690 research outputs found

    Reflections on the future of research curation and research reproducibility

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    In the years since the launch of the World Wide Web in 1993, there have been profoundly transformative changes to the entire concept of publishing—exceeding all the previous combined technical advances of the centuries following the introduction of movable type in medieval Asia around the year 10001 and the subsequent large-scale commercialization of printing several centuries later by J. Gutenberg (circa 1440). Periodicals in print—from daily newspapers to scholarly journals—are now quickly disappearing, never to return, and while no publishing sector has been unaffected, many scholarly journals are almost unrecognizable in comparison with their counterparts of two decades ago. To say that digital delivery of the written word is fundamentally different is a huge understatement. Online publishing permits inclusion of multimedia and interactive content that add new dimensions to what had been available in print-only renderings. As of this writing, the IEEE portfolio of journal titles comprises 59 online only2 (31%) and 132 that are published in both print and online. The migration from print to online is more stark than these numbers indicate because of the 132 periodicals that are both print and online, the print runs are now quite small and continue to decline. In short, most readers prefer to have their subscriptions fulfilled by digital renderings only


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    Science is allegedly in the midst of a reproducibility crisis, but questions of reproducibility and related principles date back nearly 80 years. Numerous controversies have arisen, especially since 2010, in a wide array of disciplines that stem from the failure to reproduce studies or their findings:biology, biomedical and preclinical research, business and organizational studies, computational sciences, drug discovery, economics, education, epidemiology and statistics, genetics, immunology, policy research, political science, psychology, and sociology. This monograph defines terms and constructs related to reproducible research, weighs key considerations and challenges in reproducing or replicating studies, and discusses transparency in publications that can support reproducible research goals. It attempts to clarify reproducible research, with its attendant (andconfusing or even conflicting) lexicon and aims to provide useful background, definitions, and practical guidance for all readers. Among its conclusions: First, researchers must become better educated about these issues, particularly the differences between the concepts and terms. The main benefit is being able to communicate clearly within their own fields and, more importantly, across multiple disciplines. In addition, scientists need to embrace these concepts as part of their responsibilities as good stewards of research funding and as providers of credible information for policy decision making across many areas of public concern. Finally, although focusing on transparency and documentation is essential, ultimately the goal is achieving the most rigorous, high-quality science possible given limitations on time, funding, or other resources.Publishe

    The Role and Relevance of Experimentation in Informatics

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    Informatics is a relatively young eld within sci- ence and engineering. Its research and develop- ment methodologies build on the scientic and de- sign methodologies in the classical areas, often with new elements to it. We take an in-depth look at one of the less well-understood methodologies in infor- matics, namely experimentation. What does it mean to do experiments in in- formatics? Does it make sense to `import' tradi- tional principles of experimentation from classical disciplines into the eld of computing and informa- tion processing? How should experiments be docu- mented? These are some of the questions that are treated. The report argues for the key role of empiri- cal research and experimentation in contemporary Informatics. Many IT systems, large and small, can only be designed sensibly with the help of experiments. We recommend that professionals and students alike are well-educated in the prin- ciples of sound experimentation in Informatics. We also recommend that experimentation protocols are used and standardized as part of the experimental method in Informatic

    Skills and Knowledge for Data-Intensive Environmental Research.

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    The scale and magnitude of complex and pressing environmental issues lend urgency to the need for integrative and reproducible analysis and synthesis, facilitated by data-intensive research approaches. However, the recent pace of technological change has been such that appropriate skills to accomplish data-intensive research are lacking among environmental scientists, who more than ever need greater access to training and mentorship in computational skills. Here, we provide a roadmap for raising data competencies of current and next-generation environmental researchers by describing the concepts and skills needed for effectively engaging with the heterogeneous, distributed, and rapidly growing volumes of available data. We articulate five key skills: (1) data management and processing, (2) analysis, (3) software skills for science, (4) visualization, and (5) communication methods for collaboration and dissemination. We provide an overview of the current suite of training initiatives available to environmental scientists and models for closing the skill-transfer gap

    Reproducibility: A primer on semantics and implications for research

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    Science is allegedly in the midst of a reproducibility crisis, but questions of reproducibility and related principles date back nearly 80 years. Numerous controversies have arisen, especially since 2010, in a wide array of disciplines that stem from the failure to reproduce studies or their findings:biology, biomedical and preclinical research, business and organizational studies, computational sciences, drug discovery, economics, education, epidemiology and statistics, genetics, immunology, policy research, political science, psychology, and sociology. This monograph defines terms and constructs related to reproducible research, weighs key considerations and challenges in reproducing or replicating studies, and discusses transparency in publications that can support reproducible research goals. It attempts to clarify reproducible research, with its attendant (and confusing or even conflicting) lexicon and aims to provide useful background, definitions, and practical guidance for all readers. Among its conclusions: First, researchers must become better educated about these issues, particularly the differences between the concepts and terms. The main benefit is being able to communicate clearly within their own fields and, more importantly, across multiple disciplines. In addition, scientists need to embrace these concepts as part of their responsibilities as good stewards of research funding and as providers of credible information for policy decision making across many areas of public concern. Finally, although focusing on transparency and documentation is essential, ultimately the goal is achieving the most rigorous, high-quality science possible given limitations on time, funding, or other resources

    A provenance-based semantic approach to support understandability, reproducibility, and reuse of scientific experiments

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    Understandability and reproducibility of scientific results are vital in every field of science. Several reproducibility measures are being taken to make the data used in the publications findable and accessible. However, there are many challenges faced by scientists from the beginning of an experiment to the end in particular for data management. The explosive growth of heterogeneous research data and understanding how this data has been derived is one of the research problems faced in this context. Interlinking the data, the steps and the results from the computational and non-computational processes of a scientific experiment is important for the reproducibility. We introduce the notion of end-to-end provenance management'' of scientific experiments to help scientists understand and reproduce the experimental results. The main contributions of this thesis are: (1) We propose a provenance modelREPRODUCE-ME'' to describe the scientific experiments using semantic web technologies by extending existing standards. (2) We study computational reproducibility and important aspects required to achieve it. (3) Taking into account the REPRODUCE-ME provenance model and the study on computational reproducibility, we introduce our tool, ProvBook, which is designed and developed to demonstrate computational reproducibility. It provides features to capture and store provenance of Jupyter notebooks and helps scientists to compare and track their results of different executions. (4) We provide a framework, CAESAR (CollAborative Environment for Scientific Analysis with Reproducibility) for the end-to-end provenance management. This collaborative framework allows scientists to capture, manage, query and visualize the complete path of a scientific experiment consisting of computational and non-computational steps in an interoperable way. We apply our contributions to a set of scientific experiments in microscopy research projects
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