48 research outputs found

    Hybrid Message Pessimistic Logging : improving current pessimistic message logging protocols

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    With the growing scale of HPC applications, there has been an increase in the number of interruptions as a consequence of hardware failures. The remarkable decrease of Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) in current systems encourages the research of suitable fault tolerance solutions. Message logging combined with uncoordinated checkpoint compose a scalable rollback-recovery solution. However, message logging techniques are usually responsible for most of the overhead during failure-free executions. Taking this into consideration, this paper proposes the Hybrid Message Pessimistic Logging (HMPL) which focuses on combining the fast recovery feature of pessimistic receiver-based message logging with the low failure-free overhead introduced by pessimistic sender-based message logging. The HMPL manages messages using a distributed controller and storage to avoid harming system's scalability. Experiments show that the HMPL is able to reduce overhead by 34% during failure-free executions and 20% in faulty executions when compared with a pessimistic receiver-based message logging

    Fault tolerance at system level based on RADIC architecture

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    The increasing failure rate in High Performance Computing encourages the investigation of fault tolerance mechanisms to guarantee the execution of an application in spite of node faults. This paper presents an automatic and scalable fault tolerant model designed to be transparent for applications and for message passing libraries. The model consists of detecting failures in the communication socket caused by a faulty node. In those cases, the affected processes are recovered in a healthy node and the connections are reestablished without losing data. The Redundant Array of Distributed Independent Controllers architecture proposes a decentralized model for all the tasks required in a fault tolerance system: protection, detection, recovery and masking. Decentralized algorithms allow the application to scale, which is a key property for current HPC system. Three different rollback recovery protocols are defined and discussed with the aim of offering alternatives to reduce overhead when multicore systems are used. A prototype has been implemented to carry out an exhaustive experimental evaluation through Master/Worker and Single Program Multiple Data execution models. Multiple workloads and an increasing number of processes have been taken into account to compare the above mentioned protocols. The executions take place in two multicore Linux clusters with different socket communications libraries

    Managing receiver-based message logging overheads in parallel applications

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    Using rollback-recovery based fault tolerance (FT) techniques in applications executed on Multicore Clusters is still a challenge, because the overheads added depend on the applications' behavior and resource utilization. Many FT mechanisms have been developed in re- cent years, but analysis is lacking concerning how parallel applications are a ected when applying such mechanisms. In this work we address the combination of process mapping and FT tasks mapping on multicore environments. Our main goal is to determine the con guration of a pessimistic receiver-based message logging approach which generates the least disturbance to the parallel application. We propose to characterize the parallel application in combination with the message logging approach in order to determine the most signi cant aspects of the application such as computation communication ratio and then, according to the values obtained, we suggest a con guration that can minimize the added overhead for each speci c scenario. In this work we show that in some situations is better to save some resources for the FT tasks in order to lower the disturbance in parallel executions and also to save memory for these FT tasks. Initial results have demonstrated that when saving resources for the FT tasks we can achieve 25% overhead reduction when using a pessimistic message logging aproach as FT support.WPDP- XIII Workshop procesamiento distribuido y paraleloRed de Universidades con Carreras en Inform谩tica (RedUNCI

    Correlated Set Coordination in Fault Tolerant Message Logging Protocols

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    Abstract. Based on our current expectation for the exascale systems, composed of hundred of thousands of many-core nodes, the mean time between failures will become small, even under the most optimistic as-sumptions. One of the most scalable checkpoint restart techniques, the message logging approach, is the most challenged when the number of cores per node increases, due to the high overhead of saving the message payload. Fortunately, for two processes on the same node, the failure probability is correlated, meaning that coordinated recovery is free. In this paper, we propose an intermediate approach that uses coordination between correlated processes, but retains the scalability advantage of message logging between independent ones. The algorithm still belongs to the family of event logging protocols, but eliminates the need for costly payload logging between coordinated processes.

    Automated Application-level Checkpointing of MPI Programs

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    Because of increasing hardware and software complexity, the running time of many computational science applications is now more than the mean-time-to-failure of high-performance computing platforms. Therefore, computational science applications need to tolerate hardware failures. In this paper, we focus on the stopping failure model in which a faulty process hangs and stops responding to the rest of the system. We argue that tolerating such faults is best done by an approach called application-level coordinated non-blocking checkpointing, and that existing fault-tolerance protocols in teh literature are not suitable for implementing this approach. In this paper, we present a suitable protocol, and show how it can be used with a precompiler that instruments C/MPI programs to save application and MPI library state. An advantage of our approach is that it is independent of the MPI implementation. We present experimental results that argue that the overhead of using our system can be small

    Flexible Rollback Recovery in Dynamic Heterogeneous Grid Computing

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    Abstract鈥擫arge applications executing on Grid or cluster architectures consisting of hundreds or thousands of computational nodes create problems with respect to reliability. The source of the problems are node failures and the need for dynamic configuration over extensive runtime. This paper presents two fault-tolerance mechanisms called Theft-Induced Checkpointing and Systematic Event Logging. These are transparent protocols capable of overcoming problems associated with both benign faults, i.e., crash faults, and node or subnet volatility. Specifically, the protocols base the state of the execution on a dataflow graph, allowing for efficient recovery in dynamic heterogeneous systems as well as multithreaded applications. By allowing recovery even under different numbers of processors, the approaches are especially suitable for applications with a need for adaptive or reactionary configuration control. The low-cost protocols offer the capability of controlling or bounding the overhead. A formal cost model is presented, followed by an experimental evaluation. It is shown that the overhead of the protocol is very small, and the maximum work lost by a crashed process is small and bounded. Index Terms鈥擥rid computing, rollback recovery, checkpointing, event logging. 脟

    Fault Tolerance for High-Performance Applications Using Structured Parallelism Models

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    In the last years parallel computing has increasingly exploited the high-level models of structured parallel programming, an example of which are algorithmic skeletons. This trend has been motivated by the properties featuring structured parallelism models, which can be used to derive several (static and dynamic) optimizations at various implementation levels. In this thesis we study the properties of structured parallel models useful for attacking the issue of providing a fault tolerance support oriented towards High-Performance applications. This issue has been traditionally faced in two ways: (i) in the context of unstructured parallelism models (e.g. MPI), which computation model is essentially based on a distributed set of processes communicating through message-passing, with an approach based on checkpointing and rollback recovery or software replication; (ii) in the context of high-level models, based on a specific parallelism model (e.g. data-flow) and/or an implementation model (e.g. master-slave), by introducing specific techniques based on the properties of the programming and computation models themselves. In this thesis we make a step towards a more abstract viewpoint and we highlight the properties of structured parallel models interesting for fault tolerance purposes. We consider two classes of parallel programs (namely task parallel and data parallel) and we introduce a fault tolerance support based on checkpointing and rollback recovery. The support is derived according to the high-level properties of the parallel models: we call this derivation specialization of fault tolerance techniques, highlighting the difference with classical solutions supporting structure-unaware computations. As a consequence of this specialization, the introduced fault tolerance techniques can be configured and optimized to meet specific needs at different implementation levels. That is, the supports we present do not target a single computing platform or a specific class of them. Indeed the specializations are the mechanism to target specific issues of the exploited environment and of the implemented applications, as proper choices of the protocols and their configurations

    Fault Tolerance for Stream Programs on Parallel Platforms

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    A distributed system is defined as a collection of autonomous computers connected by a network, and with the appropriate distributed software for the system to be seen by users as a single entity capable of providing computing facilities. Distributed systems with centralised control have a distinguished control node, called leader node. The main role of a leader node is to distribute and manage shared resources in a resource-efficient manner. A distributed system with centralised control can use stream processing networks for communication. In a stream processing system, applications typically act as continuous queries, ingesting data continuously, analyzing and correlating the data, and generating a stream of results. Fault tolerance is the ability of a system to process the information, even if it happens any failure or anomaly in the system. Fault tolerance has become an important requirement for distributed systems, due to the possibility of failure has currently risen to the increase in number of nodes and the runtime of applications in distributed system. Therefore, to resolve this problem, it is important to add fault tolerance mechanisms order to provide the internal capacity to preserve the execution of the tasks despite the occurrence of faults. If the leader on a centralised control system fails, it is necessary to elect a new leader. While leader election has received a lot of attention in message-passing systems, very few solutions have been proposed for shared memory systems, as we propose. In addition, rollback-recovery strategies are important fault tolerance mechanisms for distributed systems, since that it is based on storing information into a stable storage in failure-free state and when a failure affects a node, the system uses the information stored to recover the state of the node before the failure appears. In this thesis, we are focused on creating two fault tolerance mechanisms for distributed systems with centralised control that uses stream processing for communication. These two mechanism created are leader election and log-based rollback-recovery, implemented using LPEL. The leader election method proposed is based on an atomic Compare-And-Swap (CAS) instruction, which is directly available on many processors. Our leader election method works with idle nodes, meaning that only the non-busy nodes compete to become the new leader while the busy nodes can continue with their tasks and later update their leader reference. Furthermore, this leader election method has short completion time and low space complexity. The log-based rollback-recovery method proposed for distributed systems with stream processing networks is a novel approach that is free from domino effect and does not generate orphan messages accomplishing the always-no-orphans consistency condition. Additionally, this approach has lower overhead impact into the system compared to other approaches, and it is a mechanism that provides scalability, because it is insensitive to the number of nodes in the system