270 research outputs found

    Finding Missed Compiler Optimizations by Differential Testing

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    International audienceRandomized differential testing of compilers has had great success in finding compiler crashes and silent miscompila-tions. In this paper we investigate whether we can use similar techniques to improve the quality of the generated code: Can we compare the code generated by different compilers to find optimizations performed by one but missed by another? We have developed a set of tools for running such tests. We compile C code generated by standard random program generators and use a custom binary analysis tool to compare the output programs. Depending on the optimization of interest, the tool can be configured to compare features such as the number of total instructions, multiply or divide instructions, function calls, stack accesses, and more. A standard test case reduction tool produces minimal examples once an interesting difference has been found. We have used our tools to compare the code generated by GCC, Clang, and CompCert. We have found previously un-reported missing arithmetic optimizations in all three compilers, as well as individual cases of unnecessary register spilling, missed opportunities for register coalescing, dead stores, redundant computations, and missing instruction selection patterns

    A Study of Typing­Related Bugs in JVM compilers

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    Ο έλεγχος των μεταγλωττιστών είναι ένα ερευνητικό πεδίο το οποίο έχει τραβήξει το ενδιαφέρον των ερευνητών την τελευταία δεκαετία. Οι ερευνητές έχουν κυρίως επικεντρωθεί στο να βρουν σφάλματα λογισμικού που τερματίζουν τους μεταγλωττιστές, και εσφαλμένες μεταγλωττίσεις προγραμμάτων οι οποίες οφείλονται σε σφάλματα κατά της φάσης των βελτιστοποιήσεων. Παραδόξως, αυτό το αυξανόμενο σώμα εργασίας παραμελεί άλλες φάσεις του μεταγλωττιστή, με την πιο σημαντική να είναι η μπροστινή πλευρά των μεταγλωττιστών. Σε γλώσσες προγραμματισμού με στατικό σύστημα τύπων που προσφέρουν πλούσιο και εκφραστικό σύστημα τύπων και μοντέρνα χαρακτηριστικά, όπως αυτοματοποιημένα συμπεράσματα τύπων, ή ένα μείγμα από αντικειμενοστραφείς και συναρτησιακά χαρακτηριστικά, ο έλεγχος σχετικά με τους τύπους στο μπροστινό μέρος των μεταγλωττιστών είναι περίπλοκο και περιέχει αρκετά σφάλματα. Τέτοια σφάλματα μπορεί να οδηγήσουν στην αποδοχή εσφαλμένων προγραμμάτων, στην απόρριψη σωστών προγραμμάτων, και στην αναφορά παραπλανητικών σφαλμάτων και προειδοποιήσεων. Πραγματοποιούμε την πρώτη εμπειρική ανάλυση για την κατανόηση και την κατηγοριοποίηση σφαλμάτων σχετικά με τους τύπους στους μεταγλωττιστές. Για να το κάνουμε αυτό, μελετήσαμε 320 σφάλματα που σχετίζονται με την διαχείριση τύπων (μαζί με τις διορθώσεις και τους ελέγχους τους), τα οποία τα συλλέξαμε με τυχαία δειγματοληψία από τέσσερις δημοφιλής JVM γλώσσες προγραμματισμού, την Java, την Scala, την Kotlin, και την Groovy. Αξιολογήσαμε κάθε σφάλμα με βάση διάφορες πτυχές του, συμπεριλαμβανομένου του συμπτώματος του, της αιτίας που το προκάλεσε, της λύσης του, και των χαρακτηριστικών του προγράμματος που το αποκάλυψε. Τέλος υλοποιήσαμε ένα εργαλείο το οποίο χρησιμοποιεί τα ευρήματα μας ώστε να βρει με αυτοματοποιημένο τρόπο σφάλματα στο μπροστινό μέρος των μεταγλωττιστών της Kotlin και της Groovy.Compiler testing is a prevalent research topic that has gained much attention in the past decade. Researchers have mainly focused on detecting compiler crashes and miscompilations caused by bugs in the implementation of compiler optimizations. Surprisingly, this growing body of work neglects other compiler components, most notably the front­ end. In statically­typed programming languages with rich and expressive type systems and modern features, such as type inference or a mix of object­oriented with functional programming features, the process of static typing in compiler front­ends is complicated by a high­density of bugs. Such bugs can lead to the acceptance of incorrect programs, the rejection of correct programs, and the reporting of misleading errors and warnings. In this thesis, we undertake the first-ever effort to the best of our knowledge to empirically investigate and characterize typing­related compiler bugs. To do so, we manually study 320 typing­related bugs (along with their fixes and test cases) that are randomly sampled from four mainstream JVM languages, namely Java, Scala, Kotlin, and Groovy. We evaluate each bug in terms of several aspects, including their symptom, root cause, bug fix’s size, and the characteristics of the bug­revealing test cases. Finally, we implement a tool for finding front­end compiler bugs in Groovy and Kotlin compilers by exploiting the findings of our thesis

    Compiler fuzzing: how much does it matter?

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    Despite much recent interest in randomised testing (fuzzing) of compilers, the practical impact of fuzzer-found compiler bugs on real-world applications has barely been assessed. We present the first quantitative and qualitative study of the tangible impact of miscompilation bugs in a mature compiler. We follow a rigorous methodology where the bug impact over the compiled application is evaluated based on (1) whether the bug appears to trigger during compilation; (2) the extent to which generated assembly code changes syntactically due to triggering of the bug; and (3) whether such changes cause regression test suite failures, or whether we can manually find application inputs that trigger execution divergence due to such changes. The study is conducted with respect to the compilation of more than 10 million lines of C/C++ code from 309 Debian packages, using 12% of the historical and now fixed miscompilation bugs found by four state-of-the-art fuzzers in the Clang/LLVM compiler, as well as 18 bugs found by human users compiling real code or as a by-product of formal verification efforts. The results show that almost half of the fuzzer-found bugs propagate to the generated binaries for at least one package, in which case only a very small part of the binary is typically affected, yet causing two failures when running the test suites of all the impacted packages. User-reported and formal verification bugs do not exhibit a higher impact, with a lower rate of triggered bugs and one test failure. The manual analysis of a selection of the syntactic changes caused by some of our bugs (fuzzer-found and non fuzzer-found) in package assembly code, shows that either these changes have no semantic impact or that they would require very specific runtime circumstances to trigger execution divergence

    VLSI signal processing through bit-serial architectures and silicon compilation

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    Applications of information sharing for code generation in process virtual machines

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    As the backbone of many computing environments today, it is important that process virtual machines be both performant and robust in mobile, personal desktop, and enterprise applications. This thesis focusses on code generation within these virtual machines, particularly addressing situations where redundant work is being performed. The goal is to exploit information sharing in order to improve the performance and robustness of virtual machines that are accelerated by native code generation. First, the thesis investigates the potential to share generated code between multiple threads in a dynamic binary translator used to perform instruction set simulation. This is done through a code generation design that allows native code to be executed by any simulated core and adding a mechanism to share native code regions between threads. This is shown to improve the average performance of multi-threaded benchmarks by 1.4x when simulating 128 cores on a quad-core host machine. Secondly, the ahead-of-time code generation system used for executing Android applications is improved through the use of profiling. The thesis investigates the potential for profiles produced by individual users of applications to be shared and merged together to produce a generic profile that still provides a lot of benefit for a new user who is then able to skip the expensive profiling phase. These profiles can not only be used for selective compilation to reduce code-size and installation time, but can also be used for focussed optimisation on vital code regions of an application in order to improve overall performance. With selective compilation applied to a set of popular Android applications, code-size can be reduced by 49.9% on average, while installation time can be reduced by 31.8%, with only an average 8.5% increase in the amount of sequential runtime required to execute the collected profiles. The thesis also shows that, among the tested users, the use of a crowd-sourced and merged profile does not significantly affect their estimated performance loss from selective compilation (0.90x-0.92x) in comparison to when they they perform selective compilation with their own unique profile (0.93x). Furthermore, by proposing a new, more powerful code generator for Android’s virtual machine, these same profiles can be used to perform focussed optimisation, which preliminary results show to increase runtime performance across a set of common Android benchmarks by 1.46x-10.83x. Finally, in such a situation where a new code generator is being added to a virtual machine, it is also important to test the code generator for correctness and robustness. The methods of execution of a virtual machine, such as interpreters and code generators, must share a set of semantics about how programs must be executed, and this can be exploited in order to improve testing. This is done through the application of domain-aware binary fuzzing and differential testing within Android’s virtual machine. The thesis highlights a series of actual code generation and verification bugs that were found in Android’s virtual machine using this testing methodology, as well as comparing the proposed approach to other state-of-the-art fuzzing techniques

    OpenFPM: A scalable environment for particle and particle-mesh codes on parallel computers

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    Scalable and efficient numerical simulations continue to gain importance, as computation is firmly established tool of discovery, together with theory and experiment. Meanwhile, the performance of computing hardware grows with increasing heterogeneous hardware, enabling simulations of ever more complex models. However, efficiently implementing scalable codes on heterogeneous, distributed hardware systems becomes the bottleneck. This bottleneck can be alleviated by intermediate software layers that provide higher-level abstractions closer to the problem domain, hence allowing the computational scientist to focus on the simulation. Here, we present OpenFPM, an open and scalable framework that provides an abstraction layer for numerical simulations using particles and/or meshes. OpenFPM provides transparent and scalable infrastructure for shared-memory and distributed-memory implementations of particles-only and hybrid particle-mesh simulations of both discrete and continuous models, as well as non-simulation codes. This infrastructure is complemented with frequently used numerical routines, as well as interfaces to third-party libraries. This thesis will present the architecture and design of OpenFPM, detail the underlying abstractions, and benchmark the framework in applications ranging from Smoothed-Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) to Molecular Dynamics (MD), Discrete Element Methods (DEM), Vortex Methods, stencil codes, high-dimensional Monte Carlo sampling (CMA-ES), and Reaction-Diffusion solvers, comparing it to the current state of the art and existing software frameworks

    Hierarchical Transactions for Hardware/Software Cosynthesis

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    Modern heterogeneous devices provide of a variety of computationally diverse components holding tremendous performance and power capability. Hardware-software cosynthesis offers system-level synthesis and optimization opportunities to realize the potential of these evolving architectures. Efficiently coordinating high-throughput data to make use of available computational resources requires a myriad of distributed local memories, caching structures, and data motion resources. In fact, storage, caching, and data transfer components comprise the majority of silicon real estate. Conventional automated approaches, unfortunately, do not effectively represent applications in a way that captures data motion and state management which dictate dominant system costs. Consequently, existing cosynthesis methods suffer from poor utility of computational resources. Automated cosynthesis tailored towards memory-centric optimizations can address the challenge, adapting partitioning, scheduling, mapping, and binding techniques to maximize overall system utility.This research presents a novel hierarchical transaction model that formalizes state and control management through an abstract data/control encapsulation semantic. It is designed from the ground-up to enable efficient synthesis across heterogeneous system components, with an emphasis on memory capacity constraints. It intrinsically encourages a high degree of concurrency and latency tolerance, and provides verification tools to ensure correctness. A unique data/execution hierarchical encapsulation framework guarantees scalable analysis, supporting a novel concept of state and control mobility. A front-end language allows concise expression of designer intent, and is structured with synthesis in mind. Designers express families of valid executions in a minimal format through high-level dependencies, type systems, and computational relationships, allowing synthesis tools to manage lower-level details. This dissertation introduces and exercises the model, discussing language construction, demonstrating control and data-dominated applications, and presenting a synthesis path that exhibits near-linear scalability with problem size

    Scientific Programming and Computer Architecture

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    A variety of programming models relevant to scientists explained, with an emphasis on how programming constructs map to parts of the computer.What makes computer programs fast or slow? To answer this question, we have to get behind the abstractions of programming languages and look at how a computer really works. This book examines and explains a variety of scientific programming models (programming models relevant to scientists) with an emphasis on how programming constructs map to different parts of the computer's architecture. Two themes emerge: program speed and program modularity. Throughout this book, the premise is to "get under the hood," and the discussion is tied to specific programs. The book digs into linkers, compilers, operating systems, and computer architecture to understand how the different parts of the computer interact with programs. It begins with a review of C/C++ and explanations of how libraries, linkers, and Makefiles work. Programming models covered include Pthreads, OpenMP, MPI, TCP/IP, and CUDA.The emphasis on how computers work leads the reader into computer architecture and occasionally into the operating system kernel. The operating system studied is Linux, the preferred platform for scientific computing. Linux is also open source, which allows users to peer into its inner workings. A brief appendix provides a useful table of machines used to time programs. The book's website (https://github.com/divakarvi/bk-spca) has all the programs described in the book as well as a link to the html text