57,757 research outputs found

    Economic Growth and Human Development in China

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    human development, poverty, empowerment

    The Rise and Fall of Chinese Legal Education

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    Усиливайте ресурсы университета, воспитывайте молодых женщин-лидеров

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    Проблема "стеклянного потолка", который сдерживает карьерный рост женщины, из области политики распространилась на такие сферы деятельности, как экономика, управление и образование, которые привлекают все больше внимания со стороны общества. В статье рассматривается Университет для женщин в Китае, на примере которого описано равноправие студентов разного пола в кампусе, развитие лидерских качеств девушек-студенток, воспитание уверенности в себе, которая помогает достичь успехов в карьере, сплочение учительского коллектива, студенческие ассоциации и студенческое самоуправление

    Blockchain Technology - China\u27s Bid to High Long-Run Growth

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    Despite having the second largest economy at 13trillion,ChinahasonlyrecentlysurpassedtheWorldBanksdefinitionofthemiddleincomerangewhichisagrossnationalincomepercapitabetween13 trillion, China has only recently surpassed the World Bank’s definition of the ‘middle-income range’ which is a gross national income per capita between 1,000 to 12,000(constant2011international12,000 (constant 2011 international ). This is a noteworthy accomplishment since many other developing nations have fallen victim to economic stagnation within this range leading to the term “middle-income trap”. This paper will argue that one of the ways in which China escaped the middle-income trap and will continue to grow its economic influence is through the support of blockchain technology. Research and development, early technological adoption and business climate all play a role in explaining how the Chinese public and private sector have used blockchain technology to encourage economic growth. While there are many questions and misconceptions about blockchain technology and its place in China, this paper seeks only to answer a select few

    On Six Logics of Xi Jinping's Education Concept in the New Era

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    As the fundamental guarantee for the sustainable development of human society, education is the country's great plan and the party's plan. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping has attached great importance to education, and has made a series of important arrangements for education. He has profoundly discussed "what kind of people, how to train people, and who to train people". Major theoretical and practical issues such as "What kind of education, how to run education, and for whom to run education" have enriched and developed the socialist education theory with Chinese characteristics, from political logic, value logic, theoretical logic, historical logic, and realistic logic. The six aspects of practical logic have comprehensively explained the socialist education with Chinese characteristics in the new era, and constitute a unified whole with internal logic

    On the Path of Curriculum Ideological and Political Reform in College Chinese

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    As a new educational concept, "curriculum ideology and politics" has been widely concerned by the academic circle, showing a rapid popularity in colleges and universities. At the same time, under the high attention and continuous promotion of the state, colleges and universities across the country continue to accelerate the construction and development of curriculum ideology and politics. College Chinese course, as a public basic course set by colleges for non-Chinese language and literature majors, has the characteristics of ideology, tool and humanity, has the unique advantages of combining with curriculum ideological and political construction, and is an important position and advantageous platform to promote the construction of college curriculum ideological and political construction. Therefore, we should give full play to its important value and role in cultural identity, ideological identity and value identity, give full play to the leading in curriculum ideological and political reform, strengthen teachers' awareness of carrying out curriculum ideological and political education, optimize teaching content, dig deep into the ideological and political elements in college Chinese curriculum, pay attention to the combination of theory and practice, Adhere to the unity of explicit education and implicit education, and constantly improve the quality of college personnel training

    China\u27s Foreign Relations: Selected Studies

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