37,608 research outputs found
Communication Technologies for Smart Grid: A Comprehensive Survey
With the ongoing trends in the energy sector such as vehicular
electrification and renewable energy, smart grid is clearly playing a more and
more important role in the electric power system industry. One essential
feature of the smart grid is the information flow over the high-speed, reliable
and secure data communication network in order to manage the complex power
systems effectively and intelligently. Smart grids utilize bidirectional
communication to function where traditional power grids mainly only use one-way
communication. The communication requirements and suitable technique differ
depending on the specific environment and scenario. In this paper, we provide a
comprehensive and up-to-date survey on the communication technologies used in
the smart grid, including the communication requirements, physical layer
technologies, network architectures, and research challenges. This survey aims
to help the readers identify the potential research problems in the continued
research on the topic of smart grid communications
A comprehensive survey on enabling techniques in secure and resilient smart grids
Smart grids are a cornerstone of the transition to a decentralised, low-carbon energy system, which offer significant benefits, including increased reliability, improved energy efficiency, and seamless integration of renewable energy sources. However, ensuring the security and resilience of smart grids is paramount. Cyber attacks, physical disruptions, and other unforeseen threats pose a significant risk to the stability and functionality of the grid. This paper identifies the research gaps and technical hurdles that hinder the development of a robust and secure smart grid infrastructure. This paper addresses the critical gaps in smart grid security research, outlining the technical challenges and promising avenues for exploration by both the industry and academia. A novel framework designed to enhance the reliability and security of smart grids was proposed against cyber attacks, considering the interconnectedness of the physical and cyber components. The paper further explores future research trends and identifies the key open issues in the ongoing effort to strengthen the security and resilience of smart grids
New Trends in Internet of Things, Applications, Challenges, and Solutions
Internet of things (IoT) refers to an innovation and advance field to introduce a new concept of technologies with various potential advantages. In IoT, different types of diverse smart devices and gadgets with smart communication interfaces are connected with each other and offers the plethora of services in our daily life. IoT has gained attention in all fields of life like e-home, e-commerce, e-health, smart grids, intelligent transportation systems, and e-governance. The objects in IoT increasing preponderance of entities and transform objects into new and real-world objects. In this review paper, we discuss the new trend in IoT, its applications and recent challenges and their solutions. In addition, the paper also elaborates the existing systems, IoT architecture and technical aspects with future trends in the field. This review will be helpful to new researchers to find the existing technologies and challenges in order to continue their research in the field
Towards A Massive Open Online Course for Cybersecurity in Smart Grids – A Roadmap Strategy
The major trends and transformations in energy systems have brought many challenges, and cybersecurity and operational security are among the most important issues to consider. First, due to the criticality of the energy sector. Second, due to the lack of smart girds’ cybersecurity professionals. Previous research has highlighted skill gaps and shortage in cybersecurity training and education in this sector. Accordingly, we proceeded by crafting a roadmap strategy to foster cybersecurity education in smart grids. This paper outlines the methodology of teaching cybersecurity in smart grids to a large group of students in selected European universities via implementing a Massive Open Online Course. Unlike other solutions, this one focuses on hands-on practical skills without trading-off theoretical knowledge. Thus, flipped learning methodology and gamification practices were used to maximize retention rate. Also, a remote lab that includes a real-time simulator was established for training. Here, the process, outcome, and obstacles to overcome in future deployments, are presented.©2022 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed
From Radio to In-Pipe Acoustic Communication for Smart Water Networks in Urban Environments: Design Challenges and Future Trends
The smart management of water resources is an increasingly important topic in today’s
society. In this context, the paradigm of Smart Water Grids (SWGs) aims at a constant monitoring through a network of smart nodes deployed over the water distribution infrastructure. This facilitates a continuous assessment of water quality and the state of health of the pipeline infrastructure, enabling early detection of leaks and water contamination. Acoustic-wave-based technology has arisen as a viable communication technique among the nodes of the network. Such technology can be suitable for replacing traditional wireless networks in SWGs, as the acoustic channel is intrinsically embedded in the water supply network. However, the fluid-filled pipe is one of the most challenging media for data communication. Existing works proposing in-pipe acoustic communication systems are romising, but a comparison between the different implementations and their performance has not yet been reported. This paper reviews existing works dealing with acoustic-based ommunication networks in real large-scale urban water supply networks. For this purpose, an overview of the characteristics, trends and design challenges of existing works is provided in he present work as a guideline for future research
Scenarios for the development of smart grids in the UK: literature review
Smart grids are expected to play a central role in any transition to a low-carbon energy future, and much research is currently underway on practically every area of smart grids. However, it is evident that even basic aspects such as theoretical and operational definitions, are yet to be agreed upon and be clearly defined. Some aspects (efficient management of supply, including intermittent supply, two-way communication between the producer and user of electricity, use of IT technology to respond to and manage demand, and ensuring safe and secure electricity distribution) are more commonly accepted than others (such as smart meters) in defining what comprises a smart grid.
It is clear that smart grid developments enjoy political and financial support both at UK and EU levels, and from the majority of related industries. The reasons for this vary and include the hope that smart grids will facilitate the achievement of carbon reduction targets, create new employment opportunities, and reduce costs relevant to energy generation (fewer power stations) and distribution (fewer losses and better stability). However, smart grid development depends on additional factors, beyond the energy industry. These relate to issues of public acceptability of relevant technologies and associated risks (e.g. data safety, privacy, cyber security), pricing, competition, and regulation; implying the involvement of a wide range of players such as the industry, regulators and consumers.
The above constitute a complex set of variables and actors, and interactions between them. In order to best explore ways of possible deployment of smart grids, the use of scenarios is most adequate, as they can incorporate several parameters and variables into a coherent storyline. Scenarios have been previously used in the context of smart grids, but have traditionally focused on factors such as economic growth or policy evolution. Important additional socio-technical aspects of smart grids emerge from the literature review in this report and therefore need to be incorporated in our scenarios. These can be grouped into four (interlinked) main categories: supply side aspects, demand side aspects, policy and regulation, and technical aspects.
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