1,019 research outputs found


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    Extensible Markup Language was mainly designed to easily represent documents; however, it has evolved and is now widely used for the representation of arbitrary data structures. There are many Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) to aid software developers with processing XML data. There are also many languages for querying and transforming XML, such as XPath or XQuery, which are widely used in this field. However, because of the great flexibility of XML documents, there are no unified data storing and processing standards, tools, or systems.On the other hand, a relational model is still the most-commonly and widely used standard for storing and querying data. Many Database Management Systems consist of components for loading and transforming hierarchical data. DB2 pureXML or Oracle SQLX are some of the most-recognized examples. Unfortunately, all of them require knowledge of additional tools, standards, and languages dedicated to accessing hierarchical data (for example, XPath or XQuery). Transforming XML documents into a (quasi)relational model and then querying (transformed) documents with SQL or SQL–like queries would significantly simplify the development of data-oriented systems and applications.In this paper, an implementation of the SQLxD query system is proposed. The XML documents are converted into a quasi-relational model (preserving their hierarchical structure), and the SQL–like language based on SQL-92 allows for efficient data querying

    Transparent Forecasting Strategies in Database Management Systems

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    Whereas traditional data warehouse systems assume that data is complete or has been carefully preprocessed, increasingly more data is imprecise, incomplete, and inconsistent. This is especially true in the context of big data, where massive amount of data arrives continuously in real-time from vast data sources. Nevertheless, modern data analysis involves sophisticated statistical algorithm that go well beyond traditional BI and, additionally, is increasingly performed by non-expert users. Both trends require transparent data mining techniques that efficiently handle missing data and present a complete view of the database to the user. Time series forecasting estimates future, not yet available, data of a time series and represents one way of dealing with missing data. Moreover, it enables queries that retrieve a view of the database at any point in time - past, present, and future. This article presents an overview of forecasting techniques in database management systems. After discussing possible application areas for time series forecasting, we give a short mathematical background of the main forecasting concepts. We then outline various general strategies of integrating time series forecasting inside a database and discuss some individual techniques from the database community. We conclude this article by introducing a novel forecasting-enabled database management architecture that natively and transparently integrates forecast models

    LinkedScales : bases de dados em multiescala

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    Orientador: AndrĂ© SantanchĂšTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: As ciĂȘncias biolĂłgicas e mĂ©dicas precisam cada vez mais de abordagens unificadas para a anĂĄlise de dados, permitindo a exploração da rede de relacionamentos e interaçÔes entre elementos. No entanto, dados essenciais estĂŁo frequentemente espalhados por um conjunto cada vez maior de fontes com mĂșltiplos nĂ­veis de heterogeneidade entre si, tornando a integração cada vez mais complexa. Abordagens de integração existentes geralmente adotam estratĂ©gias especializadas e custosas, exigindo a produção de soluçÔes monolĂ­ticas para lidar com formatos e esquemas especĂ­ficos. Para resolver questĂ”es de complexidade, essas abordagens adotam soluçÔes pontuais que combinam ferramentas e algoritmos, exigindo adaptaçÔes manuais. Abordagens nĂŁo sistemĂĄticas dificultam a reutilização de tarefas comuns e resultados intermediĂĄrios, mesmo que esses possam ser Ășteis em anĂĄlises futuras. AlĂ©m disso, Ă© difĂ­cil o rastreamento de transformaçÔes e demais informaçÔes de proveniĂȘncia, que costumam ser negligenciadas. Este trabalho propĂ”e LinkedScales, um dataspace baseado em mĂșltiplos nĂ­veis, projetado para suportar a construção progressiva de visĂ”es unificadas de fontes heterogĂȘneas. LinkedScales sistematiza as mĂșltiplas etapas de integração em escalas, partindo de representaçÔes brutas (escalas mais baixas), indo gradualmente para estruturas semelhantes a ontologias (escalas mais altas). LinkedScales define um modelo de dados e um processo de integração sistemĂĄtico e sob demanda, atravĂ©s de transformaçÔes em um banco de dados de grafos. Resultados intermediĂĄrios sĂŁo encapsulados em escalas reutilizĂĄveis e transformaçÔes entre escalas sĂŁo rastreadas em um grafo de proveniĂȘncia ortogonal, que conecta objetos entre escalas. Posteriormente, consultas ao dataspace podem considerar objetos nas escalas e o grafo de proveniĂȘncia ortogonal. AplicaçÔes prĂĄticas de LinkedScales sĂŁo tratadas atravĂ©s de dois estudos de caso, um no domĂ­nio da biologia -- abordando um cenĂĄrio de anĂĄlise centrada em organismos -- e outro no domĂ­nio mĂ©dico -- com foco em dados de medicina baseada em evidĂȘnciasAbstract: Biological and medical sciences increasingly need a unified, network-driven approach for exploring relationships and interactions among data elements. Nevertheless, essential data is frequently scattered across sources with multiple levels of heterogeneity. Existing data integration approaches usually adopt specialized, heavyweight strategies, requiring a costly upfront effort to produce monolithic solutions for handling specific formats and schemas. Furthermore, such ad-hoc strategies hamper the reuse of intermediary integration tasks and outcomes. This work proposes LinkedScales, a multiscale-based dataspace designed to support the progressive construction of a unified view of heterogeneous sources. It departs from raw representations (lower scales) and goes towards ontology-like structures (higher scales). LinkedScales defines a data model and a systematic, gradual integration process via operations over a graph database. Intermediary outcomes are encapsulated as reusable scales, tracking the provenance of inter-scale operations. Later, queries can combine both scale data and orthogonal provenance information. Practical applications of LinkedScales are discussed through two case studies on the biology domain -- addressing an organism-centric analysis scenario -- and the medical domain -- focusing on evidence-based medicine dataDoutoradoCiĂȘncia da ComputaçãoDoutor em CiĂȘncia da Computação141353/2015-5CAPESCNP

    Spatial ontologies for architectural heritage

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    Informatics and artificial intelligence have generated new requirements for digital archiving, information, and documentation. Semantic interoperability has become fundamental for the management and sharing of information. The constraints to data interpretation enable both database interoperability, for data and schemas sharing and reuse, and information retrieval in large datasets. Another challenging issue is the exploitation of automated reasoning possibilities. The solution is the use of domain ontologies as a reference for data modelling in information systems. The architectural heritage (AH) domain is considered in this thesis. The documentation in this field, particularly complex and multifaceted, is well-known to be critical for the preservation, knowledge, and promotion of the monuments. For these reasons, digital inventories, also exploiting standards and new semantic technologies, are developed by international organisations (Getty Institute, ONU, European Union). Geometric and geographic information is essential part of a monument. It is composed by a number of aspects (spatial, topological, and mereological relations; accuracy; multi-scale representation; time; etc.). Currently, geomatics permits the obtaining of very accurate and dense 3D models (possibly enriched with textures) and derived products, in both raster and vector format. Many standards were published for the geographic field or in the cultural heritage domain. However, the first ones are limited in the foreseen representation scales (the maximum is achieved by OGC CityGML), and the semantic values do not consider the full semantic richness of AH. The second ones (especially the core ontology CIDOC – CRM, the Conceptual Reference Model of the Documentation Commettee of the International Council of Museums) were employed to document museums’ objects. Even if it was recently extended to standing buildings and a spatial extension was included, the integration of complex 3D models has not yet been achieved. In this thesis, the aspects (especially spatial issues) to consider in the documentation of monuments are analysed. In the light of them, the OGC CityGML is extended for the management of AH complexity. An approach ‘from the landscape to the detail’ is used, for considering the monument in a wider system, which is essential for analysis and reasoning about such complex objects. An implementation test is conducted on a case study, preferring open source applications

    Model driven validation approach for enterprise architecture and motivation extensions

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    As the endorsement of Enterprise Architecture (EA) modelling continues to grow in diversity and complexity, management of its schema, artefacts, semantics and relationships has become an important business concern. To maintain agility and flexibility within competitive markets, organizations have also been compelled to explore ways of adjusting proactively to innovations, changes and complex events also by use of EA concepts to model business processes and strategies. Thus the need to ensure appropriate validation of EA taxonomies has been considered severally as an essential requirement for these processes in order to exert business motivation; relate information systems to technological infrastructure. However, since many taxonomies deployed today use widespread and disparate modelling methodologies, the possibility to adopt a generic validation approach remains a challenge. The proliferation of EA methodologies and perspectives has also led to intricacies in the formalization and validation of EA constructs as models often times have variant schematic interpretations. Thus, disparate implementations and inconsistent simulation of alignment between business architectures and heterogeneous application systems is common within the EA domain (Jonkers et al., 2003). In this research, the Model Driven Validation Approach (MDVA) is introduced. MDVA allows modelling of EA with validation attributes, formalization of the validation concepts and transformation of model artefacts to ontologies. The transformation simplifies querying based on motivation and constraints. As the extended methodology is grounded on the semiotics of existing tools, validation is executed using ubiquitous query language. The major contributions of this work are the extension of a metamodel of Business Layer of an EAF with Validation Element and the development of EAF model to ontology transformation Approach. With this innovation, domain-driven design and object-oriented analysis concepts are applied to achieve EAF model’s validation using ontology querying methodology. Additionally, the MDVA facilitates the traceability of EA artefacts using ontology graph patterns

    A Functional, Comprehensive and Extensible Multi-Platform Querying and Transformation Approach

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    This thesis is about a new model querying and transformation approach called FunnyQT which is realized as a set of APIs and embedded domain-specific languages (DSLs) in the JVM-based functional Lisp-dialect Clojure. Founded on a powerful model management API, FunnyQT provides querying services such as comprehensions, quantified expressions, regular path expressions, logic-based, relational model querying, and pattern matching. On the transformation side, it supports the definition of unidirectional model-to-model transformations, of in-place transformations, it supports defining bidirectional transformations, and it supports a new kind of co-evolution transformations that allow for evolving a model together with its metamodel simultaneously. Several properties make FunnyQT unique. Foremost, it is just a Clojure library, thus, FunnyQT queries and transformations are Clojure programs. However, most higher-level services are provided as task-oriented embedded DSLs which use Clojure's powerful macro-system to support the user with tailor-made language constructs important for the task at hand. Since queries and transformations are just Clojure programs, they may use any Clojure or Java library for their own purpose, e.g., they may use some templating library for defining model-to-text transformations. Conversely, like every Clojure program, FunnyQT queries and transformations compile to normal JVM byte-code and can easily be called from other JVM languages. Furthermore, FunnyQT is platform-independent and designed with extensibility in mind. By default, it supports the Eclipse Modeling Framework and JGraLab, and support for other modeling frameworks can be added with minimal effort and without having to modify the respective framework's classes or FunnyQT itself. Lastly, because FunnyQT is embedded in a functional language, it has a functional emphasis itself. Every query and every transformation compiles to a function which can be passed around, given to higher-order functions, or be parametrized with other functions

    On Distributed Storage Codes

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    Distributed storage systems are studied. The interest in such system has become relatively wide due to the increasing amount of information needed to be stored in data centers or different kinds of cloud systems. There are many kinds of solutions for storing the information into distributed devices regarding the needs of the system designer. This thesis studies the questions of designing such storage systems and also fundamental limits of such systems. Namely, the subjects of interest of this thesis include heterogeneous distributed storage systems, distributed storage systems with the exact repair property, and locally repairable codes. For distributed storage systems with either functional or exact repair, capacity results are proved. In the case of locally repairable codes, the minimum distance is studied. Constructions for exact-repairing codes between minimum bandwidth regeneration (MBR) and minimum storage regeneration (MSR) points are given. These codes exceed the time-sharing line of the extremal points in many cases. Other properties of exact-regenerating codes are also studied. For the heterogeneous setup, the main result is that the capacity of such systems is always smaller than or equal to the capacity of a homogeneous system with symmetric repair with average node size and average repair bandwidth. A randomized construction for a locally repairable code with good minimum distance is given. It is shown that a random linear code of certain natural type has a good minimum distance with high probability. Other properties of locally repairable codes are also studied.Siirretty Doriast

    Spatial ontologies for architectural heritage

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    Informatics and artificial intelligence have generated new requirements for digital archiving, information, and documentation. Semantic interoperability has become fundamental for the management and sharing of information. The constraints to data interpretation enable both database interoperability, for data and schemas sharing and reuse, and information retrieval in large datasets. Another challenging issue is the exploitation of automated reasoning possibilities. The solution is the use of domain ontologies as a reference for data modelling in information systems. The architectural heritage (AH) domain is considered in this thesis. The documentation in this field, particularly complex and multifaceted, is well-known to be critical for the preservation, knowledge, and promotion of the monuments. For these reasons, digital inventories, also exploiting standards and new semantic technologies, are developed by international organisations (Getty Institute, ONU, European Union). Geometric and geographic information is essential part of a monument. It is composed by a number of aspects (spatial, topological, and mereological relations; accuracy; multi-scale representation; time; etc.). Currently, geomatics permits the obtaining of very accurate and dense 3D models (possibly enriched with textures) and derived products, in both raster and vector format. Many standards were published for the geographic field or in the cultural heritage domain. However, the first ones are limited in the foreseen representation scales (the maximum is achieved by OGC CityGML), and the semantic values do not consider the full semantic richness of AH. The second ones (especially the core ontology CIDOC – CRM, the Conceptual Reference Model of the Documentation Commettee of the International Council of Museums) were employed to document museums’ objects. Even if it was recently extended to standing buildings and a spatial extension was included, the integration of complex 3D models has not yet been achieved. In this thesis, the aspects (especially spatial issues) to consider in the documentation of monuments are analysed. In the light of them, the OGC CityGML is extended for the management of AH complexity. An approach ‘from the landscape to the detail’ is used, for considering the monument in a wider system, which is essential for analysis and reasoning about such complex objects. An implementation test is conducted on a case study, preferring open source applications

    Smart data management with BIM for Architectural Heritage

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    In the last years smart buildings topic has received much attention as well as Building Information Modelling (BIM) and interoperability as independent fields. Linking these topics is an essential research target to help designers and stakeholders to run processes more efficiently. Working on a smart building requires the use of Innovation and Communication Technology (ICT) to optimize design, construction and management. In these terms, several technologies such as sensors for remote monitoring and control, building equipment, management software, etc. are available in the market. As BIM provides an enormous amount of information in its database and theoretically it is able to work with all kind of data sources using interoperability, it is essential to define standards for both data contents and format exchange. In this way, a possibility to align research activity with Horizon 2020 is the investigation of energy saving using ICT. Unfortunately, comparing the Architecture Engineering and Construction (AEC) Industry with other sectors it is clear how in the building field advanced information technology applications have not been adopted yet. However in the last years, the adoption of new methods for the data management has been investigated by many researchers. So, basing on the above considerations, the main purpose of this thesis is investigate the use of BIM methodology relating to existing buildings concerning on three main topics: ‱ Smart data management for architectural heritage preservation; ‱ District data management for energy reduction; ‱ The maintenance of highrises. For these reasons, data management acquires a very important value relating to the optimization of the building process and it is considered the most important goal for this research. Taking into account different kinds of architectural heritage, the attention is focused on the existing and historical buildings that usually have characterized by several constraints. Starting from data collection, a BIM model was developed and customized in function of its objectives, and providing information for different simulation tests. Finally, data visualization was investigated through the Virtual Reality(VR) and Augmented Reality (AR). Certainly, the creation of a 3D parametric model implies that data is organized according to the use of individual users that are involved in the building process. This means that each 3D model can be developed with different Levels of Detail/Development (LODs) basing on the goal of the data source. Along this thesis the importance of LODs is taken into account related to the kind of information filled in a BIM model. In fact, basing on the objectives of each project a BIM model can be developed in a different way to facilitate the querying data for the simulations tests.\ud The three topics were compared considering each step of the building process workflow, highlighting the main differences, evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of BIM methodology. In these terms, the importance to set a BIM template before the modelling step was pointed out, because it provides the possibility to manage information in order to be collected and extracted for different purposes and by specific users. Moreover, basing on the results obtained in terms of the 3D parametric model and in terms of process, a proper BIM maturity level was determined for each topic. Finally, the value of interoperability was arisen from these tests considering that it provided the opportunity to develop a framework for collaboration, involving all parties of the building industry

    CHORUS Deliverable 2.1: State of the Art on Multimedia Search Engines

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    Based on the information provided by European projects and national initiatives related to multimedia search as well as domains experts that participated in the CHORUS Think-thanks and workshops, this document reports on the state of the art related to multimedia content search from, a technical, and socio-economic perspective. The technical perspective includes an up to date view on content based indexing and retrieval technologies, multimedia search in the context of mobile devices and peer-to-peer networks, and an overview of current evaluation and benchmark inititiatives to measure the performance of multimedia search engines. From a socio-economic perspective we inventorize the impact and legal consequences of these technical advances and point out future directions of research
