1,922 research outputs found

    Reconstructing Binary Matrices underWindow Constraints from their Row and Column Sums

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    The present paper deals with the discrete inverse problem of reconstructing binary matrices from their row and column sums under additional constraints on the number and pattern of entries in specified minors. While the classical consistency and reconstruction problems for two directions in discrete tomography can be solved in polynomial time, it turns out that these window constraints cause various unexpected complexity jumps back and forth from polynomial-time solvability to NP\mathbb{N}\mathbb{P}-hardness

    The Generalized Microscopic Image Reconstruction Problem

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    This paper presents and studies a generalization of the microscopic image reconstruction problem (MIR) introduced by Frosini and Nivat [Andrea Frosini and Maurice Nivat, 2007; Nivat, 2002]. Consider a specimen for inspection, represented as a collection of points typically organized on a grid in the plane. Assume each point x has an associated physical value l_x, which we would like to determine. However, it might be that obtaining these values precisely (by a surgical probe) is difficult, risky, or impossible. The alternative is to employ aggregate measuring techniques (such as EM, CT, US or MRI), whereby each measurement is taken over a larger window, and the exact values at each point are subsequently extracted by computational methods. In this paper we extend the MIR framework in a number of ways. First, we consider a generalized setting where the inspected object is represented by an arbitrary graph G, and the vector l in R^n assigns a value l_v to each node v. A probe centered at a vertex v will capture a window encompassing its entire neighborhood N[v], i.e., the outcome of a probe centered at v is P_v = sum_{w in N[v]} l_w. We give a criterion for the graphs for which the extended MIR problem can be solved by extracting the vector l from the collection of probes, P^- = {P_v | v in V}. We then consider cases where such reconstruction is impossible (namely, graphs G for which the probe vector P is inconclusive, in the sense that there may be more than one vector l yielding P). Let us assume that surgical probes (whose outcome at vertex v is the exact value of l_v) are technically available to us (yet are expensive or risky, and must be used sparingly). We show that in such cases, it may still be possible to achieve reconstruction based on a combination of a collection of standard probes together with a suitable set of surgical probes. We aim at identifying the minimum number of surgical probes necessary for a unique reconstruction, depending on the graph topology. This is referred to as the Minimum Surgical Probing problem (MSP). Besides providing a solution for the above problems for arbitrary graphs, we also explore the range of possible behaviors of the Minimum Surgical Probing problem by determining the number of surgical probes necessary in certain specific graph families, such as perfect k-ary trees, paths, cycles, grids, tori and tubes

    Assessing systemic risk due to fire sales spillover through maximum entropy network reconstruction

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    Assessing systemic risk in financial markets is of great importance but it often requires data that are unavailable or available at a very low frequency. For this reason, systemic risk assessment with partial information is potentially very useful for regulators and other stakeholders. In this paper we consider systemic risk due to fire sales spillover and portfolio rebalancing by using the risk metrics defined by Greenwood et al. (2015). By using the Maximum Entropy principle we propose a method to assess aggregated and single bank's systemicness and vulnerability and to statistically test for a change in these variables when only the information on the size of each bank and the capitalization of the investment assets are available. We prove the effectiveness of our method on 2001-2013 quarterly data of US banks for which portfolio composition is available.Comment: 36 pages, 6 figures, Accepted on Journal of Economic Dynamics and Contro


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    Super-resolution imaging aims at improving the resolution of an image by enhancing it with other images or data that might have been acquired using different imaging techniques or modalities. In this paper we consider the task of doubling, in each dimension, the resolution of grayscale images of binary objects by fusion with double-resolution tomographic data that have been acquired from two viewing angles. We show that this task is polynomial-time solvable if the gray levels have been reliably determined. The problem becomes NP\mathbb{N}\mathbb{P}-hard if the gray levels of some pixels come with an error of ±1\pm1 or larger. The NP\mathbb{N}\mathbb{P}-hardness persists for any larger resolution enhancement factor. This means that noise does not only affect the quality of a reconstructed image but, less expectedly, also the algorithmic tractability of the inverse problem itself.Comment: 26 pages, to appear in SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematic

    Efficient parallel computation on multiprocessors with optical interconnection networks

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    This dissertation studies optical interconnection networks, their architecture, address schemes, and computation and communication capabilities. We focus on a simple but powerful optical interconnection network model - the Linear Array with Reconfigurable pipelined Bus System (LARPBS). We extend the LARPBS model to a simplified higher dimensional LAPRBS and provide a set of basic computation operations. We then study the following two groups of parallel computation problems on both one dimensional LARPBS\u27s as well as multi-dimensional LARPBS\u27s: parallel comparison problems, including sorting, merging, and selection; Boolean matrix multiplication, transitive closure and their applications to connected component problems. We implement an optimal sorting algorithm on an n-processor LARPBS. With this optimal sorting algorithm at disposal, we study the sorting problem for higher dimensional LARPBS\u27s and obtain the following results: • An optimal basic Columnsort algorithm on a 2D LARPBS. • Two optimal two-way merge sort algorithms on a 2D LARPBS. • An optimal multi-way merge sorting algorithm on a 2D LARPBS. • An optimal generalized column sort algorithm on a 2D LARPBS. • An optimal generalized column sort algorithm on a 3D LARPBS. • An optimal 5-phase sorting algorithm on a 3D LARPBS. Results for selection problems are as follows: • A constant time maximum-finding algorithm on an LARPBS. • An optimal maximum-finding algorithm on an LARPBS. • An O((log log n)2) time parallel selection algorithm on an LARPBS. • An O(k(log log n)2) time parallel multi-selection algorithm on an LARPBS. While studying the computation and communication properties of the LARPBS model, we find Boolean matrix multiplication and its applications to the graph are another set of problem that can be solved efficiently on the LARPBS. Following is a list of results we have obtained in this area. • A constant time Boolean matrix multiplication algorithm. • An O(log n)-time transitive closure algorithm. • An O(log n)-time connected components algorithm. • An O(log n)-time strongly connected components algorithm. The results provided in this dissertation show the strong computation and communication power of optical interconnection networks

    On Sparse Representation in Fourier and Local Bases

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    We consider the classical problem of finding the sparse representation of a signal in a pair of bases. When both bases are orthogonal, it is known that the sparse representation is unique when the sparsity KK of the signal satisfies K<1/μ(D)K<1/\mu(D), where μ(D)\mu(D) is the mutual coherence of the dictionary. Furthermore, the sparse representation can be obtained in polynomial time by Basis Pursuit (BP), when K<0.91/μ(D)K<0.91/\mu(D). Therefore, there is a gap between the unicity condition and the one required to use the polynomial-complexity BP formulation. For the case of general dictionaries, it is also well known that finding the sparse representation under the only constraint of unicity is NP-hard. In this paper, we introduce, for the case of Fourier and canonical bases, a polynomial complexity algorithm that finds all the possible KK-sparse representations of a signal under the weaker condition that K<2/μ(D)K<\sqrt{2} /\mu(D). Consequently, when K<1/μ(D)K<1/\mu(D), the proposed algorithm solves the unique sparse representation problem for this structured dictionary in polynomial time. We further show that the same method can be extended to many other pairs of bases, one of which must have local atoms. Examples include the union of Fourier and local Fourier bases, the union of discrete cosine transform and canonical bases, and the union of random Gaussian and canonical bases
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