6,696 research outputs found

    TetSplat: Real-time Rendering and Volume Clipping of Large Unstructured Tetrahedral Meshes

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    We present a novel approach to interactive visualization and exploration of large unstructured tetrahedral meshes. These massive 3D meshes are used in mission-critical CFD and structural mechanics simulations, and typically sample multiple field values on several millions of unstructured grid points. Our method relies on the pre-processing of the tetrahedral mesh to partition it into non-convex boundaries and internal fragments that are subsequently encoded into compressed multi-resolution data representations. These compact hierarchical data structures are then adaptively rendered and probed in real-time on a commodity PC. Our point-based rendering algorithm, which is inspired by QSplat, employs a simple but highly efficient splatting technique that guarantees interactive frame-rates regardless of the size of the input mesh and the available rendering hardware. It furthermore allows for real-time probing of the volumetric data-set through constructive solid geometry operations as well as interactive editing of color transfer functions for an arbitrary number of field values. Thus, the presented visualization technique allows end-users for the first time to interactively render and explore very large unstructured tetrahedral meshes on relatively inexpensive hardware

    Multi-scale space-variant FRep cellular structures

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    Existing mesh and voxel based modeling methods encounter difficulties when dealing with objects containing cellular structures on several scale levels and varying their parameters in space. We describe an alternative approach based on using real functions evaluated procedurally at any given point. This allows for modeling fully parameterized, nested and multi-scale cellular structures with dynamic variations in geometric and cellular properties. The geometry of a base unit cell is defined using Function Representation (FRep) based primitives and operations. The unit cell is then replicated in space using periodic space mappings such as sawtooth and triangle waves. While being replicated, the unit cell can vary its geometry and topology due to the use of dynamic parameterization. We illustrate this approach by several examples of microstructure generation within a given volume or along a given surface. We also outline some methods for direct rendering and fabrication not involving auxiliary mesh and voxel representations

    Procedural function-based modelling of volumetric microstructures

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    We propose a new approach to modelling heterogeneous objects containing internal volumetric structures with size of details orders of magnitude smaller than the overall size of the object. The proposed function-based procedural representation provides compact, precise, and arbitrarily parameterised models of coherent microstructures, which can undergo blending, deformations, and other geometric operations, and can be directly rendered and fabricated without generating any auxiliary representations (such as polygonal meshes and voxel arrays). In particular, modelling of regular lattices and cellular microstructures as well as irregular porous media is discussed and illustrated. We also present a method to estimate parameters of the given model by fitting it to microstructure data obtained with magnetic resonance imaging and other measurements of natural and artificial objects. Examples of rendering and digital fabrication of microstructure models are presented

    Shape: A 3D Modeling Tool for Astrophysics

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    We present a flexible interactive 3D morpho-kinematical modeling application for astrophysics. Compared to other systems, our application reduces the restrictions on the physical assumptions, data type and amount that is required for a reconstruction of an object's morphology. It is one of the first publicly available tools to apply interactive graphics to astrophysical modeling. The tool allows astrophysicists to provide a-priori knowledge about the object by interactively defining 3D structural elements. By direct comparison of model prediction with observational data, model parameters can then be automatically optimized to fit the observation. The tool has already been successfully used in a number of astrophysical research projects.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in the "IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics

    Real-time content-aware texturing for deformable surfaces

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    Animation of models often introduces distortions to their parameterisation, as these are typically optimised for a single frame. The net effect is that under deformation, the mapped features, i.e. UV texture maps, bump maps or displacement maps, may appear to stretch or scale in an undesirable way. Ideally, what we would like is for the appearance of such features to remain feasible given any underlying deformation. In this paper we introduce a real-time technique that reduces such distortions based on a distortion control (rigidity) map. In two versions of our proposed technique, the parameter space is warped in either an axis or a non-axis aligned manner based on the minimisation of a non-linear distortion metric. This in turn is solved using a highly optimised hybrid CPU-GPU strategy. The result is real-time dynamic content-aware texturing that reduces distortions in a controlled way. The technique can be applied to reduce distortions in a variety of scenarios, including reusing a low geometric complexity animated sequence with a multitude of detail maps, dynamic procedurally defined features mapped on deformable geometry and animation authoring previews on texture-mapped models. © 2013 ACM

    Single-picture reconstruction and rendering of trees for plausible vegetation synthesis

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    State-of-the-art approaches for tree reconstruction either put limiting constraints on the input side (requiring multiple photographs, a scanned point cloud or intensive user input) or provide a representation only suitable for front views of the tree. In this paper we present a complete pipeline for synthesizing and rendering detailed trees from a single photograph with minimal user effort. Since the overall shape and appearance of each tree is recovered from a single photograph of the tree crown, artists can benefit from georeferenced images to populate landscapes with native tree species. A key element of our approach is a compact representation of dense tree crowns through a radial distance map. Our first contribution is an automatic algorithm for generating such representations from a single exemplar image of a tree. We create a rough estimate of the crown shape by solving a thin-plate energy minimization problem, and then add detail through a simplified shape-from-shading approach. The use of seamless texture synthesis results in an image-based representation that can be rendered from arbitrary view directions at different levels of detail. Distant trees benefit from an output-sensitive algorithm inspired on relief mapping. For close-up trees we use a billboard cloud where leaflets are distributed inside the crown shape through a space colonization algorithm. In both cases our representation ensures efficient preservation of the crown shape. Major benefits of our approach include: it recovers the overall shape from a single tree image, involves no tree modeling knowledge and minimal authoring effort, and the associated image-based representation is easy to compress and thus suitable for network streaming.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Gaussian Shell Maps for Efficient 3D Human Generation

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    Efficient generation of 3D digital humans is important in several industries, including virtual reality, social media, and cinematic production. 3D generative adversarial networks (GANs) have demonstrated state-of-the-art (SOTA) quality and diversity for generated assets. Current 3D GAN architectures, however, typically rely on volume representations, which are slow to render, thereby hampering the GAN training and requiring multi-view-inconsistent 2D upsamplers. Here, we introduce Gaussian Shell Maps (GSMs) as a framework that connects SOTA generator network architectures with emerging 3D Gaussian rendering primitives using an articulable multi shell--based scaffold. In this setting, a CNN generates a 3D texture stack with features that are mapped to the shells. The latter represent inflated and deflated versions of a template surface of a digital human in a canonical body pose. Instead of rasterizing the shells directly, we sample 3D Gaussians on the shells whose attributes are encoded in the texture features. These Gaussians are efficiently and differentiably rendered. The ability to articulate the shells is important during GAN training and, at inference time, to deform a body into arbitrary user-defined poses. Our efficient rendering scheme bypasses the need for view-inconsistent upsamplers and achieves high-quality multi-view consistent renderings at a native resolution of 512×512512 \times 512 pixels. We demonstrate that GSMs successfully generate 3D humans when trained on single-view datasets, including SHHQ and DeepFashion.Comment: Project page : https://rameenabdal.github.io/GaussianShellMaps