6,099 research outputs found

    Registration of Standardized Histological Images in Feature Space

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    In this paper, we propose three novel and important methods for the registration of histological images for 3D reconstruction. First, possible intensity variations and nonstandardness in images are corrected by an intensity standardization process which maps the image scale into a standard scale where the similar intensities correspond to similar tissues meaning. Second, 2D histological images are mapped into a feature space where continuous variables are used as high confidence image features for accurate registration. Third, we propose an automatic best reference slice selection algorithm that improves reconstruction quality based on both image entropy and mean square error of the registration process. We demonstrate that the choice of reference slice has a significant impact on registration error, standardization, feature space and entropy information. After 2D histological slices are registered through an affine transformation with respect to an automatically chosen reference, the 3D volume is reconstructed by co-registering 2D slices elastically.Comment: SPIE Medical Imaging 2008 - submissio

    Geometry Processing of Conventionally Produced Mouse Brain Slice Images

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    Brain mapping research in most neuroanatomical laboratories relies on conventional processing techniques, which often introduce histological artifacts such as tissue tears and tissue loss. In this paper we present techniques and algorithms for automatic registration and 3D reconstruction of conventionally produced mouse brain slices in a standardized atlas space. This is achieved first by constructing a virtual 3D mouse brain model from annotated slices of Allen Reference Atlas (ARA). Virtual re-slicing of the reconstructed model generates ARA-based slice images corresponding to the microscopic images of histological brain sections. These image pairs are aligned using a geometric approach through contour images. Histological artifacts in the microscopic images are detected and removed using Constrained Delaunay Triangulation before performing global alignment. Finally, non-linear registration is performed by solving Laplace's equation with Dirichlet boundary conditions. Our methods provide significant improvements over previously reported registration techniques for the tested slices in 3D space, especially on slices with significant histological artifacts. Further, as an application we count the number of neurons in various anatomical regions using a dataset of 51 microscopic slices from a single mouse brain. This work represents a significant contribution to this subfield of neuroscience as it provides tools to neuroanatomist for analyzing and processing histological data.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figure

    The INCF Digital Atlasing Program: Report on Digital Atlasing Standards in the Rodent Brain

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    The goal of the INCF Digital Atlasing Program is to provide the vision and direction necessary to make the rapidly growing collection of multidimensional data of the rodent brain (images, gene expression, etc.) widely accessible and usable to the international research community. This Digital Brain Atlasing Standards Task Force was formed in May 2008 to investigate the state of rodent brain digital atlasing, and formulate standards, guidelines, and policy recommendations.

Our first objective has been the preparation of a detailed document that includes the vision and specific description of an infrastructure, systems and methods capable of serving the scientific goals of the community, as well as practical issues for achieving
the goals. This report builds on the 1st INCF Workshop on Mouse and Rat Brain Digital Atlasing Systems (Boline et al., 2007, _Nature Preceedings_, doi:10.1038/npre.2007.1046.1) and includes a more detailed analysis of both the current state and desired state of digital atlasing along with specific recommendations for achieving these goals

    Real-time virtual sonography in gynecology & obstetrics. literature's analysis and case series

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    Fusion Imaging is a latest generation diagnostic technique, designed to combine ultrasonography with a second-tier technique such as magnetic resonance imaging and computer tomography. It has been mainly used until now in urology and hepatology. Concerning gynecology and obstetrics, the studies mostly focus on the diagnosis of prenatal disease, benign pathology and cervical cancer. We provided a systematic review of the literature with the latest publications regarding the role of Fusion technology in gynecological and obstetrics fields and we also described a case series of six emblematic patients enrolled from Gynecology Department of Sant ‘Andrea Hospital, “la Sapienza”, Rome, evaluated with Esaote Virtual Navigator equipment. We consider that Fusion Imaging could add values at the diagnosis of various gynecological and obstetrics conditions, but further studies are needed to better define and improve the role of this fascinating diagnostic tool

    A proposal for a coordinated effort for the determination of brainwide neuroanatomical connectivity in model organisms at a mesoscopic scale

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    In this era of complete genomes, our knowledge of neuroanatomical circuitry remains surprisingly sparse. Such knowledge is however critical both for basic and clinical research into brain function. Here we advocate for a concerted effort to fill this gap, through systematic, experimental mapping of neural circuits at a mesoscopic scale of resolution suitable for comprehensive, brain-wide coverage, using injections of tracers or viral vectors. We detail the scientific and medical rationale and briefly review existing knowledge and experimental techniques. We define a set of desiderata, including brain-wide coverage; validated and extensible experimental techniques suitable for standardization and automation; centralized, open access data repository; compatibility with existing resources, and tractability with current informatics technology. We discuss a hypothetical but tractable plan for mouse, additional efforts for the macaque, and technique development for human. We estimate that the mouse connectivity project could be completed within five years with a comparatively modest budget.Comment: 41 page

    Unfolding the hippocampus: An intrinsic coordinate system for subfield segmentations and quantitative mapping

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    The hippocampus, like the neocortex, has a morphological structure that is complex and variable in its folding pattern, especially in the hippocampal head. The current study presents a computational method to unfold hippocampal grey matter, with a particular focus on the hippocampal head where complexity is highest due to medial curving of the structure and the variable presence of digitations. This unfolding was performed on segmentations from high-resolution, T2-weighted 7T MRI data from 12 healthy participants and one surgical patient with epilepsy whose resected hippocampal tissue was used for histological validation. We traced a critical image feature composed of the hippocampal sulcus and stratum radiatum lacunosum-moleculare, (SRLM) in these images, then employed user-guided semi-automated techniques to detect and subsequently unfold the surrounding hippocampal grey matter. This unfolding was performed by solving Laplace\u27s equation in three dimensions of interest (long-axis, proximal-distal, and laminar). The resulting ‘unfolded coordinate space’ provides an intuitive way of mapping the hippocampal subfields in 2D space (long-axis and proximal-distal), such that similar borders can be applied in the head, body, and tail of the hippocampus independently of variability in folding. This unfolded coordinate space was employed to map intracortical myelin and thickness in relation to subfield borders, which revealed intracortical myelin differences that closely follow the subfield borders used here. Examination of a histological resected tissue sample from a patient with epilepsy reveals that our unfolded coordinate system has biological validity, and that subfield segmentations applied in this space are able to capture features not seen in manual tracing protocols

    Quantification of tumour heterogenity in MRI

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    Cancer is the leading cause of death that touches us all, either directly or indirectly. It is estimated that the number of newly diagnosed cases in the Netherlands will increase to 123,000 by the year 2020. General Dutch statistics are similar to those in the UK, i.e. over the last ten years, the age-standardised incidence rate1 has stabilised at around 355 females and 415 males per 100,000. Figure 1 shows the cancer incidence per gender. In the UK, the rise in lifetime risk of cancer is more than one in three and depends on many factors, including age, lifestyle and genetic makeup