609 research outputs found

    Cross-layer Optimized Wireless Video Surveillance

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    A wireless video surveillance system contains three major components, the video capture and preprocessing, the video compression and transmission over wireless sensor networks (WSNs), and the video analysis at the receiving end. The coordination of different components is important for improving the end-to-end video quality, especially under the communication resource constraint. Cross-layer control proves to be an efficient measure for optimal system configuration. In this dissertation, we address the problem of implementing cross-layer optimization in the wireless video surveillance system. The thesis work is based on three research projects. In the first project, a single PTU (pan-tilt-unit) camera is used for video object tracking. The problem studied is how to improve the quality of the received video by jointly considering the coding and transmission process. The cross-layer controller determines the optimal coding and transmission parameters, according to the dynamic channel condition and the transmission delay. Multiple error concealment strategies are developed utilizing the special property of the PTU camera motion. In the second project, the binocular PTU camera is adopted for video object tracking. The presented work studied the fast disparity estimation algorithm and the 3D video transcoding over the WSN for real-time applications. The disparity/depth information is estimated in a coarse-to-fine manner using both local and global methods. The transcoding is coordinated by the cross-layer controller based on the channel condition and the data rate constraint, in order to achieve the best view synthesis quality. The third project is applied for multi-camera motion capture in remote healthcare monitoring. The challenge is the resource allocation for multiple video sequences. The presented cross-layer design incorporates the delay sensitive, content-aware video coding and transmission, and the adaptive video coding and transmission to ensure the optimal and balanced quality for the multi-view videos. In these projects, interdisciplinary study is conducted to synergize the surveillance system under the cross-layer optimization framework. Experimental results demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed schemes. The challenges of cross-layer design in existing wireless video surveillance systems are also analyzed to enlighten the future work. Adviser: Song C

    Cross-layer Optimized Wireless Video Surveillance

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    A wireless video surveillance system contains three major components, the video capture and preprocessing, the video compression and transmission over wireless sensor networks (WSNs), and the video analysis at the receiving end. The coordination of different components is important for improving the end-to-end video quality, especially under the communication resource constraint. Cross-layer control proves to be an efficient measure for optimal system configuration. In this dissertation, we address the problem of implementing cross-layer optimization in the wireless video surveillance system. The thesis work is based on three research projects. In the first project, a single PTU (pan-tilt-unit) camera is used for video object tracking. The problem studied is how to improve the quality of the received video by jointly considering the coding and transmission process. The cross-layer controller determines the optimal coding and transmission parameters, according to the dynamic channel condition and the transmission delay. Multiple error concealment strategies are developed utilizing the special property of the PTU camera motion. In the second project, the binocular PTU camera is adopted for video object tracking. The presented work studied the fast disparity estimation algorithm and the 3D video transcoding over the WSN for real-time applications. The disparity/depth information is estimated in a coarse-to-fine manner using both local and global methods. The transcoding is coordinated by the cross-layer controller based on the channel condition and the data rate constraint, in order to achieve the best view synthesis quality. The third project is applied for multi-camera motion capture in remote healthcare monitoring. The challenge is the resource allocation for multiple video sequences. The presented cross-layer design incorporates the delay sensitive, content-aware video coding and transmission, and the adaptive video coding and transmission to ensure the optimal and balanced quality for the multi-view videos. In these projects, interdisciplinary study is conducted to synergize the surveillance system under the cross-layer optimization framework. Experimental results demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed schemes. The challenges of cross-layer design in existing wireless video surveillance systems are also analyzed to enlighten the future work. Adviser: Song C

    Multi-wavelength infrared imaging computer systems and applications

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    This dissertation presents the development of three computer systems for multi-wavelength thermal imaging. Two computer systems were developed for the multi-wavelength imaging pyrometers (M-WIPs) that yield non-contact temperature measurements by remotely sensing the surface of objects with unknown wavelength-dependent emissivity. These M-WIP computer systems represent the state-of-art development in remote temperature measurement system based on the multi-wavelength approach. The dissertation research includes M-WIP computer system integration, software development, performance evaluation, and also applications in monitoring and control of temperature distribution of silicon wafers in a rapid thermal process system. The two M-WIPs are capable of data acquisition, signal processing, system calibration, radiometric measurement, parallel processing and process control. Temperature measurement experiments demonstrated the accuracy of ±1°C against blackbody and ±4°C for colorbody objects. Various algorithms were developed and implemented, including real-time two-point non-uniformity correction, thermal image pseudocoloring, PC to SUN workstation data transfer, automatic IR camera integration time control, and radiometric measurement parallel processing. A third computer system was developed for the demonstration of a 3-color InGaAs FPA which can provide images with information in three different IR wavelength range simultaneously. Numbers of functions were developed to demonstrate and characterize 3-color FPAs, and the system was delivered to be used by the 3-color FPA manufacturer

    Hospitality lighting solutions communication framework

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    Hospitality customers are looking for systems that involve more than just turning the light on and off. They want lighting solutions that are energy-efficient, flexible and that will help enhance the guest experience. Based on on-going research about the impact that light can have in different applications and an analysis of the European Hospitality market, specific total lighting solutions concepts are being developed to address these needs. Therefore, as Philips is moving from a product provider to a total solution partner, there is a need to establish a new framework to communicate about these new positions in the market, also known as propositions. Propositions are a combination of several products, a range of controls and systems in an overall solution package. Although this framework is applicable to any segment within the Philips Lighting professional market group, in this assignment Hospitality has been selected as the carrier. The first step was to translate the available Philips technologies portfolio into meaningful solutions for all relevant areas in a typical hotel. In parallel, an analysis of the end user profile and the related addressable market size was carried out to estimate the business opportunities. Last, the development of recommendations for new communication tools was made. These new tools aim to overcome the existing challenges that the sales force encounters when presenting total lighting solutions. These challenges are identified under the new solution consultative selling process framework, where the diverse Hospitality audience needs to be analyzed

    A continuum robotic platform for endoscopic non-contact laser surgery: design, control, and preclinical evaluation

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    The application of laser technologies in surgical interventions has been accepted in the clinical domain due to their atraumatic properties. In addition to manual application of fibre-guided lasers with tissue contact, non-contact transoral laser microsurgery (TLM) of laryngeal tumours has been prevailed in ENT surgery. However, TLM requires many years of surgical training for tumour resection in order to preserve the function of adjacent organs and thus preserve the patient’s quality of life. The positioning of the microscopic laser applicator outside the patient can also impede a direct line-of-sight to the target area due to anatomical variability and limit the working space. Further clinical challenges include positioning the laser focus on the tissue surface, imaging, planning and performing laser ablation, and motion of the target area during surgery. This dissertation aims to address the limitations of TLM through robotic approaches and intraoperative assistance. Although a trend towards minimally invasive surgery is apparent, no highly integrated platform for endoscopic delivery of focused laser radiation is available to date. Likewise, there are no known devices that incorporate scene information from endoscopic imaging into ablation planning and execution. For focusing of the laser beam close to the target tissue, this work first presents miniaturised focusing optics that can be integrated into endoscopic systems. Experimental trials characterise the optical properties and the ablation performance. A robotic platform is realised for manipulation of the focusing optics. This is based on a variable-length continuum manipulator. The latter enables movements of the endoscopic end effector in five degrees of freedom with a mechatronic actuation unit. The kinematic modelling and control of the robot are integrated into a modular framework that is evaluated experimentally. The manipulation of focused laser radiation also requires precise adjustment of the focal position on the tissue. For this purpose, visual, haptic and visual-haptic assistance functions are presented. These support the operator during teleoperation to set an optimal working distance. Advantages of visual-haptic assistance are demonstrated in a user study. The system performance and usability of the overall robotic system are assessed in an additional user study. Analogous to a clinical scenario, the subjects follow predefined target patterns with a laser spot. The mean positioning accuracy of the spot is 0.5 mm. Finally, methods of image-guided robot control are introduced to automate laser ablation. Experiments confirm a positive effect of proposed automation concepts on non-contact laser surgery.Die Anwendung von Lasertechnologien in chirurgischen Interventionen hat sich aufgrund der atraumatischen Eigenschaften in der Klinik etabliert. Neben manueller Applikation von fasergeführten Lasern mit Gewebekontakt hat sich die kontaktfreie transorale Lasermikrochirurgie (TLM) von Tumoren des Larynx in der HNO-Chirurgie durchgesetzt. Die TLM erfordert zur Tumorresektion jedoch ein langjähriges chirurgisches Training, um die Funktion der angrenzenden Organe zu sichern und damit die Lebensqualität der Patienten zu erhalten. Die Positionierung des mikroskopis chen Laserapplikators außerhalb des Patienten kann zudem die direkte Sicht auf das Zielgebiet durch anatomische Variabilität erschweren und den Arbeitsraum einschränken. Weitere klinische Herausforderungen betreffen die Positionierung des Laserfokus auf der Gewebeoberfläche, die Bildgebung, die Planung und Ausführung der Laserablation sowie intraoperative Bewegungen des Zielgebietes. Die vorliegende Dissertation zielt darauf ab, die Limitierungen der TLM durch robotische Ansätze und intraoperative Assistenz zu adressieren. Obwohl ein Trend zur minimal invasiven Chirurgie besteht, sind bislang keine hochintegrierten Plattformen für die endoskopische Applikation fokussierter Laserstrahlung verfügbar. Ebenfalls sind keine Systeme bekannt, die Szeneninformationen aus der endoskopischen Bildgebung in die Ablationsplanung und -ausführung einbeziehen. Für eine situsnahe Fokussierung des Laserstrahls wird in dieser Arbeit zunächst eine miniaturisierte Fokussieroptik zur Integration in endoskopische Systeme vorgestellt. Experimentelle Versuche charakterisieren die optischen Eigenschaften und das Ablationsverhalten. Zur Manipulation der Fokussieroptik wird eine robotische Plattform realisiert. Diese basiert auf einem längenveränderlichen Kontinuumsmanipulator. Letzterer ermöglicht in Kombination mit einer mechatronischen Aktuierungseinheit Bewegungen des Endoskopkopfes in fünf Freiheitsgraden. Die kinematische Modellierung und Regelung des Systems werden in ein modulares Framework eingebunden und evaluiert. Die Manipulation fokussierter Laserstrahlung erfordert zudem eine präzise Anpassung der Fokuslage auf das Gewebe. Dafür werden visuelle, haptische und visuell haptische Assistenzfunktionen eingeführt. Diese unterstützen den Anwender bei Teleoperation zur Einstellung eines optimalen Arbeitsabstandes. In einer Anwenderstudie werden Vorteile der visuell-haptischen Assistenz nachgewiesen. Die Systemperformanz und Gebrauchstauglichkeit des robotischen Gesamtsystems werden in einer weiteren Anwenderstudie untersucht. Analog zu einem klinischen Einsatz verfolgen die Probanden mit einem Laserspot vorgegebene Sollpfade. Die mittlere Positioniergenauigkeit des Spots beträgt dabei 0,5 mm. Zur Automatisierung der Ablation werden abschließend Methoden der bildgestützten Regelung vorgestellt. Experimente bestätigen einen positiven Effekt der Automationskonzepte für die kontaktfreie Laserchirurgie

    Modeling and Simulation in Engineering

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    This book provides an open platform to establish and share knowledge developed by scholars, scientists, and engineers from all over the world, about various applications of the modeling and simulation in the design process of products, in various engineering fields. The book consists of 12 chapters arranged in two sections (3D Modeling and Virtual Prototyping), reflecting the multidimensionality of applications related to modeling and simulation. Some of the most recent modeling and simulation techniques, as well as some of the most accurate and sophisticated software in treating complex systems, are applied. All the original contributions in this book are jointed by the basic principle of a successful modeling and simulation process: as complex as necessary, and as simple as possible. The idea is to manipulate the simplifying assumptions in a way that reduces the complexity of the model (in order to make a real-time simulation), but without altering the precision of the results

    Architectural study of the design and operation of advanced force feedback manual controllers

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    A teleoperator system consists of a manual controller, control hardware/software, and a remote manipulator. It was employed in either hazardous or unstructured, and/or remote environments. In teleoperation, the main-in-the-loop is the central concept that brings human intelligence to the teleoperator system. When teleoperation involves contact with an uncertain environment, providing the feeling of telepresence to the human operator is one of desired characteristics of the teleoperator system. Unfortunately, most available manual controllers in bilateral or force-reflecting teleoperator systems can be characterized by their bulky size, high costs, or lack of smoothness and transparency, and elementary architectures. To investigate other alternatives, a force-reflecting, 3 degree of freedom (dof) spherical manual controller is designed, analyzed, and implemented as a test bed demonstration in this research effort. To achieve an improved level of design to meet criteria such as compactness, portability, and a somewhat enhanced force-reflecting capability, the demonstration manual controller employs high gear-ratio reducers. To reduce the effects of the inertia and friction on the system, various force control strategies are applied and their performance investigated. The spherical manual controller uses a parallel geometry to minimize inertial and gravitational effects on its primary task of transparent information transfer. As an alternative to the spherical 3-dof manual controller, a new conceptual (or parallel) spherical 3-dof module is introduced with a full kinematic analysis. Also, the resulting kinematic properties are compared to those of other typical spherical 3-dof systems. The conceptual design of a parallel 6-dof manual controller and its kinematic analysis is presented. This 6-dof manual controller is similar to the Stewart Platform with the actuators located on the base to minimize the dynamic effects. Finally, a combination of the new 3-dof and 6-dof concepts is presented as a feasible test-bed for enhanced performance in a 9-dof system

    Image-Guided Robot-Assisted Techniques with Applications in Minimally Invasive Therapy and Cell Biology

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    There are several situations where tasks can be performed better robotically rather than manually. Among these are situations (a) where high accuracy and robustness are required, (b) where difficult or hazardous working conditions exist, and (c) where very large or very small motions or forces are involved. Recent advances in technology have resulted in smaller size robots with higher accuracy and reliability. As a result, robotics is fi nding more and more applications in Biomedical Engineering. Medical Robotics and Cell Micro-Manipulation are two of these applications involving interaction with delicate living organs at very di fferent scales.Availability of a wide range of imaging modalities from ultrasound and X-ray fluoroscopy to high magni cation optical microscopes, makes it possible to use imaging as a powerful means to guide and control robot manipulators. This thesis includes three parts focusing on three applications of Image-Guided Robotics in biomedical engineering, including: Vascular Catheterization: a robotic system was developed to insert a catheter through the vasculature and guide it to a desired point via visual servoing. The system provides shared control with the operator to perform a task semi-automatically or through master-slave control. The system provides control of a catheter tip with high accuracy while reducing X-ray exposure to the clinicians and providing a more ergonomic situation for the cardiologists. Cardiac Catheterization: a master-slave robotic system was developed to perform accurate control of a steerable catheter to touch and ablate faulty regions on the inner walls of a beating heart in order to treat arrhythmia. The system facilitates touching and making contact with a target point in a beating heart chamber through master-slave control with coordinated visual feedback. Live Neuron Micro-Manipulation: a microscope image-guided robotic system was developed to provide shared control over multiple micro-manipulators to touch cell membranes in order to perform patch clamp electrophysiology. Image-guided robot-assisted techniques with master-slave control were implemented for each case to provide shared control between a human operator and a robot. The results show increased accuracy and reduced operation time in all three cases

    A study of interactive control scheduling and economic assessment for robotic systems

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    A class of interactive control systems is derived by generalizing interactive manipulator control systems. Tasks of interactive control systems can be represented as a network of a finite set of actions which have specific operational characteristics and specific resource requirements, and which are of limited duration. This has enabled the decomposition of the overall control algorithm simultaneously and asynchronously. The performance benefits of sensor referenced and computer-aided control of manipulators in a complex environment is evaluated. The first phase of the CURV arm control system software development and the basic features of the control algorithms and their software implementation are presented. An optimal solution for a production scheduling problem that will be easy to implement in practical situations is investigated

    MEMS Technology for Biomedical Imaging Applications

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    Biomedical imaging is the key technique and process to create informative images of the human body or other organic structures for clinical purposes or medical science. Micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) technology has demonstrated enormous potential in biomedical imaging applications due to its outstanding advantages of, for instance, miniaturization, high speed, higher resolution, and convenience of batch fabrication. There are many advancements and breakthroughs developing in the academic community, and there are a few challenges raised accordingly upon the designs, structures, fabrication, integration, and applications of MEMS for all kinds of biomedical imaging. This Special Issue aims to collate and showcase research papers, short commutations, perspectives, and insightful review articles from esteemed colleagues that demonstrate: (1) original works on the topic of MEMS components or devices based on various kinds of mechanisms for biomedical imaging; and (2) new developments and potentials of applying MEMS technology of any kind in biomedical imaging. The objective of this special session is to provide insightful information regarding the technological advancements for the researchers in the community
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