184,242 research outputs found

    Spelling it out: Real-time ASL fingerspelling recognition

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    This article presents an interactive hand shape recognition user interface for American Sign Language (ASL) finger-spelling. The system makes use of a Microsoft Kinect device to collect appearance and depth images, and of the OpenNI+NITE framework for hand detection and tracking. Hand-shapes corresponding to letters of the alphabet are characterized using appearance and depth images and classified using random forests. We compare classification using appearance and depth images, and show a combination of both lead to best results, and validate on a dataset of four different users. This hand shape detection works in real-time and is integrated in an interactive user interface allowing the signer to select between ambiguous detections and integrated with an English dictionary for efficient writing

    Real Time Hand Movement Trajectory Tracking for Enhancing Dementia Screening in Ageing Deaf Signers of British Sign Language

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    Real time hand movement trajectory tracking based on machine learning approaches may assist the early identification of dementia in ageing Deaf individuals who are users of British Sign Language (BSL), since there are few clinicians with appropriate communication skills, and a shortage of sign language interpreters. Unlike other computer vision systems used in dementia stage assessment such as RGB-D video with the aid of depth camera, activities of daily living (ADL) monitored by information and communication technologies (ICT) facilities, or X-Ray, computed tomography (CT), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) images fed to machine learning algorithms, the system developed here focuses on analysing the sign language space envelope(sign trajectories/depth/speed) and facial expression of deaf individuals, using normal 2D videos. In this work, we are interested in providing a more accurate segmentation of objects of interest in relation to the background, so that accurate real-time hand trajectories (path of the trajectory and speed) can be achieved. The paper presents and evaluates two types of hand movement trajectory models. In the first model, the hand sign trajectory is tracked by implementing skin colour segmentation. In the second model, the hand sign trajectory is tracked using Part Afinity Fields based on the OpenPose Skeleton Model [1, 2]. Comparisons of results between the two different models demonstrate that the second model provides enhanced improvements in terms of tracking accuracy and robustness of tracking. The pattern differences in facial and trajectory motion data achieved from the presented models will be beneficial not only for screening of deaf individuals for dementia, but also for assessment of other acquired neurological impairments associated with motor changes, for example, stroke and Parkinsons disease

    Event-based tracking of human hands

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    This paper proposes a novel method for human hands tracking using data from an event camera. The event camera detects changes in brightness, measuring motion, with low latency, no motion blur, low power consumption and high dynamic range. Captured frames are analysed using lightweight algorithms reporting 3D hand position data. The chosen pick-and-place scenario serves as an example input for collaborative human-robot interactions and in obstacle avoidance for human-robot safety applications. Events data are pre-processed into intensity frames. The regions of interest (ROI) are defined through object edge event activity, reducing noise. ROI features are extracted for use in-depth perception. Event-based tracking of human hand demonstrated feasible, in real time and at a low computational cost. The proposed ROI-finding method reduces noise from intensity images, achieving up to 89% of data reduction in relation to the original, while preserving the features. The depth estimation error in relation to ground truth (measured with wearables), measured using dynamic time warping and using a single event camera, is from 15 to 30 millimetres, depending on the plane it is measured. Tracking of human hands in 3D space using a single event camera data and lightweight algorithms to define ROI features (hands tracking in space)

    Architecture and applications of the FingerMouse: a smart stereo camera for wearable computing HCI

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    In this paper we present a visual input HCI system for wearable computers, the FingerMouse. It is a fully integrated stereo camera and vision processing system, with a specifically designed ASIC performing stereo block matching at 5Mpixel/s (e.g. QVGA 320Ă—240at 30fps) and a disparity range of 47, consuming 187mW (78mW in the ASIC). It is button-sized (43mmĂ—18mm) and can be worn on the body, capturing the user's hand and processing in real-time its coordinates as well as a 1-bit image of the hand segmented from the background. Alternatively, the system serves as a smart depth camera, delivering foreground segmentation and tracking, depth maps and standard images, with a processing latency smaller than 1ms. This paper describes the FingerMouse functionality and its applications, and how the specific architecture outperforms other systems in size, latency and power consumptio

    Real-Time High-Resolution Multiple-Camera Depth Map Estimation Hardware and Its Applications

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    Depth information is used in a variety of 3D based signal processing applications such as autonomous navigation of robots and driving systems, object detection and tracking, computer games, 3D television, and free view-point synthesis. These applications require high accuracy and speed performances for depth estimation. Depth maps can be generated using disparity estimation methods, which are obtained from stereo matching between multiple images. The computational complexity of disparity estimation algorithms and the need of large size and bandwidth for the external and internal memory make the real-time processing of disparity estimation challenging, especially for high resolution images. This thesis proposes a high-resolution high-quality multiple-camera depth map estimation hardware. The proposed hardware is verified in real-time with a complete system from the initial image capture to the display and applications. The details of the complete system are presented. The proposed binocular and trinocular adaptive window size disparity estimation algorithms are carefully designed to be suitable to real-time hardware implementation by allowing efficient parallel and local processing while providing high-quality results. The proposed binocular and trinocular disparity estimation hardware implementations can process 55 frames per second on a Virtex-7 FPGA at a 1024 x 768 XGA video resolution for a 128 pixel disparity range. The proposed binocular disparity estimation hardware provides best quality compared to existing real-time high-resolution disparity estimation hardware implementations. A novel compressed-look up table based rectification algorithm and its real-time hardware implementation are presented. The low-complexity decompression process of the rectification hardware utilizes a negligible amount of LUT and DFF resources of the FPGA while it does not require the existence of external memory. The first real-time high-resolution free viewpoint synthesis hardware utilizing three-camera disparity estimation is presented. The proposed hardware generates high-quality free viewpoint video in real-time for any horizontally aligned arbitrary camera positioned between the leftmost and rightmost physical cameras. The full embedded system of the depth estimation is explained. The presented embedded system transfers disparity results together with synchronized RGB pixels to the PC for application development. Several real-time applications are developed on a PC using the obtained RGB+D results. The implemented depth estimation based real-time software applications are: depth based image thresholding, speed and distance measurement, head-hands-shoulders tracking, virtual mouse using hand tracking and face tracking integrated with free viewpoint synthesis. The proposed binocular disparity estimation hardware is implemented in an ASIC. The ASIC implementation of disparity estimation imposes additional constraints with respect to the FPGA implementation. These restrictions, their implemented efficient solutions and the ASIC implementation results are presented. In addition, a very high-resolution (82.3 MP) 360°x90° omnidirectional multiple camera system is proposed. The hemispherical camera system is able to view the target locations close to horizontal plane with more than two cameras. Therefore, it can be used in high-resolution 360° depth map estimation and its applications in the future

    3D Visual Tracking of an Articulated Robot in Precision Automated Tasks

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    Abstract: The most compelling requirements for visual tracking systems are a high detection accuracy and an adequate processing speed. However, the combination between the two requirements in real world applications is very challenging due to the fact that more accurate tracking tasks often require longer processing times, while quicker responses for the tracking system are more prone to errors, therefore a trade-off between accuracy and speed, and vice versa is required. This paper aims to achieve the two requirements together by implementing an accurate and time efficient tracking system. In this paper, an eye-to-hand visual system that has the ability to automatically track a moving target is introduced. An enhanced Circular Hough Transform (CHT) is employed for estimating the trajectory of a spherical target in three dimensions, the colour feature of the target was carefully selected by using a new colour selection process, the process relies on the use of a colour segmentation method (Delta E) with the CHT algorithm for finding the proper colour of the tracked target, the target was attached to the six degree of freedom (DOF) robot end-effector that performs a pick-and-place task. A cooperation of two Eye-to Hand cameras with their image Averaging filters are used for obtaining clear and steady images. This paper also examines a new technique for generating and controlling the observation search window in order to increase the computational speed of the tracking system, the techniques is named Controllable Region of interest based on Circular Hough Transform (CRCHT). Moreover, a new mathematical formula is introduced for updating the depth information of the vision system during the object tracking process. For more reliable and accurate tracking, a simplex optimization technique was employed for the calculation of the parameters for camera to robotic transformation matrix. The results obtained show the applicability of the proposed approach to track the moving robot with an overall tracking error of 0.25 mm. Also, the effectiveness of CRCHT technique in saving up to 60% of the overall time required for image processing

    GANerated Hands for Real-time 3D Hand Tracking from Monocular RGB

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    We address the highly challenging problem of real-time 3D hand tracking based on a monocular RGB-only sequence. Our tracking method combines a convolutional neural network with a kinematic 3D hand model, such that it generalizes well to unseen data, is robust to occlusions and varying camera viewpoints, and leads to anatomically plausible as well as temporally smooth hand motions. For training our CNN we propose a novel approach for the synthetic generation of training data that is based on a geometrically consistent image-to-image translation network. To be more specific, we use a neural network that translates synthetic images to "real" images, such that the so-generated images follow the same statistical distribution as real-world hand images. For training this translation network we combine an adversarial loss and a cycle-consistency loss with a geometric consistency loss in order to preserve geometric properties (such as hand pose) during translation. We demonstrate that our hand tracking system outperforms the current state-of-the-art on challenging RGB-only footage
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