1,534 research outputs found

    An Underwater SLAM System using Sonar, Visual, Inertial, and Depth Sensor

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    This paper presents a novel tightly-coupled keyframe-based Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) system with loop-closing and relocalization capabilities targeted for the underwater domain. Our previous work, SVIn, augmented the state-of-the-art visual-inertial state estimation package OKVIS to accommodate acoustic data from sonar in a non-linear optimization-based framework. This paper addresses drift and loss of localization -- one of the main problems affecting other packages in underwater domain -- by providing the following main contributions: a robust initialization method to refine scale using depth measurements, a fast preprocessing step to enhance the image quality, and a real-time loop-closing and relocalization method using bag of words (BoW). An additional contribution is the addition of depth measurements from a pressure sensor to the tightly-coupled optimization formulation. Experimental results on datasets collected with a custom-made underwater sensor suite and an autonomous underwater vehicle from challenging underwater environments with poor visibility demonstrate performance never achieved before in terms of accuracy and robustness

    Probablistic approaches for intelligent AUV localisation

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    This thesis studies the problem of intelligent localisation for an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV). After an introduction about robot localisation and specific issues in the underwater domain, the thesis will focus on passive techniques for AUV localisation, highlighting experimental results and comparison among different techniques. Then, it will develop active techniques, which require intelligent decisions about the steps to undertake in order for the AUV to localise itself. The undertaken methodology consisted in three stages: theoretical analysis of the problem, tests with a simulation environment, integration in the robot architecture and field trials. The conclusions highlight applications and scenarios where the developed techniques have been successfully used or can be potentially used to enhance the results given by current techniques. The main contribution of this thesis is in the proposal of an active localisation module, which is able to determine the best set of action to be executed, in order to maximise the localisation results, in terms of time and efficiency

    Toward autonomous exploration in confined underwater environments

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2015. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of John Wiley & Sons for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Field Robotics 33 (2016): 994-1012, doi:10.1002/rob.21640.In this field note we detail the operations and discuss the results of an experiment conducted in the unstructured environment of an underwater cave complex, using an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV). For this experiment the AUV was equipped with two acoustic sonar to simultaneously map the caves’ horizontal and vertical surfaces. Although the caves’ spatial complexity required AUV guidance by a diver, this field deployment successfully demonstrates a scan matching algorithm in a simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) framework that significantly reduces and bounds the localization error for fully autonomous navigation. These methods are generalizable for AUV exploration in confined underwater environments where surfacing or pre-deployment of localization equipment are not feasible and may provide a useful step toward AUV utilization as a response tool in confined underwater disaster areas.This research work was partially sponsored by the EU FP7-Projects: Tecniospring- Marie Curie (TECSPR13-1-0052), MORPH (FP7-ICT-2011-7-288704), Eurofleets2 (FP7-INF-2012-312762), and the National Science Foundation (OCE-0955674)

    Advanced perception, navigation and planning for autonomous in-water ship hull inspection

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    Inspection of ship hulls and marine structures using autonomous underwater vehicles has emerged as a unique and challenging application of robotics. The problem poses rich questions in physical design and operation, perception and navigation, and planning, driven by difficulties arising from the acoustic environment, poor water quality and the highly complex structures to be inspected. In this paper, we develop and apply algorithms for the central navigation and planning problems on ship hulls. These divide into two classes, suitable for the open, forward parts of a typical monohull, and for the complex areas around the shafting, propellers and rudders. On the open hull, we have integrated acoustic and visual mapping processes to achieve closed-loop control relative to features such as weld-lines and biofouling. In the complex area, we implemented new large-scale planning routines so as to achieve full imaging coverage of all the structures, at a high resolution. We demonstrate our approaches in recent operations on naval ships.United States. Office of Naval Research (Grant N00014-06-10043)United States. Office of Naval Research (Grant N00014-07-1-0791

    Scientific challenges and present capabilities in underwater robotic vehicle design and navigation for oceanographic exploration under-ice.

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    This paper reviews the scientific motivation and challenges, development, and use of underwater robotic vehicles designed for use in ice-covered waters, with special attention paid to the navigation systems employed for under-ice deployments. Scientific needs for routine access under fixed and moving ice by underwater robotic vehicles are reviewed in the contexts of geology and geophysics, biology, sea ice and climate, ice shelves, and seafloor mapping. The challenges of under-ice vehicle design and navigation are summarized. The paper reviews all known under-ice robotic vehicles and their associated navigation systems, categorizing them by vehicle type (tethered, untethered, hybrid, and glider) and by the type of ice they were designed for (fixed glacial or sea ice and moving sea ice). © 2020 by the authors

    A revised ocean glider concept to realize Stommel's vision and supplement Argo floats

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    This paper revisits Stommel's vision for a global glider network and the Argo design specification. A concept of floats with wings, so-called slow underwater gliders, is explored. An analysis of the energy or power consumption shows that, by operating gliders with half the vehicle volume at half the speed compared to present gliders, the energy requirements for long-duration missions can be met with available battery capacities. Simulation experiments of slow gliders are conducted using the horizontal current fields from an eddy-permitting ocean reanalysis product. By employing a semi-Lagrangian, streamwise navigation whereby the glider steers at right angles to ocean currents, we show that the concept is feasible. The simulated glider tracks demonstrate the potential for efficient coverage of key oceanographic features and variability.publishedVersio

    A Multi-Sensor Fusion-Based Underwater Slam System

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    This dissertation addresses the problem of real-time Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) in challenging environments. SLAM is one of the key enabling technologies for autonomous robots to navigate in unknown environments by processing information on their on-board computational units. In particular, we study the exploration of challenging GPS-denied underwater environments to enable a wide range of robotic applications, including historical studies, health monitoring of coral reefs, underwater infrastructure inspection e.g., bridges, hydroelectric dams, water supply systems, and oil rigs. Mapping underwater structures is important in several fields, such as marine archaeology, Search and Rescue (SaR), resource management, hydrogeology, and speleology. However, due to the highly unstructured nature of such environments, navigation by human divers could be extremely dangerous, tedious, and labor intensive. Hence, employing an underwater robot is an excellent fit to build the map of the environment while simultaneously localizing itself in the map. The main contribution of this dissertation is the design and development of a real-time robust SLAM algorithm for small and large scale underwater environments. SVIn – a novel tightly-coupled keyframe-based non-linear optimization framework fusing Sonar, Visual, Inertial and water depth information with robust initialization, loop-closing, and relocalization capabilities has been presented. Introducing acoustic range information to aid the visual data, shows improved reconstruction and localization. The availability of depth information from water pressure enables a robust initialization and refines the scale factor, as well as assists to reduce the drift for the tightly-coupled integration. The complementary characteristics of these sensing v modalities provide accurate and robust localization in unstructured environments with low visibility and low visual features – as such make them the ideal choice for underwater navigation. The proposed system has been successfully tested and validated in both benchmark datasets and numerous real world scenarios. It has also been used for planning for underwater robot in the presence of obstacles. Experimental results on datasets collected with a custom-made underwater sensor suite and an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) Aqua2 in challenging underwater environments with poor visibility, demonstrate performance never achieved before in terms of accuracy and robustness. To aid the sparse reconstruction, a contour-based reconstruction approach utilizing the well defined edges between the well lit area and darkness has been developed. In particular, low lighting conditions, or even complete absence of natural light inside caves, results in strong lighting variations, e.g., the cone of the artificial video light intersecting underwater structures and the shadow contours. The proposed method utilizes these contours to provide additional features, resulting into a denser 3D point cloud than the usual point clouds from a visual odometry system. Experimental results in an underwater cave demonstrate the performance of our system. This enables more robust navigation of autonomous underwater vehicles using the denser 3D point cloud to detect obstacles and achieve higher resolution reconstructions

    Underwater localization using imaging sonars in 3D environments

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    This work proposes a localization method using a mechanically scanned imaging sonar (MSIS), which stands out by its low cost and weight. The proposed method implements a Particle Filter, a Bayesian Estimator, and introduces a measurement model based on sonar simulation theory. To the best of author’s knowledge, there is no similar approach in the literature, as sonar simulation current methods target in syntethic data generation, mostly for object recognition . This stands as the major contribution of the thesis as allows the introduction of the computation of intensity values provided by imaging sonars, while maitaining compability with the already used methods, such as range extraction. Simulations shows the efficiency of the method as well its viability to the utilization of imaging sonar in underwater localization. The new approach make possible, under certain constraints, the extraction of 3D information from a sensor considered, in the literature, as 2D and also in situations where there is no reference at the same horizontal plane of the sensor transducer scanning axis. The localization in complex 3D environment is also an advantage provided by the proposed method.Este trabalho propõe um método de localização utilizando um sonar do tipo MSIS (Mechanically Scanned Imaging Sonar ), o qual se destaca por seu baixo custo e peso. O método implementa um filtro de partículas, um estimador Bayesiano, e introduz um modelo de medição baseado na teoria de simulação de sonares. No conhecimento do autor não há uma abordagem similar na literatura, uma vez que os métodos atuais de simulação de sonar visam a geração de dados sintéticos para o reconhecimento de objetos. Esta é a maior contribuição da tese pois permite a a computação dos valores de intensidade fornecidos pelos sonares do tipo imaging e ao mesmo tempo é compatível com os métodos já utilizados, como extração de distância. Simulações mostram o bom desempenho do método, assim como sua viabilidade para o uso de imaging sonars na localização submarina. A nova abordagem tornou possível, sob certas restrições, a extração de informações 3D de um sensor considerado, na literatura, como somente 2D e também em situações em que não há nehnuma referência no mesmo plano horizontal do eixo de escaneamento do transdutor. A localização em ambientes 3D complexos é também uma vantagem proporcionada pelo método proposto

    Autonomous Underwater Gliders

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