6 research outputs found

    External Social Capital, Inter-Organizational Knowledge Trading and Enterprise Innovation Performance in Supply Chain: Evidence from Manufacturing Enterprises in China

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    Based on perspective of cooperative innovation in supply chain, a conceptual model for the effect of external social capital, inter-organizational knowledge trading on enterprise innovation performance is proposed and empirically tested using the data collected from 256 enterprises in supply chain through the structural equation modeling. The external social capital consists of external cognitive capital, external relationship capital, external structure capital and external position capital in this paper. Inter-organizational knowledge trading is divided into explicit knowledge trading and tacit knowledge trading. The results show that external structure capital and external position capital have significant positive impact on explicit knowledge trading, tacit knowledge trading and enterprise innovation performance. External cognitive capital has significant positive impact on explicit knowledge trading and tacit knowledge trading, it does not impact enterprise innovation performance significantly. Although external relationship capital has significant positive impact on tacit knowledge trading, it does not impact explicit knowledge trading and enterprise innovation performance significantly. Finally, we also find that explicit knowledge trading and tacit knowledge trading have significant positive impact on enterprise innovation performance

    Criação e apropriação de valor em redes de cooperação

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    Objective of the study: The objective of this research was to analyze how the processes of creation and appropriation of value are manifested in a horizontal agribusiness networkMethodology / approach: A case study was carried out in the Cerrado Mineiro Region (CMR) in which documentary research and interviews were used as source, whose data were analyzed through content analysis by frequency. Originality / Relevance: There is little evidence in the literature about studies that explore processes of joint value creation and appropriation in horizontal networks. In view of this gap, the study proceeds by individually addressing the processes of creation and appropriation of value considering the nature of cooperation of the networks.Main results: In relation to the results achieved, CMR creates value in cost reduction, differentiation by product, market expansion, expertise in the production of coffee, differentiation, dissemination and strengthening of the brand. Regarding the appropriation of value, CMR appropriates itself for the commercialization of potential quality coffee, the learning process, the premium paid in the cooperative's coffee, the valorization of the producer and for having a unique way for the production of coffee.Theoretical / methodological contributions: Among the main contributions of this study, the individual analysis highlights the processes of creation and appropriation of value applied to horizontal networks. The considerations reinforce the fine line between the processes of creation and appropriation of relational value. That is, in addition to developing internal competencies and essential skills for the creation and appropriation of value, organizations must devise strategies to achieve a balance between these processes.Objetivo del estudio: El objetivo de esta investigación fue analizar cómo los procesos de creación y apropiación de valor se manifiestan en una red horizontal de agronegocios.Metodología / abordaje: Se realizó un estudio de caso en la Región Cerrado Mineiro (RCM). Se utilizó como fuente la investigación documental y las entrevistas, cuyos datos fueron analizados mediante análisis de contenido por frecuencia.Originalidad / Relevancia: Existe poca evidencia en la literatura sobre estudios que exploren procesos de creación y apropiación conjunta de valor en redes horizontales. Ante esta brecha, el estudio avanza abordando individualmente los procesos de creación y apropiación de valor considerando la naturaleza de la cooperación de las redes.Principales resultados: En relación a los resultados alcanzados, RCM genera valor en reducción de costos, diferenciación por producto, expansión de mercado, especialización en la producción de café, diferenciación, difusión y fortalecimiento de la marca. En cuanto a la apropiación de valor, RCM se apropia para la comercialización de café de calidad potencial, el proceso de aprendizaje, el premio pagado en el café de la cooperativa, la valorización del productor y por tener una forma única para la producción de café.Aportes teórico-metodológicos: Entre los principales aportes de este estudio, el análisis individual destaca los procesos de creación y apropiación de valor aplicados a las redes horizontales. Las consideraciones refuerzan la delgada línea entre los procesos de creación y apropiación de valor relacional. Es decir, además de desarrollar competencias internas y habilidades esenciales para la creación y apropiación de valor, las organizaciones deben idear estrategias para lograr un equilibrio entre estos procesos.Objetivo do estudo:  Objetivou-se, nesta pesquisa, analisar como os processos de criação e apropriação de valor se manifestam em uma rede horizontal do agronegócio.Metodologia/abordagem: Foi realizado um estudo de caso, na Região do Cerrado Mineiro (RCM). Utilizou-se como fonte a pesquisa documental e entrevistas, cujos dados foram analisados, por meio de análise de conteúdo por frequência.Originalidade/Relevância: Existem poucas evidências na literatura sobre estudos que explorem processos de criação e apropriação de valor conjuntos em redes horizontais. Diante dessa lacuna, o estudo avança ao abordar, de maneira individualizada, os processos criação e apropriação de valor, considerando a natureza de cooperação das redes.Principais resultados: Em relação aos resultados alcançados, a RCM cria valor na redução de custos, diferenciação por produto, ampliação de mercado, expertise na produção de cafés, diferenciação, disseminação e fortalecimento da marca. Já, em relação à apropriação de valor, a CMR se apropria pela comercialização do café de potencial qualidade, processo de aprendizagem, prêmio pago no café do cooperado, valorização do produtor e por ter uma maneira singular para a produção de cafés.Contribuições teóricas/ metodológicas: Entre as principais contribuições, deste estudo, destaca-se a análise individual dos processos de criação e apropriação de valor aplicado às redes horizontais. As considerações reforçam a linha tênue entre os processos de criação e apropriação de valor relacional. Ou seja, além de desenvolver competências internas e habilidades essenciais para a criação e apropriação de valor, as organizações devem traçar estratégias para atingir o equilíbrio entre esses processos

    Les déterminants de la continuité dans les relations d'affaires

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    Stable and solid business relationships are a major issue for companies. The academic literature increasingly insists that the development of a sustainable competitive advantage relies, in large part, on the ability of firms to collaborate and form long-term relationships with their partners. The present work aims to deepen the understanding of the determinants of continuity in supply chain relationships. More specifically, this research proposes to examine the influence of relational variables and power asymmetry on the creation-appropriation of value and ultimately on relational satisfaction and continuity. Based on the theory of social exchange, the study seeks to explain how relational quality as well as the exercise of power can affect the performance and sustainability of business relationships. Partial Least Squares (PLS) path modeling in SmartPLS 3 was used to empirically test the proposed hypotheses. The data were collected from 170 suppliers operating in various economic sectors in Morocco. The results obtained show that the quality of the relationship favors a greater creation-appropriation of value as well as the sustainability of business relationships. As for power, its influence differs according to the way it is exercised within the relationship. On the other hand, the appropriation of value remains the main driver of partner satisfaction, a sine qua non-condition for the continuity of the relationship. This study focuses only on the supplier's perspective to evaluate the business relationship while neglecting the customer's. Future studies should adopt a dyadic approach including the perspectives of both partners. Similarly, the dynamic nature of business relationships should also be taken into account.     JEL Classification: M31 Marketing. Paper type: Empirical research.Les relations d’affaires stables et solides représentent un enjeu majeur pour les entreprises. La littérature académique insiste de plus en plus sur le fait que le développement d'un avantage concurrentiel durable repose, en grande partie, sur la capacité des firmes à collaborer et à former des relations de long terme avec leurs partenaires. Le présent travail a pour ambition d’approfondir la compréhension des déterminants de la continuité dans les relations de la chaine d’approvisionnement. Plus précisément, cette recherche se propose comme objet d’examiner l’influence des variables relationnelles et de l'asymétrie du pouvoir sur la création-appropriation de la valeur et à terme sur la satisfaction et la continuité relationnelles. En s'appuyant sur la théorie de l’échange social, l’étude cherche à expliquer comment la qualité relationnelle aussi bien que l’exercice du pouvoir peuvent affecter la performance et la durabilité des relations d'affaires. La modélisation par équations structurelles basée sur l’approche PLS, et mobilisant le logiciel de traitement SmartPLS3, a été utilisée pour tester empiriquement les hypothèses proposées. Les données ont été recueillies auprès de 170 fournisseurs opérant dans divers secteurs économiques au Maroc. Les résultats obtenus montrent que la qualité de la relation favorise une plus grande création-appropriation de la valeur  aussi bien que la durabilité des relations commerciales. Pour ce qui est du pouvoir, son influence diffère selon la manière avec laquelle il est exercé au sein de la relation. Par ailleurs, l'appropriation de la valeur demeure le principal moteur de la satisfaction des partenaires, condition sine qua non pour la continuité de la relation. Cette étude se concentre uniquement sur la perspective du fournisseur pour évaluer la relation d’affaires tout en négligeant celle du client. Les études futures devraient adopter une approche dyadique incluant les points de vue des deux partenaires. De même, la nature dynamique des relations d'affaires devrait être également prise en compte.   Classification JEL: M31 Marketing. Type de l’article : Recherche appliquée

    Criação e captura de valor na cadeia produtiva do leite: entendendo as capacidades relacionais dos atores

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    Understanding how interorganizational relationships occur and their impact on supply chains has proven to be a very promising field, and the relational capabilities in the processes of creating and capturing value among partners have shown to be relevant. Therefore, this study aims to identify the main relational aspects that enhance and hinder the creation and capture of value by actors in the milk supply chain in the southern state of Minas Gerais. To this end, a qualitative research was developed with actors of this supply chain, which is composed of milk producers, dairy industry and retail. The results point to a very conflictual relationship between producers and industry, hindering the creation and capture of value between these links, whereas in the relationship between industry and retail the scenario was favorable, with consolidated relationships for the processes of creating and capturing value. The present study brought evidence capable of suggesting improvements in the scope of the relational aspects between actors along the flow of the chain studied.Compreender como acontece e o impacto das relações interorganizacionais em cadeia de suprimento tem se mostrado um campo bastante promissor, e as capacidades relacionais se apresentam como relevantes nos processos de criação e captura de valor entre parceiros. Neste sentido, a presente pesquisa tem como objetivo identificar os principais aspectos relacionais que potencializam e dificultam a criação e captura de valor pelos atores na cadeia de suprimentos do leite no sul do estado de Minas Gerais. Para tanto, foi desenvolvida uma pesquisa de abordagem qualitativa com atores da respectiva cadeia, composta por produtores de leite, indústria de laticínios e varejo. Os resultados apontam para um relacionamento bastante conflituoso entre produtores e indústria, dificultando a criação e captura de valor entre esses elos, ao passo que, nas relações entre indústria e varejo o cenário se mostrou favorável, com relacionamentos consolidados para os processos de criação e captura de valor. O presente estudo trouxe evidências capazes de sugerir melhorias no âmbito dos aspectos relacionais entre atores ao longo do fluxo da cadeia estudada

    The Contingent Effects of Value Creation Processes on Project Value–An Empirical Analysis from Project Managers’ Perspective

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    Projects are seen as platforms for bringing changes that may create value for stakeholders. There are two main schools of thought on the value creation processes; one based on transactional exchange theories and the other on relations-based theories. The former focus on value creation through reduction of transactional costs, while the latter emphasises addressing project stakeholder’s needs through establishing close interactions with involved parties. Accordingly, this research examines effects on project value of the two value creation processes for project delivery: independent value creation– where the firm relies on its capabilities and expertise to deliver the project, without the need for seeking collaboration from other firms; and value co-creation– where the firm and key stakeholders collaborate to deliver the project based on close relationships. Extant studies have conceptually identified the effects on project value of both value creation processes. Nevertheless, there is a little empirical investigation of these effects. Hence, the main objective of this research is to investigate how both processes of value creation affect project value and the moderating effects of two critical contingent variables –requirements uncertainty and project complexity– on the relationship between value creation processes and project value. The study employs a deductive approach to fulfil this aim, and applies a cross-sectional survey to collect data; 168 valid responses from Chilean project managers were returned. A multivariate analysis using PLS-SEM was conducted to validate the conceptual framework and to test the hypotheses. Contributing to literature, the findings demonstrate that both value creation processes impact jointly on project value, and these impacts are moderated by the current level of requirements uncertainty and project complexity. The theoretical and practical implications of the findings are discussed. Directions for future research are elaborated

    Project value management in the digital economy

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    Značajnu prekretnicu u evoluciji upravljanja projektima predstavlja početak ere digitalizacije. Zahtevi Četvrte industrijske revolucije doprineli su promenama u dinamici izvođenja aktivnosti upravljanja projektima, organizacionoj strukturi u projektno orijentisanim preduzećima, odgovornostima i ulozi menadžera projekta, savremenih alata i pristupa koji se koriste u upravljanju projektima. Izmene koje su uzrokovane novonastalim ekonomskim okolnostima podrazumevaju i dodatno isticanje značaja nematerijalnih resursa. Vrednost projekta predstavlja nivo zadovoljstva svih zainteresovanih strana eksplicitnim i implicitnim koristima generisanih realizacijom projekta, koje se postižu ulaganjem opipljivih i neopipljivih resursa. Osim pomenute vizure evaluacije postigutih koristi od realizacije projekata, vrednost projekta može biti sagledana i kroz doprinos prakse upravljanja projektima organizacionim performansama. Predmet istraživanja u radu su determinante kreiranja vrednosti projekta u eri digitalizacije, kao i značaj stvorene vrednosti projekta za organizacionu uspešnost. U cilju testiranja istraživačkih hipoteza, upotrebljeno je modeliranje strukturnih jednačina i višestruka regresiona analiza. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da pojedine, ali ne sve komponente nematerijalne aktive imaju pozitivan signifikantan uticaj na vrednost projekta, pri čemu se u nedostatku signifikantnog direktnog uticaja kao važan moderator odnosa između komponenti nematerijalne aktive i vrednosti projekta navodi spremnost preduzeća za digitalnu transformaciju. Iz ugla doprinosa projekta organizacionoj uspešnosti, percipirani uspeh projekta kao dimenzija vrednosti projekta ima dominantan pozitivan statistički značajan uticaj na organizacione performanse projektno orijentisanih preduzeća.A significant point in project management evolution is the beginning of digital era. The requirements of the Fourth Industrial Revolution have initiated changes in dynamics of project management activities, organizational structure in project-oriented enterprises, responsibilities and the role of project managers, applied project management tools and approaches. The changes caused by the new economic circumstances highlighted the importance of intangible resources. The project value represents how satisfied stakeholders are with explicit and implicit project benefits, generated by using tangible and intangible resources. Apart from the given view of project benefits evaluation, the project value can be seen through the contribution of project management practices to organizational performance. The purpose of this thesis is to examine the determinants of creating project value in the era of digitalization, as well as the importance of the created project value for organizational success. In order to test the research hypotheses, structural equation modeling and multiple regression analysis were used. The findings show that some, but not all components of intangible assets have a positive significant impact on the project value, while in case of absence of significant direct impact, enterprises’ digital readiness moderates the relationship between components of intangible assets and project value. Considering the project contribution to organizational success, the perceived project success as a dimension of project value has a positive significant impact on organizational performance of project-oriented enterprises