13 research outputs found

    Introducing novice programmers to functions and recursion using computer games

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    11. Recursion Method: Concepts

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    Part eleven of course materials for Nonequilibrium Statistical Physics (Physics 626), taught by Gerhard Müller at the University of Rhode Island. Entries listed in the table of contents, but not shown in the document, exist only in handwritten form. Documents will be updated periodically as more entries become presentable

    The cognitive architecture of recursion: Behavioral and fMRI evidence from the visual, musical and motor domains

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    In this manuscript, we summarize the results of our research program aiming at describing the cognitive architecture underlying the representation of recursive hierarchical embedding. After conducting a series of behavioral and fMRI experiments in the visual, musical and motor domains, we found that, behaviorally, the acquisition of recursive rules seems supported by cognitive resources that are general across domains. However, when we test well-trained participants in the fMRI, their representation of recursion seems supported by activating schemas stored in (visual, musical and motor) domain-specific repositories. This suggests that the resources necessary to acquire recursive rules are different from those necessary to utilize these rules after extensive training

    01. Introduction: Maps

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    Part one of course materials for Nonequilibrium Statistical Physics (Physics 626), taught by Gerhard Müller at the University of Rhode Island. Entries listed in the table of contents, but not shown in the document, exist only in handwritten form. Documents will be updated periodically as more entries become presentable. Updated with version 2 on 5/3/2016

    On the fractal nature of complex syntax and the timescale problem

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    Fundamental to complex dynamic systems theory is the assumption that the recursive behavior of complex systems results in the generation of physical forms and dynamic processes that are self-similar and scale-invariant. Such fractal-like structures and the organismic benefit that they engender has been widely noted in physiology, biology, and medicine, yet discussions of the fractal-like nature of language have remained at the level of metaphor in applied linguistics. Motivated by the lack of empirical evidence supporting this assumption, the present study examines the extent to which the use and development of complex syntax in a learner of English as a second language demonstrate the characteristics of self-similarity and scale invariance at nested timescales. Findings suggest that the use and development of syntactic complexity are governed by fractal scaling as the dynamic relationship among the subconstructs of syntax maintain their complexity and variability across multiple temporal scales. Overall, fractal analysis appears to be a fruitful analytic tool when attempting to discern the dynamic relationships among the multiple component parts of complex systems as they interact over time

    Toward Using Games to Teach Fundamental Computer Science Concepts

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    Video and computer games have become an important area of study in the field of education. Games have been designed to teach mathematics, physics, raise social awareness, teach history and geography, and train soldiers in the military. Recent work has created computer games for teaching computer programming and understanding basic algorithms. We present an investigation where computer games are used to teach two fundamental computer science concepts: boolean expressions and recursion. The games are intended to teach the concepts and not how to implement them in a programming language. For this investigation, two computer games were created. One is designed to teach basic boolean expressions and operators and the other to teach fundamental concepts of recursion. We describe the design and implementation of both games. We evaluate the effectiveness of these games using before and after surveys. The surveys were designed to ascertain basic understanding, attitudes and beliefs regarding the concepts. The boolean game was evaluated with local high school students and students in a college level introductory computer science course. The recursion game was evaluated with students in a college level introductory computer science course. We present the analysis of the collected survey information for both games. This analysis shows a significant positive change in student attitude towards recursion and modest gains in student learning outcomes for both topics

    Interaction Trees: Representing Recursive and Impure Programs in Coq

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    "Interaction trees" (ITrees) are a general-purpose data structure for representing the behaviors of recursive programs that interact with their environments. A coinductive variant of "free monads," ITrees are built out of uninterpreted events and their continuations. They support compositional construction of interpreters from "event handlers", which give meaning to events by defining their semantics as monadic actions. ITrees are expressive enough to represent impure and potentially nonterminating, mutually recursive computations, while admitting a rich equational theory of equivalence up to weak bisimulation. In contrast to other approaches such as relationally specified operational semantics, ITrees are executable via code extraction, making them suitable for debugging, testing, and implementing software artifacts that are amenable to formal verification. We have implemented ITrees and their associated theory as a Coq library, mechanizing classic domain- and category-theoretic results about program semantics, iteration, monadic structures, and equational reasoning. Although the internals of the library rely heavily on coinductive proofs, the interface hides these details so that clients can use and reason about ITrees without explicit use of Coq's coinduction tactics. To showcase the utility of our theory, we prove the termination-sensitive correctness of a compiler from a simple imperative source language to an assembly-like target whose meanings are given in an ITree-based denotational semantics. Unlike previous results using operational techniques, our bisimulation proof follows straightforwardly by structural induction and elementary rewriting via an equational theory of combinators for control-flow graphs.Comment: 28 pages, 4 pages references, published at POPL 202

    Linguistic recursion

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