503,436 research outputs found

    Availability and Utilization of School Library Resources in Selected Secondary Schools in Makurdi Metropolis

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    ABSTRACT: A survey research was conducted in Makurdi metropolis to find out the availability and utilization of school library resources in selected secondary schools, [stratified random sampling technique was used for the selection of the sample from all the secondary schools in Makurdi Metropolis. A sample of 399 secondary school students was selected from a population of 4124 using Taro-yamene formula. From 12 secondary schools. Five research objectives were formulated and five research questions were asked to guide the study. Two instrument for data collection were used. The research questions were answered using percentage frequencies and means. The main finding indicates that textbooks, newspapers, novels and magazines were the common library resources found in the school libraries. Also the students use the two library resources for the purpose of information, study and educational values. The study found that the library resources are grossly inadequate especially electronic gadgets that aid information and learning in schools in this modern age of technology. It is recommended that school management should fund library adequately so as to purchase resources and train the library staff professionally to carry out their tasks of dissemination of information to user community

    The Perceptions of Principals, English Language Arts Teachers, and Librarians Regarding the Role of School Librarians in Their Schools Being Identified as National Blue Ribbon Award Winning Exemplary Achievement Gap-Closing Schools: A Qualitative Case Study

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    The purpose of this case study was to discover the perceptions of the role and programs in school libraries that support academic achievement in the school community for educational professionals at National Blue Ribbon Schools in the United States. Perceptions regarding the role of school librarianship surrounding academic achievement were explored from four National Blue Ribbon Schools locations during 2022 and 2023 in kindergarten through Grade 12. The theory guiding this study was Bandura’s self-efficacy theory. The central research question was: How did educational professional self-efficacy influence the implementation of school library programs during the attainment of the National Blue Ribbon Schools Exemplary Achievement Gap-Closing Schools award? Guiding research questions considered the role of school librarians in addressing the achievement gap while further investigating the staffing, programming, and perceptions of school librarians and library programs. Semi-structured interviews with case study participants, document analysis, and observation during site visits were conducted to ensure triangulation. As a result of the research conducted, the role of school librarians and library programs in addressing the academic achievement gap was positively perceived, and participants from the study exhibited self-efficacy

    Peranan Perpustakaan SMPN 15 Bandung dalam Meningkatkan Minat Baca Siswa

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    As one of source of information in schools, the library at SMPN 15 Bandung has offered various collections and facilities to meet students' information needs, but student visits to the library are still relatively low with the lack of utilization of the collections provided by students, so this article aims to find out how the role of the SMPN 15 Bandung’s library in increasing students' reading interest and what obstacles exist in the library of SMPN 15 Bandung in increasing students' reading interest. Qualitative descriptive research was used as a research method to describe the role of the SMPN 15 Bandung library in increasing students' reading interest. From the results of research conducted, increasing students' interest in reading to visit the school library has been carried out, but there are obstacles faced, such as many library collections that have not been updated, to the lack of supporting facilities for information fulfillment. For this reason, schools and libraries are advised to make various efforts, such as holding a reading corner in each class, library's club literacy day, to procurement of library ambassadors to increase library promotion as well as students' reading interest

    Современные информационные технологии в университетских библиотеках США (Modern Information Technologies in the U. S. University Libraries)

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    The book presents results of a research of the U.S. academic libraries conducted by the author as a participant of international academic programs in 1995 and 1998-2000. Main trends of modern American university library activities in the field of using new information technology are described. Typological characteristics of academic libraries in the U.S. are revealed. The book is easily understood and might be interesting, besides scholars, to students of library schools and librarians

    Exploration of School Library Services for Students with Disabilities

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    To implement inclusive education, schools need to provide a range of services for students with disabilities. One component that must be adapted is the school library, which must also create an inclusive environment so students with disabilities can access it. This research aimed to examine and explore school libraries’ readiness to provide services for students with disabilities. This was qualitative research. The research was conducted in five school libraries in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. Data were collected through library accessibility checklist forms from IFLA, in-depth interviews, and documentation analysis. Ten informants participated, while documentation was examined from school-owned documents, websites, and school library profile videos. The results showed that only two school libraries were well prepared to provide services for students with disabilities, one of which already provided special services for people with disabilities. In contrast, other libraries have not provided services for students with disabilities because there is no need for internal schools. However, some of the school libraries have done mapping and planned the needs for developing disability services to optimize library services. Keywords: school library, library service, accessibility, students with disabilitie

    Exploring the Changing Teaching Practices and Needs of Business Faculty at Santa Clara University

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    This report will present the findings and recommendations of a study designed to explore Santa Clara University (SCU) business faculty’s current and emerging undergraduate teaching practices. The study was led locally by researchers in the SCU Library, with parallel studies conducted at fourteen other institutions of higher education in the United States during the 2018-19 academic year. These studies were coordinated at the national level by Ithaka S&R, a not-for-profit research and consulting service that helps academic and cultural communities serve the public good and navigate economic, technological, and demographic change. Ithaka will publish a capstone report of major themes across all fourteen institutions in Winter 2020 and will include recommendations that libraries, universities, and business schools can use to support the changing teaching practices of their business faculty

    NZ school librarians, technology leaders?

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    The purpose of this qualitative research study is to examine what role and views New Zealand school librarians currently have within their schools as technology leaders. At a time of technological developments in education, with both access to and implementation of ICT within school curriculums, what aids and hinders school librarian’s position as a technology manager? A variety of Auckland secondary schools were approached requesting a 30-60 minute interview with one of their librarians. Of the ones that agreed eight semi-structured interviews took place. The librarians were asked 14 open ended questions, some which were investigated further when necessary, and their answers were recorded, transcribed and results were drawn from their information. My results found that the majority of librarians felt well supported by their colleagues. Each school, had its own distinct hierarchy that effected the way librarians conducted their jobs and the place they had. Most librarians felt that their role was not meant to be a “technology leader” per-say, but rather someone that would incorporate it within the library to make the library a useful resource. Some schools had specific positions for their librarians to partake in technology leadership. This made the library more of an ICT focus for the school. Overall the librarians all had a variety of experiences, mostly stemming from the hierarchical dynamics within the schools and their own education in the library field. The implication for schools and their librarians, from this research may aid in considering the hierarchical set up their school currently has, how librarians view their role and what is a ‘norm’ versus alternative ideas. I think the discovery also reveals the various attitudes towards technology. This research may also increase awareness of the possible roles for school librarians in the future

    Pengembangan Perpustakaan Digital Bahasa Indonesia Untuk Meningkatkan Literasi Informasi Siswa

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    This research was aimed at 1) describing the schools\u27 method potency, 2) producing digital library, 3) analyzing its effectivity.This research used research and development.The research was conducted in three senior high schools in Bandarlampung: SMA 12, SMA 15 and SMA Al-Azhar 3. The data were obtained by using observation sheet and questionnaire. The test was analized by using Independent t-test. The research result showed that 1) the schools had a potency in which each school supplied about 2-3 computers in the library, then they have had their own computer laboratory and the computers have been supplied was based on the students\u27 amount, then the computers\u27 specification have been suitable with the standard of its software, 2) a computer based digital library product was contained in a CD (Compact Disk).Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk 1) mendeskripsikan potensi sekolah, 2) menghasilkan produk perpustakaan digital, 3) menganalisis efektivitas. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian dan pengembangan.Penelitian dilakukan ditiga Sekolah Menengah Atas di Bandarlampung, yaitu Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 12, Negeri 15, dan Al-azhar 3. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan lembar observasi, angket, dan test dianalisis menggunakan uji t-test independen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan:1) sekolah memiliki potensi, yakni setiap sekolah menyediakan sekitar 2-3 unit komputer pada ruang perpustakaan, sudah memiliki ruang laboratorium komputer sendiri, komputer yang disediakan sesuai dengan jumlah siswa, spesifikasi komputer sesuai dengan tuntutan software, 2) sebuah produk perpustakaan digital berbasis komputer yang dimuat dalam kepingan CD (Compact Disk)

    Studi Evaluatif Tentang Efektivitas Pengelolaan Perpustakaan Sekolah Pada SMA Negeri Se Kabupaten Tabanan Tahun 2012/2013

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    This study aims to determine the level of effectiveness of the School Library Management of Public Senior High Schools in the city of Tabanan Year 2012/2013 , seen from the component context , input , process , and product as well as the constraints faced in the implementation of management programs at the school library of Public Senior High Schools in the city of Tabanan and if program continued . The research was conducted at Public Senior High Schools in the city of Tabanan regency involving Principals , Teachers , Librarians / library staff , and students from OSIS elements . Determination of study subjects with Purposipe Sampling techniques , namely the school community are very committed to the implementation of the School Library Management as much as117 people. This study classified as descriptive research - quantitative . In this study using CIPP models . In quantitative evaluation process carried out with the emphasis on objectivity , reliability , and validity , which is focused on the measurement data in the form of figures and analysis using T - Score . Data was collected through questionnaires shaped instrument . To determine the level of implementation of the program evektivitas school library management , T - Score dikonfersikan the data into quadrants Prototype effectiveness of school library management . From the results of the analysis indicate that the component context , input , process , and products obtained positive results ( + + + + ) . If verified the effectiveness of the prototype into the school library management , located in quadrant I, or very effective . In the context of component constraints are less effective ( - ) on the student component . Component input constraints are less effective ( - ) on the student component . Component constraints process less effective ( - ) on the librarian / librarian . ( 5 ) On the components of the product , there are no constraints. keyword : Keywords: Evaluative Studies, School Library Management Effectivenes

    Kajian Hakikat, Tujuan, dan Aliran Filsafat Pendidikan dalam Kurikulum MBKM

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    The internet science and technology development, artificial intelligence, and nanotechnology is currently the result of human thinking in building civilization on earth. Of course in response to this, the education curriculum needs serious attention from the government in order to achieve the goals and be able to adapt to the intended developments. This paper aims to analyze the nature, goals, and schools of educational philosophy in the MBKM Curriculum as material for thought and discussion in order to produce relevant and contextual recommendations for efforts to improve the education quality in Indonesia which is able to adapt to developments in science and technology. The method used in writing this article is a qualitative research method of library research (library research) through literature studies that are relevant to the nature, goals, schools of educational philosophy in the MBKM curriculum. Based on the results of the studies that have been conducted, it shows that the MBKM curriculum adheres to the philosophy of humanism, pragmatism, existentialism, and critical pedagogy because learning tends to be instilled student centered learning and the learning process is autonomous and flexible in a higher education environment with an innovative learning culture and adapted to the needs of students.The internet science and technology development, artificial intelligence, and nanotechnology is currently the result of human thinking in building civilization on earth. Of course in response to this, the education curriculum needs serious attention from the government in order to achieve the goals and be able to adapt to the intended developments. This paper aims to analyze the nature, goals, and schools of educational philosophy in the MBKM Curriculum as material for thought and discussion in order to produce relevant and contextual recommendations for efforts to improve the education quality in Indonesia which is able to adapt to developments in science and technology. The method used in writing this article is a qualitative research method of library research (library research) through literature studies that are relevant to the nature, goals, schools of educational philosophy in the MBKM curriculum. Based on the results of the studies that have been conducted, it shows that the MBKM curriculum adheres to the philosophy of humanism, pragmatism, existentialism, and critical pedagogy because learning tends to be instilled student centered learning and the learning process is autonomous and flexible in a higher education environment with an innovative learning culture and adapted to the needs of students