641,317 research outputs found

    COGNITO – The graphics and content delivery module

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    The poster presents the two main components for the graphics and content delivery module of COGNITO system. One Augmented reality player is presented as well as one editor of multimedia content to be used in the player (augmented information)

    The Echo: February 14, 2003

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    Senate seeks changes to LTC dancing policy – Taylor nearing goal for Kesler Center – Weekend conference to address lust issue – UCAP revamps faith statement – Back to Reality: Seeing With God’s Eyes – Clarification – Valentine’s Day brings ecstasy and angst – What are you doing for Valentine’s Day? – Student teaching: a learning experience – Professor and student revise computer textbook – Study-abroad students deserve respect – Letter to the editor: Objectionable material shouldn’t rule out movie – Letters to the Editor – Get out from under the rug and Back to Reality – Letter to the editor: Blindly criticizing “peace-niks” unacceptable – Letter to the editor: In the cry for attention, John Cusak is all mine – Attention! Contest! – Over the Rhine: Cutting Room Floor a great compliation – Senior Art Exhibits – Lady Trojans find their game; IWU wants revenge – Pulling away: Trojans’ magic number is 1 – Men’s MCC Standings – Women’s MCC Standings – This week in TU basketballhttps://pillars.taylor.edu/echo-2002-2003/1014/thumbnail.jp

    Augmented Reality Using Video from a Stationary Camera

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    Tato prĂĄce se venuje konceptu rozĆĄĂ­renĂ© reality nad obrazem ze stacionĂĄrnĂ­ kamery a jejĂ­m cĂ­lem je nabĂ­dnout prototyp interaktivnĂ­ho editoru, dĂ­ky kterĂ©mu je moĆŸnĂ© ve scĂ©ne vytvĂĄret virtuĂĄlnĂ­ objekty, jako kompenzaci nedostatecnĂœch moĆŸnostĂ­ detekce nepohybujĂ­cĂ­ch se objektu v obraze ze stacionĂĄrnĂ­ch kamer. VĂœsledkem prĂĄce je editor scĂ©ny vyvinutĂœ v hernĂ­m enginu Unity, jenĆŸ nabĂ­zĂ­ moĆŸnosti pro tvorbu jednoduchĂœch objektu a jehoĆŸ vĂœstup je vyuĆŸitelnĂœ v projektech Unity.The goal of this thesis is to provide an interactive scene editor prototype as a way to compensate for the limited static object recognition capabilities of the fixed-camera-based approaches to augmented reality. The final result is an editor developed in the Unity game engine, which can be used to create simple objects and output of which is Unity project compatible.

    Tosi-TV:n leikkaaminen : Erityispiirteet ja ajan tiivistÀminen

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    OpinnĂ€ytetyö tarkastelee tosi-tv:n historiaa, sen leikkaamisen erityispiirteitĂ€ ja ajan tiivistĂ€mistĂ€. Työ on suunnattu pÀÀsiassa leikkausorientoituneille alan opiskelijoille. Työn pÀÀasiallisena tarkoituksena on tuoda esille tosi-tv:n leikkaamiselle ominaisia työtapoja ja erityispiirteitĂ€ sekĂ€ esitellĂ€ leikkauksellisia keinoja katsojan aikakokemuksen tiivistĂ€miseksi. OpinnĂ€ytetyöni tutkimusaineisto koostuu ammattilaishaastatteluista, omista työssĂ€ kerĂ€tyistĂ€ kokemuksistani sekĂ€ kirjallisesta lĂ€hdemateriaalista. Haastattelemalla saatua aineistoa verrataan kirjalliseen aineistoon sekĂ€ omiin kokemuksiini. Omat kokemukseni perustuvat leikkaustyöhöni Suomen Huutokauppakeisari –tv-sarjassa. OpinnĂ€ytetyössĂ€ni kĂ€y ilmi, ettĂ€ tosi-tv –ohjelmien leikkaajalta vaaditaan ongelmanratkaisukykyĂ€, kĂ€sikirjoittajan taitoja sekĂ€ kykyĂ€ hahmottaa olennainen suuristakin materiaalimÀÀristĂ€. Leikkaajalla on tosi-tv –tuotannoissa usein iso sisĂ€llöllinen vastuu, koska lopullinen kĂ€sikirjoittaminen tapahtuu vasta leikkausvaiheessa. Myös kerronnan ja ajan tiivistĂ€minen on tosi-tv –sarjojen leikkaamisen keskiössĂ€. TiivistĂ€minen onnistuu reflektoivien haastattelujen, mainoskatkojen, bumbereiden, montaasien ja vĂ€likuvien avulla. NĂ€iden avulla ajassa voidaan hyppiĂ€ eteen tai taaksepĂ€in halutulla tavalla ilman, ettĂ€ katsoja kokee hypyt hĂ€iritseviksi.The thesis examined history of reality television, idiosyncrasies of editing it and time compressing. It is aimed at editing orientated students. The primary purpose of this thesis is to introduce typical reality television editing methods and present different editing methods for compressing viewers’ time experiences. The thesis research material consists of interviews of professionals, own work-based knowledge and literary source material. Information from interviews are compared to literary and my own experiences. My own experiences are based on working as a editor in the tv-serie Redneck Auction. The thesis shows that reality TV requires problem solving and screenwriting skills from editor, as well as ability to perceive the relevant from large amount of footage. In reality TV the editor is often in charge of content, because final screenwriting often happens during editing. Compressing time plays also an important role in reality tv editing. Reflective interviews, commercial breaks, bumbers, montages and cutaway shots makes compressing possible. With these methods the editor has possibilities to jump back and forward in time without distracting viewers

    Editor\u27s Corner - Letter to the Editor: Image Versus Reality

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    When reading a recent issue of the Kappan, I came across an article which made such significant points that I would like to call them to the attention of Iowa science teachers. Evidence indicates many political and community leaders subscribe to images of reality that have little to do with the available evidence about the nature of public education

    The Echo: November 10, 1995

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    National and International News – Campus Calendar – Soccer team shooting for national tournament – Sexual abuse: The reality behind the pain – Taylor welcomes student leaders – Nothing But A Long Hair-ed Hippy
 – Letters to the Editor – Don’t Forget! – Said One Drowning Man To Another – Fall athletes continue successful campaigns – Letters to the editor submissions:https://pillars.taylor.edu/echo-1995-1996/1008/thumbnail.jp

    Making Application for Program and Vrml Output Display Using Html in One V.50

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    VRML (Virtual Reality Modeling Language) is one programming languagespecifically designed to create a 3 Dimensional object.The purpose of this paper is to make the My Editor, thus simplifying the writing oforders - orders in VRML, because it can avoid opening the windows (views) is morethan one window. And also can save time in the manufacture of 3 DimensionalObjects, and also saves the amount of memory used. Because to avoid calling thewindow in one view.In Making My Editor, the author uses HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) andVB Script to create and design the My Editor

    Preemption Choice in Context

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    Book review: Preemption choice: the theory, law, and reality of Federalism\u27s core question. William W. Buzbee, editor. 2009. New York: Cambridge University Press. Reviewed by Michael S. Grev

    The Echo: September 19, 2003

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    ‘It is well’ for Moores – Etc gets upgrade – Thoennes ‘represents’ for a personal, powerful God – New club proves Taylor has vision – Aronson finds danger, reality in missions – Taylor welcomes new professors – Frosh bring unique attributes to campus – Letter to the Editor: Respect in chapel lacking at Taylor – Letter to the Editor: The mistake of dropping the “L bomb” – Letter to the Editor: Valid reasons exist for remembering Sept. 11 – Letters to the Editor – A ‘match’ made in movie-star heaven – Faculty Art ‘New Expressions’ – Wins, goals in short supply for TU – Lady Trojans volley way to three straight – Lady Trojans lose heartbreaker in OT – McKendree Preview Wilt Talk – Wheels fall off in first half meltdown – Quotable
 – By the numbers

    Editor\u27s Notebook: A Politcal Reality Check

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