9,073 research outputs found

    NICMOS Observations of Interaction Triggered Star Formation in the Luminous Infrared Galaxy NGC 6090

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    High resolution, 1.1, 1.6, and 2.2 micron imaging of the luminous infrared galaxy NGC 6090 obtained with NICMOS of the Hubble Space Telescope are presented. These new observations are centered on the two nuclei of the merger, and reveal the spiral structure of the eastern galaxy and the amorphous nature of the western galaxy. The nuclear separation of 3.2 kpc (H_0 = 75 km/s/Mpc) indicates that NGC 6090 is at an intermediate stage of merging. Bright knots/clusters are also visible in the region overlapping the merging galaxies; four of these knots appear bluer than the underlying galaxies and have colors consistent with young (<~ 10^7 yr) star clusters. The spatial coincidence of the knots with the molecular gas in NGC 6090 indicates that much of the present star formation is occuring outside of the nuclear region of merging galaxies, consistent with recent studies of other double nuclei luminous infrared galaxies.Comment: LaTex, 18 pages with 4 jpg figures, ApJ, in pres

    Examining the Seyfert - Starburst Connection with Arcsecond Resolution Radio Continuum Observations

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    We compare the arcsecond-scale circumnuclear radio continuum properties between five Seyfert and five starburst galaxies, concentrating on the search for any structures that could imply a spatial or causal connection between the nuclear activity and a circumnuclear starburst ring. No evidence is found in the radio emission for a link between the triggering or feeding of nuclear activity and the properties of circumnuclear star formation. Conversely, there is no clear evidence of nuclear outflows or jets triggering activity in the circumnuclear rings of star formation. Interestingly, the difference in the angle between the apparent orientation of the most elongated radio emission and the orientation of the major axis of the galaxy is on average larger in Seyferts than in starburst galaxies, and Seyferts appear to have a larger physical size scale of the circumnuclear radio continuum emission. The concentration, asymmetry, and clumpiness parameters of radio continuum emission in Seyferts and starbursts are comparable, as are the radial profiles of radio continuum and near-infrared line emission. The circumnuclear star formation and supernova rates do not depend on the level of nuclear activity. The radio emission usually traces the near-infrared Br-gamma and H2 1-0 S(1) line emission on large spatial scales, but locally their distributions are different, most likely because of the effects of varying local magnetic fields and dust absorption and scattering.Comment: 21 pages, 10 figures. Accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journa

    Clues to AGN Growth from Optically Variable Objects in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field

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    We present a photometric search for objects with point-source components that are optically variable on timescales of weeks--months in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field (HUDF) to i'(AB)=28.0 mag. The data are split into four sub-stacks of approximately equal exposure times. Objects exhibiting the signature of optical variability are selected by studying the photometric error distribution between the four different epochs, and selecting 622 candidates as 3.0 sigma outliers from the original catalog of 4644 objects. Of these, 45 are visually confirmed as free of contamination from close neighbors or various types of image defects. Four lie within the positional error boxes of Chandra X-ray sources, and two of these are spectroscopically confirmed AGN. The photometric redshift distribution of the selected variable sample is compared to that of field galaxies, and we find that a constant fraction of ~1% of all field objects show variability over the range of 0.1<z<4.5. Combined with other recent HUDF results, as well as those of recent state-of-the-art numerical simulations, we discuss a potential link between the hierarchical merging of galaxies and the growth of AGN.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal, minor changes to reference

    Influence of camera distortions on satellite image registration and change detection applications

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    Applications such as change detection and digital elevation model extraction from optical images require a rigorous modeling of the acquisition geometry. We show that the unrecorded satellite jitter during image acquisition, and the uncertainties on the CCD arrays geometry are the current major limiting factors for applications requiring high accuracy. These artifacts are identified and quantified on several optical satellites, i.e., SPOT, ASTER, QuickBird, and HiRISE

    Nuclear gas dynamics in Arp 220 - sub-kiloparsec scale atomic hydrogen disks

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    We present new, high angular resolution (~0.22") MERLIN observations of neutral hydrogen (HI) absorption and 21-cm radio continuum emission across the central ~900 parsecs of the ultraluminous infrared galaxy, Arp220. Spatially resolved HI absorption is detected against the morphologically complex and extended 21-cm radio continuum emission, consistent with two counterrotating disks of neutral hydrogen, with a small bridge of gas connecting the two. We propose a merger model in which the two nuclei represent the galaxy cores which have survived the initial encounter and are now in the final stages of merging, similar to conclusions drawn from previous CO studies (Sakamoto, Scoville & Yun 1999). However, we suggest that instead of being coplanar with the main CO disk (in which the eastern nucleus is embedded), the western nucleus lies above it and, as suggested by bridge of HI connecting the two nuclei, will soon complete its final merger with the main disk. We suggest that the collection of radio supernovae (RSN) detected in VLBA studies in the more compact western nucleus represent the second burst of star formation associated with this final merger stage and that free-free absorption due to ionised gas in the bulge-like component can account for the observed RSN distribution. (Abridged)Comment: 26 pages including 8 figures and 1 table; accepted for publication in Ap

    A sub-kpc-scale binary AGN with double narrow-line regions

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    We present the kinematic properties of a type-2 QSO, SDSS J132323.33-015941.9 at z~0.35, based on the analysis of Very Large Telescope integral field spectroscopy and Hubble Space Telescope (HST) imaging, which suggest that the target is a binary active galactic nucleus (AGN) with double narrow-line regions. The QSO features double-peaked emission lines ([OIII] and Hb) which can be decomposed into two kinematic components. The flux-weighted centroids of the blue and red components are separated by ~0.2" (0.8 kpc in projection) and coincide with the location of the two stellar cores detected in the HST broad-band images, implying that both stellar cores host an active black hole. The line-of-sight velocity of the blue component is comparable to the luminosity-weighted velocity of stars in the host galaxy while the red component is redshifted by ~240 km/s, consistent with typical velocity offsets of two cores in a late stage of a galaxy merger. If confirmed, the target is one of the rare cases of sub-kpc scale binary AGNs, providing a test-bed for understanding the binary AGN population.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Constraints on the assembly and dynamics of galaxies. II. Properties of kiloparsec-scale clumps in rest-frame optical emission of z ~ 2 star-forming galaxies

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    We study the properties of luminous stellar clumps identified in deep, high resolution HST/NIC2 F160W imaging at 1.6um of six z~2 star-forming galaxies with existing near-IR integral field spectroscopy from SINFONI at the VLT. Individual clumps contribute ~0.5%-15% of the galaxy-integrated rest-frame ~5000A emission, with median of about 2%; the total contribution of clump light ranges from 10%-25%. The median intrinsic clump size and stellar mass are ~1kpc and log(Mstar[Msun])~9, in the ranges for clumps identified in rest-UV or line emission in other studies. The clump sizes and masses in the subset of disks are broadly consistent with expectations for clump formation via gravitational instabilities in gas-rich, turbulent disks given the host galaxies' global properties. By combining the NIC2 data with ACS/F814W imaging available for one source, and AO-assisted SINFONI Halpha data for another, we infer modest color, M/L, and stellar age variations within each galaxy. In these two objects, sets of clumps identified at different wavelengths do not fully overlap; NIC2-identified clumps tend to be redder/older than ACS- or Halpha-identified clumps without rest-frame optical counterparts. There is evidence for a systematic trend of older ages at smaller galactocentric radii among the clumps, consistent with scenarios where inward migration of clumps transports material towards the central regions. From constraints on a bulge-like component at radii <1-3kpc, none of the five disks in our sample appears to contain a compact massive stellar core, and we do not discern a trend of bulge stellar mass fraction with stellar age of the galaxy. Further observations are necessary to probe the build-up of stellar bulges and the role of clumps in this process.Comment: 29 pages, 11 figures. Revised version accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa
