3,132 research outputs found

    Katakan tidak pada rasuah

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    Isu atau masalah rasuah menjadi topik utama sama ada di peringkat antarabangsa mahupun di peringkat dalam negara. Pertubuhan Bangsa- bangsa Bersatu menegaskan komitmen komuniti antarabangsa bertegas untuk mencegah dan mengawal rasuah melalui buku bertajuk United Nations Convention against Corruption. Hal yang sama berlaku di Malaysia. Melalui pernyataan visi oleh mantan Perdana Menteri Malaysia, Tun Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamed memberikan indikasi bahawa kerajaan Malaysia komited untuk mencapai aspirasi agar Malaysia dikenali kerana integriti dan bukannya rasuah. Justeru, tujuan penulisan bab ini adalah untuk membincangkan rasuah dari beberapa sudut termasuk perbincangan dari sudut agama Islam, faktor-faktor berlakunya gejala rasuah, dan usaha-usaha yang dijalankan di Malaysia untuk membanteras gejala rasuah. Perkara ini penting bagi mengenalpasti penjawat awam menanamkan keyakinan dalam melaksanakan tanggungjawab dengan menghindari diri daripada rasuah agar mereka sentiasa peka mengutamakan kepentingan awam

    AWARE: Platform for Autonomous self-deploying and operation of Wireless sensor-actuator networks cooperating with unmanned AeRial vehiclEs

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    This paper presents the AWARE platform that seeks to enable the cooperation of autonomous aerial vehicles with ground wireless sensor-actuator networks comprising both static and mobile nodes carried by vehicles or people. Particularly, the paper presents the middleware, the wireless sensor network, the node deployment by means of an autonomous helicopter, and the surveillance and tracking functionalities of the platform. Furthermore, the paper presents the first general experiments of the AWARE project that took place in March 2007 with the assistance of the Seville fire brigades

    The Fog Makes Sense: Enabling Social Sensing Services With Limited Internet Connectivity

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    Social sensing services use humans as sensor carriers, sensor operators and sensors themselves in order to provide situation-awareness to applications. This promises to provide a multitude of benefits to the users, for example in the management of natural disasters or in community empowerment. However, current social sensing services depend on Internet connectivity since the services are deployed on central Cloud platforms. In many circumstances, Internet connectivity is constrained, for instance when a natural disaster causes Internet outages or when people do not have Internet access due to economical reasons. In this paper, we propose the emerging Fog Computing infrastructure to become a key-enabler of social sensing services in situations of constrained Internet connectivity. To this end, we develop a generic architecture and API of Fog-enabled social sensing services. We exemplify the usage of the proposed social sensing architecture on a number of concrete use cases from two different scenarios.Comment: Ruben Mayer, Harshit Gupta, Enrique Saurez, and Umakishore Ramachandran. 2017. The Fog Makes Sense: Enabling Social Sensing Services With Limited Internet Connectivity. In Proceedings of The 2nd International Workshop on Social Sensing, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, April 21 2017 (SocialSens'17), 6 page

    Cooperative Content Dissemination on Vehicle Networks

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    As redes veiculares têm sido alvo de grandes avanços nos últimos anos, sobretudo devido ao crescente interesse por veículos inteligentes e autónomos que motiva investimentos avultados por parte da indústria automóvel. A inexistência de uma forma oportuna e económica de executar atualizações OTA (over-the-air) está a contribuir para o adiar do lançamento de grandes frotas de veículos inteligentes. O custo associado à transmissão de dados através de redes celulares é muito elevado e não se pode garantir que cada veículo tenha acesso a uma estação ou estacionamento com conectividade adequada em tempo útil, onde possa obter os dados esperados. Com base nestas premissas, esta tese apresenta a concepção e implementação de um protocolo cooperativo de disseminação de conteúdos que aproveita as ligações Veículo-a-Veículo (V2V) para assegurar uma distribuição de dados pela rede com custos reduzidos. Além disso, este trabalho é complementado e suportado com uma análise do desempenho do protocolo numa rede de 25 veículos.Vehicular networks have seen great advancements over the last few years, mostly due to the increased eagerness for smart and autonomous vehicles that motivate hefty investments by the automotive industry. The absence of a timely and cost-effective way to perform over-the-air (OTA) updates is contributing to defer the deployment of large fleets of connected vehicles. There is a high cost associated with transmitting data over cellular networks and it cannot be expected that every vehicle has access to a station or depot with adequate connectivity where it can get the awaited data cheaply nor that this solution happens timely enough. With this in mind, this thesis presents the design and implementation of a cooperative content dissemination protocol that takes advantage of Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) communication links to distribute data across a network with reduced costs. Moreover, this work is complemented with a performance analysis of the protocol on a deployed network of 25 vehicles

    The nature, causes and effects of school violence in South African high schools

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    We sought to investigate the nature, causes and effects of school violence in four South African high schools. A purposive sample of five principals, 80 learners and 20 educators was selected from the four schools used in the study. A sequential mixed method approach was used in this study; both questionnaires and interviews were used. The design is divided into two phases, beginning with the collection and analysis of quantitative data, followed by the collection and analysis of qualitative data. The overall purpose of this design is that the qualitative data help explain or build upon initial quantitative results from the first phase of the study. The advantage of the design is that its two-phased nature makes it uncomplicated to implement and to report on. A combination of both quantitative and qualitative methods provides a better understandingof the research problem than either approach alone. A pilot study of the questionnaire was conducted in a school outside the province in which the study was done. Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of the questionnaire was 0.72. This was a high positive coefficient and implied that the  questionnaire used was reliable. The study found that bullying, vandalism, gangsterism, indiscipline, intolerance, and corporal punishment were prevalent in schools. Furthermore, the study found that school violence had the following effects on learners: loss of concentration; poor academic performance; bunking of classes; and depression. The implications of these findings are discussed in detail.Keywords: causes, effects, nature, school violence, South Afric

    Unity and difference in Andean songs

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    In this essay I textually analyze a selection of Andean songs that I collected during doctoral fieldwork in the Peruvian Andes, between 2010 and 2011.1 Song is an important oral tradition in the Andes, where verse is normally accompanied by music and dance. Many song-genres (such as those presented here) are only performed during particular festivals, while others (for instance, the waynu) are part of daily life. The diversity of songs makes it difficult to classify "genres" according to Western lines of interpretation, which is why in this essay I have adopted an emic perspective and listed each song according to its place within the wider context of the festival./

    Unity and Difference in Andean Songs

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    This essay explores the concepts of “unity” and “difference” in Andean songs. The verses pertain to the Masha ritual enacted annually in Mangas, central Peru, and combine Quechua (the indigenous language) with Spanish. Through detailed exegesis of the texts, this essay argues that, far from being irreconcilable, “unity” and “difference” are best understood as mutually informing since the recognition of difference opens up the parameters of potential exchange. This optic is informed by a worldview that emphasizes “relation” over “entities.”The research involved in this essay was generously supported by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (United Kingdom).This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Center for Studies in Oral Tradition via http://journal.oraltradition.org/issues/28i/pigot

    Vehicle density in VANET Applications

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    This paper analyzes how street-level traffic data affects routing in VANETs applications. First, we offer a general review about which protocols and techniques would fit best for VANET applications. We selected five main technical aspects (Transmission, Routing, Quality of Service, Security and Location) that we consider are differential aspects of VANETs from current Ad-Hoc Networks. Second, the paper analyzes how to configure each technical aspect according to the goal of a wide range of VANET applications. Third, we look at the routing aspect in depth, specifically focusing on how vehicle density affects routing, which protocols are the best option when there is a high/low density, etc. Finally, this research implements a sensor technology, based on an acoustics sensor that has been deployed around the city of Xalapa in México, to obtain reliable information on the real-time density of vehicles. The levels of density were discretized and the obtained data samples were used to feed a traffic simulator, which allowed us to obtain a global picture of the density of the central area of the city. According to the specific levels of vehicle density at a specific moment and place, VANET applications may adapt the routing protocol in a real-time wayPeer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Improving Workplace Incivility by Educating Frontline Nurse Leaders: The Charge Nurse

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    The term workplace incivility is often replaced interchangeably with workplace bullying, horizontal/lateral violence, psychosocial harassment, intimidating behavior, and/or aggression (micro/macro). Workplace incivility in nursing has lasting effects on the profession through worsening the nursing shortage, contributing to low morale, negative working environments, safety issues for staff and patients, stress-related health problems, absenteeism, and decreased quality of patient care. Incivility can be from a variety of sources including: Nurse managers, clinical team leads, unit coordinators, physicians, patients, and other healthcare professionals. Buy-in by nursing executive leadership and evidence-based education for nurses is mandatory to address organizational incivility. The purpose of this DNP project is to equip unit nurse leaders with evidence-based practices to improve unit culture related to incivility, thereby enhancing patient outcomes, safety, and staff morale. The identified target population in this project were nurses who are training to be future charge nurses (CNs). The educational intervention facilitated enhancing future CNs’ knowledge, skills and attitudes to shift unit culture to a more civil culture through an online learning module. Data was collected in qualitative and quantitative methods. Qualitative methods involved guided online forum posts at implementation conclusion, while quantitative data involved completion of the Clark Workplace Civility Index© (CWCI). Each method demonstrated future CNs increased their self-awareness and responsiveness by enhancing their knowledge, skills and attitudes toward workplace incivility. In conclusion, the implementation of the online learning module provided effective, successful education and may help in the eradication of workplace incivility for practicing and future nurses

    EDDA: An Efficient Distributed Data Replication Algorithm in VANETs

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    Efficient data dissemination in vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) is a challenging issue due to the dynamic nature of the network. To improve the performance of data dissemination, we study distributed data replication algorithms in VANETs for exchanging information and computing in an arbitrarily-connected network of vehicle nodes. To achieve low dissemination delay and improve the network performance, we control the number of message copies that can be disseminated in the network and then propose an efficient distributed data replication algorithm (EDDA). The key idea is to let the data carrier distribute the data dissemination tasks to multiple nodes to speed up the dissemination process. We calculate the number of communication stages for the network to enter into a balanced status and show that the proposed distributed algorithm can converge to a consensus in a small number of communication stages. Most of the theoretical results described in this paper are to study the complexity of network convergence. The lower bound and upper bound are also provided in the analysis of the algorithm. Simulation results show that the proposed EDDA can efficiently disseminate messages to vehicles in a specific area with low dissemination delay and system overhead