53 research outputs found

    Greenpass Client Tools for Delegated Authorization in Wireless Networks

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    Dartmouth\u27s Greenpass project seeks to provide strong access control to a wireless network while simultaneously providing flexible guest access; to do so, it augments the Wi-Fi Alliance\u27s existing WPA standard, which offers sufficiently strong user authentication and access control, with authorization based on SPKI certificates. SPKI allows certain local users to delegate network access to guests by issuing certificates that state, in essence, he should get access because I said it\u27s okay. The Greenpass RADIUS server described in Kim\u27s thesis [55] performs an authorization check based on such statements so that guests can obtain network access without requiring a busy network administrator to set up new accounts in a centralized database. To our knowledge, Greenpass is the first working delegation-based solution to Wi-Fi access control. My thesis describes the Greenpass client tools, which allow a guest to introduce himself to a delegator and allow the delegator to issue a new SPKI certificate to the guest. The guest does not need custom client software to introduce himself or to connect to the Wi-Fi network. The guest and delegator communicate using a set of Web applications. The guest obtains a temporary key pair and X.509 certificate if needed, then sends his public key value to a Web server we provide. The delegator looks up her guest\u27s public key and runs a Java applet that lets her verify her guests\u27 identity using visual hashing and issue a new SPKI certificate to him. The guest\u27s new certificate chain is stored as an HTTP cookie to enable him to push it to an authorization server at a later time. I also describe how Greenpass can be extended to control access to a virtual private network (VPN) and suggest several interesting future research and development directions that could build on this work.My thesis describes the Greenpass client tools, which allow a guest to introduce himself to a delegator and allow the delegator to issue a new SPKI certificate to the guest. The guest does not need custom client software to introduce himself or to connect to the Wi-Fi network. The guest and delegator communicate using a set of Web applications. The guest obtains a temporary key pair and X.509 certificate if needed, then sends his public key value to a Web server we provide. The delegator looks up her guest\u27s public key and runs a Java applet that lets her verify her guests\u27 identity using visual hashing and issue a new SPKI certificate to him. The guest\u27s new certificate chain is stored as an HTTP cookie to enable him to push it to an authorization server at a later time. I also describe how Greenpass can be extended to control access to a virtual private network (VPN) and suggest several interesting future research and development directions that could build on this work

    TLS Connection Validation by Web Browsers: Why do Web Browsers still not agree?

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    The TLS protocol is the primary technology used for securing web transactions. It is based on X.509 certificates that are used for binding the identity of web servers’ owners to their public keys. Web browsers perform the validation of X.509 certificates on behalf of web users. Our previous research in 2009 showed that the validation process of web browsers is inconsistent and flawed. We showed how this situation might have a negative impact on web users. From 2009 until now, many new X.509 related standards have been created or updated. In this paper, we performed an increased set of experiments over our 2009 study in order to highlight the improvements and/or regressions in web browsers’ behaviours

    Blockchain-Enabled DPKI Framework

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    Public Key Infrastructures (PKIs), which rely on digital signature technology and establishment of trust and security association parameters between entities, allow entities to interoperate with authentication proofs, using standardized digital certificates (with X.509v3 as the current reference). Despite PKI technology being used by many applications for their security foundations (e.g. WEB/HTTPS/TLS, Cloud-Enabled Services, LANs/WLANs Security, VPNs, IP-Security), there are several concerns regarding their inherent design assumptions based on a centralized trust model. To avoid some problems and drawbacks that emerged from the centralization assumptions, a Decentralized Public Key Infrastructure (DPKI), is an alternative approach. The main idea for DPKIs is the ability to establish trust relations between all parties, in a web-of-trust model, avoiding centralized authorities and related root-of-trust certificates. As a possible solution for DPKI frameworks, the Blockchain technology, as an enabler solution, can help overcome some of the identified PKI problems and security drawbacks. Blockchain-enabled DPKIs can be designed to address a fully decentralized ledger for managed certificates, providing data-replication with strong consistency guarantees, and fairly distributed trust management properties founded on a P2P trust model. In this approach, typical PKI functions are supported cooperatively, with validity agreement based on consistency criteria, for issuing, verification and revocation of X509v3 certificates. It is also possible to address mechanisms to provide rapid reaction of principals in the verification of traceable, shared and immutable history logs of state-changes related to the life-cycle of certificates, with certificate validation rules established consistently by programmable Smart Contracts executed by peers. In this dissertation we designed, implemented and evaluated a Blockchain-Enabled Decentralized Public Key Infrastructure (DPKI) framework, providing an implementation prototype solution that can be used and to support experimental research. The proposal is based on a framework instantiating a permissioned collaborative consortium model, using the service planes supported in an extended Blockchain platform leveraged by the Hyperledger Fabric (HLF) solution. In our proposed DPKI framework model, X509v3 certificates are issued and managed following security invariants, processing rules, managing trust assumptions and establishing consistency metrics, defined and executed in a decentralized way by the Blockchain nodes, using Smart Contracts. Certificates are issued cooperatively and can be issued with group-oriented threshold-based Byzantine fault-tolerant (BFT) signatures, as group-oriented authentication proofs. The Smart Contracts dictate how Blockchain peers participate consistently in issuing, signing, attestation, validation and revocation processes. Any peer can validate certificates obtaining their consistent states consolidated in closed blocks in a Meckle tree structure maintained in the Blockchain. State-transition operations are managed with serializability guarantees, provided by Byzantine Fault Tolerant (BFT) consensus primitives

    Danger is My Middle Name: Experimenting with SSL Vulnerabilities in Android Apps

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    This paper presents a measurement study of information leakage and SSL vulnerabilities in popular Android apps. We perform static and dynamic analysis on 100 apps, downloaded at least 10M times, that request full network access. Our experiments show that, although prior work has drawn a lot of attention to SSL implementations on mobile platforms, several popular apps (32/100) accept all certificates and all hostnames, and four actually transmit sensitive data unencrypted. We set up an experimental testbed simulating man-in-the-middle attacks and find that many apps (up to 91% when the adversary has a certificate installed on the victim's device) are vulnerable, allowing the attacker to access sensitive information, including credentials, files, personal details, and credit card numbers. Finally, we provide a few recommendations to app developers and highlight several open research problems.Comment: A preliminary version of this paper appears in the Proceedings of ACM WiSec 2015. This is the full versio

    Proposed Model for Outsourcing PKI

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    PKI is often referred to as a pervasive substrate. This terminology is used to describe the technological layer that permeates the entirety of the organisation on which PKI services are established. From the mid 1970s when Whitfield Diffie and Martin Hellman published their paper New Directions in Cryptography the concept of Public Key Cryptography, for the first time, allowed two entities with no previous relationship to communicate secure information over unsecured channels. PKI provides the infrastructure that allows Public Key Cryptography to function within a hierarchical structure, providing between two entities, an acceptable level of trust. Outsourcing is the process of acquiring sources or services from an external source. With the modular structure of today's organisations it can also mean that goods and services can be procured from one segment of the organisation to another through inhouse service-supplier agreements. Outsourcing has evolved from the days of heavy industry and manufacturing in the 1960s to the total solution management of today. This dissertation brings together the concepts of both PKI and Outsourcing. It details our AB-5C Model for organisations to outsource a PKI system within the scope of the businesses strategic goals and objectives. Our proposed model takes into account the need to use existing models, procedures and practices in support of an outsourced PKI Model. These include a process or processes to ensure that any outsourced solution adds value to the organisation, and that there is a business strategy that allows the alignment of the outsourcing strategy to the organisations strategic plan

    A Holistic Approach for Trustworthy Distributed Systems with WebAssembly and TEEs

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    Publish/subscribe systems play a key role in enabling communication between numerous devices in distributed and large-scale architectures. While widely adopted, securing such systems often trades portability for additional integrity and attestation guarantees. Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs) offer a potential solution with enclaves to enhance security and trust. However, application development for TEEs is complex, and many existing solutions are tied to specific TEE architectures, limiting adaptability. Current communication protocols also inadequately manage attestation proofs or expose essential attestation information. This paper introduces a novel approach using WebAssembly to address these issues, a key enabling technology nowadays capturing academia and industry attention. We present the design of a portable and fully attested publish/subscribe middleware system as a holistic approach for trustworthy and distributed communication between various systems. Based on this proposal, we have implemented and evaluated in-depth a fully-fledged publish/subscribe broker running within Intel SGX, compiled in WebAssembly, and built on top of industry-battled frameworks and standards, i.e., MQTT and TLS protocols. Our extended TLS protocol preserves the privacy of attestation information, among other benefits. Our experimental results showcase most overheads, revealing a 1.55x decrease in message throughput when using a trusted broker. We open-source the contributions of this work to the research community to facilitate experimental reproducibility.Comment: This publication incorporates results from the VEDLIoT project, which received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 95719

    Certificate validation in untrusted domains

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    Authentication is a vital part of establishing secure, online transactions and Public key Infrastructure (PKI) plays a crucial role in this process for a relying party. A PKI certificate provides proof of identity for a subject and it inherits its trustworthiness from the fact that its issuer is a known (trusted) Certification Authority (CA) that vouches for the binding between a public key and a subject's identity. Certificate Policies (CPs) are the regulations recognized by PKI participants and they are used as a basis for the evaluation of the trust embodied in PKI certificates. However, CPs are written in natural language which can lead to ambiguities, spelling errors, and a lack of consistency when describing the policies. This makes it difficult to perform comparison between different CPs. This thesis offers a solution to the problems that arise when there is not a trusted CA to vouch for the trust embodied in a certificate. With the worldwide, increasing number of online transactions over Internet, it has highly desirable to find a method for authenticating subjects in untrusted domains. The process of formalisation for CPs described in this thesis allows their semantics to be described. The formalisation relies on the XML language for describing the structure of the CP and the formalization process passes through three stages with the outcome of the last stage being 27 applicable criteria. These criteria become a tool assisting a relying party to decide the level of trust that he/she can place on a subject certificate. The criteria are applied to the CP of the issuer of the subject certificate. To test their validity, the criteria developed have been examined against the UNCITRAL Model Law for Electronic Signatures and they are able to handle the articles of the UNCITRAL law. Finally, a case study is conducted in order to show the applicability of the criteria. A real CPs have been used to prove their applicability and convergence. This shows that the criteria can handle the correspondence activities defined in a real CPs adequately.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceKing Abdulaziz UniversityGBUnited Kingdo

    Collaborative intelligent email ranking system

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    Email has become one of the most powerful communication tools today. It is has widely proliferated in both business and personal use. It allows for fast communication between multiple parties that can be easily understood by even the most novice user, and allows for advanced transfer of data for power users. Even with that, it is one of the most abused systems on the Internet. Email systems have allowed for widespread distribution of the worst viruses on the Internet, causing billions of dollars in damage. Most of the technologies that have been deployed to prevent these types of attacks have been thwarted; A new email protocol is required to implement accreditation, authentication and reputation to overcome these issues. This new system is a combination of currently accepted systems, along with additions to make them more effective as a whole. This new system is called Collaborative Intelligent Email Ranking System (CIERS)

    SoK: Delegation and Revocation, the Missing Links in the Web's Chain of Trust

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    The ability to quickly revoke a compromised key is critical to the security of any public-key infrastructure. Regrettably, most traditional certificate revocation schemes suffer from latency, availability, or privacy problems. These problems are exacerbated by the lack of a native delegation mechanism in TLS, which increasingly leads domain owners to engage in dangerous practices such as sharing their private keys with third parties. We analyze solutions that address the long-standing delegation and revocation shortcomings of the web PKI, with a focus on approaches that directly affect the chain of trust (i.e., the X.509 certification path). For this purpose, we propose a 19-criteria framework for characterizing revocation and delegation schemes. We also show that combining short-lived delegated credentials or proxy certificates with an appropriate revocation system would solve several pressing problems.Comment: IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy (EuroS&P) 202
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