732 research outputs found

    Modelling spatial variability of coffee (Coffea Arabica L.) crop condition with multispectral remote sensing data.

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    Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Science. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2017.Abstract available in PDF file

    Using remote sensing to estimate the impacts of wattle species on native grass vegetation.

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    Masters Degrees. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermartizburg.This study was stimulated by the long standing challenge of the lack of suitable satellite data with optimal temporal, spectral, and spatial resolutions to monitor rangelands. The study, therefore, sought to evaluate the utility of remotely sensed data in estimating the impact of wattle infestation and clearance on native grass species productivity and diversity. The first objective of this study was to investigate the utility of Sentinel 2 Multispectral Imager (MSI) remotely sensed data and Partial Least Squares regression as a cost-effective and quick assessment technique to map above ground biomass (AGB) of native grass growing under different levels of Acacia baileyana, A. dealbata & A. mearnsii, invasion in Matatiele, South Africa. The second objective focused on assessing the impact of wattle invasion on grass species diversity. This was achieved by investigating the utility of Sentinel-2 MSI data in optimally estimating grass Species richness, Shannon Wiener and Simpson’s diversity indices at different levels of wattle invasion. In relation to the first objective, the findings of this study showed that Sentinel 2 MSI data derived vegetation indices optimally estimated biomass in relation to standard wavebands. Results also showed that Sentinel 2 MSI data (combination of raw spectral bands and vegetation indices) predicts grass AGB levels of wattle invasion at reasonable accuracies (RMSE = 19.117g/m2 and R2 = 0.8268). The most influential variables in estimating biomass across different levels of wattle invasion were red edge based vegetation indices (VIs) and bands 5,6 and 7. With regards to the second objective, this study showed that following restoration, there were no significant difference (p > 0.05) between cleared and uninvaded grassland areas. Results also showed that diversity indices were optimally modelled when compared to species richness. However, for all three diversity variables, individual raw spectral bands yielded lower accuracies when compared to vegetation indices. Overall, the most influential spectral variables were, bands 5 and 6, NDVI computed from bands 6 and Band 3. Results of this study also showed that Shannon Wiener’s index better predicted grass species diversity across different levels of wattle invasion in an alpine grassland (RMSE = 0.2145, R2 = 0.6392) in relation to the other diversity indices. This study was able to demonstrate that Sentinel-2 MSI spectral variables have a potential of offering reliable and accurate estimates of grass species diversity in a wattle infested grassland. The study therefore advocates for the utility of remotely sensed data in monitoring grassland degradation and restoration


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    Non-photosynthetic vegetation (NPV) refers to vegetation that cannot perform a photosynthetic function. NPV, including standing dead vegetation and surface plant litter, plays a vital role in maintaining ecosystem function through controlling carbon, water and nutrient uptake as well as natural fire frequency and intensity in diverse ecosystems such as forest, savannah, wetland, cropland, and grassland. Due to its ecological importance, NPV has been selected as an indicator of grassland ecosystem health by the Alberta Public Lands Administration in Canada. The ecological importance of NPV has driven considerable research on quantifying NPV biomass with remote sensing approaches in various ecosystems. Although remote images, especially hyperspectral images, have demonstrated potential for use in NPV estimation, there has not been a way to quantify NPV biomass in semiarid grasslands where NPV biomass is affected by green vegetation (PV), bare soil and biological soil crust (BSC). The purpose of this research is to find a solution to quantitatively estimate NPV biomass with remote sensing approaches in semiarid mixed grasslands. Research was conducted in Grasslands National Park (GNP), a parcel of semiarid mixed prairie grassland in southern Saskatchewan, Canada. Multispectral images, including newly operational Landsat 8 Operational Land Imager (OLI) and Sentinel-2A Multi-spectral Instrument (MSIs) images and fine Quad-pol Radarsat-2 images were used for estimating NPV biomass in early, middle, and peak growing seasons via a simple linear regression approach. The results indicate that multispectral Landsat 8 OLI and Sentinel-2A MSIs have potential to quantify NPV biomass in peak and early senescence growing seasons. Radarsat-2 can also provide a solution for NPV biomass estimation. However, the performance of Radarsat-2 images is greatly affected by incidence angle of the image acquisition. This research filled a critical gap in applying remote sensing approaches to quantify NPV biomass in grassland ecosystems. NPV biomass estimates and approaches for estimating NPV biomass will contribute to grassland ecosystem health assessment (EHA) and natural resource (i.e. land, soil, water, plant, and animal) management

    Mapping grass nutrient phosphorus (P) and sodium (NA) across different grass communities using Sentinel-2 data

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    A research report submitted to the Faculty of Science, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Master of Science (Environmental Sciences) at the School of Geography, Archaeology & Environmental Studies March 2017Accurate estimates and mapping of grass quality is important for effective rangeland management. The purpose of this research was to map different grass species as well as nutrient Phosphorus (P) and Sodium (Na) concentration across grass communities using Sentinel-2 imagery in Telperion game reserve. The main objectives of the study were to: map the most common grass communities at the Telperion game reserve using Sentinel-2 imagery using artificial neural network (ANN) classifier and to evaluate the use of Sentinel-2 (MSI) in quantifying grass phosphorus and sodium concentration across different grass communities. Grass phosphorus and sodium concentrations were estimated using Random Forest (RF) regression algorithm, normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and the simple ratios (SR) which were calculated from all two possible band combination of Sentinel-2 data. Results obtained demonstrated woody vegetation as the dominant vegetation and Aristida congesta as the most common grass species. The overall classification accuracy = 81%; kappa =0.78 and error rate=0.18 was achieved using the ANN classifier. Regression model for leaf phosphorus concentration prediction both NDVI and SR data sets yielded similar results (R2 =0.363; RMSE=0.017%) and (R2 =0.36 2; RMSE=0.0174%). Regression model for leaf sodium using NDVI and SR data sets yielded dissimilar results (R2 =0.23; RMSE=16.74 mg/kg) and (R2 =0.15; RMSE =34.08 mg/kg). The overall outcomes of this study demonstrate the capability of Sentinel 2 imagery in mapping vegetation quality (phosphorus and sodium) and quantity. The study recommends the mapping of grass communities and both phosphorus and sodium concentrations across different seasons to fully understand the distribution of different species across the game reserve as well as variations in foliar concentration of the elements. Such information will guide the reserve managers on resource use and conservation strategies to implement within the reserve. Furthermore, the information will enable conservation managers to understand wildlife distribution and feeding patterns. This will allow integration of effective conservation strategies into decisions on stocking capacity.MT 201

    Modelling susceptibility to Parthenium hysterophorus invasion in KwaZulu-Natal Province, South Africa using physical, climatic and remotely sensed derived variables.

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    Master of Science in Environmental Sciences. University of KwaZulu-Natal. Pietermaritzburg, 2018.Invasive alien plants (IAP) are considered as one of the major causes of global change. Parthenium hysterophorus is recognized as one of the world’s most aggressive, harmful and extremely resilient invasive plant species. It has adverse impacts on the environment, economies, biodiversity, human health and agriculture. Identification and modelling of areas vulnerable to Parthenium invasion is critical for proactive control and site- specific management of its spread. This study sought to test the performance of Maxent algorithm in modelling habitats susceptible to Parthenium invasion using selected environmental and physical variables and remotely sensed data. Specifically, the study sought to identify key physical and bio-climatic variables that influence the distribution of Parthenium. Furthermore, the study sought to determine the value of the freely available Sentinel 2 multispectral instrument (MSI) datasets in concert with environmental variables in modelling habitat susceptible to Parthenium invasion. The Maximum Entropy model (MaxEnt) machine learning algorithm was used to model Parthenium invasion using presence - only records (n = 274). Results showed that landscapes characterized by low elevation, close proximity to roads and high precipitation were the most susceptible to Parthenium invasion. An Area under curve (AUC) value of 0.946 was attained, indicating that the model derived using the aforementioned optimal physical and bio-climatic variables performed better than random. Based on the high AUC values, results also showed that all the model scenarios derived from spectral bands and environmental variables, vegetation indices and environmental variables and a combination of spectral bands, vegetation indices and environmental variables performed better than random, with AUC values of 0.976, 0.970 and 0.974, respectively. The higher accuracy exhibited by the optimal model (bands and environmental variables) can be attributed to the integration of red edge band centered at 705 nm in Sentinel 2 MSI and environmental variables in predicting areas susceptible to Parthenium. Overall, these results demonstrate the potential of integrating the freely available Sentinel 2 MSI data and environmental variables to improve the mapping of habitat susceptibility to Parthenium invasion. These results could be beneficial for early detection, site -specific weed management and long-term monitoring

    Modeling Forest Growth Using Sentinel-2-Derived Variables and Site Data

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    Growing stock volume (GSV) is an important metric for determining economic yield, carbon sequestration and other ecosystem services. GSV has traditionally been estimated in situ by measuring individual trees in a stand. This process is slow and expensive, and, as a result, is not a viable means to estimate GSV on a large scale. It is also not feasible in places that are difficult to access and in places that do not have reliable management records. Multispectral optical sensors mounted on satellites are an important technology for monitoring forest resources because they offer the possibility of measuring forest resources quickly and over large areas. In this study, forest potential productivity was estimated by evaluating 65 variables including several remotely sensed optical variables and site and climate data. Optical variables were Sentinel-2 band 3, band 8a, the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index using bands 4 and 5 (NDVI45) and the Sentinel-2 red-edge position index (S2REP). The variables were used as inputs in a random forest machine learning algorithm. The response variable was constructed using the tree height differences estimated using the National Agricultural Imagery Program (NAIP) orthographic imagery data derived from the NAIP 2018 and NAIP 2021 (ΔNAIP) data. This study was conducted in Maine, USA, where 89% of the land is covered by forests and forest product industry is a significant contributor to the state economy. The best-performing final model to estimate forest productivity (growth), which incorporated Sentinel-2 band 3, the NDVI45, and the S2REP as well as seven site variables, achieved an R² value of approximately 0.56

    Continuous detection of small-scale changes in Scots pine dominated stands using dense Sentinel-2 time series

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    Climate change and severe extreme events, i.e., changes in precipitation and higher drought frequency, have a large impact on forests. In Poland, particularly Norway spruce and Scots pine forest stands are exposed to disturbances and have, thus experienced changes in recent years. Considering that Scots pine stands cover approximately 58% of forests in Poland, mapping these areas with an early and timely detection of forest cover changes is important, e.g., for forest management decisions. A cost-efficient way of monitoring forest changes is the use of remote sensing data from the Sentinel-2 satellites. They monitor the Earth’s surface with a high temporal (2–3 days), spatial (10–20 m), and spectral resolution, and thus, enable effective monitoring of vegetation. In this study, we used the dense time series of Sentinel-2 data from the years 2015–2019, (49 images in total), to detect changes in coniferous forest stands dominated by Scots pine. The simple approach was developed to analyze the spectral trajectories of all pixels, which were previously assigned to the probable forest change mask between 2015 and 2019. The spectral trajectories were calculated using the selected Sentinel-2 bands (visible red, red-edge 1–3, near-infrared 1, and short-wave infrared 1–2) and selected vegetation indices (Normalized Difference Moisture Index, Tasseled Cap Wetness, Moisture Stress Index, and Normalized Burn Ratio). Based on these, we calculated the breakpoints to determine when the forest change occurred. Then, a map of forest changes was created, based on the breakpoint dates. An accuracy assessment was performed for each detected date class using 861 points for 46 classes (45 dates and one class representing no changes detected). The results of our study showed that the short-wave infrared 1 band was the most useful for discriminating Scots pine forest stand changes, with the best overall accuracy of 75%. The evaluated vegetation indices underperformed single bands in detecting forest change dates. The presented approach is straightforward and might be useful in operational forest monitoring

    Remote Sensing for Precision Agriculture: Sentinel-2 Improved Features and Applications

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    The use of satellites to monitor crops and support their management is gathering increasing attention. The improved temporal, spatial, and spectral resolution of the European Space Agency (ESA) launched Sentinel-2 A + B twin platform is paving the way to their popularization in precision agriculture. Besides the Sentinel-2 A + B constellation technical features the open-access nature of the information they generate, and the available support software are a significant improvement for agricultural monitoring. This paper was motivated by the challenges faced by researchers and agrarian institutions entering this field; it aims to frame remote sensing principles and Sentinel-2 applications in agriculture. Thus, we reviewed the features and uses of Sentinel-2 in precision agriculture, including abiotic and biotic stress detection, and agricultural management. We also compared the panoply of satellites currently in use for land remote sensing that are relevant for agriculture to the Sentinel-2 A + B constellation features. Contrasted with previous satellite image systems, the Sentinel-2 A + B twin platform has dramatically increased the capabilities for agricultural monitoring and crop management worldwide. Regarding crop stress monitoring, Sentinel-2 capacities for abiotic and biotic stresses detection represent a great step forward in many ways though not without its limitations; therefore, combinations of field data and different remote sensing techniques may still be needed. We conclude that Sentinel-2 has a wide range of useful applications in agriculture, yet still with room for further improvements. Current and future ways that Sentinel-2 can be utilized are also discussed.This research was funded by the Spanish projects AGL2016-76527-R and IRUEC PCIN-2017-063 from the Ministerio de EconomĂ­a y Competividad (MINECO, Spain) and by the support of Catalan Institution for Research and Advanced Studies (ICREA, Generalitat de Catalunya, Spain), through the ICREA Academia Program

    Toward Generic Models for Green LAI Estimation in Maize and Soybean: Satellite Observations

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    Informative spectral bands for green leaf area index (LAI) estimation in two crops were identified and generic models for soybean and maize were developed and validated using spectral data taken at close range. The objective of this paper was to test developed models using Aqua and Terra MODIS, Landsat TM and ETM+, ENVISAT MERIS surface reflectance products, and simulated data of the recently-launched Sentinel 2 MSI and Sentinel 3 OLCI. Special emphasis was placed on testing generic models which require no re-parameterization for these species. Four techniques were investigated: support vector machines (SVM), neural network (NN), multiple linear regression (MLR), and vegetation indices (VI). For each technique two types of models were tested based on (a) reflectance data, taken at close range and resampled to simulate spectral bands of satellite sensors; and (b) surface reflectance satellite products. Both types of models were validated using MODIS, TM/ETM+, and MERIS data. MERIS was used as a prototype of OLCI Sentinel-3 data which allowed for assessment of the anticipated accuracy of OLCI. All models tested provided a robust and consistent selection of spectral bands related to green LAI in crops representing a wide range of biochemical and structural traits. The MERIS observations had the lowest errors (around 11%) compared to the remaining satellites with observational data. Sentinel 2 MSI and OLCI Sentinel 3 estimates, based on simulated data, had errors below 8%. However the accuracy of these models with actual MSI and OLCI surface reflectance products remains to be determined
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