384 research outputs found

    A traffic classification method using machine learning algorithm

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    Applying concepts of attack investigation in IT industry, this idea has been developed to design a Traffic Classification Method using Data Mining techniques at the intersection of Machine Learning Algorithm, Which will classify the normal and malicious traffic. This classification will help to learn about the unknown attacks faced by IT industry. The notion of traffic classification is not a new concept; plenty of work has been done to classify the network traffic for heterogeneous application nowadays. Existing techniques such as (payload based, port based and statistical based) have their own pros and cons which will be discussed in this literature later, but classification using Machine Learning techniques is still an open field to explore and has provided very promising results up till now

    Evaluating machine learning algorithms for automated network application identification

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    The identification of network applications that create traffic flows is vital to the areas of network management and surveillance. Current popular methods such as port number and payload-based identification are inadequate and exhibit a number of shortfalls. A potential solution is the use of machine learning techniques to identify network applications based on payload independent statistical features. In this paper we evaluate and compare the efficiency and performance of different feature selection and machine learning techniques based on flow data obtained from a number of public traffic traces. We also provide insights into which flow features are the most useful. Furthermore, we investigate the influence of other factors such as flow timeout and size of the training data set. We find significant performance differences between different algorithms and identify several algorithms that provide accurate (up to 99% accuracy) and fast classification

    Benchmark-Based Reference Model for Evaluating Botnet Detection Tools Driven by Traffic-Flow Analytics

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    Botnets are some of the most recurrent cyber-threats, which take advantage of the wide heterogeneity of endpoint devices at the Edge of the emerging communication environments for enabling the malicious enforcement of fraud and other adversarial tactics, including malware, data leaks or denial of service. There have been significant research advances in the development of accurate botnet detection methods underpinned on supervised analysis but assessing the accuracy and performance of such detection methods requires a clear evaluation model in the pursuit of enforcing proper defensive strategies. In order to contribute to the mitigation of botnets, this paper introduces a novel evaluation scheme grounded on supervised machine learning algorithms that enable the detection and discrimination of different botnets families on real operational environments. The proposal relies on observing, understanding and inferring the behavior of each botnet family based on network indicators measured at flow-level. The assumed evaluation methodology contemplates six phases that allow building a detection model against botnet-related malware distributed through the network, for which five supervised classifiers were instantiated were instantiated for further comparisons—Decision Tree, Random Forest, Naive Bayes Gaussian, Support Vector Machine and K-Neighbors. The experimental validation was performed on two public datasets of real botnet traffic—CIC-AWS-2018 and ISOT HTTP Botnet. Bearing the heterogeneity of the datasets, optimizing the analysis with the Grid Search algorithm led to improve the classification results of the instantiated algorithms. An exhaustive evaluation was carried out demonstrating the adequateness of our proposal which prompted that Random Forest and Decision Tree models are the most suitable for detecting different botnet specimens among the chosen algorithms. They exhibited higher precision rates whilst analyzing a large number of samples with less processing time. The variety of testing scenarios were deeply assessed and reported to set baseline results for future benchmark analysis targeted on flow-based behavioral patterns

    Benchmark-Based Reference Model for Evaluating Botnet Detection Tools Driven by Traffic-Flow Analytics

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    Botnets are some of the most recurrent cyber-threats, which take advantage of the wide heterogeneity of endpoint devices at the Edge of the emerging communication environments for enabling the malicious enforcement of fraud and other adversarial tactics, including malware, data leaks or denial of service. There have been significant research advances in the development of accurate botnet detection methods underpinned on supervised analysis but assessing the accuracy and performance of such detection methods requires a clear evaluation model in the pursuit of enforcing proper defensive strategies. In order to contribute to the mitigation of botnets, this paper introduces a novel evaluation scheme grounded on supervised machine learning algorithms that enable the detection and discrimination of different botnets families on real operational environments. The proposal relies on observing, understanding and inferring the behavior of each botnet family based on network indicators measured at flow-level. The assumed evaluation methodology contemplates six phases that allow building a detection model against botnet-related malware distributed through the network, for which five supervised classifiers were instantiated were instantiated for further comparisons—Decision Tree, Random Forest, Naive Bayes Gaussian, Support Vector Machine and K-Neighbors. The experimental validation was performed on two public datasets of real botnet traffic—CIC-AWS-2018 and ISOT HTTP Botnet. Bearing the heterogeneity of the datasets, optimizing the analysis with the Grid Search algorithm led to improve the classification results of the instantiated algorithms. An exhaustive evaluation was carried out demonstrating the adequateness of our proposal which prompted that Random Forest and Decision Tree models are the most suitable for detecting different botnet specimens among the chosen algorithms. They exhibited higher precision rates whilst analyzing a large number of samples with less processing time. The variety of testing scenarios were deeply assessed and reported to set baseline results for future benchmark analysis targeted on flow-based behavioral patterns

    An Analysis on Network Flow-Based IoT Botnet Detection Using Weka

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    Botnets pose a significant and growing risk to modern networks. Detection of botnets remains an important area of open research in order to prevent the proliferation of botnets and to mitigate the damage that can be caused by botnets that have already been established. Botnet detection can be broadly categorised into two main categories: signature-based detection and anomaly-based detection. This paper sets out to measure the accuracy, false-positive rate, and false-negative rate of four algorithms that are available in Weka for anomaly-based detection of a dataset of HTTP and IRC botnet data. The algorithms that were selected to detect botnets in the Weka environment are J48, naĂŻve Bayes, random forest, and UltraBoost. The dataset was generated using a realistic network environment by The University of New South Wales, Canberra. The findings showed that botnet behaviours from the selected dataset could be detected by Weka with a high degree of accuracy and low false-positive rate. With all features included, the random forest algorithm was found to achieve the highest accuracy with 96.70%, and the algorithm that attained the lowest false-positive rates was also random forest with 0.008. With a reduced feature set of IP addresses and ports, the random forest algorithm attained the highest accuracy and precision and lowest false-positive rate. With only information regarding packets per second being sent and received, J48 was this time the most accurate with its predictions and attained the highest precision

    Evaluation of Supervised Machine Learning for Classifying Video Traffic

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    Operational deployment of machine learning based classifiers in real-world networks has become an important area of research to support automated real-time quality of service decisions by Internet service providers (ISPs) and more generally, network administrators. As the Internet has evolved, multimedia applications, such as voice over Internet protocol (VoIP), gaming, and video streaming, have become commonplace. These traffic types are sensitive to network perturbations, e.g. jitter and delay. Automated quality of service (QoS) capabilities offer a degree of relief by prioritizing network traffic without human intervention; however, they rely on the integration of real-time traffic classification to identify applications. Accordingly, researchers have begun to explore various techniques to incorporate into real-world networks. One method that shows promise is the use of machine learning techniques trained on sub-flows – a small number of consecutive packets selected from different phases of the full application flow. Generally, research on machine learning classifiers was based on statistics derived from full traffic flows, which can limit their effectiveness (recall and precision) if partial data captures are encountered by the classifier. In real-world networks, partial data captures can be caused by unscheduled restarts/reboots of the classifier or data capture capabilities, network interruptions, or application errors. Research on the use of machine learning algorithms trained on sub-flows to classify VoIP and gaming traffic has shown promise, even when partial data captures are encountered. This research extends that work by applying machine learning algorithms trained on multiple sub-flows to classification of video streaming traffic. Results from this research indicate that sub-flow classifiers have much higher and more consistent recall and precision than full flow classifiers when applied to video traffic. Moreover, the application of ensemble methods, specifically Bagging and adaptive boosting (AdaBoost) further improves recall and precision for sub-flow classifiers. Findings indicate sub-flow classifiers based on AdaBoost in combination with the C4.5 algorithm exhibited the best performance with the most consistent results for classification of video streaming traffic

    Botnet Detection Using Graph Based Feature Clustering

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    Detecting botnets in a network is crucial because bot-activities impact numerous areas such as security, finance, health care, and law enforcement. Most existing rule and flow-based detection methods may not be capable of detecting bot-activities in an efficient manner. Hence, designing a robust botnet-detection method is of high significance. In this study, we propose a botnet-detection methodology based on graph-based features. Self-Organizing Map is applied to establish the clusters of nodes in the network based on these features. Our method is capable of isolating bots in small clusters while containing most normal nodes in the big-clusters. A filtering procedure is also developed to further enhance the algorithm efficiency by removing inactive nodes from bot detection. The methodology is verified using real-world CTU-13 and ISCX botnet datasets and benchmarked against classification-based detection methods. The results show that our proposed method can efficiently detect the bots despite their varying behaviors

    Network traffic classification : from theory to practice

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    Since its inception until today, the Internet has been in constant transformation. The analysis and monitoring of data networks try to shed some light on this huge black box of interconnected computers. In particular, the classification of the network traffic has become crucial for understanding the Internet. During the last years, the research community has proposed many solutions to accurately identify and classify the network traffic. However, the continuous evolution of Internet applications and their techniques to avoid detection make their identification a very challenging task, which is far from being completely solved. This thesis addresses the network traffic classification problem from a more practical point of view, filling the gap between the real-world requirements from the network industry, and the research carried out. The first block of this thesis aims to facilitate the deployment of existing techniques in production networks. To achieve this goal, we study the viability of using NetFlow as input in our classification technique, a monitoring protocol already implemented in most routers. Since the application of packet sampling has become almost mandatory in large networks, we also study its impact on the classification and propose a method to improve the accuracy in this scenario. Our results show that it is possible to achieve high accuracy with both sampled and unsampled NetFlow data, despite the limited information provided by NetFlow. Once the classification solution is deployed it is important to maintain its accuracy over time. Current network traffic classification techniques have to be regularly updated to adapt them to traffic changes. The second block of this thesis focuses on this issue with the goal of automatically maintaining the classification solution without human intervention. Using the knowledge of the first block, we propose a classification solution that combines several techniques only using Sampled NetFlow as input for the classification. Then, we show that classification models suffer from temporal and spatial obsolescence and, therefore, we design an autonomic retraining system that is able to automatically update the models and keep the classifier accurate along time. Going one step further, we introduce next the use of stream-based Machine Learning techniques for network traffic classification. In particular, we propose a classification solution based on Hoeffding Adaptive Trees. Apart from the features of stream-based techniques (i.e., process an instance at a time and inspect it only once, with a predefined amount of memory and a bounded amount of time), our technique is able to automatically adapt to the changes in the traffic by using only NetFlow data as input for the classification. The third block of this thesis aims to be a first step towards the impartial validation of state-of-the-art classification techniques. The wide range of techniques, datasets, and ground-truth generators make the comparison of different traffic classifiers a very difficult task. To achieve this goal we evaluate the reliability of different Deep Packet Inspection-based techniques (DPI) commonly used in the literature for ground-truth generation. The results we obtain show that some well-known DPI techniques present several limitations that make them not recommendable as a ground-truth generator in their current state. In addition, we publish some of the datasets used in our evaluations to address the lack of publicly available datasets and make the comparison and validation of existing techniques easier
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