17 research outputs found

    Neural Architectures for Control

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    The cerebellar model articulated controller (CMAC) neural architectures are shown to be viable for the purposes of real-time learning and control. Software tools for the exploration of CMAC performance are developed for three hardware platforms, the MacIntosh, the IBM PC, and the SUN workstation. All algorithm development was done using the C programming language. These software tools were then used to implement an adaptive critic neuro-control design that learns in real-time how to back up a trailer truck. The truck backer-upper experiment is a standard performance measure in the neural network literature, but previously the training of the controllers was done off-line. With the CMAC neural architectures, it was possible to train the neuro-controllers on-line in real-time on a MS-DOS PC 386. CMAC neural architectures are also used in conjunction with a hierarchical planning approach to find collision-free paths over 2-D analog valued obstacle fields. The method constructs a coarse resolution version of the original problem and then finds the corresponding coarse optimal path using multipass dynamic programming. CMAC artificial neural architectures are used to estimate the analog transition costs that dynamic programming requires. The CMAC architectures are trained in real-time for each obstacle field presented. The coarse optimal path is then used as a baseline for the construction of a fine scale optimal path through the original obstacle array. These results are a very good indication of the potential power of the neural architectures in control design. In order to reach as wide an audience as possible, we have run a seminar on neuro-control that has met once per week since 20 May 1991. This seminar has thoroughly discussed the CMAC architecture, relevant portions of classical control, back propagation through time, and adaptive critic designs

    Benchmarking Cerebellar Control

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    Cerebellar models have long been advocated as viable models for robot dynamics control. Building on an increasing insight in and knowledge of the biological cerebellum, many models have been greatly refined, of which some computational models have emerged with useful properties with respect to robot dynamics control. Looking at the application side, however, there is a totally different picture. Not only is there not one robot on the market which uses anything remotely connected with cerebellar control, but even in research labs most testbeds for cerebellar models are restricted to toy problems. Such applications hardly ever exceed the complexity of a 2 DoF simulated robot arm; a task which is hardly representative for the field of robotics, or relates to realistic applications. In order to bring the amalgamation of the two fields forwards, we advocate the use of a set of robotics benchmarks, on which existing and new computational cerebellar models can be comparatively tested. It is clear that the traditional approach to solve robotics dynamics loses ground with the advancing complexity of robotic structures; there is a desire for adaptive methods which can compete as traditional control methods do for traditional robots. In this paper we try to lay down the successes and problems in the fields of cerebellar modelling as well as robot dynamics control. By analyzing the common ground, a set of benchmarks is suggested which may serve as typical robot applications for cerebellar models

    An Intelligent Autopilot System that learns piloting skills from human pilots by imitation

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    An Intelligent Autopilot System (IAS) that can learn piloting skills by observing and imitating expert human pilots is proposed. IAS is a potential solution to the current problem of Automatic Flight Control Systems of being unable to handle flight uncertainties, and the need to construct control models manually. A robust Learning by Imitation approach is proposed which uses human pilots to demonstrate the task to be learned in a flight simulator while training datasets are captured from these demonstrations. The datasets are then used by Artificial Neural Networks to generate control models automatically. The control models imitate the skills of the human pilot when performing piloting tasks including handling flight uncertainties such as severe weather conditions. Experiments show that IAS performs learned take-off, climb, and slow ascent tasks with high accuracy even after being presented with limited examples, as measured by Mean Absolute Error and Mean Absolute Deviation. The results demonstrate that the IAS is capable of imitating low-level sub-cognitive skills such as rapid and continuous stabilization attempts in stormy weather conditions, and high-level strategic skills such as the sequence of sub-tasks necessary to pilot an aircraft starting from the stationary position on the runway, and ending with a steady cruise

    An artificial neural network for redundant robot inverse kinematics computation

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    A redundant manipulator can be defined as a manipulator that has more degrees of freedom than necessary to determine the position and orientation of the end effector. Such a manipulator has dexterity, flexibility, and the ability to maneuver in presence of obstacles. One important and necessary step in utilizing a redundant robot is to relate the joint coordinates of the manipulator with the position and orientation of the end-effector. This specification is termed as the direct kinematics problem and can be written as x = f(q) where x is a vector representing the position and orientation of the end-effector, q is the Joint vector, and f is a continuous non-linear function defined by the design of the manipulator. The inverse kinematics problem can be stated as: Given a position and orientation of the end-effector, determine the joint vector that specifies this position a q = f -1(x). and orientation. That is, For non-trivial designs, f -1 cannot be expressed analytically. This paper presents a solution to the inverse kinematics problem for a redundant robot based on multilayer feed-forward artificial neural network

    On line tracking of moving objects from moving platforms

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    It is desired to position the end point of a conveyor belt, which carries material removed by a moving pavement trimmer, above the bed of a moving dump truck. The present report describes the analytical design and practical control of a tracking system for positioning the conveyor. Initial tests were conducted on a Unimation PUMA robot. The original pavement profiler has been modified to allow automatic computer control of both the soil removal and distribution systems. The distribution is performed by a two degrees of freedom moveable boom with a conveyor system. Two methods for non-contact target position detection were evaluated: machine vision and ultrasound. An ultrasound based target system was selected and implemented on a PUMA robot. Control software for on-line target acquisition and tracking was developed and tested. A set of ultrasound sensors and a boom rotation sensor were installed on the pavement profiler. All sensors are currently operational

    Nonlinear Visual Mapping Model for 3-D Visual Tracking With Uncalibrated Eye-in-Hand Robotic System

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    Stability and weight smoothing in CMAC neural networks

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    Although the CMAC (Cerebellar Model Articulation Controller) neural network has been successfully used in control systems for many years, its property of local generalization, the availability of trained information for network responses at adjacent untrained locations, although responsible for the networks rapid learning and efficient implementation, results in network responses that is, when trained with sparse or widely spaced training data, spiky in nature even when the underlying function being learned is quite smooth. Since the derivative of such a network response can vary widely, the CMAC\u27s usefulness for solving optimization problems as well as for certain other control system applications can be severely limited. This dissertation presents the CMAC algorithm in sufficient detail to explore its strengths and weaknesses. Its properties of information generalization and storage are discussed and comparisons are made with other neural network algorithms and with other adaptive control algorithms. A synopsis of the development of the fields of neural networks and adaptive control is included to lend historical perspective. A stability analysis of the CMAC algorithm for open-loop function learning is developed. This stability analysis casts the function learning problem as a unique implementation of the model reference structure and develops a Lyapunov function to prove convergence of the CMAC to the target model. A new CMAC learning rule is developed by treating the CMAC as a set of simultaneous equations in a constrained optimization problem and making appropriate choices for the weight penalty matrix in the cost equation. This dissertation then presents a new CMAC learning algorithm which has the property of weight smoothing to improve generalization, function approximation in partially trained networks and the partial derivatives of learned functions. This new learning algorithm is significant in that it derives from an optimum solution and demonstrates a dramatic performance improvement for function learning in the presence of widely spaced training data. Developed from a completely unique analytical direction, this algorithm represents a coupling and extension of single- and multi-resolution CMAC algorithms developed by other researchers. The insights derived from the analysis of the optimum solution and the resulting new learning rules are discussed and suggestions for future work are presented