282 research outputs found

    Performance analysis of SWIPT relay networks with noncoherent modulation

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    In this paper, we investigate the performance of noncoherent modulation in simultaneous wireless information and power transfer (SWIPT) relay networks. Noncoherent modulation schemes eliminate the need for instantaneous channel state information (CSI) estimation, and therefore, minimise the overall energy consumption of the network. In particular, we adopt a moments-based approach to develop a comprehensive novel analytical framework for the analysis of the outage probability, achievable throughput, and average symbol error rate (ASER) of a dual-hop SWIPT relay system considering the time switching (TS) and power splitting (PS) receiver architectures. In addition, through the derivation of new asymptotic analytical results for the outage probability and ASER, we analytically demonstrate that the diversity order of the considered system is non-integer less than 1 in the high SNR regime. Our results show that there is a unique value for the PS ratio that minimises the outage probability of the system, while this is not the case for the TS protocol. We also demonstrate that, in terms of system throughput, the TS relaying scheme is superior to the PS relaying scheme at lower SNR values. An extensive Monte Carlo simulation study is presented to corroborate the proposed analytical model

    Special Section: Signal Processing for Large Scale 5G Wireless Networks

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    Integrated Data and Energy Communication Network: A Comprehensive Survey

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    OAPA In order to satisfy the power thirsty of communication devices in the imminent 5G era, wireless charging techniques have attracted much attention both from the academic and industrial communities. Although the inductive coupling and magnetic resonance based charging techniques are indeed capable of supplying energy in a wireless manner, they tend to restrict the freedom of movement. By contrast, RF signals are capable of supplying energy over distances, which are gradually inclining closer to our ultimate goal – charging anytime and anywhere. Furthermore, transmitters capable of emitting RF signals have been widely deployed, such as TV towers, cellular base stations and Wi-Fi access points. This communication infrastructure may indeed be employed also for wireless energy transfer (WET). Therefore, no extra investment in dedicated WET infrastructure is required. However, allowing RF signal based WET may impair the wireless information transfer (WIT) operating in the same spectrum. Hence, it is crucial to coordinate and balance WET and WIT for simultaneous wireless information and power transfer (SWIPT), which evolves to Integrated Data and Energy communication Networks (IDENs). To this end, a ubiquitous IDEN architecture is introduced by summarising its natural heterogeneity and by synthesising a diverse range of integrated WET and WIT scenarios. Then the inherent relationship between WET and WIT is revealed from an information theoretical perspective, which is followed by the critical appraisal of the hardware enabling techniques extracting energy from RF signals. Furthermore, the transceiver design, resource allocation and user scheduling as well as networking aspects are elaborated on. In a nutshell, this treatise can be used as a handbook for researchers and engineers, who are interested in enriching their knowledge base of IDENs and in putting this vision into practice

    Performance enhancement of wireless communication systems through QoS optimisation

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    Providing quality of service (QoS) in a communication network is essential but challenging, especially when the complexities of wireless and mobile networks are added. The issues of how to achieve the intended performances, such as reliability and efficiency, at the minimal resource cost for wireless communications and networking have not been fully addressed. In this dissertation, we have investigated different data transmission schemes in different wireless communication systems such as wireless sensor network, device-to-device communications and vehicular networks. We have focused on cooperative communications through relaying and proposed a method to maximise the QoS performance by finding optimum transmission schemes. Furthermore, the performance trade-offs that we have identified show that both cooperative and non-cooperative transmission schemes could have advantages as well as disadvantages in offering QoS. In the analytical approach, we have derived the closed-form expressions of the outage probability, throughput and energy efficiency for different transmission schemes in wireless and mobile networks, in addition to applying other QoS metrics such as packet delivery ratio, packet loss rate and average end-to-end delay. We have shown that multi-hop relaying through cooperative communications can outperform non-cooperative transmission schemes in many cases. Furthermore, we have also analysed the optimum required transmission power for different transmission ranges to obtain the maximum energy efficiency or maximum achievable data rate with the minimum outage probability and bit error rate in cellular network. The proposed analytical and modelling approaches are used in wireless sensor networks, device-to-device communications and vehicular networks. The results generated have suggested an adaptive transmission strategy where the system can decide when and how each of transmission schemes should be adopted to achieve the best performance in varied conditions. In addition, the system can also choose proper transmitting power levels under the changing transmission distance to increase and maintain the network reliability and system efficiency accordingly. Consequently, these functions will lead to the optimized QoS in a given network

    Virtual full-duplex multiple-input multiple-output relaying in the presence of inter-relay interference

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    Driven by the increasing demand for wireless broadband, low latency and power-efficient networks, multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) full-duplex relaying (FDR) schemes have gained much attention in recent years. However, the performance of FDR schemes is impaired by sophisticated self-interference suppression techniques. As such, MIMO virtual FDR (VFDR) schemes have been considered as practical alternatives to recover spectral efficiency loss in half-duplex relays (HDR) without the need for sophisticated self-interference suppression algorithms. Successive relaying (SR) scheme is one of the VFDR techniques which uses a pair of HD relays that alternate between reception and retransmission of the source information to the destination. The performance of the SR based VFDR scheme is affected by inter-relay interference (IRI) due to the concurrent transmission of the source and relay nodes. The interference in VFDR schemes is conventionally treated as a degrading factor on the information decoding receivers resulting in the design of several interference avoidance and cancellation techniques. On the contrary, this thesis developed several VFDR schemes which exploit the interference to achieve performance improvement. In this study, interference management techniques, transmit/receive beamforming matrices, power allocation and joint optimisation algorithms were developed. First, a reliable MIMO VFDR scheme in the presence of IRI was designed, where the IRI was exploited for reliability improvements. The results showed significant reliability improvement over the existing schemes. Second, a joint power allocation for MIMO VFDR schemes under network power constraint was developed. The power allocation problem in the presence of IRI was formulated based on primal-dual algorithm. The results showed that the joint optimisation algorithm can efficiently utilise the network power when compared with the conventional approach. Third, simultaneous wireless information and power transfer (SWIPT) in MIMO VFDR system was proposed, where the transmit beamforming matrices which optimise the achievable rate and harvested energy at the relays were jointly designed. The results showed that the interference energy can be harnessed to improve the SWIPT system throughput. Finally, a joint optimisation of the power split and relay position in SWIPT MIMO VFDR network were investigated. Results showed that the joint optimisation of the power split and distance factors can greatly improve the system outage performance. The analytical and numerical results in the research showed that IRI can be exploited to improve the throughput, reliability and energy harvesting of a wireless communication system. The results also showed a minimum achievable rate improvement of 80% over the HDR schemes and a reliability of 100% over the FDR schemes

    Cooperative Communications in Smart Grid Networks

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    The conventional grid system is facing great challenges due to the fast growing electricity demand throughout the world. The smart grid has emerged as the next generation of grid power systems, aimed at providing secure, reliable and low cost power generation, distribution and consumption intelligently. The smart grid communication system within the smart grid network is of fundamental importance to support data transfer and information exchange within the smart grid system. The National Institute of Standards and Technology has identified wireless communications as an important networking technology to be employed in power systems. The reliability of the data transmission is essential for the smart grid system to achieve high accuracy for the power generation, distribution and consumption. In this thesis, we investigate cooperative communications to improve transmission reliability in smart grid networks. Although many issues within cooperative communication have already been addressed, there is a lack of research efforts on cooperative communication for the wireless smart grid communication system which has its own network features and different transmission requirements. In our research, the smart grid communication networks were studied, and cooperative communications in smart grid networks were analysed. The research work mainly focuses on three problems: the application of cooperative relay communications to modern smart grid communication networks, the cooperative relay-based network development strategy, and the optimization of cooperative relay communication for smart grids. For the first problem, the application of cooperative relay communication to a home area network (HAN) of smart grid system is presented. The wireless transmission reliability is identified as the issue of most concern in wireless smart grid networks. We model the smart grid HAN as a wireless mesh network that deploys cooperative relay communication to enhance the transmission reliability. We apply cooperative relay communication to provide a user equipment selection scheme to effectively improve the transmission quality between the electricity equipment and the smart meter. For the second problem, we address the network design and planning problem in the smart grid HAN. The outage performance of direct transmission and cooperative transmission was analysed. Based on the reliability performance metric that we have defined, we propose a HAN deployment strategy to improve the reliability of the transmission links. The proposed HAN deployment strategy is tested in a home environment. The smart meter location optimization problem has also been identified and solved. The simulation results show that our proposed network deployment strategy can guarantee high reliability for smart grid communications in home area networks. For the third problem, the research focuses on the optimization of the cooperative relay transmission regarding the power allocation and relay selection in the neighbourhood area network (NAN) of the smart grid system. Owing to the complexity of the joint optimization problem, reduced-complexity algorithms have been proposed to minimize the transmission power, at the same time, guarantee the link reliability of the cooperative communications. The optimization problem of power allocation and relay selection is formulated and treated as a combinatorial optimization problem. Two sub-optimal solutions that simplify the optimization process are devised. Based on the solutions, two different algorithms are proposed to solve the optimization problem with reduced complexity. The simulation results demonstrate that both two algorithms have good performance on minimizing the total transmission power while guaranteeing the transmission reliability for the wireless smart grid communication system. In this thesis, we consider cooperative communications in a smart grid scenario. We minimize the outage probability and thus improve the reliability of the communications taking place in the smart grid by considering the optimization problem of power control, relay selection and the network deployment problem. Although similar problems might have been well investigated in conventional wireless networks, such as the cellular network, little research has been conducted in smart grid communications. We apply new optimization techniques and propose solutions for these optimization problems specifically tailored for smart grid communications. We demonstrate that, compared to naively applying the algorithms suitable for conventional communications to the smart gird scenario, our proposed algorithm significantly improves the performance of smart grid communications. Finally, we note that, in future work, it will be possible to consider more complex smart grid communications system models. For example, it is worthwhile considering hetregeneous smart communications by combining HAN and wide area networks (WAN). In addition, instead of assuming that all communications have the equal priority, as in this thesis, more comprehensive analysis of the priority of the smart grid communication can be applied to the research

    Energy-efficient wireless communication schemes and real-time middleware for machine-to-machine networks

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    Esta tesis estudia sistemas Machine-to-Machine (M2M) en los que se ejecutan tareas de manera autónoma sin, o con mínima intervención humana. Los sistemas M2M están formados por dispositivos desplegados en un entorno que recolectan información relacionada con una tarea y la envían a aplicaciones para su proceso. Las aplicaciones optimizan estas tareas y responden a los dispositivos con comandos de control. Idealmente, después de configurar las políticas de tareas, los humanos son excluidos del lazo de control. Un importante caso de uso en M2M es la automatización de la red eléctrica, también conocido como Smart Grid, que se trata en esta tesis. Muchos escenarios M2M requieren dispositivos de bajo bitrate, bajo coste y que puedan ser fácilmente desplegables y mantenidos. Una solución adecuada son los dispositivos inalámbricos, alimentados por batería y de capacidades limitadas (con reducida potencia de procesado y memoria). Un bajo mantenimiento requiere años de vida, que sólo pueden conseguirse con protocolos de comunicación altamente eficientes energéticamente. En esta tesis nos centramos principalmente en las capas MAC y de enlace (especialmente en esquemas Cooperative Automatic Repeat Request) para mejorar la eficiencia energética de los dispositivos. Proponemos y evaluamos extensiones de Cooperative MAC para varios estándares como IEEE 802.11, IEEE 802.15.4 y sus revisiones MAC. El transmisor radio de los dispositivos puede ponerse en estado de reposo cuando está inactivo, llevando a cortos periodos de activación (duty-cycle) en dispositivos de bajo bitrate, consiguiendo así un ahorro energético considerable. Dado que la capa MAC controla los estados de reposo de los transmisores radio, los esquemas de Duty-Cycle MAC son el pilar de las comunicaciones energéticamente eficientes. Por ello, en esta tesis diseñamos, analizamos y evaluamos esquemas Cooperative and Duty-Cycled ARQ (CDC-ARQ). CDC-ARQ se basa en la (re)transmisión dinámica de paquetes (dynamic packet forwarding) dependiendo del estado del canal inalámbrico. Cuantificamos las ganancias considerando enlaces inalámbricos de baja potencia con modelos realistas, que sufren efectos de apantallamiento (shadowing) desvanecimientos (fading) de canal, y presentamos las condiciones bajo las cuales CDC-ARQ consiguen mejores resultados que las técnicas estándar de forwarding. Finalmente, determinamos estrategias óptimas de selección de enlace y retransmisión para direct, multi-hop y CDC-ARQ forwarding. Los esquemas de comunicación inalámbricos energéticamente eficientes son adecuados, por ejemplo, para automatización de edificios y hogar, contribuyendo a un buen uso de la energía eléctrica en dichos escenarios. Después de considerar el entorno de dispositivos, la tesis se centra en las aplicaciones, al otro lado de los sistemas M2M. Las aplicaciones típicamente intercambian datos sobre amplias zonas con varios dispositivos remotos. Las técnicas de computación distribuida, estandarizadas e implementadas en plataformas middleware para sistemas M2M, facilitan este intercambio de datos. Los requisitos de comunicación de estas aplicaciones son diversos en términos de latencia, número de actualizaciones, número de dispositivos asociados, etc. Mientras que las soluciones middleware existentes tales como ETSI M2M satisfacen los requisitos de ciertas aplicaciones, dichas soluciones son inadecuadas para los requisitos de latencia de transmisión en tiempo real. Esta tesis propone y analiza modificaciones del ETSI M2M que mejoran el rendimiento en tiempo real. El análisis se ejemplifica con tres aplicaciones Smart Grid, una relacionada con la automatización del hogar y edificios, y las otras dos con la monitorización y control del flujo de potencia de la red eléctrica.This thesis studies emerging Machine-to-Machine (M2M) systems that execute automated tasks without, or with minimum human intervention. M2M systems consist of devices deployed in the field to collect task-related information and send it to remote applications for processing. The applications optimise the tasks and issue control commands back to the devices. Ideally, after configuring the task policies, humans are excluded from the control loop. A prominent and urgent M2M use case concentrates on the automation of the electric power grid, also known as Smart Grid, that is considered in the thesis. Many M2M scenarios require devices that are low-rate, low-cost and can be easily deployed and maintained. A fitting solution are wireless, battery-powered and resource-constrained devices (with limited processing power and memory). Low-maintenance requires years of lifetime, that can only be achieved with unprecedented energy efficiency of communication protocols. Specifically, we focus on the MAC and link layers in this thesis (especially on the Cooperative Automatic Repeat Request schemes) to improve the energy efficiency of the devices. Cooperative MAC extensions to the various standard technologies such as IEEE 802.11, IEEE 802.15.4 and its MAC amendments are proposed and evaluated. The radio transceiver of a device can be put to sleep state when inactive, yielding very low duty-cycles for low-rate devices, and thus achieving significant energy savings. Since the MAC layer controls the radio transceiver sleep states, duty-cycled MAC schemes are the cornerstone of the energy-efficient communication schemes. To that end, Cooperative and Duty-Cycled ARQ (CDC-ARQ) scheme has been designed, analysed and evaluated in this thesis. CDC-ARQ is based on dynamic packet forwarding depending on the current state of the wireless channel. The benefits are quantified by considering realistic wireless low-power links that experience shadowing and multipath fading channel effects. The conditions under which CDC-ARQ outperforms the standard forwarding techniques are presented. Finally, optimal link selection and retransmission strategies are determined for direct, multi-hop or CDC-ARQ forwarding. The studied energy-efficient wireless schemes are suitable e.g. for home and building automation which can contribute to the efficient use of the electric power in homes and buildings. After considering the device domain, the focus of this thesis turns to the applications at the other end of the M2M system. The applications typically exchange data over wide areas with many remote devices. Distributed computing techniques facilitate this data exchange, standardised and implemented in the middleware platform for M2M systems. The communication requirements of these applications are diverse in terms of data latency, update rate, number of associated devices etc. While the existing middleware solutions such as ETSI M2M fully support communication requirements of some applications, the solution is inadequate when it comes to the real-time latency constraint. Some suitable upgrades that improve the real-time performance of data exchange in ETSI M2M middleware are analysed in the thesis. The analysis is exemplified with three Smart Grid applications, one related to the home and building automation and the other two concerned with monitoring and control of the power flow in the electric grid

    Collaborative Sensing and Communication Schemes for Cooperative Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Energy conservation is considered to be one of the key design challenges within resource constrained wireless sensor networks (WSNs) that leads the researchers to investigate energy efficient protocols with some application specific challenges. Dynamic clustering scheme within the deployed sensor nodes is generally considered as one of the energy conservation techniques. However, unbalanced distribution of cluster heads, highly variable number of sensor nodes in the clusters and high number of sensor nodes involved in event reporting tend to drain out the network energy quickly, resulting in unplanned decrease in network lifetime. Performing power aware signal processing, defining communication methods that can provide progressive accuracy and, optimising processing and communication for signal transmission are the challenging tasks. In this thesis, energy efficient solutions are proposed for collaborative sensing and cooperative communication within resource constrained WSNs. A dynamic and cooperative clustering as well as neighbourhood formation scheme is proposed that is expected to evenly distribute the energy demand from the cluster heads and optimise the number of sensor nodes involved in event reporting. The distributive and dynamic behaviour of the proposed framework provides an energy efficient self-organising solution for WSNs that results in an improved network lifetime. The proposed framework is independent of the nature of the sensing type to support applications that require either time-driven sensing, event-driven sensing or hybrid of both sensing types. A cooperative resource selection and transmission scheme is also proposed to improve the performance of collaborative WSNs in terms of maintaining link reliability. As a part of the proposed cooperative nature of transmission, the transmitreceive antennae selection scheme and lattice reduction algorithm have also been considered. It is assumed that the channel state information is estimated at the ii receiver and there is a feedback link between the wireless sensing nodes and the fusion centre receiver. For the ease of system design engineer to achieve a predefined capacity or quality of service, a set of analytical frameworks that provide tighter error performance lower bound for zero forcing (ZF), minimum mean square error (MMSE) and maximum likelihood (ML) detection schemes are also presented. The dynamic behaviour has been adopted within the framework with a proposed index derived from the received measure of the channel quality, which has been attained through the feedback channel from the fusion centre. The dynamic property of the proposed framework makes it robust against time-varying behaviour of the propagation environment. Finally, a unified framework of collaborative sensing and communication schemes for cooperative WSNs is proposed to provide energy efficient solutions within resource constrained environments. The proposed unified framework is fully decentralised which reduces the amount of information required to be broadcasted. Such distributive capability accelerates the decision-making process and enhances the energy conservation. Furthermore, it is validated by simulation results that the proposed unified framework provides a trade-off between network lifetime and transmission reliability while maintaining required quality of service