8 research outputs found

    Representation and Detection of Shapes in Images

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    We present a set of techniques that can be used to represent and detect shapes in images. Our methods revolve around a particular shape representation based on the description of objects using triangulated polygons. This representation is similar to the medial axis transform and has important properties from a computational perspective. The first problem we consider is the detection of non-rigid objects in images using deformable models. We present an efficient algorithm to solve this problem in a wide range of situations, and show examples in both natural and medical images. We also consider the problem of learning an accurate non-rigid shape model for a class of objects from examples. We show how to learn good models while constraining them to the form required by the detection algorithm. Finally, we consider the problem of low-level image segmentation and grouping. We describe a stochastic grammar that generates arbitrary triangulated polygons while capturing Gestalt principles of shape regularity. This grammar is used as a prior model over random shapes in a low level algorithm that detects objects in images

    Spatio-Temporal Video Segmentation with Shape Growth or Shrinkage Constraint

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    We propose a new method for joint segmentation of monotonously growing or shrinking shapes in a time sequence of noisy images. The task of segmenting the image time series is expressed as an optimization problem using the spatio-temporal graph of pixels, in which we are able to impose the constraint of shape growth or of shrinkage by introducing monodirectional infinite links connecting pixels at the same spatial locations in successive image frames. The globally optimal solution is computed with a graph cut. The performance of the proposed method is validated on three applications: segmentation of melting sea ice floes and of growing burned areas from time series of 2D satellite images, and segmentation of a growing brain tumor from sequences of 3D medical scans. In the latter application, we impose an additional intersequences inclusion constraint by adding directed infinite links between pixels of dependent image structures

    Efficient and robust shape retrieval from deformable templates

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    Computer Systems, Imagery and Medi

    Object localization using deformable templates

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    Object localization refers to the detection, matching and segmentation of objects in images. The localization model presented in this paper relies on deformable templates to match objects based on shape alone. The shape structure is captured by a prototype template consisting of hand-drawn edges and contours representing the object to be localized. A multistage, multiresolution algorithm is utilized to reduce the computational intensity of the search. The first stage reduces the physical search space dimensions using correlation to determine the regions of interest where a match it likely to occur. The second stage finds approximate matches between the template and target image at progressively finer resolutions, by attracting the template to salient image features using Edge Potential Fields. The third stage entails the use of evolutionary optimization to determine control point placement for a Local Weighted Mean warp, which deforms the template to fit the object boundaries. Results are presented for a number of applications, showing the successful localization of various objects. The algorithm鈥檚 invariance to rotation, scale, translation and moderate shape variation of the target objects is clearly illustrated

    Aportaciones a la historia de la fotograf铆a indigenista mexicana. El fot贸grafo Nacho L贸pez: Vida, obra y propuesta de un modelo de metadatos denotativo-morfol贸gicos para el an谩lisis de su obra en el Instituto Nacional Indigenista de M茅xico. (1950-1981)

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    La presente tesis tiene como epicentro al fot贸grafo mexicano Ignacio L贸pez Bocanegra (1923-1986) mejor conocido como Nacho L贸pez y su trabajo fotogr谩fico en el Instituto Nacional Indigenista.L贸pez fue uno de los fot贸grafos mexicanos m谩s importantes en la segunda mitad del siglo XX pero sorprende que no exista una obra monogr谩fica que incluya una biograf铆a unitaria o un recuento completo de su obra, en particular su trabajo indigenista. La presente investigaci贸n subsana esta situaci贸n mediante una rese帽a biogr谩fica que llena algunos vac铆os y corrobora informaciones, as铆 como un recorrido m谩s completo de su obra, con particular 茅nfasis en su trabajo fotogr谩fico indigenista, uno de los menos estudiados. Por otra parte, ocurre algo similiar con el repaso hist贸rico de la fotograf铆a antropol贸gicae indigenista en M茅xico que se encuentra igualmente atomizada. As铆 que esta investigaci贸n ha dado como resultado un recuento de los principales momentos y de las personalidades m谩s importantes de la fotograf铆a antropol贸gica en M茅xico; se incluyen, desde luego, los aportes de la generaci贸n de fot贸grafos indigenistas que trabajaron entre 1940 y 1970 como H茅ctor Garc铆a,Julio de la Fuente, Alfonso Fabila y el propio Nacho L贸pez..

    Pattern Recognition in High-Throughput Zebrafish Imaging

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    High Throughput (HT) methods are high volume experimental approaches that are common in the fields of the life-sciences. The instrumentation for these methods differs per application. We will focus on the HT methods that are concerned with imaging. The aim of this thesis is to find robust methods for object extraction and analysis. We focus on the Computer Science aspects of such analysis, namely pattern recognition. Pattern Recognition can be seen in the context of object recognition and data mining. Both aspects will be described in this thesis. We present a framework for segmenting and recognizing the objects of interest based on Template Matching. This approach was designed for an application in the HT screening of zebrafish embryos. All proposed methods are fully automated. We further elaborate on the segmentation algorithms to apply these in software that can be used in a HT context to derive measurements. Then we apply the software on a real life problem involving zebrafish infected with Mycobacterium marinum.SmartmixComputer Systems, Imagery and Medi

    Insights on the spatiotemporal organization of integrins and their ligands using quantitative biophysical tools

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    Cotutela Universitat Polit猫cnica de Catalunya i Universit脿 degli Studi di FirenzeThe migration of leukocytes from the blood stream to sites of injury and infection in the extravascular tissues is fundamental for the immune response. Two of the main receptors mediating this process are the integrins aL脽2 and a4脽1, both expressed on the leukocyte cell membrane, which bind to their respective ligands ICAM-1 and VCAM-1, expressed on endothelial cell (EC) membrane. The dynamic and lateral organization of integrins on the cell membrane has been shown to be crucial in the regulation of cell adhesion. Likewise, organization of ligands in small domains (clusters) would probably reinforce the bonds formed with the integrins, thus increasing leukocyte adhesion. However, how the spatiotemporal behavior of integrins and their ligands is affected by the influence of external factors, such as mechanical and/or biochemical stimuli, has not been extensively studied. In addition, the impact of such spatiotemporal changes in the process of leukocyte adhesion and migration has not been addressed yet. The main aim of this thesis has been to address these questions using a combination of state-of-art biophysical tools, including advanced cell imaging, single molecule dynamic approaches, cell mechanical stimulation, and custom-designed algorithms for data quantification. From the technical side, our general approach involved the use of single particle tracking (SPT) approaches to monitor the dynamics of individual molecules implicated in the process of the cell adhesion, in combination with different super-resolution microscopy techniques, such as STED and STORM, to visualize changes in their nanoscale organization upon the influence of biochemical and/or mechanical stimuli. To mechanically stimulate cells we developed two different approaches; namely, a mechanical stretching device and a parallel-plate flow chamber (PPFC). We integrated these devices into our single molecule set-up and succeeded in recording the diffusion of integrins on cells plated on the mechanical stretching device upon varying stress conditions. As part of this thesis, we also applied different custom-made data analysis algorithms existent in the Lab and developed novel algorithms aimed at tracking and quantifying changes in the migratory behavior of T-cells on ECs exposed to shear stress. Using this powerful palette of tools we discovered that, as a consequence of prolonged shear flow exposure, ICAM-1 undergoes a global reorganization on the EC membrane accompanied by the formation of ICAM-1 nanoclusters. These nanoclusters were found to co-localize with shear flow-induced actin-enriched patch-like structures. Moreover, we showed that T-cells migrate faster and interact for shorter period of times on ECs mechanically stimulated as compared to ECs not subjected to shear stimulation. Hence, from these results, we concluded that continuous shear flow regulates the spatial organization of cell adhesion receptors on ECs, which in turn modulates leukocyte migration. In addition, we showed that chemokine (CXCL12) stimulation leads to rapid and transient activation of the a4脽1 expressed on T cells. These changes in activation profile directly correlate with talin recruitment, restricted lateral diffusion and integrin immobilization. Moreover, co-stimulation with CXCL12 and the ligand VCAM-1 potentiated integrin immobilization. In addition, superresolution imaging revealed that the nanoscale organization of a4脽1 remains unaffected upon CXCL12 and/or VCAM-1 stimulation. Our data, thus, indicate that docking by talin of the chemokine-activated a4脽1 to the actin cytoskeleton favors integrin immobilization, which likely facilitates ligand interaction and increased adhesiveness. The overall finding of this thesis indicates that cells of the immune system respond to mechanical and biochemical stimuli by rapidly readjusting the spatiotemporal behavior of integrins and ligands on the cell membrane modulating in turn cell adhesion and migration.La migraci贸n de leucocitos desde el torrente sangu铆neo a sitios de lesi贸n e infecci贸n es fundamental en la respuesta inmune. Dos de los principales receptores que median este proceso son las integrinas aL脽2 y a4脽1, que se expresan en la membrana celular de los leucocitos y se unen a sus respectivos ligandos ICAM-1 y VCAM-1, ambos localizados sobre la membrana de c茅lulas endoteliales (CE). Se ha demostrado que la din谩mica y la organizaci贸n lateral de las integrinas sobre la membrana celular son cruciales en la regulaci贸n de la adhesi贸n celular. Asimismo, es muy probable que la organizaci贸n de los ligandos en peque帽os dominios refuerce los enlaces formados con las integrinas, fortaleciendo as铆 la adhesi贸n celular. Sin embargo, c贸mo el comportamiento espacio-temporal de las integrinas y sus ligandos es afectado por factores externos, tales como est铆mulos mec谩nicos y/o bioqu铆micos, no ha sido ampliamente estudiado. Adem谩s, el impacto de estos cambios espacio-temporales en el proceso de adhesi贸n y migraci贸n leucocitaria a煤n no ha sido abordado. El objetivo principal de esta tesis ha sido abordar estas interrogantes usando una combinaci贸n de herramientas biof铆sicas de 煤ltima generaci贸n que incluyen avanzadas t茅cnicas de visualizaci贸n, din谩mica de mol茅culas individuales, estimulaci贸n mec谩nica de c茅lulas y desarrollo de algoritmos para la cuantificaci贸n de datos. Con este fin hemos utilizado m茅todos de seguimiento de part铆culas individuales para monitorizar la din谩mica de mol茅culas individuales, en combinaci贸n con t茅cnicas de microscop铆a de super-resoluci贸n, como STED y STORM, para visualizar cambios en su organizaci贸n a nano-escala tras la estimulaci贸n bioqu铆mica y/o mec谩nica. Para estimular las c茅lulas mec谩nicamente hemos desarrollado dos m茅todos: un dispositivo de estiramiento y una c谩mara de flujo de placa paralela. Ambos dispositivos fueron integrados a nuestro montaje experimental de detecci贸n de mol茅culas individuales y el primero fue exitosamente utilizado en la caracterizaci贸n de la difusi贸n de integrinas en c茅lulas cultivadas en el dispositivo de estiramiento mec谩nico. Como parte de esta tesis tambi茅n usamos diferentes algoritmos, existentes en nuestro grupo, para el an谩lisis de datos y desarrollamos otros nuevos para el seguimiento y cuantificaci贸n del comportamiento migratorio de c茅lulas T sometidas a flujo continuo. Utilizando estas herramientas descubrimos que, a causa de la exposici贸n a flujo mec谩nico, ICAM-1 se reorganiza sobre la membrana de las CEs y forma nano-agregados. Se encontr贸 adem谩s que estos agregados se colocalizan con regiones ricas en actina con estructura de parches. Adem谩s mostramos que las c茅lulas T migran m谩s r谩pido e interact煤an por periodos m谩s cortos de tiempo con CEs estimuladas mec谩nicamente respecto a CEs no estimuladas. De estos resultados concluimos que el flujo mec谩nico regula la organizaci贸n espacial de los receptores de adhesi贸n en las CEs, que a su vez modula la migraci贸n de leucocitos. Tambi茅n demostramos que la estimulaci贸n con quimioquinas (CXCL12) conduce a una r谩pida y transitoria activaci贸n de a4脽1. Estos cambios en la activaci贸n de a4脽1 se correlacionaron con el reclutamiento de talina, la inmovilizaci贸n de la integrina y su reducida difusi贸n lateral. Adem谩s, la coestimulaci贸n con CXCL12 y el ligando VCAM-1 potenci贸 la inmovilizaci贸n de a4脽1. Adicionalmente, im谩genes de superresoluci贸n revelaron que la organizaci贸n a nanom茅trica de a4脽1 no se ve afectada por la estimulaci贸n con CXCL12 y/o VCAM-1. Estos datos indican que las integrinas activadas por CXCL12 se unen al citoesqueleto por medio de talina, favoreciendo la inmovilizaci贸n de a4脽1 y facilitando as铆, la interacci贸n con su ligando y una mayor adhesi贸n. En resumen, esta tesis indica que las c茅lulas del sistema inmune responden a est铆mulos mec谩nicos y bioqu铆micos mediante el reajuste r谩pido de la organizaci贸n espacio-temporal de integrinas y ligandos sobre la membrana celular, modulando as铆 su adhesi贸n y migraci贸nPostprint (published version