98,737 research outputs found

    Greening development finance in the Americas

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    This repository item contains a report from the Boston University Global Economic Governance Initiative. The Global Economic Governance Initiative (GEGI) is a research program of the Center for Finance, Law & Policy, the Frederick S. Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future, and the Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies. It was founded in 2008 to advance policy-relevant knowledge about governance for financial stability, human development, and the environment

    Climate Change Research in View of Bibliometrics

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    This bibliometric study of a large publication set dealing with research on climate change aims at mapping the relevant literature from a bibliometric perspective and presents a multitude of quantitative data: (1) The growth of the overall publication output as well as (2) of some major subfields, (3) the contributing journals and countries as well as their citation impact, and (4) a title word analysis aiming to illustrate the time evolution and relative importance of specific research topics. The study is based on 222,060 papers published between 1980 and 2014. The total number of papers shows a strong increase with a doubling every 5-6 years. Continental biomass related research is the major subfield, closely followed by climate modeling. Research dealing with adaptation, mitigation, risks, and vulnerability of global warming is comparatively small, but their share of papers increased exponentially since 2005. Research on vulnerability and on adaptation published the largest proportion of very important papers. Research on climate change is quantitatively dominated by the USA, followed by the UK, Germany, and Canada. The citation-based indicators exhibit consistently that the UK has produced the largest proportion of high impact papers compared to the other countries (having published more than 10,000 papers). The title word analysis shows that the term climate change comes forward with time. Furthermore, the term impact arises and points to research dealing with the various effects of climate change. Finally, the term model and related terms prominently appear independent of time, indicating the high relevance of climate modeling.Comment: 40 pages, 6 figures, and 4 table

    Performing the Union: the Prüm Decision and the European dream

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    In 2005, seven European countries signed the so-called Prüm Treaty to increase transnational collaboration in combating international crime, terrorism and illegal immigration. Three years later, the Treaty was adopted into EU law. EU member countries are obliged to have systems in place to allow authorities of other member states access to nationally held data on DNA, fingerprints, and vehicles by August 2011. In this paper, we discuss the conditions of possibility for the Prüm network to emerge, and argue that rather than a linear story of technological and political convergence and harmonisation, the (hi)story of Prüm is heterogeneous and patchy. This is reflected also in the early stages of implementing the Prüm Decision which proves to be more difficult than it was hoped by the drivers of the Prüm process. In this sense, the Prüm network sits uncomfortably with success stories of forensic science (many of which served the goal of justifying the expansion of technological and surveillance systems). Instead of telling a story of heroic science, the story of Prüm articulates the European dream: One in which goods, services, and people live and travel freely and securely

    A digital global map of artificially drained agricultural areas : documentation

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    Artificial drainage of agricultural land, for example with ditches or drainage tubes, is used to avoid water logging and to manage high groundwater tables. Among other impacts it influences the nutrient balances by increasing leaching losses and by decreasing denitrification. To simulate terrestrial transport of nitrogen on the global scale, a digital global map of artificially drained agricultural areas was developed. The map depicts the percentage of each 5’ by 5’ grid cell that is equipped for artificial drainage. Information on artificial drainage in countries or sub-national units was mainly derived from international inventories. Distribution to grid cells was based, for most countries, on the "Global Croplands Dataset" of Ramankutty et al. (1998) and the "Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas" of Siebert et al. (2005). For some European countries the CORINE land cover dataset was used instead of the both datasets mentioned above. Maps with outlines of artificially drained areas were available for 6 countries. The global drainage area on the map is 167 Mio hectares. For only 11 out of the 116 countries with information on artificial drainage areas, sub-national information could be taken into account. Due to this coarse spatial resolution of the data sources, we recommended to use the map of artificially drained areas only for continental to global scale assessments. This documentation describes the dataset, the data sources and the map generation, and it discusses the data uncertainty.Landwirtschaftliche Drainagen, z.B. durch Gräben oder unterirdische Dränrohre, werden angewandt um hohe Grundwasserstände zu kontrollieren und damit einhergehende Vernässung und Versalzung des Bodens zu vermeiden. Neben anderen Faktoren beeinflussen Drainagen die Nährstoffbilanz durch Erhöhung der Stickstoffauswaschung sowie Veringerung von Denitrifikation. Um den terrestrischen Stickstofftransport simulieren zu können, wurde ein globaler Datensatz der landwirtschaftlichen Dränageflächen in einer Auflösung von 5' x 5' erstellt. Die Karte zeigt den Anteil der Zellflächen mit künstlicher Drainage. Daten zu Drainageflächen in Ländern sowie subnationalen Einheiten wurden mit globalen Datensätzen zur Verteilung der landwirtschaftlichen Flächen (Ramankutty et al., 1998) sowie zur Verteilung bewässerter Flächen (Siebert et al., 2005) kombiniert. Für 11 Länder konnten subnationale Statistiken zur Dränagefläche verwendet werden. Karten mit Umrissen der Dränageflächen standen für sechs Länder zur Verfügung. Insgesamt wurden global 167 Mio ha Fläche als landwirtschaftliche Dränageflächen ausgewiesen. Auf Grund der geringen Auflösung der Eingangsdaten wird die Verwendung des Datensatzes nur für globale oder kontinentale Studien empfohlen. Dieser Bericht beschreibt den Datensatz selbst, die Methodik zur Erzeugung des Datensatzes sowie die Informationsquellen und diskutiert die Unsicherheit

    The nature and trends of agricultural research development in Africa : an informetric study

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    The study recognizes Agriculture as the mainstay activity of most economies in Africa and analyses research nature and trends in the discipline by using descriptive informetrics and focusing on seven indicators, by using the AGRICOLA and ISI-E databases from 1991 to 2005. We observed that research output in the discipline is much higher in South Africa and Kenya, and research collaboration is greater than non-collaborative research output and collaboration is less among African countries. The most popular research domains were found to exist in environmental science, soil science, plant/crop production and [agricultural] economics. Helpful conclusions and recommendations for an Agricultural policy, capacity and research orientation have been made
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