65,918 research outputs found

    Event shapes in N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory

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    We study event shapes in N=4 SYM describing the angular distribution of energy and R-charge in the final states created by the simplest half-BPS scalar operator. Applying the approach developed in the companion paper arXiv:1309.0769, we compute these observables using the correlation functions of certain components of the N=4 stress-tensor supermultiplet: the half-BPS operator itself, the R-symmetry current and the stress tensor. We present master formulas for the all-order event shapes as convolutions of the Mellin amplitude defining the correlation function of the half-BPS operators, with a coupling-independent kernel determined by the choice of the observable. We find remarkably simple relations between various event shapes following from N=4 superconformal symmetry. We perform thorough checks at leading order in the weak coupling expansion and show perfect agreement with the conventional calculations based on amplitude techniques. We extend our results to strong coupling using the correlation function of half-BPS operators obtained from the AdS/CFT correspondence.Comment: 52 pages, 6 figures; v2: typos correcte

    A refinement of the Gribov-Zwanziger approach in the Landau gauge: infrared propagators in harmony with the lattice results

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    Recent lattice data have reported an infrared suppressed, positivity violating gluon propagator which is nonvanishing at zero momentum and a ghost propagator which is no longer enhanced. This paper discusses how to obtain analytical results which are in qualitative agreement with these lattice data within the Gribov-Zwanziger framework. This framework allows one to take into account effects related to the existence of gauge copies, by restricting the domain of integration in the path integral to the Gribov region. We elaborate to great extent on a previous short paper by presenting additional results, also confirmed by the numerical simulations. A detailed discussion on the soft breaking of the BRST symmetry arising in the Gribov-Zwanziger approach is provided.Comment: 38 pages, 9 figures, the content of section V has been extended and adapte

    Space-like (vs. time-like) collinear limits in QCD: is factorization violated?

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    We consider the singular behaviour of QCD scattering amplitudes in kinematical configurations where two or more momenta of the external partons become collinear. At the tree level, this behaviour is known to be controlled by factorization formulae in which the singular collinear factor is universal (process independent). We show that this strict (process-independent) factorization is not valid at one-loop and higher-loop orders in the case of the collinear limit in space-like regions (e.g., collinear radiation from initial-state partons). We introduce a generalized version of all-order collinear factorization, in which the space-like singular factors retain some dependence on the momentum and colour charge of the non-collinear partons. We present explicit results on one-loop and two-loop amplitudes for both the two-parton and multiparton collinear limits. At the level of square amplitudes and, more generally, cross sections in hadron--hadron collisions, the violation of strict collinear factorization has implications on the non-abelian structure of logarithmically-enhanced terms in perturbative calculations (starting from the next-to-next-to-leading order) and on various factorization issues of mass singularities (starting from the next-to-next-to-next-to-leading order).Comment: 81 pages, 5 figures, typos corrected in the text, few comments added and inclusion of NOTE ADDED on recent development

    BPS Operators in N=4 SYM: Calogero Models and 2D Fermions

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    A connection between the gauge fixed dynamics of protected operators in superconformal Yang-Mills theory in four dimensions and Calogero systems is established. This connection generalizes the free Fermion description of the chiral primary operators of the gauge theory formed out of a single complex scalar to more general operators. In particular, a detailed analysis of protected operators charged under an su(1|1)contained in psu(2,2|4) is carried out and a class of operators is identified, whose dynamics is described by the rational super-Calogero model. These results are generalized to arbitrary BPS operators charged under an su(2|3) of the superconformal algebra. Analysis of the non-local symmetries of the super-Calogero model is also carried out, and it is shown that symmetry for a large class of protected operators is a contraction of the corresponding Yangian algebra to a loop algebra.Comment: 29 pages, 3 figure

    The Volume Operator in Spherically Symmetric Quantum Geometry

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    The spherically symmetric volume operator is discussed and all its eigenstates and eigenvalues are computed. Even though the operator is more complicated than its homogeneous analog, the spectra are related in the sense that the larger spherically symmetric volume spectrum adds fine structure to the homogeneous spectrum. The formulas of this paper complete the derivation of an explicit calculus for spherically symmetric models which is needed for future physical investigations.Comment: 25 pages, 2 figure

    A generalized Hamiltonian Constraint Operator in Loop Quantum Gravity and its simplest Euclidean Matrix Elements

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    We study a generalized version of the Hamiltonian constraint operator in nonperturbative loop quantum gravity. The generalization is based on admitting arbitrary irreducible SU(2) representations in the regularization of the operator, in contrast to the original definition where only the fundamental representation is taken. This leads to a quantization ambiguity and to a family of operators with the same classical limit. We calculate the action of the Euclidean part of the generalized Hamiltonian constraint on trivalent states, using the graphical notation of Temperley-Lieb recoupling theory. We discuss the relation between this generalization of the Hamiltonian constraint and crossing symmetry.Comment: 35 pp, 20 eps figures; minor corrections, references added; version to appear in Class. Quant. Gra

    Quantum Holonomy in Three-dimensional General Covariant Field Theory and Link Invariant

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    We consider quantum holonomy of some three-dimensional general covariant non-Abelian field theory in Landau gauge and confirm a previous result partially proven. We show that quantum holonomy retains metric independence after explicit gauge fixing and hence possesses the topological property of a link invariant. We examine the generalized quantum holonomy defined on a multi-component link and discuss its relation to a polynomial for the link.Comment: RevTex, 12 pages. The metric independence of path integral measure is justified and the case of multi-component link is discussed in detail. To be published in Physical Review
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