1,897 research outputs found

    Non-preemptive Scheduling in a Smart Grid Model and its Implications on Machine Minimization

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    We study a scheduling problem arising in demand response management in smart grid. Consumers send in power requests with a flexible feasible time interval during which their requests can be served. The grid controller, upon receiving power requests, schedules each request within the specified interval. The electricity cost is measured by a convex function of the load in each timeslot. The objective is to schedule all requests with the minimum total electricity cost. Previous work has studied cases where jobs have unit power requirement and unit duration. We extend the study to arbitrary power requirement and duration, which has been shown to be NP-hard. We give the first online algorithm for the general problem, and prove that the problem is fixed parameter tractable. We also show that the online algorithm is asymptotically optimal when the objective is to minimize the peak load. In addition, we observe that the classical non-preemptive machine minimization problem is a special case of the smart grid problem with min-peak objective, and show that we can solve the non-preemptive machine minimization problem asymptotically optimally

    Parallel load balancing strategy for Volume-of-Fluid methods on 3-D unstructured meshes

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    © 2016. This version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/l Volume-of-Fluid (VOF) is one of the methods of choice to reproduce the interface motion in the simulation of multi-fluid flows. One of its main strengths is its accuracy in capturing sharp interface geometries, although requiring for it a number of geometric calculations. Under these circumstances, achieving parallel performance on current supercomputers is a must. The main obstacle for the parallelization is that the computing costs are concentrated only in the discrete elements that lie on the interface between fluids. Consequently, if the interface is not homogeneously distributed throughout the domain, standard domain decomposition (DD) strategies lead to imbalanced workload distributions. In this paper, we present a new parallelization strategy for general unstructured VOF solvers, based on a dynamic load balancing process complementary to the underlying DD. Its parallel efficiency has been analyzed and compared to the DD one using up to 1024 CPU-cores on an Intel SandyBridge based supercomputer. The results obtained on the solution of several artificially generated test cases show a speedup of up to similar to 12x with respect to the standard DD, depending on the interface size, the initial distribution and the number of parallel processes engaged. Moreover, the new parallelization strategy presented is of general purpose, therefore, it could be used to parallelize any VOF solver without requiring changes on the coupled flow solver. Finally, note that although designed for the VOF method, our approach could be easily adapted to other interface-capturing methods, such as the Level-Set, which may present similar workload imbalances. (C) 2014 Elsevier Inc. Allrights reserved.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Exploiting flexibly assignable work to improve load balance

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    In many applications of parallel computing, distribution of the data unambiguously implies distribution of work among processors. But there are exceptions where some tasks can be assigned to one of several processors without altering the total volume of communication. In this paper, we study the problem of exploiting this flexibility in assignment of tasks to improve load balance. We first model the problem in terms of network flow and use combinatorial techniques for its solution. Our parametric search algorithms use maximum flow algorithms for probing on a candidate optimal solution value. We describe two algorithms to solve the assignment problem with log W{sub T} and |P| probe calls, where W{sub T} and |P|, respectively, denote the total workload and number of processors. We also define augmenting paths and cuts for this problem, and show that any algorithm based on augmenting paths can be used to find an optimal solution for the task assignment problem. We then consider a continuous version of the problem, and formulate it as a linearly constrained optimization problem, i.e., min ||Ax||{sub {infinity}}, s.t. Bx = d. To avoid solving an intractable {infinity}-norm optimization problem, we show that in this case minimizing the 2-norm is sufficient to minimize the {infinity}-norm, which reduces the problem to the well-studied linearly-constrained least squares problem. The continuous version of the problem has the advantage of being easily amenable to parallelization

    Exploiting flexibly assignable work to improve load balance

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    Foil bearings for axial and radial support of high speed rotors: Design, development, and determination of operating characteristics

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    Flexible surface thrust and journal foil bearings were fabricated, and their performance was demonstrated, both individually and jointly as a unified rotor support system. Experimental results are documented with graphs and oscilloscopic data of trajectories, waveforms, and scans of amplitude response. At speeds of 40,000 to 45,000 rpm and a mean clearance of the order of 15 to 20 micrometers (600 to 800 micrometers, the resilient, air lubricated, spiral groove thrust bearings support a load of 127 N (29 lb; 13 kgf), equivalent to 3.0 N/sq cm (4.5 lb/sq in 0.31 kgf sq cm). Journal bearings with polygonal sections provided stable and highly damped supports at speeds up to 50,000 rpm

    Scheduling Algorithms for the Smart Grid

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