128,131 research outputs found

    Reflective visualization and verbalization of unconscious preference

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    A new method is presented, that can help a person become aware of his or her unconscious preferences, and convey them to others in the form of verbal explanation. The method combines the concepts of reflection, visualization, and verbalization. The method was tested in an experiment where the unconscious preferences of the subjects for various artworks were investigated. In the experiment, two lessons were learned. The first is that it helps the subjects become aware of their unconscious preferences to verbalize weak preferences as compared with strong preferences through discussion over preference diagrams. The second is that it is effective to introduce an adjustable factor into visualization to adapt to the differences in the subjects and to foster their mutual understanding.Comment: This will be submitted to KES Journa

    Regions in TV news broadcasting: Selected aspects on the example of the Czech Republic

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    The presented contribution evaluates the role of mass media within territorial development. The purpose of the paper is to analyze and evaluate regionally bound TV news reporting in the Czech Republic between years 2005-2011. The attention is focused on the information about economies of self-governing regions (NUTS III) broadcasted in the news reporting of main television stations in the Czech Republic. A combination of research methods was used. Due to the character of dataset, empirical research is based on the contingency tables. Afterwards Pearson's chi-square test and Cramer's V were used. Correspondence analysis was applied for the evaluation and visualization of virtual reflection of economic information about regions. Development potential of the territory could be suppressed or supported by the mass media, as virtual portrayals may (not) correspond to the real character of the territory. One single event can distort the entire portrayal of a particular territory. We find also differences in the structure of information between public and commercial televisions. Content structure of concrete TV broadcasting substantially affects audience opinion.Web of Science6021008

    Visualization of spectral images

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    Spectral image sensors provide images with a large number of contiguous spectral channels per pixel. Visualization of these huge data sets is not a straightforward issue. There are three principal ways in which spectral data can be presented; as spectra, as image and in feature space. This paper describes several visualization methods and their suitability in the different steps in the research cycle. Combinations of the three presentation methods and dynamic interaction between them, adds significant to the usability. Examples of some software implementations are given. Also the application of volume visualization methods to display spectral images is shown to be valuabl

    A method for delineation of bone surfaces in photoacoustic computed tomography of the finger

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    Photoacoustic imaging of interphalangeal peripheral joints is of interest in the context of using the synovial membrane as a surrogate marker of rheumatoid arthritis. Previous work has shown that ultrasound produced by absorption of light at the epidermis reflects on the bone surfaces within the finger. When the reflected signals are backprojected in the region of interest, artifacts are produced, confounding interpretation of the images. In this work, we present an approach where the photoacoustic signals known to originate from the epidermis, are treated as virtual ultrasound transmitters, and a separate reconstruction is performed as in ultrasound reflection imaging. This allows us to identify the bone surfaces. Further, the identification of the joint space is important as this provides a landmark to localize a region-of-interest in seeking the inflamed synovial membrane. The ability to delineate bone surfaces allows us not only to identify the artifacts, but also to identify the interphalangeal joint space without recourse to new US hardware or a new measurement. We test the approach on phantoms and on a healthy human finger

    What do faculties specializing in brain and neural sciences think about, and how do they approach, brain-friendly teaching-learning in Iran?

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    Objective: to investigate the perspectives and experiences of the faculties specializing in brain and neural sciences regarding brain-friendly teaching-learning in Iran. Methods: 17 faculties from 5 universities were selected by purposive sampling (2018). In-depth semi-structured interviews with directed content analysis were used. Results: 31 sub-subcategories, 10 subcategories, and 4 categories were formed according to the “General teaching model”. “Mentorship” was a newly added category. Conclusions: A neuro-educational approach that consider the roles of the learner’s brain uniqueness, executive function facilitation, and the valence system are important to learning. Such learning can be facilitated through cognitive load considerations, repetition, deep questioning, visualization, feedback, and reflection. The contextualized, problem-oriented, social, multi-sensory, experiential, spaced learning, and brain-friendly evaluation must be considered. Mentorship is important for coaching and emotional facilitation

    Cue Now, Reflect Later: A Study of Delayed Reflection of Diary Events

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    Diary studies require participants to record entries at the moment of events, but the process often distracts the participants and disrupts the flow of the events. In this work, we explore the notion of delayed reflection for diary studies. Users quickly denote cues of diary events and only reflect on the cues later when they are not busy. To minimize disruptions, we employed a squeeze gesture that is swift and discreet for denoting cues. We investigated the feasibility of delayed reflection and compared it against a conventional digital diary that requires users to reflect immediately at the time of entry. In a weeklong field study, we asked participants to record their daily experiences with both types of diaries. Our results show that users’ preference is context-dependent. Delayed reflection is favored for use in contexts when interruptions are deemed inappropriate (e.g. in meetings or lectures) or when the users are mobile (e.g. walking). In contrast, the users prefer immediate reflection when they are alone, such as during leisure and downtime