54 research outputs found

    GPU-oriented architecture for an end-to-end image/video codec based on JPEG2000

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    Modern image and video compression standards employ computationally intensive algorithms that provide advanced features to the coding system. Current standards often need to be implemented in hardware or using expensive solutions to meet the real-time requirements of some environments. Contrarily to this trend, this paper proposes an end-to-end codec architecture running on inexpensive Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) that is based on, though not compatible with, the JPEG2000 international standard for image and video compression. When executed in a commodity Nvidia GPU, it achieves real time processing of 12K video. The proposed S/W architecture utilizes four CUDA kernels that minimize memory transfers, use registers instead of shared memory, and employ a double-buffer strategy to optimize the streaming of data. The analysis of throughput indicates that the proposed codec yields results at least 10× superior on average to those achieved with JPEG2000 implementations devised for CPUs, and approximately 4× superior to those achieved with hardwired solutions of the HEVC/H.265 video compression standard

    Accelerating BPC-PaCo through visually lossless techniques

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    Fast image codecs are a current need in applications that deal with large amounts of images. Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) are suitable processors to speed up most kinds of algorithms, especially when they allow fine-grain parallelism. Bitplane Coding with Parallel Coefficient processing (BPC-PaCo) is a recently proposed algorithm for the core stage of wavelet-based image codecs tailored for the highly parallel architectures of GPUs. This algorithm provides complexity scalability to allow faster execution at the expense of coding efficiency. Its main drawback is that the speedup and loss in image quality is controlled only roughly, resulting in visible distortion at low and medium rates. This paper addresses this issue by integrating techniques of visually lossless coding into BPC-PaCo. The resulting method minimizes the visual distortion introduced in the compressed file, obtaining higher-quality images to a human observer. Experimental results also indicate 12% speedups with respect to BPC-PaCo

    Técnicas de compresión de imágenes hiperespectrales sobre hardware reconfigurable

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    Tesis de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Informática, leída el 18-12-2020Sensors are nowadays in all aspects of human life. When possible, sensors are used remotely. This is less intrusive, avoids interferces in the measuring process, and more convenient for the scientist. One of the most recurrent concerns in the last decades has been sustainability of the planet, and how the changes it is facing can be monitored. Remote sensing of the earth has seen an explosion in activity, with satellites now being launched on a weekly basis to perform remote analysis of the earth, and planes surveying vast areas for closer analysis...Los sensores aparecen hoy en día en todos los aspectos de nuestra vida. Cuando es posible, de manera remota. Esto es menos intrusivo, evita interferencias en el proceso de medida, y además facilita el trabajo científico. Una de las preocupaciones recurrentes en las últimas décadas ha sido la sotenibilidad del planeta, y cómo menitoirzar los cambios a los que se enfrenta. Los estudios remotos de la tierra han visto un gran crecimiento, con satélites lanzados semanalmente para analizar la superficie, y aviones sobrevolando grades áreas para análisis más precisos...Fac. de InformáticaTRUEunpu

    Prioritizing Content of Interest in Multimedia Data Compression

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    Image and video compression techniques make data transmission and storage in digital multimedia systems more efficient and feasible for the system's limited storage and bandwidth. Many generic image and video compression techniques such as JPEG and H.264/AVC have been standardized and are now widely adopted. Despite their great success, we observe that these standard compression techniques are not the best solution for data compression in special types of multimedia systems such as microscopy videos and low-power wireless broadcast systems. In these application-specific systems where the content of interest in the multimedia data is known and well-defined, we should re-think the design of a data compression pipeline. We hypothesize that by identifying and prioritizing multimedia data's content of interest, new compression methods can be invented that are far more effective than standard techniques. In this dissertation, a set of new data compression methods based on the idea of prioritizing the content of interest has been proposed for three different kinds of multimedia systems. I will show that the key to designing efficient compression techniques in these three cases is to prioritize the content of interest in the data. The definition of the content of interest of multimedia data depends on the application. First, I show that for microscopy videos, the content of interest is defined as the spatial regions in the video frame with pixels that don't only contain noise. Keeping data in those regions with high quality and throwing out other information yields to a novel microscopy video compression technique. Second, I show that for a Bluetooth low energy beacon based system, practical multimedia data storage and transmission is possible by prioritizing content of interest. I designed custom image compression techniques that preserve edges in a binary image, or foreground regions of a color image of indoor or outdoor objects. Last, I present a new indoor Bluetooth low energy beacon based augmented reality system that integrates a 3D moving object compression method that prioritizes the content of interest.Doctor of Philosoph

    Single event upset hardened embedded domain specific reconfigurable architecture

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    Compression et transmission d'images avec énergie minimale application aux capteurs sans fil

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    Un réseau de capteurs d'images sans fil (RCISF) est un réseau ad hoc formé d'un ensemble de noeuds autonomes dotés chacun d'une petite caméra, communiquant entre eux sans liaison filaire et sans l'utilisation d'une infrastructure établie, ni d'une gestion de réseau centralisée. Leur utilité semble majeure dans plusieurs domaines, notamment en médecine et en environnement. La conception d'une chaîne de compression et de transmission sans fil pour un RCISF pose de véritables défis. L'origine de ces derniers est liée principalement à la limitation des ressources des capteurs (batterie faible , capacité de traitement et mémoire limitées). L'objectif de cette thèse consiste à explorer des stratégies permettant d'améliorer l'efficacité énergétique des RCISF, notamment lors de la compression et de la transmission des images. Inéluctablement, l'application des normes usuelles telles que JPEG ou JPEG2000 est éner- givore, et limite ainsi la longévité des RCISF. Cela nécessite leur adaptation aux contraintes imposées par les RCISF. Pour cela, nous avons analysé en premier lieu, la faisabilité d'adapter JPEG au contexte où les ressources énergétiques sont très limitées. Les travaux menés sur cet aspect nous permettent de proposer trois solutions. La première solution est basée sur la propriété de compactage de l'énergie de la Transformée en Cosinus Discrète (TCD). Cette propriété permet d'éliminer la redondance dans une image sans trop altérer sa qualité, tout en gagnant en énergie. La réduction de l'énergie par l'utilisation des régions d'intérêts représente la deuxième solution explorée dans cette thèse. Finalement, nous avons proposé un schéma basé sur la compression et la transmission progressive, permettant ainsi d'avoir une idée générale sur l'image cible sans envoyer son contenu entier. En outre, pour une transmission non énergivore, nous avons opté pour la solution suivante. N'envoyer fiablement que les basses fréquences et les régions d'intérêt d'une image. Les hautes fréquences et les régions de moindre intérêt sont envoyées""infiablement"", car leur pertes n'altèrent que légèrement la qualité de l'image. Pour cela, des modèles de priorisation ont été comparés puis adaptés à nos besoins. En second lieu, nous avons étudié l'approche par ondelettes (wavelets ). Plus précisément, nous avons analysé plusieurs filtres d'ondelettes et déterminé les ondelettes les plus adéquates pour assurer une faible consommation en énergie, tout en gardant une bonne qualité de l'image reconstruite à la station de base. Pour estimer l'énergie consommée par un capteur durant chaque étape de la 'compression, un modèle mathématique est développé pour chaque transformée (TCD ou ondelette). Ces modèles, qui ne tiennent pas compte de la complexité de l'implémentation, sont basés sur le nombre d'opérations de base exécutées à chaque étape de la compression

    Development of Lifting-based VLSI Architectures for Two-Dimensional Discrete Wavelet Transform

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    Two-dimensional discrete wavelet transform (2-D DWT) has evolved as an essential part of a modem compression system. It offers superior compression with good image quality and overcomes disadvantage of the discrete cosine transform, which suffers from blocks artifacts that reduces the quality of the inage. The amount of computations involve in 2-D DWT is enormous and cannot be processed by generalpurpose processors when real-time processing is required. Th·"efore, high speed and low power VLSI architecture that computes 2-D DWT effectively is needed. In this research, several VLSI architectures have been developed that meets real-time requirements for 2-D DWT applications. This research iaitially started off by implementing a software simulation program that decorrelates the original image and reconstructs the original image from the decorrelated image. Then, based on the information gained from implementing the simulation program, a new approach for designing lifting-based VLSI architectures for 2-D forward DWT is introduced. As a result, two high performance VLSI architectures that perform 2-D DWT for 5/3 and 9/7 filters are developed based on overlapped and nonoverlapped scan methods. Then, the intermediate architecture is developed, which aim a·: reducing the power consumption of the overlapped areas without using the expensive line buffer. In order to best meet real-time applications of 2-D DWT with demanding requirements in terms of speed and throughput parallelism is explored. The single pipelined intermediate and overlapped architectures are extended to 2-, 3-, and 4-parallel architectures to achieve speed factors of 2, 3, and 4, respectively. To further demonstrate the effectiveness of the approach single and para.llel VLSI architectures for 2-D inverse discrete wavelet transform (2-D IDWT) are developed. Furthermore, 2-D DWT memory architectures, which have been overlooked in the literature, are also developed. Finally, to show the architectural models developed for 2-D DWT are simple to control, the control algorithms for 4-parallel architecture based on the first scan method is developed. To validate architectures develcped in this work five architectures are implemented and simulated on Altera FPGA. In compliance with the terms of the Copyright Act 1987 and the IP Policy of the university, the copyright of this thesis has been reassigned by the author to the legal entity of the university, Institute of Technology PETRONAS Sdn bhd. Due acknowledgement shall always be made of the use of any material contained in, or derived from, this thesis

    Hardware Architectures for Image Processing Acceleration

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