842 research outputs found

    Replica placement to mitigate attacks on clouds

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    Execution of critical services traditionally requires multiple distinct replicas, supported by independent networks and hardware. To operate properly, these services often depend on the correctness of a fraction of replicas, usually over 2/3 or 1/2. Defying the ideal situation, economical reasons may tempt users to replicate critical services onto a single multi-tenant cloud infrastructure. Since this may expose users to correlated failures, we assess the risks for two kinds of majorities: a conventional one, related to the number of replicas, regardless of the machines where they run; and a second one, related to the physical machines where the replicas run. This latter case may exist in multi-tenant virtualized environments only. To assess these risks, under crash and Byzantine failures of virtual and physical machines, we resort to theoretical and experimental evaluation. Contrary to what one might expect, we conclude that it is not always favorable to distribute replicas evenly over a fixed number of physical machines. On the contrary, we found cases where they should be as unbalanced as possible. We systematically identify the best defense for each kind of failure and majority to preserve. We then review the most common real-life attacks on clouds and discuss the a priori placement of service replicas that minimizes the effects of these attacks

    Optimizing Data Placement for Cost Effective and High Available Multi-Cloud Storage

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    With the advent of big data age, data volume has been changed from trillionbyte to petabyte with incredible speed. Owing to the fact that cloud storage offers the vision of a virtually infinite pool of storage resources, data can be stored and accessed with high scalability and availability. But a single cloud-based data storage has risks like vendor lock-in, privacy leakage, and unavailability. Multi-cloud storage can mitigate these risks with geographically located cloud storage providers. In this storage scheme, one important challenge is how to place a user's data cost-effectively with high availability. In this paper, an architecture for multi-cloud storage is presented. Next, a multi-objective optimization problem is defined to minimize total cost and maximize data availability simultaneously, which can be solved by an approach based on the non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm II (NSGA-II) and obtain a set of non-dominated solutions called the Pareto-optimal set. Then, a method is proposed which is based on the entropy method to determine the most suitable solution for users who cannot choose one from the Pareto-optimal set directly. Finally, the performance of the proposed algorithm is validated by extensive experiments based on real-world multiple cloud storage scenarios

    StopWatch: A Cloud Architecture for Timing Channel Mitigation

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    Replication and placement for security in distributed systems

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    In this thesis we show how the security of replicated objects in distributed systems, in terms of either the objects' confidentiality or availability, can be improved through the placement of objects' replicas so as to carefully manage the nodes on which objects' replicas overlap. In the first part of this thesis we present StopWatch , a system that defends against timing-based side-channel attacks that arise from coresidency of victims and attackers in infrastructure-as-a-service clouds and threaten confidentiality of victims' data. StopWatch triplicates each cloudresident guest virtual machine (VM) and places replicas so that the three replicas of a guest VM are coresident with nonoverlapping sets of (replicas of) other VMs. StopWatch uses the timing of I/O events at a VM's replicas collectively to determine the timings observed by each one or by an external observer, so that observable timing behaviors are similarly likely in the absence of any other individual, coresident VM. We detail the design and implementation of StopWatch in Xen, evaluate the factors that influence its performance, demonstrate its advantages relative to alternative defenses against timing side-channels with commodity hardware, and address the problem of placing VM replicas in a cloud under the constraints of StopWatch so as to still enable adequate cloud utilization. We then explore the problem of placing object replicas on nodes in a distributed system to maximize the number of objects that remain available when node failures occur. In our model, failing (the nodes hosting) a given threshold of replicas is sufficient to disable each object, and the adversary selects which nodes to fail to minimize the number of objects that remain available. We specifically explore placement strategies based on combinatorial structures called t-packings; provide a lower bound for the object availability they offer; show that these placements offer availability that is c-competitive with optimal; and propose an efficient algorithm for computing combinations of t-packings that maximize their availability lower bound. We compare the availability offered by our approach to that of random replica placement, owing to the popularity of the latter approach in previous work. After quantifying the availability offered by random replica placement in our model, we show that our combinatorial strategy yields placements with better availability than random replica placement for many realistic parameter values. Finally, we provide parameter selection strategies to concretely instantiate our schemes for different system sizes.Doctor of Philosoph


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    Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) enter a rapid growth era due to their attractive flexibility and CMOS-compatible fabrication process. However, the increasing popularity and usage of FPGAs bring in some security concerns, such as intellectual property privacy, malicious stealthy design modification, and leak of confidential information. To address the security threats on FPGA systems, majority of existing efforts focus on counteracting the reverse engineering attacks on the downloaded FPGA configuration file or the retrieval of authentication code or crypto key stored on the FPGA memory. In this thesis, we extensively investigate new potential attacks originated from the untrusted computer-aided design (CAD) suite for FPGAs. We further propose a series of countermeasures to thwart those attacks. For the scenario of using FPGAs to replace obsolete aging components in legacy systems, we propose a Runtime Pin Grounding (RPG) scheme to ground the unused pins and check the pin status at every clock cycle, and exploit the principle of moving target defense (MTD) to develop a hardware MTD (HMTD) method against hardware Trojan attacks. Our method reduces the hardware Trojan bypass rate by up to 61% over existing solutions at the cost of 0.1% more FPGA utilization. For general FPGA applications, we extend HMTD to a FPGA-oriented MTD (FOMTD) method, which aims for thwarting FPGA tools induced design tampering. Our FOMTD is composed of three defense lines on user constraints file, random design replica selection, and runtime submodule assembling. Theoretical analyses and FPGA emulation results show that proposed FOMTD is capable to tackle three levels’ attacks from malicious FPGA design software suite
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