107 research outputs found

    Redes definidas por software flexíveis

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    The fifth generation of mobile networks (5G) are able to offer better services than its predecessors mainly through the usage of software defined networks (SDN) and network functions virtualization (NFV) However, after multiple solutions developed using OpenFlow, the conclusion was that the even after several years of the first version released, OpenFlow fails to offer full flexibility and cannot handle unknown protocols. With that in mind, the community got together and created what is known today as P4. P4 is a language designed to program the data plane behavior, that, with the help of P4Runtime, the alternative of OpenFlow to P4 enabled devices, it allows the management of the data plane behavior regarding the target or the protocol. All of that because, unlike OpenFlow, P4Runtime does not assume that network devices have a fixed and well defined behavior, usually described by the ASIC chip. In this work, P4 ecosystem is used to implement offloading of functions to the network devices and evaluate whether that is impactful for the network performance. Given the low amount of work developed with P4 regarding publish-subscribe systems, that traditionally rely on brokers, it was decided to offload several functions of such systems to the dataplane with P4, leading that the overall solution can be comparable to distributed broker ones. However, P4 is limited regarding the management of state related data, just like of TCP sessions, which many publish-subscribe system rely on. Zenoh, a new publish-subscribe protocol that is still in early phases and directed to IoT, is also able to run over UDP and therefore is a great candidate to be implemented in P4 to overcome such issues. It is then used to show the advantages of doing offloading of processing to the dataplane. The conceptualized system was then compared to two more traditional ones, that do not make use of offloading. The overall results achieved are promising. Results show that there are benefits in the offloading of certain tasks to the dataplane and therefore be closer to the end user and with that improve latency. However, regarding the pure Zenoh, the results achieved are poorer. That can be explained by the usage of software switches that are not production grade ready and whose performance is highly impacted by several data plane factors. That makes it necessary to do more tests on expensive hardware equipment for a more concrete conclusion.As redes móveis de quinta geração (5G) conseguem oferecer melhores serviços que as suas anteriores gerações maioritariamente através do uso de tecnologias como redes definidas por software (SDN) e virtualização das funções da rede (NFV). No entanto, após vários anos de implementações de soluções usando OpenFlow, chegou-se à conclusão que este tem limitações relativamente a protocolos desconhecidos, mesmo após vários anos da primeira versão. Então, a comunidade juntou-se e criou o que hoje é o ecossistema P4/P4Runtime. Sendo o P4 uma linguagem destinada à programação do comportamento do plano de dados e o P4Runtime o equivalente ao OpenFlow para equipamentos que suportam P4, no entanto permite uma gestão do comportamento do plano de dados independente do dispositivo e do protocolo, uma vez que não assume que os equipamentos de rede têm um comportamento fixo bem definido, normalmente descrito pelo chip ASIC. Neste trabalho, faz-se uso do ecossistema do P4 para implementação de offloading de funções para os próprios equipamentos de rede e avalia-se se esta solução traz benefícios para a performance da rede. Devido à pouca exploração em P4 de sistemas publish-subscribe, que dependem tradicionalmente de brokers, foi decidido fazer offloading de funções de um desses sistemas através do uso de P4, permitindo ainda que a solução como um todo possa ser comparável com as oferecidas por um broker distribuído. No entanto, o P4 tem limitações ao nível de gestão de sessões TCP. O Zenoh, um protocol publish-subscribe ainda em evolução e direcionado para IoT, permite também transporte sobre UDP, e é por isso um grande candidato a ser implementado em P4 para demonstrar as vantagens de fazer offloading de processamento para o plano de dados. O sistema conceptualizado e desenvolvido foi então comparado com outros dois sistemas mais tradicionais que não fazem uso de offloading. Os resultados são animadores mostrando que existe benefício em fazer ffloading de certas funções para o plano de dados, visto que certas operações podem ser feitas mais perto do utilizador final. No entanto, comparando os resultados com os oferecidos pelo Zenoh puro, os resultados são piores, sendo isto explicado pelo facto de os equipamentos de rede utilizados serem switches em software que não estão preparados para ambientes de produção e são muito penalizados por diversos fatores do comportamento do plano de dados. É por isso necessário fazer testes em equipamentos de hardware para uma avaliação mais profunda e consequente conclusão.Mestrado em Engenharia de Computadores e Telemátic

    IPv6 and IPsec Tests of a Space-Based Asset, the Cisco Router in Low Earth Orbit (CLEO)

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    This report documents the design of network infrastructure to support testing and demonstrating network-centric operations and command and control of space-based assets, using IPv6 and IPsec. These tests were performed using the Cisco router in Low Earth Orbit (CLEO), an experimental payload onboard the United Kingdom--Disaster Monitoring Constellation (UK-DMC) satellite built and operated by Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd (SSTL). On Thursday, 29 March 2007, NASA Glenn Research Center, Cisco Systems and SSTL performed the first configuration and demonstration of IPsec and IPv6 onboard a satellite in low Earth orbit. IPv6 is the next generation of the Internet Protocol (IP), designed to improve on the popular IPv4 that built the Internet, while IPsec is the protocol used to secure communication across IP networks. This demonstration was made possible in part by NASA s Earth Science Technology Office (ESTO) and shows that new commercial technologies such as mobile networking, IPv6 and IPsec can be used for commercial, military and government space applications. This has direct application to NASA s Vision for Space Exploration. The success of CLEO has paved the way for new spacebased Internet technologies, such as the planned Internet Routing In Space (IRIS) payload at geostationary orbit, which will be a U.S. Department of Defense Joint Capability Technology Demonstration. This is a sanitized report for public distribution. All real addressing has been changed to psueco addressing

    Design and Implementation of a Communication Protocol to Improve Multimedia QoS and QoE in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks

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    [EN] This dissertation addresses the problem of multimedia delivery over multi-hop ad hoc wireless networks, and especially over wireless sensor networks. Due to their characteristics of low power consumption, low processing capacity and low memory capacity, they have major difficulties in achieving optimal quality levels demanded by end users in such communications. In the first part of this work, it has been carried out a study to determine the behavior of a variety of multimedia streams and how they are affected by the network conditions when they are transmitted over topologies formed by devices of different technologies in multi hop wireless ad hoc mode. To achieve this goal, we have performed experimental tests using a test bench, which combine the main codecs used in audio and video streaming over IP networks with different sound and video captures representing the characteristic patterns of multimedia services such as phone calls, video communications, IPTV and video on demand (VOD). With the information gathered in the laboratory, we have been able to establish the correlation between the induced changes in the physical and logical topology and the network parameters that measure the quality of service (QoS) of a multimedia transmission, such as latency, jitter or packet loss. At this stage of the investigation, a study was performed to determine the state of the art of the proposed protocols, algorithms, and practical implementations that have been explicitly developed to optimize the multimedia transmission over wireless ad hoc networks, especially in ad hoc networks using clusters of nodes distributed over a geographic area and wireless sensor networks. Next step of this research was the development of an algorithm focused on the logical organization of clusters formed by nodes capable of adapting to the circumstances of real-time traffic. The stated goal was to achieve the maximum utilization of the resources offered by the set of nodes that forms the network, allowing simultaneously sending reliably and efficiently all types of content through them, and mixing conventional IP data traffic with multimedia traffic with stringent QoS and QoE requirements. Using the information gathered in the previous phase, we have developed a network architecture that improves overall network performance and multimedia streaming. In parallel, it has been designed and programmed a communication protocol that allows implementing the proposal and testing its operation on real network infrastructures. In the last phase of this thesis we have focused our work on sending multimedia in wireless sensor networks (WSN). Based on the above results, we have adapted both the architecture and the communication protocol for this particular type of network, whose use has been growing hugely in recent years.[ES] Esta tesis doctoral aborda el problema de la distribución de contenidos multimedia a través de redes inalámbricas ad hoc multisalto, especialmente las redes inalámbricas de sensores que, debido a sus características de bajo consumo energético, baja capacidad de procesamiento y baja capacidad de memoria, plantean grandes dificultades para alcanzar los niveles de calidad óptimos que exigen los usuarios finales en dicho tipo de comunicaciones. En la primera parte de este trabajo se ha llevado a cabo un estudio para determinar el comportamiento de una gran variedad de flujos multimedia y como se ven afectados por las condiciones de la red cuando son transmitidos a través topologías formadas por dispositivos de diferentes tecnologías que se comunican en modo ad hoc multisalto inalámbrico. Para ello, se han realizado pruebas experimentales sobre una maqueta de laboratorio, combinando los principales códecs empleados en la transmisión de audio y video a través de redes IP con diversas capturas de sonido y video que representan patrones característicos de servicios multimedia tales como las llamadas telefónicas, videoconferencias, IPTV o video bajo demanda (VOD). Con la información reunida en el laboratorio se ha podido establecer la correlación entre los cambios inducidos en la topología física y lógica de la red con los parámetros que miden la calidad de servicio (QoS) de una transmisión multimedia, tales como la latencia el jitter o la pérdida de paquetes. En esta fase de la investigación se realiza un estudio para determinar el estado del arte de las propuestas de desarrollo e implementación de protocolos y algoritmos que se han generado de forma explícita para optimizar la transmisión de tráfico multimedia sobre redes ad hoc inalámbricas, especialmente en las redes inalámbricas de sensores y redes ad hoc utilizando clústeres de nodos distribuidos en un espacio geográfico. El siguiente paso en la investigación ha consistido en el desarrollo de un algoritmo propio para la organización lógica de clústeres formados por nodos capaces de adaptarse a las circunstancias del tráfico en tiempo real. El objetivo planteado es conseguir un aprovechamiento máximo de los recursos ofrecidos por el conjunto de nodos que forman la red, permitiendo de forma simultánea el envío de todo tipo de contenidos a través de ellos de forma confiable y eficiente, permitiendo la convivencia de tráfico de datos IP convencional con tráfico multimedia con requisitos exigentes de QoS y QoE. A partir de la información conseguida en la fase anterior, se ha desarrollado una arquitectura de red que mejora el rendimiento general de la red y el de las transmisiones multimedia de audio y video en particular. De forma paralela, se ha diseñado y programado un protocolo de comunicación que permite implementar el modelo y testear su funcionamiento sobre infraestructuras de red reales. En la última fase de esta tesis se ha dirigido la atención hacia la transmisión multimedia en las redes de sensores inalámbricos (WSN). Partiendo de los resultados anteriores, se ha adaptado tanto la arquitectura como el protocolo de comunicaciones para este tipo concreto de red, cuyo uso se ha extendido en los últimos años de forma considerable[CA] Esta tesi doctoral aborda el problema de la distribució de continguts multimèdia a través de xarxes sense fil ad hoc multi salt, especialment les xarxes sense fil de sensors que, a causa de les seues característiques de baix consum energètic, baixa capacitat de processament i baixa capacitat de memòria, plantegen grans dificultats per a aconseguir els nivells de qualitat òptims que exigixen els usuaris finals en eixos tipus de comunicacions. En la primera part d'este treball s'ha dut a terme un estudi per a determinar el comportament d'una gran varietat de fluxos multimèdia i com es veuen afectats per les condicions de la xarxa quan són transmesos a través topologies formades per dispositius de diferents tecnologies que es comuniquen en mode ad hoc multi salt sense fil. Per a això, s'han realitzat proves experimentals sobre una maqueta de laboratori, combinant els principals códecs empleats en la transmissió d'àudio i vídeo a través de xarxes IP amb diverses captures de so i vídeo que representen patrons característics de serveis multimèdia com son les cridades telefòniques, videoconferències, IPTV o vídeo baix demanda (VOD). Amb la informació reunida en el laboratori s'ha pogut establir la correlació entre els canvis induïts en la topologia física i lògica de la xarxa amb els paràmetres que mesuren la qualitat de servei (QoS) d'una transmissió multimèdia, com la latència el jitter o la pèrdua de paquets. En esta fase de la investigació es realitza un estudi per a determinar l'estat de l'art de les propostes de desenvolupament i implementació de protocols i algoritmes que s'han generat de forma explícita per a optimitzar la transmissió de tràfic multimèdia sobre xarxes ad hoc sense fil, especialment en les xarxes sense fil de sensors and xarxes ad hoc utilitzant clusters de nodes distribuïts en un espai geogràfic. El següent pas en la investigació ha consistit en el desenvolupament d'un algoritme propi per a l'organització lògica de clusters formats per nodes capaços d'adaptar-se a les circumstàncies del tràfic en temps real. L'objectiu plantejat és aconseguir un aprofitament màxim dels recursos oferits pel conjunt de nodes que formen la xarxa, permetent de forma simultània l'enviament de qualsevol tipus de continguts a través d'ells de forma confiable i eficient, permetent la convivència de tràfic de dades IP convencional amb tràfic multimèdia amb requisits exigents de QoS i QoE. A partir de la informació aconseguida en la fase anterior, s'ha desenvolupat una arquitectura de xarxa que millora el rendiment general de la xarxa i el de les transmissions multimèdia d'àudio i vídeo en particular. De forma paral¿lela, s'ha dissenyat i programat un protocol de comunicació que permet implementar el model i testejar el seu funcionament sobre infraestructures de xarxa reals. En l'última fase d'esta tesi s'ha dirigit l'atenció cap a la transmissió multimèdia en les xarxes de sensors sense fil (WSN). Partint dels resultats anteriors, s'ha adaptat tant l'arquitectura com el protocol de comunicacions per a aquest tipus concret de xarxa, l'ús del qual s'ha estés en els últims anys de forma considerable.Díaz Santos, JR. (2016). Design and Implementation of a Communication Protocol to Improve Multimedia QoS and QoE in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/62162TESI

    Optimization of BGP Convergence and Prefix Security in IP/MPLS Networks

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    Multi-Protocol Label Switching-based networks are the backbone of the operation of the Internet, that communicates through the use of the Border Gateway Protocol which connects distinct networks, referred to as Autonomous Systems, together. As the technology matures, so does the challenges caused by the extreme growth rate of the Internet. The amount of BGP prefixes required to facilitate such an increase in connectivity introduces multiple new critical issues, such as with the scalability and the security of the aforementioned Border Gateway Protocol. Illustration of an implementation of an IP/MPLS core transmission network is formed through the introduction of the four main pillars of an Autonomous System: Multi-Protocol Label Switching, Border Gateway Protocol, Open Shortest Path First and the Resource Reservation Protocol. The symbiosis of these technologies is used to introduce the practicalities of operating an IP/MPLS-based ISP network with traffic engineering and fault-resilience at heart. The first research objective of this thesis is to determine whether the deployment of a new BGP feature, which is referred to as BGP Prefix Independent Convergence (PIC), within AS16086 would be a worthwhile endeavour. This BGP extension aims to reduce the convergence delay of BGP Prefixes inside of an IP/MPLS Core Transmission Network, thus improving the networks resilience against faults. Simultaneously, the second research objective was to research the available mechanisms considering the protection of BGP Prefixes, such as with the implementation of the Resource Public Key Infrastructure and the Artemis BGP Monitor for proactive and reactive security of BGP prefixes within AS16086. The future prospective deployment of BGPsec is discussed to form an outlook to the future of IP/MPLS network design. As the trust-based nature of BGP as a protocol has become a distinct vulnerability, thus necessitating the use of various technologies to secure the communications between the Autonomous Systems that form the network to end all networks, the Internet

    IoT-MQTT based denial of service attack modelling and detection

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    Internet of Things (IoT) is poised to transform the quality of life and provide new business opportunities with its wide range of applications. However, the bene_ts of this emerging paradigm are coupled with serious cyber security issues. The lack of strong cyber security measures in protecting IoT systems can result in cyber attacks targeting all the layers of IoT architecture which includes the IoT devices, the IoT communication protocols and the services accessing the IoT data. Various IoT malware such as Mirai, BASHLITE and BrickBot show an already rising IoT device based attacks as well as the usage of infected IoT devices to launch other cyber attacks. However, as sustained IoT deployment and functionality are heavily reliant on the use of e_ective data communication protocols, the attacks on other layers of IoT architecture are anticipated to increase. In the IoT landscape, the publish/- subscribe based Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) protocol is widely popular. Hence, cyber security threats against the MQTT protocol are projected to rise at par with its increasing use by IoT manufacturers. In particular, the Internet exposed MQTT brokers are vulnerable to protocolbased Application Layer Denial of Service (DoS) attacks, which have been known to cause wide spread service disruptions in legacy systems. In this thesis, we propose Application Layer based DoS attacks that target the authentication and authorisation mechanism of the the MQTT protocol. In addition, we also propose an MQTT protocol attack detection framework based on machine learning. Through extensive experiments, we demonstrate the impact of authentication and authorisation DoS attacks on three opensource MQTT brokers. Based on the proposed DoS attack scenarios, an IoT-MQTT attack dataset was generated to evaluate the e_ectiveness of the proposed framework to detect these malicious attacks. The DoS attack evaluation results obtained indicate that such attacks can overwhelm the MQTT brokers resources even when legitimate access to it was denied and resources were restricted. The evaluations also indicate that the proposed DoS attack scenarios can signi_cantly increase the MQTT message delay, especially in QoS2 messages causing heavy tail latencies. In addition, the proposed MQTT features showed high attack detection accuracy compared to simply using TCP based features to detect MQTT based attacks. It was also observed that the protocol _eld size and length based features drastically reduced the false positive rates and hence, are suitable for detecting IoT based attacks

    Prediction-Based Energy Saving Mechanism in 3GPP NB-IoT Networks

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    The current expansion of the Internet of things (IoT) demands improved communication platforms that support a wide area with low energy consumption. The 3rd Generation Partnership Project introduced narrowband IoT (NB-IoT) as IoT communication solutions. NB-IoT devices should be available for over 10 years without requiring a battery replacement. Thus, a low energy consumption is essential for the successful deployment of this technology. Given that a high amount of energy is consumed for radio transmission by the power amplifier, reducing the uplink transmission time is key to ensure a long lifespan of an IoT device. In this paper, we propose a prediction-based energy saving mechanism (PBESM) that is focused on enhanced uplink transmission. The mechanism consists of two parts: first, the network architecture that predicts the uplink packet occurrence through a deep packet inspection; second, an algorithm that predicts the processing delay and pre-assigns radio resources to enhance the scheduling request procedure. In this way, our mechanism reduces the number of random accesses and the energy consumed by radio transmission. Simulation results showed that the energy consumption using the proposed PBESM is reduced by up to 34% in comparison with that in the conventional NB-IoT method

    Sistema de comunicação sem fios de suporte à monitorização ambiental

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    Poor indoor air quality in classrooms can lead to decreased students’ performance, and affect the health and comfort of the occupants. The purpose of this dissertation is to deploy a system for environmental monitoring support through wireless communications technologies and long range networks. The prototype developed allows to collect continuous measurement of temperature, relative humidity, Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC), air pressure, oxygen and carbon dioxide. Evaluations were done using LoRaWAN protocol in selected classrooms during the winter semester at University of Aveiro. It demonstrates how to collect, integrate, analyse, and visualize real-time air quality data collected.A má qualidade do ar no interior das salas de aula pode levar à diminuição do desempenho dos alunos, uma vez que a qualidade do ar é um factor fundamental a ser controlado para garantir a saúde e o conforto dos ocupantes. Esta dissertação tem como objectivo desenvolver um sistema de suporte à monitorização ambiental através de tecnologias de comunicação sem fios e de redes de longo alcance. O protótipo desenvolvido permite recolher medições contínuas de temperatura, humidade relativa, Compostos Orgânicos Voláteis (VOC), pressão do ar, oxigénio e dióxido de carbono. Foram realizados testes em salas de aulas selecionadas durante o semestre de inverno na Universidade de Aveiro usando o protocolo LoRaWAN. É demonstrado como recolher, integrar, analisar e visualizar em tempo real os dados obtidos.Mestrado em Engenharia de Computadores e Telemátic

    Automatic provisioning in multi-domain software defined networking

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    Multi-domain Software Defined Networking (SDN) is the extension of the SDN paradigm to multi-domain networking and the interconnection of different administrative domains. By utilising SDN in the core telecommunication networks, benefits are found including improved traffic flow control, fast route updates and the potential for routing centralisation across domains. The Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) was designed three decades ago, and efforts to redesign interdomain routing that would include a replacement or upgrade to the existing BGP have yet to be realised. For the near real-time flow control provided by SDN, the domain boundary presents a challenge that is difficult to overcome when utilising existing protocols. Replacing the existing gateway mechanism, that provides routing updates between the different administrative domains, with a multi-domain centralised SDN-based solution may not be supported by the network operators, so it is a challenge to identify an approach that works within this constraint. In this research, BGP was studied and selected as the inter-domain SDN communication protocol, and it was used as the baseline protocol for a novel framework for automatic multi-domain SDN provisioning. The framework utilises the BGP UPDATE message with Communities and Extended Communities as the attributes for message exchange. A new application called Inter-Domain Provisioning of Routing Policy in ONOS (INDOPRONOS), for the framework implementation, was developed and tested. This application was built as an ONOS controller application, which collaborated with the existing ONOS SDN-IP application. The framework implementation was tested to verify the information exchange mechanism between domains, and it successfully carried out the provisioning actions that are triggered by that exchanged information. The test results show that the framework was successfully verified. The information carried inside the two attributes can successfully be transferred between domains, and it can be used to trigger INDOPRONOS to create and install new alternative intents to override the default intents of the ONOS controller. The intents installed by INDOPRONOS immediately change the route of the existing connection, which demonstrated that the correct request sent from the other domain, can carry out a modification in network settings inside a domain. Finally, the framework was tested using a bandwidth on demand use case. In this use case, a customer network administrator can immediately change the network service bandwidth which was provided by the service provider, without any intervention from the service provider administrator, based on an agreed-predefined configuration setting. This ability will provide benefits for both customer and service provider, in terms of customer satisfaction and network operations efficiency

    Multi-Layer Architektur und System Design von Internet Protocol (IP) und Optischen Netzwerken

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    The modeling of multi-layer networks is well-researched problem, but existing models for IP-optical integration do not consider technology specific capabilities and operational aspects for employing dynamic optical circuits in IP networks. This thesis presents an ILP-based model which identifies and incorporates novel constraints for numerous technology specific aspects, such as IP forwarding capabilities and behavior of routing protocols. Novel solutions for critical operational aspects of IP-optical integration, such as optical circuit decommissioning and computation under unknown traffic conditions, are also proposed in this thesis. The thesis identifies changes in routing as a major deterrent for employing dynamic optical circuits in IP networks, and proposes the new Optical Bypass approach to address the same. Quantitative studies presented indicate that the introduction of an optical circuit under this approach significantly reduces the effect on IP routing, while lowering optical capacity requirements as compared to the traditional SPF based approaches. The proposed solution can also compute near-optimal solutions under unknown IP traffic matrix conditions, making it ideal for application in dynamic network scenarios. The thesis also addresses specific management challenges with IP-optical integration, and outlines solutions to address the same. The solutions are built around enabling coordination of management subsystems in the two network layers. The thesis presents the general architecture to facilitate coordination between management subsystems in a programmable fashion and demonstrates the capability of the architecture to be used in legacy as well as SDN-capable infrastructure. The thesis also outlines the design and implementation of the first open-source PCE, which is a critical management subsystem for enabling multi-layer path computation in IP-optical networks.Grundsätzlich ist die Modellierung von Multilayer-Netzen ein bekanntes Problem, dennoch lassen die vorhandenen Modelle für IP-optische Integration viele technologiespezifische Eigenschaften und kritische Aspekte bei Einrichtung und Betrieb dynamischer optischer Verbindungen in IP-Netzwerken außer Acht. Hierzu gehören vor allem die Eigenheiten des Forwarding, sowie das Verhalten von Routingprotokollen. Die vorliegende Dissertation präsentiert ein ILP Modell, dass solche Aspekte und Bedingungen identifiziert und integriert, sowie die Notwendigkeit hierfür anhand numerischer Evaluierung nachweist. Die Modellierungsaspekte der IP-optischen Integration umfassen bezüglich des Netzbetriebs vor allem Probleme wie die optimale Berechnung im Falle einer unbekannten Verkehrsmatrix sowie deren Verbindungsabbau. Ein wesentliches Hindernis in dynamische IP-optischen Netzwerken sind die aus ihrer Einrichtung resultierenden protokollspezifischen Änderungen im Routing. Als Lösung wird der optische Bypass vorgeschlagen. Die Untersuchungen zeigen, dass der Einsatz optischer Bypässe die Auswirkungen auf das IP-Routing stark reduziert und gleichzeitig die dafür notwendigen Kapazitätsanforderungen verringert. Damit sind optische Bypässe ebenfalls für Anwendungsszenarien geeignet, in denen die IP-Verkehrsmatrix nicht bekannt ist. Im Weiteren werden noch Probleme aus dem Bereich Netzwerkmanagement behandelt, die sich spezifisch aus der IP-optischen Integration entwickeln, und es werden entsprechende Lösungsansätze vorgestellt. Diese basieren auf der Abstimmung und dem koordinierten Betrieb der Management-Subsysteme in den beiden betroffenen Netzschichten. Gezeigt wird dann eine allgemeine Architektur, die eine Koordination von Management-Subsystemen (auch für SDN), in programmierbarer Form ermöglicht. Außerdem wird der Entwurf und die Implementierung des Open Source PCE beschrieben, welches die Berechnung von Multilayer Verbindungswegen in IP-optischen Netzwerken ermöglicht