1,097 research outputs found

    When the post-revolutionary state decentralizes: the reorganization of political structures and administration in Mozambique

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    Os autores deste artigo situam-se numa perspectiva analítica que define o clientelismo em África como um recurso potencial para a participação e responsabilização política, a fim de reflectir sobre a lógica da descentralização em Moçambique nas condições do falhanço social e económico do projecto revolucionário da Frelimo. Nos últimos quinze anos, desde que se introduziu um programa de reajustamento estrutural sob os auspícios do FMI e do Banco Mundial, Moçambique tem estado a tentar desmantelar o seu altamente centralizado processo político, num contexto em que o auxílio ao desenvolvimento tem registado uma influência crescente no funcionamento das instituições do Estado.The authors of this article draw from an analytical perspective which defines clientelism in Africa as a potential resource for political participation and accountability, in order to then discuss the logic of decentralization in Mozambique under the conditions of the economic and social failure of Frelimo's revolutionary project. Over the past fifteen years, since the introduction of a structural adjustment project under the auspices of the IMF and the World Bank, Mozambique has been attempting to dismantle its highly centralized political process against the background of an ever increasing influence of development aid on the functioning of state institutions.Les auteurs de cet article se situent dans une perspective analytique qui définit le clientelisme en Afrique come une ressource potentielle pour la participation et responsabilisation politique, pour réfléchir dans cette perspective sur la décentralization au Moçambique dans les conditions de la faillite sociale et économique du project révolutionnaire de la Frelimo. Dans les derniers quinze ans, pendant qu'était introduit un programme d'ajustement structurel sous les auspices du FMI et de la Banque Mondiale, Moçambique a essayé le démantèlement de son processus politique hautement centralisé, dans un contexte où l'aide au développement a connu une influence croissante dans le fonctionnement des institutions de l'État

    Cinematic explorations of the Italian High Renaissance : Carlo Ludovico Ragghianti’s critofilm ‘Michelangiolo’ (1964)

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    Italian art critic and philosopher Carlo Ludovico Ragghianti (1910-1987) was one of the first art historians to explore the relationship between cinema and the visual arts. Not only did he publish widely on this subject, he also produced films on art, creating a new form of art criticism using the language and mechanisms of cinema. Developing his concept of the critofilm, he created twenty-one art documentaries between 1948 and 1964 that carefully analyzed the formal and stylistic characteristics of major artworks. His last and most ambitious critofilm, released in 1964, is dedicated to the Italian artist Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475-1564). Created for the commemoration of the 400th anniversary of the artist’s death, this feature-length film shows an impressive range of Michelangelo’s paintings, sculptures, architecture, and drawings, . Using bold cinematic strategies of dynamic camera movements, chiaroscuro light effects, and animation techniques, Ragghianti transposes Michelangelo’s complex artistic language into the visual language of film. Comparing this 1964 film to other cinematic explorations of Michelangelo throughout the twentieth century, this paper examines how Ragghianti translates the critical discipline of art history into this critofilm. It investigates how Ragghianti creates a specific cinematic syntax to analyze the formal elements of Michelangelo’s artworks by drawing on theories of prominent scholars such as Benedetto Croce, Konrad Fiedler, and Heinrich Wölfflin. Finally, this paper demonstrates how Ragghianti’s film Michelangelo functions as an innovative art historiographic tool, influencing later films and art historical writings

    Is there an 'emboldenment' effect: Evidence from the insurgency in Iraq

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    Does wartime debate in democracies during counterinsurgency campaigns embolden insurgent adversaries? Despite the historical frequency of this claim, there is little direct evidence assessing this ‘emboldenment’ hypothesis. This paper develops a novel test of this argument during the US counterinsurgency campaign following the invasion of Iraq in 2003. We find that following spikes in US domestic debate over the Iraq war, there is no evidence that insurgent attacks on military or civilian targets increased in regions of Iraq with greater access to US news compared to regions with less access. Overall, these results offer no support for the emboldenment claim

    Children and young people’s participation rights:Looking backwards and moving forwards

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    Children and young people’s participation is an ever-growing demand. Thirty years on from the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child’s adoption, however, fundamental challenges continue for participation that are widely recognised cross-nationally but remain stubbornly consistent. As a way in to considering the children and young people’s participation literature more generally, all articles referring to participation in their titles were identified from The International Journal of Children’s Rights. These 56 articles were analysed to identify trends, challenges and opportunities. The analysis found: a remarkably consistent narrative on participation over the 30 years; limitations on domains considered, geography and conceptual clarity; and far more written about challenges than solutions. Drawing on these findings and considering the participation literature more generally, the article recommends that the field expands its geographic and intellectual boundaries, uses powerful concepts like agency, competency and autonomy with greater precision, and explores fresh ideas like child protoganism, activism and children as human rights defenders

    New Design of Raskin Program (Analysis of the RASDA Implementation in Kulonprogo Regency)

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    This thesis is an analysis of public policies based on the research carried out about the implementation of RASDA Program (local rice husbandry) in Kulonprogo in 2015. It is claimed as a new alternative offered to replace the Government RASKIN Program that is already running. This research aimed at determining how effective the implementation of the RASDA Program in Kulonprogo was and identifying the factors that cause RASDA program did not run as the expectation. The method used in this study was a qualitative method using two types of data, primary and secondary data. The data collection techniques used were observation, interview, and documentation with informants selection technique using the principle of purposive and snowball techniques. The data analysis technique was done through data reduction, data display, and data verification.The results showed that efforts to renew the RASKIN Program (cheap-priced rice) through RASDA program were not successfully done. The achievement of program outputs and outcome indicators were still far away from the expectation. The progress was not significantly improved, it still encountered the same problems as those in the implementation of the previous RASKIN Program. Meanwhile, farmers did not have any benefits from the uptake of the local rice because it was not optimally prepared.There are several factors that cause RASDA Program in Kulonprogro did not run well. The first reason was that it is difficult to link the concept of the program with the actual situation, seen from: (1) the farmers as the program target still thought conservatively causing the loss of the benefits that will be gained from the RASDA Program; (2) the intervention of political elites in the process of policy formulation; (3) the limited authority of the local government in the National RASKIN Program; and (4) the incoherence among the needs for resources in the factual conditions. The second cause, the conflict of interest among the holders cause the program implementation did not synchronize to each other, as seen from: (1) their efforts to make RASDA program as a springboard for “other” purposes; (2) the bias support of BULOG; (3) the lack of enthusiasm and initiatives among the holders/bureaucracy; and (4) the entrepreneurs’ mindset of business that dominated farmers community. The third reason is that there was not awareness on the characteristics of the group target to anticipate problems that arise.Based on these findings, the researcher suggested the government focus in optimizing the current mechanisms of the food subsidies. The government should also concern in looking for other alternatives to optimize the potential of the local foods. The government should also  do some efforts to gain the welfare for farmers, by: (1) reconstructing values and norms in terms of social rules to support the program with the intensive socialization; (2) allocating the budget the APBD for the procurement of subsidized rice for poor households who are not registered; (3) monitoring the program up to the lowest level intensively; (4) encouraging small entrepreneurs to become BULOG’s partners to seek an access to the Capital; (5) maintaining fair competition among rice traders; (6) conducting studies on the possibility of establishing an integrated rice husbandry regional company; (7) encouraging the local rice branding

    Empreendedorismo institucional e profissionalização do desenvolvimento rural da região do sisal no Brasil

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    Se analiza en este trabajo la profesionalización del campo del desarrollo rural en la región nordeste de Brasil y cómo este fenómeno ha creado oportunidades para acciones emprendedoras, cuando las prácticas profesionales de los organismos de financiación se traducen de acuerdo con la realidad local. Dicha profesionalización tiene características particulares, ya que asume formas fluidas, el despliegue de redes que contribuyen a la teorización y difusión de ciertas prácticas, en lugar de concentrarse en asociaciones profesionales y vínculos formales con instituciones de enseñanza. Las principales consecuencias comúnmente relacionadas con el proceso institucional de profesionalización son la aparición de determinadas formas de organización y la difusión de prácticas profesionales vistas como legítimas. Se observó una consecuencia adicional en el campo del desarrollo rural: ideas y prácticas difundidas por medio de la experiencia profesional sufren una reinterpretación cuando los emprendedores en el sector las adaptan a su propia lógica y necesidades.Neste artigo, analisa-se a profissionalização do campo do desenvolvimento rural na região Nordeste do Brasil e como esse fenômeno tem criado oportunidades para ações empreendedoras quando as práticas profissionais de agências de financiamento são traduzidas de acordo com as realidades locais. Essa profissionalização tem características particulares, uma vez que assume formas fluidas, a implantação de redes que contribuem para a teorização e a divulgação de certas práticas, em vez de concentrar-se em associações profissionais e ligações formais com instituições de ensino. As principais consequências comumente associadas ao processo institucional de profissionalização são o aparecimento de certas formas de organização e a divulgação de práticas profissionais consideradas legítimas. Uma consequência adicional foi observada no domínio do desenvolvimento rural: ideias e práticas disseminadas por meio da experiência profissional sofrem uma reinterpretação, quando os empreendedores no setor as adaptam à sua própria lógica e às suas necessidades.This work analyses the professionalization of rural development in the Brazilian Northeastern region and how this created opportunities for entrepreneurship when the professional practices of funding bodies were transformed in accordance with local reality. This professionalization has its own characteristics, including fluid formats and the rolling out of networks, and it contributes to the theorization and dissemination of certain practices instead of being concentrated in professional associations and formal links with educational institutions. The main implications are commonly related to institutional processes related to professionalization, such as the emergence of certain organizational formats and the dissemination of professional practices that are considered legitimate. An additional consequence was observed in the area of rural development: the ideas and practices disseminated through professionalization were reinterpreted when the local entrepreneurs adapted them to their own thinking and needs

    Empreendedorismo institucional e profissionalização do desenvolvimento rural da região do sisal no Brasil

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    Se analiza en este trabajo la profesionalización del campo del desarrollo rural en la región nordeste de Brasil y cómo este fenómeno ha creado oportunidades para acciones emprendedoras, cuando las prácticas profesionales de los organismos de financiación se traducen de acuerdo con la realidad local. Dicha profesionalización tiene características particulares, ya que asume formas fluidas, el despliegue de redes que contribuyen a la teorización y difusión de ciertas prácticas, en lugar de concentrarse en asociaciones profesionales y vínculos formales con instituciones de enseñanza. Las principales consecuencias comúnmente relacionadas con el proceso institucional de profesionalización son la aparición de determinadas formas de organización y la difusión de prácticas profesionales vistas como legítimas. Se observó una consecuencia adicional en el campo del desarrollo rural: ideas y prácticas difundidas por medio de la experiencia profesional sufren una reinterpretación cuando los emprendedores en el sector las adaptan a su propia lógica y necesidades.Neste artigo, analisa-se a profissionalização do campo do desenvolvimento rural na região Nordeste do Brasil e como esse fenômeno tem criado oportunidades para ações empreendedoras quando as práticas profissionais de agências de financiamento são traduzidas de acordo com as realidades locais. Essa profissionalização tem características particulares, uma vez que assume formas fluidas, a implantação de redes que contribuem para a teorização e a divulgação de certas práticas, em vez de concentrar-se em associações profissionais e ligações formais com instituições de ensino. As principais consequências comumente associadas ao processo institucional de profissionalização são o aparecimento de certas formas de organização e a divulgação de práticas profissionais consideradas legítimas. Uma consequência adicional foi observada no domínio do desenvolvimento rural: ideias e práticas disseminadas por meio da experiência profissional sofrem uma reinterpretação, quando os empreendedores no setor as adaptam à sua própria lógica e às suas necessidades.This work analyses the professionalization of rural development in the Brazilian Northeastern region and how this created opportunities for entrepreneurship when the professional practices of funding bodies were transformed in accordance with local reality. This professionalization has its own characteristics, including fluid formats and the rolling out of networks, and it contributes to the theorization and dissemination of certain practices instead of being concentrated in professional associations and formal links with educational institutions. The main implications are commonly related to institutional processes related to professionalization, such as the emergence of certain organizational formats and the dissemination of professional practices that are considered legitimate. An additional consequence was observed in the area of rural development: the ideas and practices disseminated through professionalization were reinterpreted when the local entrepreneurs adapted them to their own thinking and needs

    Reconciliation through the Gacaca Tribunals in Rwanda “A reconstruction of knowledge on ‘ethnic identities’ in Rwandan societies towards the achievement of sustainable reconciliation

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    Imagining how contemporary conflicts have divided societies in the recent times put one in a position to think of possibilities that will improve the activities of reconciliation initiatives for a lasting peaceful coexistence in the aftermath of conflicts. In Rwanda series of conflicts have emerged since the end of colonial rule till the genocide in 1994 calling for a necessary transitional justice system that will administer justice for the injustices that occurred and promote reconciliation and national unity. The transitional justice established is the Gacaca tribunals which are to oversee to the process by providing a platform for perpetrators and victim/survivors to unearth the truth and reconcile the parties in the process. This essay is of the view that since the cause of conflict is a reflection of a constructed ‘ethnic identity’ from colonial times; the best way to achieve a sustainable reconciliation to avoid the recurrence of a conflict is to reconstruct the ethnic identity notion. How to reconstruct the knowledge of the people for them to change their perception and attitude about the other and live in a peaceful coexistence through the gacaca is what the essay provides