted in the initial development plans and decrease the lifetime of the investment. A comprehensive methodology that integrates the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) and geographic information system was adopted to study the effect on soil erosion of different land-uses of the Alqueva reservoir region. Analysing the soil erosion of each land-use it was obtained the following land use erosion vulnerability: Olive orchard>Vineyard>Montado>Alfalfa. The strong erosion variances that were observed in the study area show the importance of locating the 'hot spots' of soil erosion. Simulated scenarios for the entire area can be used as a basis for site-specific soil conservation plans, to promote sustainable land management practices and to facilitate localized erosion control practices and environmentally friendly farming. (C) 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V

    Spatial variability of soil properties and soil erodibility in the Alqueva reservoir watershed

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    The aim of this work is to investigate how the spatial variability of soil properties and soil erodibility (K factor) were affected by the changes in land use allowed by irrigation with water from a reservoir in a semiarid area. To this end, three areas representative of different land uses (agroforestry grassland, lucerne crop and olive orchard) were studied within a 900 ha farm. The interrelationships between variables were analyzed by multivariate techniques and extrapolated using geostatistics. The results confirmed differences between land uses for all properties analyzed, which was explained mainly by the existence of diverse management practices (tillage, fertilization and irrigation), vegetation cover and local soil characteristics. Soil organic matter, clay and nitrogen content decreased significantly, while the K factor increased with intensive cultivation. The HJ-Biplot methodology was used to represent the variation of soil erodibility properties grouped in land uses. Native grassland was the least correlated with the other land uses. The K factor demonstrated high correlation mainly with very fine sand and silt. The maps produced with geostatistics were crucial to understand the current spatial variability in the Alqueva region. Facing the intensification of land-use conversion, a sustainable management is needed to introduce protective measures to control soil erosion