147 research outputs found

    Efficient reconfigurable techniques for VLSI arrays with 6-port switches

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    This paper proposes an efficient techniques to reconfigure a two-dimensional degradable very large scale integration/wafer scale integration (VLSI/WSI) array under the row and column routing constraints, which has been shown to be NP-complete. The proposed VLSI/WSI array consists of identical processing elements such as processors or memory cells embedded in a 6-port switch lattice in the form of a rectangular grid. It has been shown that the proposed VLSI structure with 6-port switches eliminates the need to incorporate internal bypass within processing elements and leads to notable increase in the harvest when compared with the one using 4-port switches. A new greedy rerouting algorithm and compensation approaches are also proposed to maximize harvest through reconfiguration. Experimental results show that the proposed VLSI array with 6-port switches consistently outperforms the most efficient alternative, proposed in literature, toward maximizing the harvest in the presence of fault processing elements

    Automatic specification of reliability models for fault-tolerant computers

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    The calculation of reliability measures using Markov models is required for life-critical processor-memory-switch structures that have standby redundancy or that are subject to transient or intermittent faults or repair. The task of specifying these models is tedious and prone to human error because of the large number of states and transitions required in any reasonable system. Therefore, model specification is a major analysis bottleneck, and model verification is a major validation problem. The general unfamiliarity of computer architects with Markov modeling techniques further increases the necessity of automating the model specification. Automation requires a general system description language (SDL). For practicality, this SDL should also provide a high level of abstraction and be easy to learn and use. The first attempt to define and implement an SDL with those characteristics is presented. A program named Automated Reliability Modeling (ARM) was constructed as a research vehicle. The ARM program uses a graphical interface as its SDL, and it outputs a Markov reliability model specification formulated for direct use by programs that generate and evaluate the model

    Testing and reconfiguration of VLSI linear arrays

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    AbstractAchieving fault tolerance through incorporation of redundancy and reconfiguration is quite common. In this paper we study the fault tolerance of linear arrays of N processors with k bypass links whose maximum length is g. We consider both arrays with bidirectional links and unidirectional links.We first consider the problem of testing whether a set of n faulty processors is catastrophic, i.e., precludes reconfiguration. We provide new testing algorithms which improve and generalize known testing algorithms. For bidirectional arrays we provide an O(kn) time testing algorithm and for unidirectional arrays we provide an O(n) time algorithm for the case k = 1, and an O(kn log k) time algorithm, for the case k 1.When the fault pattern is not catastrophic we study the problem of finding an optimal reconfiguration of the array. We consider optimality with respect to two parameters: the size of the reconfigured array and the number of redundant links to activate. Considering optimality with respect to the size of the reconfigured array, we prove that the problem is NP-hard in the strong sense if the bypass links are bidirectional, while it can be solved in O(kng) time if the bypass links are unidirectional. Considering optimality with respect to the number of bypass links to activate, we prove that the problem can be solved in O(kn) time if the bypass links are bidirectional, and in O(kng) time if the bypass links are unidirectional

    Virtual Runtime Application Partitions for Resource Management in Massively Parallel Architectures

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    This thesis presents a novel design paradigm, called Virtual Runtime Application Partitions (VRAP), to judiciously utilize the on-chip resources. As the dark silicon era approaches, where the power considerations will allow only a fraction chip to be powered on, judicious resource management will become a key consideration in future designs. Most of the works on resource management treat only the physical components (i.e. computation, communication, and memory blocks) as resources and manipulate the component to application mapping to optimize various parameters (e.g. energy efficiency). To further enhance the optimization potential, in addition to the physical resources we propose to manipulate abstract resources (i.e. voltage/frequency operating point, the fault-tolerance strength, the degree of parallelism, and the configuration architecture). The proposed framework (i.e. VRAP) encapsulates methods, algorithms, and hardware blocks to provide each application with the abstract resources tailored to its needs. To test the efficacy of this concept, we have developed three distinct self adaptive environments: (i) Private Operating Environment (POE), (ii) Private Reliability Environment (PRE), and (iii) Private Configuration Environment (PCE) that collectively ensure that each application meets its deadlines using minimal platform resources. In this work several novel architectural enhancements, algorithms and policies are presented to realize the virtual runtime application partitions efficiently. Considering the future design trends, we have chosen Coarse Grained Reconfigurable Architectures (CGRAs) and Network on Chips (NoCs) to test the feasibility of our approach. Specifically, we have chosen Dynamically Reconfigurable Resource Array (DRRA) and McNoC as the representative CGRA and NoC platforms. The proposed techniques are compared and evaluated using a variety of quantitative experiments. Synthesis and simulation results demonstrate VRAP significantly enhances the energy and power efficiency compared to state of the art.Siirretty Doriast

    Development and evaluation of a Fault-Tolerant Multiprocessor (FTMP) computer. Volume 2: FTMP software

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    The software developed for the Fault-Tolerant Multiprocessor (FTMP) is described. The FTMP executive is a timer-interrupt driven dispatcher that schedules iterative tasks which run at 3.125, 12.5, and 25 Hz. Major tasks which run under the executive include system configuration control, flight control, and display. The flight control task includes autopilot and autoland functions for a jet transport aircraft. System Displays include status displays of all hardware elements (processors, memories, I/O ports, buses), failure log displays showing transient and hard faults, and an autopilot display. All software is in a higher order language (AED, an ALGOL derivative). The executive is a fully distributed general purpose executive which automatically balances the load among available processor triads. Provisions for graceful performance degradation under processing overload are an integral part of the scheduling algorithms

    Enhancing Real-time Embedded Image Processing Robustness on Reconfigurable Devices for Critical Applications

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    Nowadays, image processing is increasingly used in several application fields, such as biomedical, aerospace, or automotive. Within these fields, image processing is used to serve both non-critical and critical tasks. As example, in automotive, cameras are becoming key sensors in increasing car safety, driving assistance and driving comfort. They have been employed for infotainment (non-critical), as well as for some driver assistance tasks (critical), such as Forward Collision Avoidance, Intelligent Speed Control, or Pedestrian Detection. The complexity of these algorithms brings a challenge in real-time image processing systems, requiring high computing capacity, usually not available in processors for embedded systems. Hardware acceleration is therefore crucial, and devices such as Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) best fit the growing demand of computational capabilities. These devices can assist embedded processors by significantly speeding-up computationally intensive software algorithms. Moreover, critical applications introduce strict requirements not only from the real-time constraints, but also from the device reliability and algorithm robustness points of view. Technology scaling is highlighting reliability problems related to aging phenomena, and to the increasing sensitivity of digital devices to external radiation events that can cause transient or even permanent faults. These faults can lead to wrong information processed or, in the worst case, to a dangerous system failure. In this context, the reconfigurable nature of FPGA devices can be exploited to increase the system reliability and robustness by leveraging Dynamic Partial Reconfiguration features. The research work presented in this thesis focuses on the development of techniques for implementing efficient and robust real-time embedded image processing hardware accelerators and systems for mission-critical applications. Three main challenges have been faced and will be discussed, along with proposed solutions, throughout the thesis: (i) achieving real-time performances, (ii) enhancing algorithm robustness, and (iii) increasing overall system's dependability. In order to ensure real-time performances, efficient FPGA-based hardware accelerators implementing selected image processing algorithms have been developed. Functionalities offered by the target technology, and algorithm's characteristics have been constantly taken into account while designing such accelerators, in order to efficiently tailor algorithm's operations to available hardware resources. On the other hand, the key idea for increasing image processing algorithms' robustness is to introduce self-adaptivity features at algorithm level, in order to maintain constant, or improve, the quality of results for a wide range of input conditions, that are not always fully predictable at design-time (e.g., noise level variations). This has been accomplished by measuring at run-time some characteristics of the input images, and then tuning the algorithm parameters based on such estimations. Dynamic reconfiguration features of modern reconfigurable FPGA have been extensively exploited in order to integrate run-time adaptivity into the designed hardware accelerators. Tools and methodologies have been also developed in order to increase the overall system dependability during reconfiguration processes, thus providing safe run-time adaptation mechanisms. In addition, taking into account the target technology and the environments in which the developed hardware accelerators and systems may be employed, dependability issues have been analyzed, leading to the development of a platform for quickly assessing the reliability and characterizing the behavior of hardware accelerators implemented on reconfigurable FPGAs when they are affected by such faults

    Advanced information processing system: Local system services

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    The Advanced Information Processing System (AIPS) is a multi-computer architecture composed of hardware and software building blocks that can be configured to meet a broad range of application requirements. The hardware building blocks are fault-tolerant, general-purpose computers, fault-and damage-tolerant networks (both computer and input/output), and interfaces between the networks and the computers. The software building blocks are the major software functions: local system services, input/output, system services, inter-computer system services, and the system manager. The foundation of the local system services is an operating system with the functions required for a traditional real-time multi-tasking computer, such as task scheduling, inter-task communication, memory management, interrupt handling, and time maintenance. Resting on this foundation are the redundancy management functions necessary in a redundant computer and the status reporting functions required for an operator interface. The functional requirements, functional design and detailed specifications for all the local system services are documented

    Autonomous Recovery Of Reconfigurable Logic Devices Using Priority Escalation Of Slack

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    Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) devices offer a suitable platform for survivable hardware architectures in mission-critical systems. In this dissertation, active dynamic redundancy-based fault-handling techniques are proposed which exploit the dynamic partial reconfiguration capability of SRAM-based FPGAs. Self-adaptation is realized by employing reconfiguration in detection, diagnosis, and recovery phases. To extend these concepts to semiconductor aging and process variation in the deep submicron era, resilient adaptable processing systems are sought to maintain quality and throughput requirements despite the vulnerabilities of the underlying computational devices. A new approach to autonomous fault-handling which addresses these goals is developed using only a uniplex hardware arrangement. It operates by observing a health metric to achieve Fault Demotion using Recon- figurable Slack (FaDReS). Here an autonomous fault isolation scheme is employed which neither requires test vectors nor suspends the computational throughput, but instead observes the value of a health metric based on runtime input. The deterministic flow of the fault isolation scheme guarantees success in a bounded number of reconfigurations of the FPGA fabric. FaDReS is then extended to the Priority Using Resource Escalation (PURE) online redundancy scheme which considers fault-isolation latency and throughput trade-offs under a dynamic spare arrangement. While deep-submicron designs introduce new challenges, use of adaptive techniques are seen to provide several promising avenues for improving resilience. The scheme developed is demonstrated by hardware design of various signal processing circuits and their implementation on a Xilinx Virtex-4 FPGA device. These include a Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) core, Motion Estimation (ME) engine, Finite Impulse Response (FIR) Filter, Support Vector Machine (SVM), and Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) blocks in addition to MCNC benchmark circuits. A iii significant reduction in power consumption is achieved ranging from 83% for low motion-activity scenes to 12.5% for high motion activity video scenes in a novel ME engine configuration. For a typical benchmark video sequence, PURE is shown to maintain a PSNR baseline near 32dB. The diagnosability, reconfiguration latency, and resource overhead of each approach is analyzed. Compared to previous alternatives, PURE maintains a PSNR within a difference of 4.02dB to 6.67dB from the fault-free baseline by escalating healthy resources to higher-priority signal processing functions. The results indicate the benefits of priority-aware resiliency over conventional redundancy approaches in terms of fault-recovery, power consumption, and resource-area requirements. Together, these provide a broad range of strategies to achieve autonomous recovery of reconfigurable logic devices under a variety of constraints, operating conditions, and optimization criteria

    Dynamic Partial Reconfiguration for Dependable Systems

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    Moore’s law has served as goal and motivation for consumer electronics manufacturers in the last decades. The results in terms of processing power increase in the consumer electronics devices have been mainly achieved due to cost reduction and technology shrinking. However, reducing physical geometries mainly affects the electronic devices’ dependability, making them more sensitive to soft-errors like Single Event Transient (SET) of Single Event Upset (SEU) and hard (permanent) faults, e.g. due to aging effects. Accordingly, safety critical systems often rely on the adoption of old technology nodes, even if they introduce longer design time w.r.t. consumer electronics. In fact, functional safety requirements are increasingly pushing industry in developing innovative methodologies to design high-dependable systems with the required diagnostic coverage. On the other hand commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) devices adoption began to be considered for safety-related systems due to real-time requirements, the need for the implementation of computationally hungry algorithms and lower design costs. In this field FPGA market share is constantly increased, thanks to their flexibility and low non-recurrent engineering costs, making them suitable for a set of safety critical applications with low production volumes. The works presented in this thesis tries to face new dependability issues in modern reconfigurable systems, exploiting their special features to take proper counteractions with low impacton performances, namely Dynamic Partial Reconfiguration

    Advanced flight control system study

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    The architecture, requirements, and system elements of an ultrareliable, advanced flight control system are described. The basic criteria are functional reliability of 10 to the minus 10 power/hour of flight and only 6 month scheduled maintenance. A distributed system architecture is described, including a multiplexed communication system, reliable bus controller, the use of skewed sensor arrays, and actuator interfaces. Test bed and flight evaluation program are proposed
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