7 research outputs found

    Olisipo: A Probabilistic Approach to the Adaptable Execution of Deterministic Temporal Plans

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    The robust execution of a temporal plan in a perturbed environment is a problem that remains to be solved. Perturbed environments, such as the real world, are non-deterministic and filled with uncertainty. Hence, the execution of a temporal plan presents several challenges and the employed solution often consists of replanning when the execution fails. In this paper, we propose a novel algorithm, named Olisipo, which aims to maximise the probability of a successful execution of a temporal plan in perturbed environments. To achieve this, a probabilistic model is used in the execution of the plan, instead of in the building of the plan. This approach enables Olisipo to dynamically adapt the plan to changes in the environment. In addition to this, the execution of the plan is also adapted to the probability of successfully executing each action. Olisipo was compared to a simple dispatcher and it was shown that it consistently had a higher probability of successfully reaching a goal state in uncertain environments, performed fewer replans and also executed fewer actions. Hence, Olisipo offers a substantial improvement in performance for disturbed environments

    Adaptive search techniques in AI planning and heuristic search

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    State-space search is a common approach to solve problems appearing in artificial intelligence and other subfields of computer science. In such problems, an agent must find a sequence of actions leading from an initial state to a goal state. However, the state spaces of practical applications are often too large to explore exhaustively. Hence, heuristic functions that estimate the distance to a goal state (such as straight-line distance for navigation tasks) are used to guide the search more effectively. Heuristic search is typically viewed as a static process. The heuristic function is assumed to be unchanged throughout the search, and its resulting values are directly used for guidance without applying any further reasoning to them. Yet critical aspects of the task may only be discovered during the search, e.g., regions of the state space where the heuristic does not yield reliable values. Our work here aims to make this process more dynamic, allowing the search to adapt to such observations. One form of adaptation that we consider is online refinement of the heuristic function. We design search algorithms that detect weaknesses in the heuristic, and address them with targeted refinement operations. If the heuristic converges to perfect estimates, this results in a secondary method of progress, causing search algorithms that are otherwise incomplete to eventually find a solution. We also consider settings that inherently require adaptation: In online replanning, a plan that is being executed must be amended for changes in the environment. Similarly, in real-time search, an agent must act under strict time constraints with limited information. The search algorithms we introduce in this work share a common pattern of online adaptation, allowing them to effectively react to challenges encountered during the search. We evaluate our contributions on a wide range of standard benchmarks. Our results show that the flexibility of these algorithms makes them more robust than traditional approaches, and they often yield substantial improvements over current state-of-the-art planners.Die Zustandsraumsuche ist ein oft verwendeter Ansatz um verschiedene Probleme zu lösen, die in der KĂŒnstlichen Intelligenz und anderen Bereichen der Informatik auftreten. Dabei muss ein Akteur eine Folge von Aktionen finden, die einen Pfad von einem Startzustand zu einem Zielzustand bilden. Die ZustandsrĂ€ume von praktischen Anwendungen sind hĂ€ufig zu groß um sie vollstĂ€ndig zu durchsuchen. Aus diesem Grund leitet man die Suche mit Heuristiken, die die Distanz zu einem Zielzustand abschĂ€tzen; zum Beispiel lĂ€sst sich die Luftliniendistanz als Heuristik fĂŒr Navigationsprobleme einsetzen. Heuristische Suche wird typischerweise als statischer Prozess angesehen. Man nimmt an, dass die Heuristik wĂ€hrend der Suche eine unverĂ€nderte Funktion ist, und die resultierenden Werte werden direkt zur Leitung der Suche benutzt ohne weitere Logik darauf anzuwenden. Jedoch könnten kritische Aspekte des Problems erst im Laufe der Suche erkannt werden, wie zum Beispiel Bereiche des Zustandsraums in denen die Heuristik keine verlĂ€sslichen AbschĂ€tzungen liefert. In dieser Arbeit wird der Suchprozess dynamischer gestaltet und der Suche ermöglicht sich solchen Beobachtungen anzupassen. Eine Art dieser Anpassung ist die Onlineverbesserung der Heuristik. Es werden Suchalgorithmen entwickelt, die SchwĂ€chen in der Heuristik erkennen und mit gezielten Verbesserungsoperationen beheben. Wenn die Heuristik zu perfekten Werten konvergiert ergibt sich daraus eine zusĂ€tzliche Form von Fortschritt, wodurch auch Suchalgorithmen, die sonst unvollstĂ€ndig sind, garantiert irgendwann eine Lösung finden werden. Es werden auch Szenarien betrachtet, die schon von sich aus Anpassung erfordern: In der Onlineumplanung muss ein Plan, der gerade ausgefĂŒhrt wird, auf Änderungen in der Umgebung angepasst werden. Ähnlich dazu muss sich ein Akteur in der Echtzeitsuche unter strengen Zeitauflagen und mit eingeschrĂ€nkten Informationen bewegen. Die Suchalgorithmen, die in dieser Arbeit eingefĂŒhrt werden, folgen einem gemeinsamen Muster von Onlineanpassung, was ihnen ermöglicht effektiv auf Herausforderungen zu reagieren die im Verlauf der Suche aufkommen. Diese AnsĂ€tze werden auf einer breiten Reihe von Benchmarks ausgewertet. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die FlexibilitĂ€t dieser Algorithmen zu erhöhter ZuverlĂ€ssigkeit im Vergleich zu traditionellen AnsĂ€tzen fĂŒhrt, und es werden oft deutliche Verbesserungen gegenĂŒber modernen Planungssystemen erzielt.DFG grant 389792660 as part of TRR 248 – CPEC (see https://perspicuous-computing.science), and DFG grant HO 2169/5-1, "Critically Constrained Planning via Partial Delete Relaxation

    28th International Symposium on Temporal Representation and Reasoning (TIME 2021)

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    The 28th International Symposium on Temporal Representation and Reasoning (TIME 2021) was planned to take place in Klagenfurt, Austria, but had to move to an online conference due to the insecurities and restrictions caused by the pandemic. Since its frst edition in 1994, TIME Symposium is quite unique in the panorama of the scientifc conferences as its main goal is to bring together researchers from distinct research areas involving the management and representation of temporal data as well as the reasoning about temporal aspects of information. Moreover, TIME Symposium aims to bridge theoretical and applied research, as well as to serve as an interdisciplinary forum for exchange among researchers from the areas of artifcial intelligence, database management, logic and verifcation, and beyond

    Verified multi-robot planning under uncertainty

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    Multi-robot systems are being increasingly deployed to solve real-world problems, from warehouses to autonomous fleets for logistics, from hospitals to nuclear power plants and emergency search and rescue scenarios. These systems often need to operate in uncertain environments which can lead to robot failure, uncertain action durations or the inability to complete assigned tasks. In many scenarios, the safety or reliability of these systems is critical to their deployment. Therefore there is a need for robust multi-robot planning solutions that offer guarantees on the performance of the robot team. In this thesis we develop techniques for robust multi-robot task allocation and planning under uncertainty by building on techniques from formal verification. We present three algorithms that solve the problem of task allocation and planning for a multi-robot team operating under uncertainty. These algorithms are able to calculate the expected maximum number of tasks the multi-robot team can achieve, considering the possibility of robot failure. They are also able to reallocate tasks when robots fail. We formalise the problem of task allocation and robust planning for a multi-robot team using Linear Temporal Logic to specify the team's mission and Markov decision processes to model the robots. Our first solution method is a sampling based approach to simultaneous task allocation and planning. Our second solution method separates task allocation and planning for the same problem using auctioning for the former. Our final solution lies midway between the first two using simultaneous task allocation and planning in a sequential team model. We evaluate all solution approaches extensively using a set of tests inspired by existing benchmarks in related fields with a focus on scalability

    Towards full-scale autonomy for multi-vehicle systems planning and acting in extreme environments

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    Currently, robotic technology offers flexible platforms for addressing many challenging problems that arise in extreme environments. These problems’ nature enhances the use of heterogeneous multi-vehicle systems which can coordinate and collaborate to achieve a common set of goals. While such applications have previously been explored in limited contexts, long-term deployments in such settings often require an advanced level of autonomy to maintain operability. The success of planning and acting approaches for multi-robot systems are conditioned by including reasoning regarding temporal, resource and knowledge requirements, and world dynamics. Automated planning provides the tools to enable intelligent behaviours in robotic systems. However, whilst many planning approaches and plan execution techniques have been proposed, these solutions highlight an inability to consistently build and execute high-quality plans. Motivated by these challenges, this thesis presents developments advancing state-of-the-art temporal planning and acting to address multi-robot problems. We propose a set of advanced techniques, methods and tools to build a high-level temporal planning and execution system that can devise, execute and monitor plans suitable for long-term missions in extreme environments. We introduce a new task allocation strategy, called HRTA, that optimises the task distribution amongst the heterogeneous fleet, relaxes the planning problem and boosts the plan search. We implement the TraCE planner that enforces contingent planning considering propositional temporal and numeric constraints to deal with partial observability about the initial state. Our developments regarding robust plan execution and mission adaptability include the HLMA, which efficiently optimises the task allocation and refines the planning model considering the experience from robots’ previous mission executions. We introduce the SEA failure solver that, combined with online planning, overcomes unexpected situations during mission execution, deals with joint goals implementation, and enhances mission operability in long-term deployments. Finally, we demonstrate the efficiency of our approaches with a series of experiments using a new set of real-world planning domains.Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) grant EP/R026173/

    Replanning for Situated Robots

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    Planning enables intelligent agents, such as robots, to act so as to achieve their long term goals. To make the planning process tractable, a relatively low fidelity model of the world is often used, which sometimes leads to the need to replan. The typical view of replanning is that the robot is given the current state, the goal, and possibly some data from the previous planning process. However, for robots (or teams of robots) that exist in continuous physical space, act concurrently, have deadlines, or must otherwise consider durative actions, things are not so simple. In this paper, we address the problem of replanning for situated robots. Relying on previous work on situated temporal planning, we frame the replanning problem as a situated temporal planning problem, where currently executing actions are handled via Timed Initial Literals (TILs), under the assumption that actions cannot be interrupted. We then relax this assumption, and address situated replanning with interruptible actions. We bridge the gap between the low-level model of the robot and the high-level model used for planning by the novel notion of a bail out action generator, which relies on the low-level model to generate highlevel actions that describe possible ways to interrupt currently executing actions. Because actions can be interrupted at different times during their execution, we also propose a novel algorithm to handle temporal planning with time-dependent durations

    Replanning for Situated Robots

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    Planning enables intelligent agents, such as robots, to act so as to achieve their long term goals. To make the planning process tractable, a relatively low fidelity model of the world is often used, which sometimes leads to the need to replan. The typical view of replanning is that the robot is given the current state, the goal, and possibly some data from the previous planning process. However, for robots (or teams of robots) that exist in continuous physical space, act concurrently, have deadlines, or must otherwise consider durative actions, things are not so simple. In this paper, we address the problem of replanning for situated robots. Relying on previous work on situated temporal planning, we frame the replanning problem as a situated temporal planning problem, where currently executing actions are handled via Timed Initial Literals (TILs), under the assumption that actions cannot be interrupted. We then relax this assumption, and address situated replanning with interruptible actions. We bridge the gap between the low-level model of the robot and the high-level model used for planning by the novel notion of a bail out action generator, which relies on the low-level model to generate highlevel actions that describe possible ways to interrupt currently executing actions. Because actions can be interrupted at different times during their execution, we also propose a novel algorithm to handle temporal planning with time-dependent durations