9,205 research outputs found

    Production and perception of speaker-specific phonetic detail at word boundaries

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    Experiments show that learning about familiar voices affects speech processing in many tasks. However, most studies focus on isolated phonemes or words and do not explore which phonetic properties are learned about or retained in memory. This work investigated inter-speaker phonetic variation involving word boundaries, and its perceptual consequences. A production experiment found significant variation in the extent to which speakers used a number of acoustic properties to distinguish junctural minimal pairs e.g. 'So he diced them'—'So he'd iced them'. A perception experiment then tested intelligibility in noise of the junctural minimal pairs before and after familiarisation with a particular voice. Subjects who heard the same voice during testing as during the familiarisation period showed significantly more improvement in identification of words and syllable constituents around word boundaries than those who heard different voices. These data support the view that perceptual learning about the particular pronunciations associated with individual speakers helps listeners to identify syllabic structure and the location of word boundaries

    The Resonant Dynamics of Speech Perception: Interword Integration and Duration-Dependent Backward Effects

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    How do listeners integrate temporally distributed phonemic information into coherent representations of syllables and words? During fluent speech perception, variations in the durations of speech sounds and silent pauses can produce different pereeived groupings. For exarnple, increasing the silence interval between the words "gray chip" may result in the percept "great chip", whereas increasing the duration of fricative noise in "chip" may alter the percept to "great ship" (Repp et al., 1978). The ARTWORD neural model quantitatively simulates such context-sensitive speech data. In AHTWORD, sequential activation and storage of phonemic items in working memory provides bottom-up input to unitized representations, or list chunks, that group together sequences of items of variable length. The list chunks compete with each other as they dynamically integrate this bottom-up information. The winning groupings feed back to provide top-down supportto their phonemic items. Feedback establishes a resonance which temporarily boosts the activation levels of selected items and chunks, thereby creating an emergent conscious percept. Because the resonance evolves more slowly than wotking memory activation, it can be influenced by information presented after relatively long intervening silence intervals. The same phonemic input can hereby yield different groupings depending on its arrival time. Processes of resonant transfer and competitive teaming help determine which groupings win the competition. Habituating levels of neurotransmitter along the pathways that sustain the resonant feedback lead to a resonant collapsee that permits the formation of subsequent. resonances.Air Force Office of Scientific Research (F49620-92-J-0225); Defense Advanced Research projects Agency and Office of Naval Research (N00014-95-1-0409); National Science Foundation (IRI-97-20333); Office of Naval Research (N00014-92-J-1309, NOOO14-95-1-0657

    The phonetics of second language learning and bilingualism

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    This chapter provides an overview of major theories and findings in the field of second language (L2) phonetics and phonology. Four main conceptual frameworks are discussed and compared: the Perceptual Assimilation Model-L2, the Native Language Magnet Theory, the Automatic Selection Perception Model, and the Speech Learning Model. These frameworks differ in terms of their empirical focus, including the type of learner (e.g., beginner vs. advanced) and target modality (e.g., perception vs. production), and in terms of their theoretical assumptions, such as the basic unit or window of analysis that is relevant (e.g., articulatory gestures, position-specific allophones). Despite the divergences among these theories, three recurring themes emerge from the literature reviewed. First, the learning of a target L2 structure (segment, prosodic pattern, etc.) is influenced by phonetic and/or phonological similarity to structures in the native language (L1). In particular, L1-L2 similarity exists at multiple levels and does not necessarily benefit L2 outcomes. Second, the role played by certain factors, such as acoustic phonetic similarity between close L1 and L2 sounds, changes over the course of learning, such that advanced learners may differ from novice learners with respect to the effect of a specific variable on observed L2 behavior. Third, the connection between L2 perception and production (insofar as the two are hypothesized to be linked) differs significantly from the perception-production links observed in L1 acquisition. In service of elucidating the predictive differences among these theories, this contribution discusses studies that have investigated L2 perception and/or production primarily at a segmental level. In addition to summarizing the areas in which there is broad consensus, the chapter points out a number of questions which remain a source of debate in the field today.https://drive.google.com/open?id=1uHX9K99Bl31vMZNRWL-YmU7O2p1tG2wHhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1uHX9K99Bl31vMZNRWL-YmU7O2p1tG2wHhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1uHX9K99Bl31vMZNRWL-YmU7O2p1tG2wHAccepted manuscriptAccepted manuscrip

    Subphonemic and suballophonic consonant variation : the role of the phoneme inventory

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    Consonants exhibit more variation in their phonetic realization than is typically acknowledged, but that variation is linguistically constrained. Acoustic analysis of both read and spontaneous speech reveals that consonants are not necessarily realized with the manner of articulation they would have in careful citation form. Although the variation is wider than one would imagine, it is limited by the phoneme inventory. The phoneme inventory of the language restricts the range of variation to protect the system of phonemic contrast. That is, consonants may stray phonetically into unfilled areas of the language's sound space. Listeners are seldom consciously aware of the consonant variation, and perceive the consonants phonemically as in their citation forms. A better understanding of surface phonetic consonant variation can help make predictions in theoretical domains and advances in applied domains

    Defective neural motor speech mappings as a source for apraxia of speech : evidence from a quantitative neural model of speech processing

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    This unique resource reviews research evidence pertaining to best practice in the clinical assessment of established areas such as intelligibility and physiological functioning, as well as introducing recently developed topics such as conversational analysis, participation measures, and telehealth. In addition, new and established research methods from areas such as phonetics, kinematics, imaging, and neural modeling are reviewed in relation to their applicability and value for the study of disordered speech. Based on the broad coverage of topics and methods, the textbook represents a valuable resource for a wide ranging audience, including clinicians, researchers, as well as students with an interest in speech pathology and clinical phonetics

    Encoding of phonology in a recurrent neural model of grounded speech

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    We study the representation and encoding of phonemes in a recurrent neural network model of grounded speech. We use a model which processes images and their spoken descriptions, and projects the visual and auditory representations into the same semantic space. We perform a number of analyses on how information about individual phonemes is encoded in the MFCC features extracted from the speech signal, and the activations of the layers of the model. Via experiments with phoneme decoding and phoneme discrimination we show that phoneme representations are most salient in the lower layers of the model, where low-level signals are processed at a fine-grained level, although a large amount of phonological information is retain at the top recurrent layer. We further find out that the attention mechanism following the top recurrent layer significantly attenuates encoding of phonology and makes the utterance embeddings much more invariant to synonymy. Moreover, a hierarchical clustering of phoneme representations learned by the network shows an organizational structure of phonemes similar to those proposed in linguistics.Comment: Accepted at CoNLL 201

    Children at risk : their phonemic awareness development in holistic instruction

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    Includes bibliographical references (p. 17-19

    Production and perception of English Word Final Stops By Malay Speakers

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    A few influential speech studies have been carried out using established speech learning models, which confirmed that the analysis of first language (L1) and second language (L2) at a phonemic level provides only a partial view of deeper relationships between languages in contact. Therefore, studies focusing on cross-language phonetic differences as a causative factor in L2 learner difficulties have been proposed to understand second language learners’ (L2) speech production and how listeners respond perceptually to the phonetic properties of L2. This paper presents a study of the production and perception of the final stops by English learners (L2) whose first language is Malay (L1). A total of 23 students, comprising 16 male and 7 female Malay subjects (L1 as Malay and their L2 as English) with normal hearing and speech development participated in this study. A short interview was conducted in order to gain background information about information about each subject, to introduce them to the study, to inform them about the process of recording, the materials to be used in the recording session, and how the materials should be managed during recording time. Acoustic measurements of selected segments occurring in word final positions (via spectrographic analysis, syllable rhyme duration and phonation) were taken. Results of the voicing contrast realisation in Malay accented English and Malaysian listeners' perceptual identification/discrimination abilities with final voiced/voiceless stops in Malay and English are presented and discussed. The findings revealed that the Malay students’ realisation of final stops in L2 is largely identical to their L1. In addition, the results also showed that accurate ‘perception’ may not always lead to accurate ‘production’

    A Resource Manual for Kindergarten Teachers of Phonetic Components of Sounds

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    This literature review will present studies concerning the roles of the teacher and SLP within the school system, effective collaboration between general education teachers and SLPs, and evidence-based intervention models. An exploration of CCSS will outline what teachers are expected to teach at the kindergarten level. Next, the roles and responsibilities of the SLP from the American Speech-Language and Hearing Association (ASHA) will be reviewed to define what SLPs are expected to do within schools. Then, four articles will be reviewed to explain how teachers are missing an understanding of basic elements of the English Language necessary for effective instruction at the kindergarten level. An article will explain teachers’ opinions about speech-language pathology services in schools, followed by an article reviewing effective collaboration between teachers and SLPs. Finally, two articles will review effective intervention models that promote letter-sound correspondence based upon EBP