388 research outputs found


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    We look at the broader field of geometric subdivision and the emerging field of parallel computing for the purpose of creating higher visual fidelity at an efficient pace. Primarily, we present a parallel algorithm for √3-Subdivision. When considering animation, we find that it is possible to do subdivision by providing only one variable input, with the rest being considered static. This reduces the amount of data transfer required to continually update a subdividing mesh. We can support recursive subdivision by applying the technique in passes. As a basis for analysis, we look at performance in an OpenCL implementation that utilizes a local graphics processing unit (GPU) and a parallel CPU. By overcoming current hardware limitations, we present an environment where general GPU computation of √3-Subdivision can be practical

    AlSub: Fully Parallel and Modular Subdivision

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    In recent years, mesh subdivision---the process of forging smooth free-form surfaces from coarse polygonal meshes---has become an indispensable production instrument. Although subdivision performance is crucial during simulation, animation and rendering, state-of-the-art approaches still rely on serial implementations for complex parts of the subdivision process. Therefore, they often fail to harness the power of modern parallel devices, like the graphics processing unit (GPU), for large parts of the algorithm and must resort to time-consuming serial preprocessing. In this paper, we show that a complete parallelization of the subdivision process for modern architectures is possible. Building on sparse matrix linear algebra, we show how to structure the complete subdivision process into a sequence of algebra operations. By restructuring and grouping these operations, we adapt the process for different use cases, such as regular subdivision of dynamic meshes, uniform subdivision for immutable topology, and feature-adaptive subdivision for efficient rendering of animated models. As the same machinery is used for all use cases, identical subdivision results are achieved in all parts of the production pipeline. As a second contribution, we show how these linear algebra formulations can effectively be translated into efficient GPU kernels. Applying our strategies to 3\sqrt{3}, Loop and Catmull-Clark subdivision shows significant speedups of our approach compared to state-of-the-art solutions, while we completely avoid serial preprocessing.Comment: Changed structure Added content Improved description

    QAS: Real-time Quadratic Approximation of Subdivision Surfaces.

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    International audienceWe introduce QAS, an efficient quadratic approximation of subdivision surfaces which offers a very close appearance compared to the true subdivision surface but avoids recursion, providing at least one order of magnitude faster rendering. QAS uses enriched polygons, equipped with edge vertices, and replaces them on-the-fly with low degree polynomials for interpolating positions and normals. By systematically projecting the vertices of the input coarse mesh at their limit position on the subdivision surface, the visual quality of the approximation is good enough for imposing only a single subdivision step, followed by our patch fitting, which allows real-time performances for million polygons output. Additionally, the parametric nature of the approximation offers an efficient adaptive sampling for rendering and displacement mapping. Last, the hexagonal support associated to each coarse triangle is adapted to geometry processors

    An Efficient Trim Structure for Rendering Large B-Rep Models

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    International audienceWe present a multiresolution trim structure for fast and accurate B-Rep model visualization. To get a good tradeoff between performance and visual accuracy, we propose to use a vectorial but approximated representation of the model that allows efficient, real-time GPU exploitation. Our structure, based on a quadtree, enables us to do shallow lookups for distant fragments. For closeups, we leverage hardware tessellation. We get interactive frame rates for models that consists of hundreds of thousands of B-Rep faces, regardless of the zoom level

    Generic Mesh Refinement On GPU

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    International audienceMany recent publications have shown that a large variety of computation involved in computer graphics can be moved from the CPU to the GPU, by a clever use of vertex or fragment shaders. Nonetheless there is still one kind of algorithms that is hard to translate from CPU to GPU: mesh refinement techniques. The main reason for this, is that vertex shaders available on current graphics hardware do not allow the generation of additional vertices on a mesh stored in graphics hardware. In this paper, we propose a general solution to generate mesh refinement on GPU. The main idea is to define a generic refinement pattern that will be used to virtually create additional inner vertices for a given polygon. These vertices are then translated according to some procedural displacement map defining the underlying geometry (similarly, the normal vectors may be transformed according to some procedural normal map). For illustration purpose, we use a tesselated triangular pattern, but many other refinement patterns may be employed. To show its flexibility, the technique has been applied on a large variety of refinement techniques: procedural displacement mapping, as well as more complex techniques such as curved PN-triangles or ST-meshes

    Htex: Per-Halfedge Texturing for Arbitrary Mesh Topologies

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    We introduce per-halfedge texturing (Htex) a GPU-friendly method for texturing arbitrary polygon-meshes without an explicit parameterization. Htex builds upon the insight that halfedges encode an intrinsic triangulation for polygon meshes, where each halfedge spans a unique triangle with direct adjacency information. Rather than storing a separate texture per face of the input mesh as is done by previous parameterization-free texturing methods, Htex stores a square texture for each halfedge and its twin. We show that this simple change from face to halfedge induces two important properties for high performance parameterization-free texturing. First, Htex natively supports arbitrary polygons without requiring dedicated code for, e.g, non-quad faces. Second, Htex leads to a straightforward and efficient GPU implementation that uses only three texture-fetches per halfedge to produce continuous texturing across the entire mesh. We demonstrate the effectiveness of Htex by rendering production assets in real time

    Efficient multi-bounce lightmap creation using GPU forward mapping

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    Computer graphics can nowadays produce images in realtime that are hard to distinguish from photos of a real scene. One of the most important aspects to achieve this is the interaction of light with materials in the virtual scene. The lighting computation can be separated in two different parts. The first part is concerned with the direct illumination that is applied to all surfaces lit by a light source; algorithms related to this have been greatly improved over the last decades and together with the improvements of the graphics hardware can now produce realistic effects. The second aspect is about the indirect illumination which describes the multiple reflections of light from each surface. In reality, light that hits a surface is never fully absorbed, but instead reflected back into the scene. And even this reflected light is then reflected again and again until its energy is depleted. These multiple reflections make indirect illumination very computationally expensive. The first problem regarding indirect illumination is therefore, how it can be simplified to compute it faster. Another question concerning indirect illumination is, where to compute it. It can either be computed in the fixed image that is created when rendering the scene or it can be stored in a light map. The drawback of the first approach is, that the results need to be recomputed for every frame in which the camera changed. The second approach, on the other hand, is already used for a long time. Once a static scene has been set up, the lighting situation is computed regardless of the time it takes and the result is then stored into a light map. This is a texture atlas for the scene in which each surface point in the virtual scene has exactly one surface point in the 2D texture atlas. When displaying the scene with this approach, the indirect illumination does not need to be recomputed, but is simply sampled from the light map. The main contribution of this thesis is the development of a technique that computes the indirect illumination solution for a scene at interactive rates and stores the result into a light atlas for visualizing it. To achieve this, we overcome two main obstacles. First, we need to be able to quickly project data from any given camera configuration into the parts of the texture that are currently used for visualizing the 3D scene. Since our approach for computing and storing indirect illumination requires a huge amount of these projections, it needs to be as fast as possible. Therefore, we introduce a technique that does this projection entirely on the graphics card with a single draw call. Second, the reflections of light into the scene need to be computed quickly. Therefore, we separate the computation into two steps, one that quickly approximates the spreading of the light into the scene and a second one that computes the visually smooth final result using the aforementioned projection technique. The final technique computes the indirect illumination at interactive rates even for big scenes. It is furthermore very flexible to let the user choose between high quality results or fast computations. This allows the method to be used for quickly editing the lighting situation with high speed previews and then computing the final result in perfect quality at still interactive rates. The technique introduced for projecting data into the texture atlas is in itself highly flexible and also allows for fast painting onto objects and projecting data onto it, considering all perspective distortions and self-occlusions

    Approximation of Subdivision Surfaces for Interactive Applications

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    International audienceIn this sketch, we propose a visually plausible approximation subdivision surfaces for interactive applications. The complete idea is discussed in the full paper "QAS: Realtime Quadratic Approximation of Subdivision Surfaces", published in the proceedings of Pacific Graphics 2007 and available online (http://iparla.labri.fr/publications/2007/BS07c/)

    GPU Cost Estimation for Load Balancing in Parallel Ray Tracing

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    Interactive ray tracing has seen enormous progress in recent years. However, advanced rendering techniques requiring many million rays per second are still not feasible at interactive speed, and are only possible by means of highly parallel ray tracing. When using compute clusters, good load balancing is crucial in order to fully exploit the available computational power, and to not suffer from the overhead involved by synchronization barriers. In this paper, we present a novel GPU method to compute a costmap: a per-pixel cost estimate of the ray tracing rendering process. We show that the cost map is a powerful tool to improve load balancing in parallel ray tracing, and it can be used for adaptive task partitioning and enhanced dynamic load balancing. Its effectiveness has been proven in a parallel ray tracer implementation tailored for a cluster of workstations
