11,663 research outputs found

    Rozvoj venkova a rozvoj regionů: Společná zemědělská politika a regionální politika na jednom hřišti

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    Rozvoj venkova je stále více zdůrazňovanou součástí Společné zemědělské politiky EU, avšak není možné jej vnímat odděleně bez kontextu regionální politiky. Průnik v cílech a opatřeních rozvoje venkova společné zemědělské politiky i politiky regionální je zřejmý a je nutné podpořit snahy o synergii rozvojových aktivit. Cílem příspěvku je nastínění kontextu, prostorových vazeb, souvislostí i některých paradoxů politiky rozvoje venkova a regionální politiky v České republice.Rural development became in last decades independent development sphere. From the point of view of development relationships logic it is the process realized in context of regional development. Rural development as theme won and wins permanently better signification in common agricultural policy EU, however it is stressed also in the majority regional development documents. Cooperation between common agricultural policy and regional policy are important for maximal efficiency of rural development policy. Position of rural development and its standings among other policies is not completely clear. Competences of subjects engaged in rural development are quite complicated, not only in the Czech Republic but also in whole EU. Rural areas are specific: socially, economically, culturally and ecologically diversified territories

    Investment Construction in the Frame of the Regional Development

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    Abstrakt Tato bakalářská práce má za cíl vytvořit všeobecný přehled o fungování regionální politiky respektive politiky hospodářské, sociální a územní soudržnosti v Evropské unii a v České republice. V úvodu teoretické části je popsána historie EU, vznik a vývoj regionální politiky. Následuje charakteristika cílů, nástrojů a programů regionální politiky. Praktická část se zaměřuje na realizovaný projekt „Železniční přejezdy Frýdlant nad Ostravicí – Ostravice, který byl spolufinancovaný Evropskou unií v rámci Operačního programu Doprava.Abstract The aim of this study is to create a general knowledge about function of Regional, Cohesion policy in the European Union and in the Czech Republic. The introduction of the theoretical part describes the history of EU and the formation of regional policy. Then it characterizes main goals, instruments and programmes of the regional policy. The practical part of the thesis focuses on the completed project „Level crossings in the track section Frýdlant nad Ostravicí – Ostravice“, which was co-funded by the European Union under the Operational Programme Transport.

    Comparison of Euroregions on the Czech-Slovak Territory in the Context of EU Cross-border Cooperation

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    Import 02/11/2016Hlavním cílem předkládané práce je porovnání euroregionů na česko-slovenském území. Práce je uvedena teoretickými východisky přeshraniční spolupráce v Evropské unii. Definuje regionální politiku EU a v jejím rámci přeshraniční spolupráci. Další kapitola se zaměřuje na charakteristiku euroregionů se zaměřením na euroregiony na česko-slovenské hranici. Poslední obsahová kapitola je věnována analýze a komparaci vybraných euroregionů, pomocí socio-ekonomických ukazatelů a činností euroregionů v rámci projektových aktivit.The primary aim of the thesis is a comparison of Euroregions on the Czech-Slovak territory. Thesis starts with theoretical basis for cross-border cooperation in the European Union. Defines EU Regional Policy and within cross-border cooperation. Next chapter focuses on the characteristics of Euroregions with a focus on Euroregions on the Czech-Slovak border. The last chapter is dedicates the contect of the analysis and comparison of selected Euroregions with socio-economic indicators and activites within the project activities of the Euroregions.120 - Katedra evropské integracevelmi dobř

    Utilization of EU funding for the realization the investment project in the municipality

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    Bakalářská práce se zabývá využitím financování ze zdrojů EU pro realizaci investičního záměru v obci. Hlavní náplní práce je analýza financování projektu. V práci je nejprve popsáno investiční rozhodování a možné zdroje financování. Seznámení se s regionální a strukturální politikou EU a jednotlivými evropskými fondy. V závěru je popsán konkrétní projekt rekonstrukce lokality ulic Masarykova – Krampolova ve městě Šternberk, kde je popsán postup a způsob financování.This thesis deals with the use of EU funding for the realization of the investment project in the municipality. The main work is to analyze the project. The work is first discussed investment decisions and sources of funding. Familiarity with the regional and structural policy of the EU and individual European funds. In conclusion, it describes a specific project for the reconstruction of streets locality Masarykova - Krampolova in Sternberk, which describes the procedure and method of financing.

    Tři báze modelu rozvoje regionu

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    The submission pays attention to a model of region development as a fundamental attribute of CR and EU regional politics. It focuses on endogenous development factors, which are clustered into three bases: infrastructure, production and consumption. It shows their impact on development of selected indicators of region competitiveness – relations among regional GDP per capita, rate of regional GDP growth, investments (gross formation of fixed capital), and net disposable income households on the Pardubice region´s case

    Klasifikace českých regionů podle trendu vývoje

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    In this article I am concerned with an analysis of in Czech Republic. In the opening chapter, strategy of regional development of Czech Republic is briefly dealt with, later I concentrate on regions in Czech Republic at all. I make short analysis of districts in Czech Republic and I propose to position of regional policy on these districts

    Zaměření veřejné správy pro NUTS II – Jihovýchod

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    Příspěvek vychází z Regionálního operačního programu pro NUTS II Jihovýchod,který zahrnuje Jihomoravský kraj a kraj Vysočina. Tento program se zabývá také analýzou ekonomické a sociální situace tohoto regionu, vedle základních ekonomických, sociálních a environmentálních charakteristik je pozornost věnována také rozboru veřejné správy.The contribution is based on Regional operative program for NUTS II for Southeast, which contains Southmoravian region and Vysocina Region. This programe is also concerned with economic analysis and social situation of this region. It is also concentrated on basic economic, social and environmental characteristics as well as analysis of the public administration

    Obecné požadavky kvality programových dokumentů

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    The systematic tourism promotion can be understood as a specific tool of a regional policy of the Czech regions. At the present time almost all regions have disposed of a particular programme document focused on a development of tourism in a given region. Nevertheless these documents are considerably different in the case of their form and content. That is why an evaluation of their quality is quite difficult. One of the reasons of this situation is an absence of the requirements on a quality of these documents. This paper resulted from the methodological concept which aim is to set the basic requirements on the form and content of the programme documents

    Rozhodující cíle koncepcí regionální politiky státu

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    Příspěvek pojednává o teoretických základech a o soudobém pojetí regionální politiky státu. Jeho autor zachytil počátky utváření prvních přístupů z počátku třicátých let dvacátého století, jejich vývoj a zejména stávající podobu regionální politiky uskutečňované v Evropě na úrovni jednotlivých států a Evropské unie jako celku. Na konkrétních faktech dokumentuje přístupy stoupenců dřívějšího a soudobého pojetí regionální politiky.The article deals with theoretical foundations and contemporary concept of the state regional policy. Its author described the first approaches to the regional policy created in the beginning of the 1930s, their development and predominantly the contemporary state and European Union regional policy concept. The followers of older and contemporary concept of the regional policy positions are demonstrated through the concrete facts

    Možnosti uplatňování veřejných politik aftercare v České republice

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    Foreign direct investment (FDI) plays an important role in the development of some regions. In last years the number of new FDI projects has decreased and therefore the countries and regions pay more attention to their present investors to keep them in their country or region. This kind of services is called after-care services. The main provider of after-care services in the Czech Republic is the government agency CzechInvest which provides incentives and other programmes for foreign investors. Using incentives for expansions has increased during last years and almost one third of them were also used for uprading of plant status (creation of technological centres or centres of strategic services). Expansions are concentrated mainly in the Central Bohemia, especially in Prague metropolitan area, while the attraction of other metropolitan areas is not so strong.Relevant number of expansions and new created jobs is located in the problem regions with more favourable incentives. These findings prove that the programmes of CzechInvest FDI and their expansions is influenced to some extent by the programmes of CzechInvest which provide more support to less favoured regions. The expansions with uprading of plant status are located rather in regions with higher quality of human resources. Most of expansions (including expansions with upgrading of plant status) are located at the same place as the former investment project. CzechInvest provides only limited number of programmes for increasing level of embeddedness in the regional economy and that is the reason why the impacts of these programmes are rather insignificant.Foreign direct investment (FDI) plays an important role in the development of some regions. In last years the number of new FDI projects has decreased and therefore the countries and regions pay more attention to their present investors to keep them in their country or region. This kind of services is called after-care services. The main provider of after-care services in the Czech Republic is the government agency CzechInvest which provides incentives and other programmes for foreign investors. Using incentives for expansions has increased during last years and almost one third of them were also used for uprading of plant status (creation of technological centres or centres of strategic services). Expansions are concentrated mainly in the Central Bohemia, especially in Prague metropolitan area, while the attraction of other metropolitan areas is not so strong.Relevant number of expansions and new created jobs is located in the problem regions with more favourable incentives. These findings prove that the programmes of CzechInvest FDI and their expansions is influenced to some extent by the programmes of CzechInvest which provide more support to less favoured regions. The expansions with uprading of plant status are located rather in regions with higher quality of human resources. Most of expansions (including expansions with upgrading of plant status) are located at the same place as the former investment project. CzechInvest provides only limited number of programmes for increasing level of embeddedness in the regional economy and that is the reason why the impacts of these programmes are rather insignificant