81 research outputs found

    Biped dynamic walking using reinforcement learning

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    This thesis presents a study of biped dynamic walking using reinforcement learning. A hardware biped robot was built. It uses low gear ratio DC motors in order to provide free leg movements. The Self Scaling Reinforcement learning algorithm was developed in order to deal with the problem of reinforcement learning in continuous action domains. A new learning architecture was designed to solve complex control problems. It uses different modules that consist of simple controllers and small neural networks. The architecture allows for easy incorporation of modules that represent new knowledge, or new requirements for the desired task. Control experiments were carried out using a simulator and the physical biped. The biped learned dynamic walking on flat surfaces without any previous knowledge about its dynamic model

    Hierarchical Control for Bipedal Locomotion using Central Pattern Generators and Neural Networks

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    The complexity of bipedal locomotion may be attributed to the difficulty in synchronizing joint movements while at the same time achieving high-level objectives such as walking in a particular direction. Artificial central pattern generators (CPGs) can produce synchronized joint movements and have been used in the past for bipedal locomotion. However, most existing CPG-based approaches do not address the problem of high-level control explicitly. We propose a novel hierarchical control mechanism for bipedal locomotion where an optimized CPG network is used for joint control and a neural network acts as a high-level controller for modulating the CPG network. By separating motion generation from motion modulation, the high-level controller does not need to control individual joints directly but instead can develop to achieve a higher goal using a low-dimensional control signal. The feasibility of the hierarchical controller is demonstrated through simulation experiments using the Neuro-Inspired Companion (NICO) robot. Experimental results demonstrate the controller's ability to function even without the availability of an exact robot model.Comment: In: Proceedings of the Joint IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning and on Epigenetic Robotics (ICDL-EpiRob), Oslo, Norway, Aug. 19-22, 201

    Intelligent approaches in locomotion - a review

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    Reinforcement Learning Algorithms in Humanoid Robotics

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    Reinforcement Learning of Stable Trajectory for Quasi-Passive Dynamic Walking of an Unstable Biped Robot

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    Biped walking is one of the major research targets in recent humanoid robotics, and many researchers are now interested in Passive Dynamic Walking (PDW) [McGeer (1990)] rather than that by the conventional Zero Moment Point (ZMP) criterion [Vukobratovic (1972)]. The ZMP criterion is usually used for planning a desired trajectory to be tracked by

    Using Reinforcement Learning in the tuning of Central Pattern Generators

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Engenharia InformáticaÉ objetivo deste trabalho aplicar técnicas de Reinforcement Learning em tarefas de aprendizagem e locomoção de robôs. Reinforcement Learning é uma técnica de aprendizagem útil no que diz respeito à locomoção de robôs, devido à ênfase que dá à interação direta entre o agente e o meio ambiente, e ao facto de não exigir supervisão ou modelos completos, ao contrário do que acontece nas abordagens clássicas. O objetivo desta técnica consiste na decisão das ações a tomar, de forma a maximizar uma recompensa cumulativa, tendo em conta o facto de que as decisões podem afetar não só as recompensas imediatas, como também as futuras. Neste trabalho será apresentada a estrutura e funcionamento do Reinforcement Learning e a sua aplicação em Central Pattern Generators, com o objetivo de gerar locomoção adaptativa otimizada. De forma a investigar e identificar os pontos fortes e capacidades do Reinforcement Learning, e para demonstrar de uma forma simples este tipo de algoritmos, foram implementados dois casos de estudo baseados no estado da arte. No que diz respeito ao objetivo principal desta tese, duas soluções diferentes foram abordadas: uma primeira baseada em métodos Natural-Actor Critic, e a segunda, em Cross-Entropy Method. Este último algoritmo provou ser capaz de lidar com a integração das duas abordagens propostas. As soluções de integração foram testadas e validadas com recurso ao simulador Webots e ao modelo do robô DARwIN-OP.In this work, it is intended to apply Reinforcement Learning techniques in tasks involving learning and robot locomotion. Reinforcement Learning is a very useful learning technique with regard to legged robot locomotion, due to its ability to provide direct interaction between the agent and the environment, and the fact of not requiring supervision or complete models, in contrast with other classic approaches. Its aim consists in making decisions about which actions to take so as to maximize a cumulative reward or reinforcement signal, taking into account the fact that the decisions may affect not only the immediate reward, but also the future ones. In this work it will be studied and presented the Reinforcement Learning framework and its application in the tuning of Central Pattern Generators, with the aim of generating optimized robot locomotion. In order to investigate the strengths and abilities of Reinforcement Learning, and to demonstrate in a simple way the learning process of such algorithms, two case studies were implemented based on the state-of-the-art. With regard to the main purpose of the thesis, two different solutions are addressed: a first one based on Natural-Actor Critic methods, and a second, based on the Cross-Entropy Method. This last algorithm was found to be very capable of handling with the integration of the two proposed approaches. The integration solutions were tested and validated resorting to Webots simulation and DARwIN-OP robot model

    Streamlined sim-to-real transfer for deep-reinforcement learning in robotics locomotion

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    Legged robots possess superior mobility compared to other machines, yet designing controllers for them can be challenging. Classic control methods require engineers to distill their knowledge into controllers, which is time-consuming and limiting when approaching dynamic tasks in unknown environments. Conversely, learning- based methods that gather knowledge from data can potentially unlock the versatility of legged systems. In this thesis, we propose a novel approach called CPG-Actor, which incor- porates feedback into a fully differentiable Central Pattern Generator (CPG) formulation using neural networks and Deep-Reinforcement Learning (RL). This approach achieves approximately twenty times better training performance compared to previous methods and provides insights into the impact of training on the distribution of parameters in both the CPGs and MLP feedback network. Adopting Deep-RL to design controllers comes at the expense of gathering extensive data, typically done in simulation to reduce time. However, controllers trained with data collected in simulation often lose performance when deployed in the real world, referred to as the sim-to-real gap. To address this, we propose a new method called Extended Random Force Injection (ERFI), which randomizes only two parameters to allow for sim-to-real transfer of locomotion controllers. ERFI demonstrated high robustness when varying masses of the base, or attaching a manipulator arm to the robot during testing, and achieved competitive performance comparable to standard randomization techniques. Furthermore, we propose a new method called Roll-Drop to enhance the robustness of Deep-RL policies to observation noise. Roll-Drop introduces dropout during rollout, achieving an 80% success rate when tested with up to 25% noise injected in the observations. Finally, we adopted model-free controllers to enable omni-directional bipedal lo- comotion on point feet with a quadruped robot without any hardware modification or external support. Despite the limitations posed by the quadruped’s hardware, the study considers this a perfect benchmark task to assess the shortcomings of sim- to-real techniques and unlock future avenues for the legged robotics community. Overall, this thesis demonstrates the potential of learning-based methods to design dynamic and robust controllers for legged robots while limiting the effort needed for sim-to-real transfer

    Humanoid Robots

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    For many years, the human being has been trying, in all ways, to recreate the complex mechanisms that form the human body. Such task is extremely complicated and the results are not totally satisfactory. However, with increasing technological advances based on theoretical and experimental researches, man gets, in a way, to copy or to imitate some systems of the human body. These researches not only intended to create humanoid robots, great part of them constituting autonomous systems, but also, in some way, to offer a higher knowledge of the systems that form the human body, objectifying possible applications in the technology of rehabilitation of human beings, gathering in a whole studies related not only to Robotics, but also to Biomechanics, Biomimmetics, Cybernetics, among other areas. This book presents a series of researches inspired by this ideal, carried through by various researchers worldwide, looking for to analyze and to discuss diverse subjects related to humanoid robots. The presented contributions explore aspects about robotic hands, learning, language, vision and locomotion