11,185 research outputs found

    Research Achievements and Activities

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    The increasing demands of the growing human population for high quality animal protein food have attracted substantial interest in the sea as a source of food. Advances in marine science have indicated the great scope and prospects of production of drugs, pharmaceutical compounds and bioactive material from the marine organisms to serve man and tp meet his vital needs. Besides, the expansion of our jurisdictional Umit to 200 mile Exclusive Economic Zone to explore, exploit, protect and preserve the living and the non-living resources in our seas has thrown up great challenges in the ocean resource utilisation and management

    5. Research Achievements

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    Research Achievements Review Series no. 20 - Mathematics and computation research

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    Computational mathematics, perturbed orbit three-body problem, and periodic trajectories solutions through computer method

    Astrodynamics-optimization theory and guidance theory Research achievements review series no. 15-16

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    Review of research achievements in astrodynamics, optimization theory, and guidance theor

    The Polish Ethnographic Atlas: Research Achievements and Prospects

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    In 1998, the source materials of the Polish Ethnographic Atlas – collected over many decades with the participation of the Institute of History of Material Culture (a unit of the Polish Academy of Sciences) and several leading ethnological centres – were moved to the Cieszyn Branch of the University of Silesia (currently the Faculty of Ethnology and Education). It was then that Z. Kłodnicki, the editor of the PEA, came up with the idea to continue and finish the atlas studies. However, the work on fulfilling the PEA, the biggest project in the history of Polish ethnology, is still going on. Nowadays, the materials of the Polish Ethnographic Atlas constitute a precious, unique in the national scale, documentary base. For several years, a lively cooperation has taken place between the PEA staff (representing the Faculty of Ethnology and Education of the University of Silesia) and various cultural institutions, government and non-government organizations. The discussed projects are usually aimed at the preservation and protection of the cultural heritage of the Polish village as well as the broadly related promotion actions for activating local communities. The workers of the Polish Ethnographic Atlas since 2014 have been also implementing the Ministry grant entitled The Polish Ethnographic Atlas – scientific elaboration, electronic database, publication of the sources in the Internet, stage I (scientific supervision: Ph.D. Agnieszka Pieńczak). What is an integral assumption of the discussed project is the scientific elaboration of three electronic catalogues, presenting the PEA resources: 1) field photographs (1955-1971) 2) the questionnaires concerning folk collecting (1948-1952), 3. the published maps (1958-2013). These materials have been selected due to their documentary value. The undertaking has brought about some measurable effects, mostly the special digital platform www.archiwumpae.us.edu.pl. This material database of ethnographic data might become the basis for designing various non-material activities aimed at preserving the cultural heritage of the Polish village.DIAKOWSKA E. (2011): Obca kobieta, jako zwiastun śmierci. In. Zeszyty Wiejskie 16, pp.168-177. DROŻDŻ A. (2002): Pomoc wzajemna. Współdziałanie społeczne i pomoc sąsiedzka. „Komentarze do Polskiego Atlasu Etnograficznego”. V. 7. Zygmunt Kłodnicki (ed.). Wrocław – Cieszyn: Polskie Towarzystwo Ludoznawcze – Uniwersytet Śląski Fila w Cieszynie. DROŻDŻ A. (2009): Zwyczaje i obrzędy weselne. V. 8. Part III. Współdziałanie społeczności wiejskiej podczas obrzędu weselnego (druga połowa XIX wieku i XX wiek). „Komentarze do Polskiego Atlasu Etnograficznego”. Zygmunt Kłodnicki (ed.). Wrocław – Cieszyn: Polskie Towarzystwo Ludoznawcze – Uniwersytet Śląski – Uniwersytet Wrocławski. DROŻDŻ A. (2011): Possibilities of using ethnographic maps in the study of the process of change in traditional culture in Poland – a case study of the expansion and disappearance of cradles. In. Ethnologia Europae Centralis 10, pp. 29-42. DROŻDŻ A. (2013): Kołysanie diabła ... – zwyczaje wierzeniowe jako przykład niematerialnego dziedzictwa kulturowego. In: Nauka 1, pp. 129-148. DROŻDŻ A., PIEŃCZAK A. (2004): Zwyczaje i obrzędy weselne. V. 8. Part I. Od zalotów do ślubu cywilnego. „Komentarze do Polskiego Atlasu Etnograficznego”. Zygmunt Kłodnicki (ed.). Wrocław – Cieszyn: Polskie Towarzystwo Ludoznawcze – Uniwersytet Śląski Fila w Cieszynie. GAJEK J. (ed.), 1964-1981: Polski Atlas Etnograficzny. V. I, maps 1-57 (1964), v. II, maps 58-129 (1965), v. III, maps 130-190 (1967), v. IV, maps 191-250 (1971), v. V, maps 251-304 (1974), v. VI, maps 305-355 (1981). Warszawa: Instytut Historii Kultury Materialnej PAN. KŁODNICKI Z. (2001a): Etnograficzne atlasy krajów środkowej Europy (Możliwości studiów porównawczych). In. Oľga Danglová, Rastislava Stoličná. (eds.): Etnológia a kultúrne dedičstvo. Bratislava: Veda, pp. 56-66. KŁODNICKI Z. (2001b): Metoda geograficzna i retrogresywna w badaniach nad genezą tradycyjnej kultury. In. Irena Bukowska-Floreńska (ed.). Miejsca znaczące i wartości symboliczne. „Studia Etnologiczne i Antropologiczne”. V. 5. Katowice: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego, pp. 153-166. KŁODNICKI Z. (2001c): Polski atlas etnograficzny – historia, stan obecny i perspektywy. In. Lud 85, pp. 239-275. KŁODNICKI Z. (2005): Polski atlas etnograficzny – stan prac. In. Ethnologia Europae Centralis 7, pp. 100-105. KŁODNICKI Z. (2013): Miejsce Polskiego Atlasu Etnograficznego w etnologii Polski i Europy. In. Jacek Schmidt (ed.): Regiony etnografii. Szkice dedykowane Profesorowi Andrzejowi Brenczowi w 70. rocznicę urodzin. Poznań: Wydawnictwo Nauka i Innowacje, pp. 83-105. KŁODNICKI Z., PIEŃCZAK A., ed. (2010): Zwyczaje, obrzędy i wierzenia narodzinowe. V. 9. Part I. Zwyczaje, obrzędy i wierzenia związane z narodzinami i wychowaniem dziecka. „Komentarze do Polskiego Atlasu Etnograficznego”. Wrocław – Cieszyn: Polskie Towarzystwo Ludoznawcze – Uniwersytet Śląski – Uniwersytet Wrocławski. KŁODNICKI Z., PIEŃCZAK A., ed. (2013): Zwyczaje, obrzędy i wierzenia narodzinowe. V. 9. Part II. Zwyczaje, obrzędy i wierzenia związane z matką i dzieckiem. „Komentarze do Polskiego Atlasu Etnograficznego”. Wrocław – Cieszyn: Polskie Towarzystwo Ludoznawcze – Uniwersytet Śląski – Uniwersytet Wrocławski. LEBEDA A. [PIEŃCZAK] (2002): Wiedza i wierzenia ludowe. „Komentarze do Polskiego Atlasu Etnograficznego”. V. 6. Zygmunt Kłodnicki (ed.). Wrocław – Cieszyn: Polskie Towarzystwo Ludoznawcze – Uniwersytet Śląski Fila w Cieszynie. MOSZYŃSKI K. (1958): Człowiek. Wstęp do etnografii powszechnej i etnologii. Wrocław – Kraków – Warszawa: Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich – Wydawnictwo Polskiej Akademii Nauk. PIEŃCZAK A. (2007): Zwyczaje i obrzędy weselne. V. 8. Part. II. Rola i znaczenie swata w kojarzeniu małżeństw. „Komentarze do Polskiego Atlasu Etnograficznego”. Zygmunt Kłodnicki (ed.). Cieszyn – Wrocław: Polskie Towarzystwo Ludoznawcze – Uniwersytet Śląski – Uniwersytet Wrocławski. PIEŃCZAK A. (2008): Sposoby rozpoznawania domniemanych czarownic (w świetle badań Polskiego Atlasu Etnograficznego). In. Lud 92, pp. 215-233. PIEŃCZAK A. (2009): Dorobek Pracowni Polskiego Atlasu Etnograficznego w Cieszynie. In. Twórczość Ludowa 24 (3-4), pp. 39-43. PIEŃCZAK A. (2010): Stan badań Polskiego Atlasu Etnograficznego nad obrzędowością narodzinową. In. Teresa Smolińska (ed.). Między kulturą ludową a masową: historia, teraźniejszość i perspektywy badań. Kraków – Opole: Wydawnictwo , pp. s. 121-134. PIEŃCZAK A. (2011a): Food in the life of a pregnant woman – an analysis of the studies for the Polish Ethnographic Atlas. In. Halina Rusek (ed.): Dilemnas of old and contemporary culture in ethnograghical and anthropological discourse. „Bibliotheca Ethnologiae Europae Centralis”. V. 3. Cieszyn – Katowice: Offsetdruk i media, pp. 146154. PIEŃCZAK A. (2011b): Metoda etnogeograficzna w badaniach atlasowych ośrodka wrocławskiego i cieszyńskiego – kontynuacja i zmiana. In. Zeszyty Wiejskie 16, pp. 154-167. PIEŃCZAK A. (2011c): Specyfika materiałów źródłowych Polskiego atlasu etnograficznego. In. Halina Rusek, Agnieszka Pieńczak (eds.): Etnologiczne i antropologiczne obrazy świata – konteksty i interpretacje. Prace ofiarowane Profesorowi Zygmuntowi Kłodnickiemu w 70. rocznicę urodzin. Cieszyn – Katowice, pp. 41-61. PIEŃCZAK A. (2011d): Żywotność praktyk magicznych na przykładzie sposobów ochrony dzieci przed urokiem (przygotowano z materiałów „Polskiego Atlasu Etnograficznego”). In. Irena Bukowska-Floreńska, Grzegorz Odoj (eds.): Etnologia na granicy. Dorobek ośrodka etnologicznego UŚ. „Studia Etnologiczne i Antropologiczne”. V. 11. Katowice: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego, pp. 231-243. PIEŃCZAK A., DIAKOWSKA E. (2011): Magia Alkmeny w polskiej obrzędowości narodzinowej i pogrzebowej (w świetle badań Polskiego atlasu etnograficznego). In. Ethnologia Europae Centralis 10, pp. 43-54. PIEŃCZAK A., DIAKOWSKA-KOHUT E. (2013): Polski Atlas Etnograficzny – dawne i współczesne badania dziedzictwa kulturowego wsi polskiej. In. Ethnologia Europae Centralis 11, pp. 63-69

    Genre Studies in Russian Literary Research: Achievements and Challenges

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    Genre has been one of the key categories for Russian literary studies ever since the late nineteenth century, creating a long tradition of artistic, critical and scientific interpretation. The present paper aims to outline major findings of Russian scholars in the field of genre studies and to account for current pitfalls, suggesting a solution. Russian scholars have contributed noticeably to both constructing the theory of genre in general and establishing the laws and genesis of many separate genres. Historical poetics, the Russian Formalists, Bakhtin’s school and structuralism worked out the principles of generic evolution and explained the nature of the genre category. Still, currently Russian genology faces a number of challenges, among which is the inability to work out a universal approach to genre nomination and attribution, which causes inconsistent and unverified results. When it comes to describing new genres, most troubling is the choice of deductive method in genre analysis and a narrow specialist approach to each genre leading to inconclusive or biased results. The paper suggests that these challenges can be overcome by turning to the heritage of the classical Russian literary science and taking advantage of comparative and inductive methods proponed by it.         &nbsp

    Research Achievements of AICRPDA Centre Ballowal Saunkhri since inception

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    Not AvailableAICRPDA centre Ballowal Saunkhri is located in the agro-climatic Zone-l in the North-Eastern part of the Punjab. This zone popularly called kandi area is in the form of 10 to 20 km wide strip covering an area of approx 3.93 lakh hectares which comprises approximately 7.8 per cent of total geographical area of the State. The region stretches from Dhar Kalan block of Pathankot district to Dera Bassi block of SAS Nagar. The climate of the region varies between semi-arid to sub-humid. Rainwater constitutes the major water source for crops that becomes scarce due to erratic distribution in time and space. The region receives average annual rainfall of 800-1500 mm with a very high coefficient of variation. About 80% rain occurs in Kharif season (July-September) and rest 20% occurs in rabi season. A major portion (30-40%) of rain goes as runoff. Majority of the soils range from loamy sand to sandy loam and have low to medium moisture retention capacity and are highly erodible having gentle to moderate slope. The inherent fertility of the soils of this area is very low. Maize is the principal crop of Kandi area, beside this pearlmillet, greengram, blackgram and sesame are the other important kharif crops. Wheat, raya, taramira, lentil and gram are major rabi crops. The other emerging crops in the region are gobhi sarson, toria, linseed and arhar. The success of crops in this region depends upon the soil and water management.Not Availabl

    5. Research Achievements

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    ESPOCH´s Education, Management and Research Achievements in Sustainable Development

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    Although sustainable development focuses on continuing the progress of societies without putting future resources and the environment at risk, new technologies, political treaties and economic initiatives are not enough. In this context, the role of universities is fundamental in the formation of leaders that allow raising awareness in society, and in the implementation of pilot projects that can be quickly adjusted and scaled. ESPOCH forms sustainability competencies with a formal focus, by including courses in environmental sustainability within all study curricula, as well as with a non-formal focus through extracurricular activities such as tree planting, avoiding the use of private vehicles, among others. Regarding management, projects such as the replacement of campus luminaires with high-efficiency LED lights, reducing energy consumption from 69 kWh-day to 11.5 KWh-day and the construction of intelligent buildings that will allow efficient management of resources and spaces are being carried out. The feedback obtained from ESPOCH’s participation in UI GreenMetric World University Rankings has allowed the university leaders, professors and students to identify the sectors that should be addressed as a priority and propose solutions to them considering sustainable development approaches