5,652 research outputs found

    A robust semantics hides fewer errors

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    In this paper we explore how formal models are interpreted and to what degree meaning is captured in the formal semantics and to what degree it remains in the informal interpretation of the semantics. By applying a robust approach to the definition of refinement and semantics, favoured by the event-based community, to state-based theory we are able to move some aspects from the informal interpretation into the formal semantics

    Step-Indexed Normalization for a Language with General Recursion

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    The Trellys project has produced several designs for practical dependently typed languages. These languages are broken into two fragments-a_logical_fragment where every term normalizes and which is consistent when interpreted as a logic, and a_programmatic_fragment with general recursion and other convenient but unsound features. In this paper, we present a small example language in this style. Our design allows the programmer to explicitly mention and pass information between the two fragments. We show that this feature substantially complicates the metatheory and present a new technique, combining the traditional Girard-Tait method with step-indexed logical relations, which we use to show normalization for the logical fragment.Comment: In Proceedings MSFP 2012, arXiv:1202.240

    Proving Correctness of Imperative Programs by Linearizing Constrained Horn Clauses

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    We present a method for verifying the correctness of imperative programs which is based on the automated transformation of their specifications. Given a program prog, we consider a partial correctness specification of the form {φ}\{\varphi\} prog {ψ}\{\psi\}, where the assertions φ\varphi and ψ\psi are predicates defined by a set Spec of possibly recursive Horn clauses with linear arithmetic (LA) constraints in their premise (also called constrained Horn clauses). The verification method consists in constructing a set PC of constrained Horn clauses whose satisfiability implies that {φ}\{\varphi\} prog {ψ}\{\psi\} is valid. We highlight some limitations of state-of-the-art constrained Horn clause solving methods, here called LA-solving methods, which prove the satisfiability of the clauses by looking for linear arithmetic interpretations of the predicates. In particular, we prove that there exist some specifications that cannot be proved valid by any of those LA-solving methods. These specifications require the proof of satisfiability of a set PC of constrained Horn clauses that contain nonlinear clauses (that is, clauses with more than one atom in their premise). Then, we present a transformation, called linearization, that converts PC into a set of linear clauses (that is, clauses with at most one atom in their premise). We show that several specifications that could not be proved valid by LA-solving methods, can be proved valid after linearization. We also present a strategy for performing linearization in an automatic way and we report on some experimental results obtained by using a preliminary implementation of our method.Comment: To appear in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP), Proceedings of ICLP 201

    Relational Logic with Framing and Hypotheses

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    Relational properties arise in many settings: relating two versions of a program that use different data representations, noninterference properties for security, etc. The main ingredient of relational verification, relating aligned pairs of intermediate steps, has been used in numerous guises, but existing relational program logics are narrow in scope. This paper introduces a logic based on novel syntax that weaves together product programs to express alignment of control flow points at which relational formulas are asserted. Correctness judgments feature hypotheses with relational specifications, discharged by a rule for the linking of procedure implementations. The logic supports reasoning about program-pairs containing both similar and dissimilar control and data structures. Reasoning about dynamically allocated objects is supported by a frame rule based on frame conditions amenable to SMT provers. We prove soundness and sketch how the logic can be used for data abstraction, loop optimizations, and secure information flow

    Relational Concurrent Refinement II: Internal Operations and Outputs

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    Two styles of description arise naturally in formal specification: state-based and behavioural. In state-based notations, a system is characterised by a collection of variables, and their values determine which actions may occur throughout a system history. Behavioural specifications describe the chronologies of actions -- interactions between a system and its environment. The exact nature of such interactions is captured in a variety of semantic models with corresponding notions of refinement; refinement in state based systems is based on the semantics of sequential programs and is modelled relationally. Acknowledging that these viewpoints are complementary, substantial research has gone into combining the paradigms. The purpose of this paper is to do three things. First, we survey recent results linking the relational model of refinement to the process algebraic models. Specifically, we detail how variations in the relational framework lead to relational data refinement being in correspondence with traces-divergences, singleton failures and failures-divergences refinement in a process semantics. Second, we generalise these results by providing a general flexible scheme for incorporating the two main ''erroneous'' concurrent behaviours: deadlock and divergence, into relational refinement. This is shown to subsume previous characterisations. In doing this we derive relational refinement rules for specifications containing both internal operations and outputs that corresponds to failures-divergences refinement. Third, the theory has been formally specified and verified using the interactive theorem prover KIV

    Bounded Quantifier Instantiation for Checking Inductive Invariants

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    We consider the problem of checking whether a proposed invariant φ\varphi expressed in first-order logic with quantifier alternation is inductive, i.e. preserved by a piece of code. While the problem is undecidable, modern SMT solvers can sometimes solve it automatically. However, they employ powerful quantifier instantiation methods that may diverge, especially when φ\varphi is not preserved. A notable difficulty arises due to counterexamples of infinite size. This paper studies Bounded-Horizon instantiation, a natural method for guaranteeing the termination of SMT solvers. The method bounds the depth of terms used in the quantifier instantiation process. We show that this method is surprisingly powerful for checking quantified invariants in uninterpreted domains. Furthermore, by producing partial models it can help the user diagnose the case when φ\varphi is not inductive, especially when the underlying reason is the existence of infinite counterexamples. Our main technical result is that Bounded-Horizon is at least as powerful as instrumentation, which is a manual method to guarantee convergence of the solver by modifying the program so that it admits a purely universal invariant. We show that with a bound of 1 we can simulate a natural class of instrumentations, without the need to modify the code and in a fully automatic way. We also report on a prototype implementation on top of Z3, which we used to verify several examples by Bounded-Horizon of bound 1

    A Parallel semantics for normal logic programs plus time

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    It is proposed that Normal Logic Programs with an explicit time ordering are a suitable basis for a general purpose parallel programming language. Examples show that such a language can accept real-time external inputs and outputs, and mimic assignment, all without departing from its pure logical semantics. This paper describes a fully incremental bottom-up interpreter that supports a wide range of parallel execution strategies and can extract significant potential parallelism from programs with complex dependencies

    Datalog as a parallel general purpose programming language

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    The increasing available parallelism of computers demands new programming languages that make parallel programming dramatically easier and less error prone. It is proposed that datalog with negation and timestamps is a suitable basis for a general purpose programming language for sequential, parallel and distributed computers. This paper develops a fully incremental bottom-up interpreter for datalog that supports a wide range of execution strategies, with trade-offs affecting efficiency, parallelism and control of resource usage. Examples show how the language can accept real-time external inputs and outputs, and mimic assignment, all without departing from its pure logical semantics

    A static analysis for quantifying information flow in a simple imperative language

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    We propose an approach to quantify interference in a simple imperative language that includes a looping construct. In this paper we focus on a particular case of this definition of interference: leakage of information from private variables to public ones via a Trojan Horse attack. We quantify leakage in terms of Shannon's information theory and we motivate our definition by proving a result relating this definition of leakage and the classical notion of programming language interference. The major contribution of the paper is a quantitative static analysis based on this definition for such a language. The analysis uses some non-trivial information theory results like Fano's inequality and L1 inequalities to provide reasonable bounds for conditional statements. While-loops are handled by integrating a qualitative flow-sensitive dependency analysis into the quantitative analysis