4,174 research outputs found

    Bayesian regularization of non-homogeneous dynamic Bayesian networks by globally coupling interaction parameters

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    To relax the homogeneity assumption of classical dynamic Bayesian networks (DBNs), various recent studies have combined DBNs with multiple changepoint processes. The underlying assumption is that the parameters associated with time series segments delimited by multiple changepoints are a priori independent. Under weak regularity conditions, the parameters can be integrated out in the likelihood, leading to a closed-form expression of the marginal likelihood. However, the assumption of prior independence is unrealistic in many real-world applications, where the segment-specific regulatory relationships among the interdependent quantities tend to undergo gradual evolutionary adaptations. We therefore propose a Bayesian coupling scheme to introduce systematic information sharing among the segment-specific interaction parameters. We investigate the effect this model improvement has on the network reconstruction accuracy in a reverse engineering context, where the objective is to learn the structure of a gene regulatory network from temporal gene expression profiles

    Integrative modeling of transcriptional regulation in response to antirheumatic therapy

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The investigation of gene regulatory networks is an important issue in molecular systems biology and significant progress has been made by combining different types of biological data. The purpose of this study was to characterize the transcriptional program induced by etanercept therapy in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Etanercept is known to reduce disease symptoms and progression in RA, but the underlying molecular mechanisms have not been fully elucidated.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Using a DNA microarray dataset providing genome-wide expression profiles of 19 RA patients within the first week of therapy we identified significant transcriptional changes in 83 genes. Most of these genes are known to control the human body's immune response. A novel algorithm called TILAR was then applied to construct a linear network model of the genes' regulatory interactions. The inference method derives a model from the data based on the Least Angle Regression while incorporating DNA-binding site information. As a result we obtained a scale-free network that exhibits a self-regulating and highly parallel architecture, and reflects the pleiotropic immunological role of the therapeutic target TNF-alpha. Moreover, we could show that our integrative modeling strategy performs much better than algorithms using gene expression data alone.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We present TILAR, a method to deduce gene regulatory interactions from gene expression data by integrating information on transcription factor binding sites. The inferred network uncovers gene regulatory effects in response to etanercept and thus provides useful hypotheses about the drug's mechanisms of action.</p

    Integrative Modeling of Transcriptional Regulation in Response to Autoimmune Desease Therapies

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    Die rheumatoide Arthritis (RA) und die Multiple Sklerose (MS) werden allgemein als Autoimmunkrankheiten eingestuft. Zur Behandlung dieser Krankheiten werden immunmodulatorische Medikamente eingesetzt, etwa TNF-alpha-Blocker (z.B. Etanercept) im Falle der RA und IFN-beta-Präparate (z.B. Betaferon und Avonex) im Falle der MS. Bis heute sind die molekularen Mechanismen dieser Therapien weitestgehend unbekannt. Zudem ist ihre Wirksamkeit und Verträglichkeit bei einigen Patienten unzureichend. In dieser Arbeit wurde die transkriptionelle Antwort im Blut von Patienten auf jede dieser drei Therapien untersucht, um die Wirkungsweise dieser Medikamente besser zu verstehen. Dabei wurden Methoden der Netzwerkinferenz eingesetzt, mit dem Ziel, die genregulatorischen Netzwerke (GRNs) der in ihrer Expression veränderten Gene zu rekonstruieren. Ausgangspunkt dieser Analysen war jeweils ein Genexpressions- Datensatz. Daraus wurden zunächst Gene gefiltert, die nach Therapiebeginn hoch- oder herunterreguliert sind. Anschließend wurden die genregulatorischen Regionen dieser Gene auf Transkriptionsfaktor-Bindestellen (TFBS) analysiert. Um schließlich GRN-Modelle abzuleiten, wurde ein neuer Netzwerkinferenz-Algorithmus (TILAR) verwendet. TILAR unterscheidet zwischen Genen und TF und beschreibt die regulatorischen Effekte zwischen diesen durch ein lineares Gleichungssystem. TILAR erlaubt dabei Vorwissen über Gen-TF- und TF-Gen-Interaktionen einzubeziehen. Im Ergebnis wurden komplexe Netzwerkstrukturen rekonstruiert, welche die regulatorischen Beziehungen zwischen den Genen beschreiben, die im Verlauf der Therapien differentiell exprimiert sind. Für die Etanercept-Therapie wurde ein Teilnetz gefunden, das Gene enthält, die niedrigere Expressionslevel bei RA-Patienten zeigen, die sehr gut auf das Medikament ansprechen. Die Analyse von GRNs kann somit zu einem besseren Verständnis Therapie-assoziierter Prozesse beitragen und transkriptionelle Unterschiede zwischen Patienten aufzeigen

    Feature selection and modelling methods for microarray data from acute coronary syndrome

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    Acute coronary syndrome (ACS) represents a leading cause of mortality and morbidity worldwide. Providing better diagnostic solutions and developing therapeutic strategies customized to the individual patient represent societal and economical urgencies. Progressive improvement in diagnosis and treatment procedures require a thorough understanding of the underlying genetic mechanisms of the disease. Recent advances in microarray technologies together with the decreasing costs of the specialized equipment enabled affordable harvesting of time-course gene expression data. The high-dimensional data generated demands for computational tools able to extract the underlying biological knowledge. This thesis is concerned with developing new methods for analysing time-course gene expression data, focused on identifying differentially expressed genes, deconvolving heterogeneous gene expression measurements and inferring dynamic gene regulatory interactions. The main contributions include: a novel multi-stage feature selection method, a new deconvolution approach for estimating cell-type specific signatures and quantifying the contribution of each cell type to the variance of the gene expression patters, a novel approach to identify the cellular sources of differential gene expression, a new approach to model gene expression dynamics using sums of exponentials and a novel method to estimate stable linear dynamical systems from noisy and unequally spaced time series data. The performance of the proposed methods was demonstrated on a time-course dataset consisting of microarray gene expression levels collected from the blood samples of patients with ACS and associated blood count measurements. The results of the feature selection study are of significant biological relevance. For the first time is was reported high diagnostic performance of the ACS subtypes up to three months after hospital admission. The deconvolution study exposed features of within and between groups variation in expression measurements and identified potential cell type markers and cellular sources of differential gene expression. It was shown that the dynamics of post-admission gene expression data can be accurately modelled using sums of exponentials, suggesting that gene expression levels undergo a transient response to the ACS events before returning to equilibrium. The linear dynamical models capturing the gene regulatory interactions exhibit high predictive performance and can serve as platforms for system-level analysis, numerical simulations and intervention studies

    Microarray Data Mining and Gene Regulatory Network Analysis

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    The novel molecular biological technology, microarray, makes it feasible to obtain quantitative measurements of expression of thousands of genes present in a biological sample simultaneously. Genome-wide expression data generated from this technology are promising to uncover the implicit, previously unknown biological knowledge. In this study, several problems about microarray data mining techniques were investigated, including feature(gene) selection, classifier genes identification, generation of reference genetic interaction network for non-model organisms and gene regulatory network reconstruction using time-series gene expression data. The limitations of most of the existing computational models employed to infer gene regulatory network lie in that they either suffer from low accuracy or computational complexity. To overcome such limitations, the following strategies were proposed to integrate bioinformatics data mining techniques with existing GRN inference algorithms, which enables the discovery of novel biological knowledge. An integrated statistical and machine learning (ISML) pipeline was developed for feature selection and classifier genes identification to solve the challenges of the curse of dimensionality problem as well as the huge search space. Using the selected classifier genes as seeds, a scale-up technique is applied to search through major databases of genetic interaction networks, metabolic pathways, etc. By curating relevant genes and blasting genomic sequences of non-model organisms against well-studied genetic model organisms, a reference gene regulatory network for less-studied organisms was built and used both as prior knowledge and model validation for GRN reconstructions. Networks of gene interactions were inferred using a Dynamic Bayesian Network (DBN) approach and were analyzed for elucidating the dynamics caused by perturbations. Our proposed pipelines were applied to investigate molecular mechanisms for chemical-induced reversible neurotoxicity

    Algebraic shortcuts for leave-one-out cross-validation in supervised network inference

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    Supervised machine learning techniques have traditionally been very successful at reconstructing biological networks, such as protein-ligand interaction, protein-protein interaction and gene regulatory networks. Many supervised techniques for network prediction use linear models on a possibly nonlinear pairwise feature representation of edges. Recently, much emphasis has been placed on the correct evaluation of such supervised models. It is vital to distinguish between using a model to either predict new interactions in a given network or to predict interactions for a new vertex not present in the original network. This distinction matters because (i) the performance might dramatically differ between the prediction settings and (ii) tuning the model hyperparameters to obtain the best possible model depends on the setting of interest. Specific cross-validation schemes need to be used to assess the performance in such different prediction settings. In this work we discuss a state-of-the-art kernel-based network inference technique called two-step kernel ridge regression. We show that this regression model can be trained efficiently, with a time complexity scaling with the number of vertices rather than the number of edges. Furthermore, this framework leads to a series of cross-validation shortcuts that allow one to rapidly estimate the model performance for any relevant network prediction setting. This allows computational biologists to fully assess the capabilities of their models

    Reconstruction of regulatory networks through temporal enrichment profiling and its application to H1N1 influenza viral infection

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    BACKGROUND: H1N1 influenza viruses were responsible for the 1918 pandemic that caused millions of deaths worldwide and the 2009 pandemic that caused approximately twenty thousand deaths. The cellular response to such virus infections involves extensive genetic reprogramming resulting in an antiviral state that is critical to infection control. Identifying the underlying transcriptional network driving these changes, and how this program is altered by virally-encoded immune antagonists, is a fundamental challenge in systems immunology. RESULTS: Genome-wide gene expression patterns were measured in human monocyte-derived dendritic cells (DCs) infected in vitro with seasonal H1N1 influenza A/New Caledonia/20/1999. To provide a mechanistic explanation for the timing of gene expression changes over the first 12 hours post-infection, we developed a statistically rigorous enrichment approach integrating genome-wide expression kinetics and time-dependent promoter analysis. Our approach, TIme-Dependent Activity Linker (TIDAL), generates a regulatory network that connects transcription factors associated with each temporal phase of the response into a coherent linked cascade. TIDAL infers 12 transcription factors and 32 regulatory connections that drive the antiviral response to influenza. To demonstrate the generality of this approach, TIDAL was also used to generate a network for the DC response to measles infection. The software implementation of TIDAL is freely available at http://tsb.mssm.edu/primeportal/?q=tidal_prog. CONCLUSIONS: We apply TIDAL to reconstruct the transcriptional programs activated in monocyte-derived human dendritic cells in response to influenza and measles infections. The application of this time-centric network reconstruction method in each case produces a single transcriptional cascade that recapitulates the known biology of the response with high precision and recall, in addition to identifying potentially novel antiviral factors. The ability to reconstruct antiviral networks with TIDAL enables comparative analysis of antiviral responses, such as the differences between pandemic and seasonal influenza infections