11 research outputs found

    Une classe traitable de problèmes de planification temporelle

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    National audienceCet article présente une classe de problèmes de planification temporelle solubles en temps poly- nomial. Ce résultat découle de deux hypothèses. Nous supposons d'abord que les sous-buts ne peuvent être établis que par une action unique, ce qui nous permet de déterminer rapidement les actions qui sont nécessaires dans tous les plans. Nous supposons également que les sous-buts sont monotones, ce qui nous permet d'exprimer la planification comme une instance de STP≠ (Simple Temporal Problem, difference cons- traints). Notre classe contient des problèmes temporellement expressifs, ce que nous illus- trons avec un exemple de planification de pro- cessus chimique

    Planning with Critical Section Macros:Theory and Practice

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    Efficient Automated Planning with New Formulations

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    Problem solving usually strongly relies on how the problem is formulated. This fact also applies to automated planning, a key field in artificial intelligence research. Classical planning used to be dominated by STRIPS formulation, a simple model based on propositional logic. In the recently introduced SAS+ formulation, the multi-valued variables naturally depict certain invariants that are missed in STRIPS, make SAS+ have many favorable features. Because of its rich structural information SAS+ begins to attract lots of research interest. Existing works, however, are mostly limited to one single thing: to improve heuristic functions. This is in sharp contrast with the abundance of planning models and techniques in the field. On the other hand, although heuristic is a key part for search, its effectiveness is limited. Recent investigations have shown that even if we have almost perfect heuristics, the number of states to visit is still exponential. Therefore, there is a barrier between the nice features of SAS+ and its applications in planning algorithms. In this dissertation, we have recasted two major planning paradigms: state space search and planning as Satisfiability: SAT), with three major contributions. First, we have utilized SAS+ for a new hierarchical state space search model by taking advantage of the decomposable structure within SAS+. This algorithm can greatly reduce the time complexity for planning. Second, planning as Satisfiability is a major planning approach, but it is traditionally based on STRIPS. We have developed a new SAS+ based SAT encoding scheme: SASE) for planning. The state space modeled by SASE shows a decomposable structure with certain components independent to others, showing promising structure that STRIPS based encoding does not have. Third, the expressiveness of planning is important for real world scenarios, thus we have also extended the planning as SAT to temporally expressive planning and planning with action costs, two advanced features beyond classical planning. The resulting planner is competitive to state-of-the-art planners, in terms of both quality and performance. Overall, our work strongly suggests a shifting trend of planning from STRIPS to SAS+, and shows the power of formulating planning problems as Satisfiability. Given the important roles of both classical planning and temporal planning, our work will inspire new developments in other advanced planning problem domains

    Star-topology decoupled state-space search in AI planning and model checking

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    State-space search is a widely employed concept in many areas of computer science. The well-known state explosion problem, however, imposes a severe limitation to the effective implementation of search in state spaces that are exponential in the size of a compact system description, which captures the state-transition semantics. Decoupled state-space search, decoupled search for short, is a novel approach to tackle the state explosion. It decomposes the system such that the dependencies between components take the form of a star topology with a center and several leaf components. Decoupled search exploits that the leaves in that topology are conditionally independent. Such independence naturally arises in many kinds of factored model representations, where the overall state space results from the product of several system components. In this work, we introduce decoupled search in the context of artificial intelligence planning and formal verification using model checking. Building on common formalisms, we develop the concept of the decoupled state space and prove its correctness with respect to capturing reachability of the underlying model exactly. This allows us to connect decoupled search to any search algorithm, and, important for planning, adapt any heuristic function to the decoupled state representation. Such heuristics then guide the search towards states that satisfy a desired goal condition. In model checking, we address the problems of verifying safety properties, which express system states that must never occur, and liveness properties, that must hold in any infinite system execution. Many approaches have been proposed in the past to tackle the state explosion problem. Most prominently partial-order reduction, symmetry breaking, Petri-net unfolding, and symbolic state representations. Like decoupled search, all of these are capable of exponentially reducing the search effort, either by pruning part of the state space (the former two), or by representing large state sets compactly (the latter two). For all these techniques, we prove that decoupled search can be exponentially more efficient, confirming that it is indeed a novel concept that exploits model properties in a unique way. Given such orthogonality, we combine decoupled search with several complementary methods. Empirically, we show that decoupled search favourably compares to state-of-the-art planners in common algorithmic planning problems using standard benchmarks. In model checking, decoupled search outperforms well-established tools, both in the context of the verification of safety and liveness properties.Die Zustandsraumsuche ist ein weit verbreitetes Konzept in vielen Bereichen der Informatik, deren effektive Anwendung jedoch durch das Problem der Zustandsexplosion deutlich erschwert wird. Die Zustandsexplosion ist dadurch charakterisiert dass kompakte Systemmodelle exponentiell große Zustandsräume beschreiben. Entkoppelte Zustandsraumsuche (entkoppelte Suche) beschreibt einen neuartigen Ansatz der Zustandsexplosion entgegenzuwirken indem die Struktur des Modells, insbesondere die bedingte Unabhängigkeit von Systemkomponenten in einer Sterntopologie, ausgenutzt wird. Diese Unabhängigkeit ergibt sich bei vielen faktorisierten Modellen deren Zustandsraum sich aus dem Produkt mehrerer Komponenten zusammensetzt. In dieser Arbeit wird die entkoppelte Suche in der Planung, als Teil der Künstlichen Intelligenz, und der Verifikation mittels Modellprüfung eingeführt. In etablierten Formalismen wird das Konzept des entkoppelten Zustandsraums entwickelt und dessen Korrektheit bezüglich der exakten Erfassung der Erreichbarkeit von Modellzuständen bewiesen. Dies ermöglicht die Kombination der entkoppelten Suche mit beliebigen Suchalgorithmen. Wichtig für die Planung ist zudem die Nutzung von Heuristiken, die die Suche zu Zuständen führen, die eine gewünschte Zielbedingung erfüllen, mit der entkoppelten Zustandsdarstellung. Im Teil zur Modellprüfung wird die Verifikation von Sicherheits- sowie Lebendigkeitseigenschaften betrachtet, die unerwünschte Zustände, bzw. Eigenschaften, die bei unendlicher Systemausführung gelten müssen, beschreiben. Es existieren diverse Ansätze um die Zustandsexplosion anzugehen. Am bekanntesten sind die Reduktion partieller Ordnung, Symmetriereduktion, Entfaltung von Petri-Netzen und symbolische Suche. Diese können, wie die entkoppelte Suche, den Suchaufwand exponentiell reduzieren. Dies geschieht durch Beschneidung eines Teils des Zustandsraums, oder durch die kompakte Darstellung großer Zustandsmengen. Für diese Verfahren wird bewiesen, dass die entkoppelte Suche exponentiell effizienter sein kann. Dies belegt dass es sich um ein neuartiges Konzept handelt, das sich auf eigene Art der Modelleigenschaften bedient. Auf Basis dieser Beobachtung werden, mit Ausnahme der Entfaltung, Kombinationen mit entkoppelter Suche entwickelt. Empirisch kann die entkoppelte Suche im Vergleich zu modernen Planern zu deutlichen Vorteilen führen. In der Modellprüfung werden, sowohl bei der Überprüfung von Sicherheit-, als auch Lebendigkeitseigenschaften, etablierte Programme übertroffen.Deutsche Forschungsgesellschaft; Star-Topology Decoupled State Space Searc

    Information and Communication Technologies for Integrated Operations of Ships

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    Over the past three decades, information and communication technologies have filled our daily life with great comfort and convenience. As the technology keeps evolving, user expectations for more challenging cases that can benefit from advanced information and communication technologies are increasing, e.g., the scenario of Integrated Operations (IO) for ships in the maritime domain. However, to realize integrated operations for ships is a complex task that involves addressing problems such as interoperability among heterogeneous operation applications and connectivity within harsh maritime communication environments. The common approach was to tackle these challenges separately by service integration and communication integration, respectively: each utilizes optimized and independent implementations. Separate solutions work fine within their own contexts, whereas conflicts and inconsistencies can be identified by integrating them together for specific maritime scenarios. Therefore, connection between separate solutions needs to be studied. In this dissertation, we first take a look at complex systems to obtain useful methodologies applied to integrated operations for ships. Then we study IO of ships from different perspectives and divide the complex task into sub-tasks. We explore separate approaches to these sub-tasks, examine the connection in between, resolve inconsistencies if there are any, and continue the exploration process till a compatible and integrated solution can be accomplished. In general, this journey represents our argument for an integration-oriented complex system development approach. In concrete, it shows the way on how to achieve IO of ships by both providing connectivity in harsh communication environments and allowing interoperability among heterogeneous operation applications, and most importantly by ensuring the synergy in between. This synergy also gives hints on the evolution towards a next generation network architecture for the future Internet

    Reducing accidental complexity in planning problems

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    Although even propositional STRIPS planning is a hard problem in general, many instances of the problem, including many of those commonly used as benchmarks, are easy. In spite of this, they are often hard to solve for domain-independent planners, becaus

    Reducing Accidental Complexity in Planning Problems

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    Although even propositional STRIPS planning is a hard problem in general, many instances of the problem, including many of those commonly used as benchmarks, are easy. In spite of this, they are often hard to solve for domain-independent planners, because the encoding of the problem into a general problem specification formalism such as STRIPS hides structure that needs to be exploited to solve problems easily. We investigate the use of automatic problem transformations to reduce this “accidental ” problem complexity. The main tool is abstraction: we identify a new, weaker, condition under which abstraction is “safe”, in the sense that any solution to the abstracted problem can be refined to a concrete solution (in polynomial time, for most cases) and also show how different kinds of problem reformulations can be applied to create greater opportunities for such safe abstraction.