4 research outputs found

    Mapping Factors Affecting IoT Deployment in Storage Sector of Wheat Supply Chain

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    Studies show that there are shortcomings in the deployment of the Internet ofThings (IoT) in the supply chain of agricultural products, especially in thefield of quality control in the logistics sector, and researchers can model theexisting theoretical gaps through modeling and optimization. Therefore, thepurpose of this paper is to identify the most important categories affectingthe deployment of the Internet of Things in the wheat supply chain storagesector and explain and mapping the relationship between these categories.For this purpose, the present article uses meta-synthesis method by searchingWeb of Science and Scopus citation databases. Then, the grounded theorycoding procedures were used to determine categories and themes. Finally,the results of meta-synthesis lead to the identification and extraction of 3macro categories; IoT technology, the main category (IoT-based storage),and the results and consequences of IoT deployment

    Los sistemas de investigaci贸n y transferencia de tecnolog铆a agropecuaria de Am茅rica Latina y el Caribe en el marco de los nuevos escenarios de ciencia y tecnolog铆a

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    Estas notas tienen por objetivo aportar, desde la perspectiva de la innovaci贸n tecnol贸gica agropecuaria, a la identificaci贸n de las trasformaciones requeridas en los pa铆ses de Am茅rica Latina y el Caribe para avanzar en lo que hace al logro de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS)

    IoT Deployment Data Models in the Wheat Supply Chain Storage Section: Using an Action Design Research Approach

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    The supply chain for perishable products, especially agricultural goods, has always been one of the most important and challenging management issues at different times. Because, at all stages of the agricultural production process, unsafe and unsanitary factors may endanger the health of agricultural products. In addition, one of the key problems of the agricultural supply chain is the high volume of products wasted throughout the whole supply chain. For example, in Iran, as a developing country, about 30 of all agricultural products are wasted annually. The high volume of agricultural waste is especially important concerning wheat products as a political and strategic product. The results of some studies show that a large amount of wheat waste in developing countries is due to the widespread use of traditional methods in the storage process. Therefore, the application of emerging technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT) can be an effective solution to this kind of problem. However, there are shortcomings in the IoT deployment in the supply chain, especially in the logistics sector, and researchers need to cover theoretical gaps in this area through modeling and optimization. Therefore, the present study intends to emphasize this important research issue for the first time in Iran using the Action Design Research approach. The most important findings of this research include the conceptual data model, the logical model of the database, and the physical data model for the IoT deployment in the storage section of the wheat supply chain, which has been designed and validated with the participation of industry and software engineering experts. The models designed in this research can be useful for the implementation of IoT technology in wheat storage centers and food factories. The findings of this study can provide a good guideline for officials and decision-makers to deploying IoT in the field of wheat storage

    Usability of Real Time Data for Cold Chain Monitoring Systems

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    One in every nine people on earth do not have enough food to lead a healthy life, according to The World Food Programme. That\u27s nearly 800 million people. In addition to that, billions of tons of perishable food products are wasted during transportation and logistics before it reaches the end consumers as thousands of people die every day due to hunger related causes. Perishable foods, medicine and other goods impose severe challenges on inventory management. Businesses debate on whether to keep limited stock just to meet demand and fear losing additional customers or keep excess stock and face the risk of expiry of goods. Unlike the transportation of other goods, perishable food products and medicines undergo tremendous degradation in quality as a function of environmental conditions over time. Perishable food products are usually stored in frozen and refrigerated condition at the distribution centers, supermarkets and during the transit in order to preserve the quality of food and extend the shelf life. Even though, temperature controlled supply chain in the food retail sector has become commonplace, there is one major limitation of the current practice in the chilled food chain management. The printed \u27sell-by-date\u27 is not a true indicator of the quality of the product as it does not reflect the temperature variations during distribution at the different stages of the food supply chain. The food quality is severely compromised when actual environmental conditions deviate from the expected conditions. This research proposes the use of real-time sensor data to support supply chain decisions and describe a model for gauging and improving usability on the real-time sensor data. Data reported through the wireless sensor networks could help in predicting the shelf-life of perishable food products and preventing them from spoilage. Use of sensor data would encourage data driven decision making rather than intuition. The findings would encourage businesses operating in the cold chain environment in exploring value added innovation opportunities through internet of things use cases and improve the usability experience and competitiveness of their supply chains via warehouse workers and truck drivers