952 research outputs found

    Compressed look-up-table based real-time rectification hardware

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    Stereo image rectification is a pre-processing step of disparity estimation intended to remove image distortions and to enable stereo matching along an epipolar line. A real-time disparity estimation system needs to perform real-time rectification which requires solving the models of lens distortions, image translations and rotations. Look-up-table based rectification algorithms allow image rectification without demanding high complexity operations. However, they require an external memory to store large size look-up-tables. In this work, we present an intermediate solution that compresses the rectification information to fit the look-up-table into the onchip memory of a Virtex-5 FPGA. The low-complexity decompression process requires a negligible amount of hardware resources for its real-time implementation. The proposed image rectification hardware consumes 0.28% of the DFF and 0.32% of the LUT resources of the Virtex-5 XCUVP-110T FPGA, it can process 347 frames per second for a 1024×768 pixels image resolution, and it does not need the availability of an external memory

    Real-time on-board obstacle avoidance for UAVs based on embedded stereo vision

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    In order to improve usability and safety, modern unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are equipped with sensors to monitor the environment, such as laser-scanners and cameras. One important aspect in this monitoring process is to detect obstacles in the flight path in order to avoid collisions. Since a large number of consumer UAVs suffer from tight weight and power constraints, our work focuses on obstacle avoidance based on a lightweight stereo camera setup. We use disparity maps, which are computed from the camera images, to locate obstacles and to automatically steer the UAV around them. For disparity map computation we optimize the well-known semi-global matching (SGM) approach for the deployment on an embedded FPGA. The disparity maps are then converted into simpler representations, the so called U-/V-Maps, which are used for obstacle detection. Obstacle avoidance is based on a reactive approach which finds the shortest path around the obstacles as soon as they have a critical distance to the UAV. One of the fundamental goals of our work was the reduction of development costs by closing the gap between application development and hardware optimization. Hence, we aimed at using high-level synthesis (HLS) for porting our algorithms, which are written in C/C++, to the embedded FPGA. We evaluated our implementation of the disparity estimation on the KITTI Stereo 2015 benchmark. The integrity of the overall realtime reactive obstacle avoidance algorithm has been evaluated by using Hardware-in-the-Loop testing in conjunction with two flight simulators.Comment: Accepted in the International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Scienc

    Comprehensive Evaluation of OpenCL-based Convolutional Neural Network Accelerators in Xilinx and Altera FPGAs

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    Deep learning has significantly advanced the state of the art in artificial intelligence, gaining wide popularity from both industry and academia. Special interest is around Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), which take inspiration from the hierarchical structure of the visual cortex, to form deep layers of convolutional operations, along with fully connected classifiers. Hardware implementations of these deep CNN architectures are challenged with memory bottlenecks that require many convolution and fully-connected layers demanding large amount of communication for parallel computation. Multi-core CPU based solutions have demonstrated their inadequacy for this problem due to the memory wall and low parallelism. Many-core GPU architectures show superior performance but they consume high power and also have memory constraints due to inconsistencies between cache and main memory. FPGA design solutions are also actively being explored, which allow implementing the memory hierarchy using embedded BlockRAM. This boosts the parallel use of shared memory elements between multiple processing units, avoiding data replicability and inconsistencies. This makes FPGAs potentially powerful solutions for real-time classification of CNNs. Both Altera and Xilinx have adopted OpenCL co-design framework from GPU for FPGA designs as a pseudo-automatic development solution. In this paper, a comprehensive evaluation and comparison of Altera and Xilinx OpenCL frameworks for a 5-layer deep CNN is presented. Hardware resources, temporal performance and the OpenCL architecture for CNNs are discussed. Xilinx demonstrates faster synthesis, better FPGA resource utilization and more compact boards. Altera provides multi-platforms tools, mature design community and better execution times

    FPGA-based multi-view stereo system with flexible measurement setup

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    In recent years, stereoscopic image processing algorithms have gained importance for a variety of applications. To capture larger measurement volumes, multiple stereo systems are combined into a multi-view stereo (MVS) system. To reduce the amount of data and the data rate, calculation steps close to the sensors are outsourced to Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) as upstream computing units. The calculation steps include lens distortion correction, rectification and stereo matching. In this paper a FPGA-based MVS system with flexible camera arrangement and partly overlapping field of view is presented. The system consists of four FPGA-based passive stereoscopic systems (Xilinx Zynq-7000 7020 SoC, EV76C570 CMOS sensor) and a downstream processing unit (Zynq Ultrascale ZU9EG SoC). This synchronizes the sensor near processing modules and receives the disparity maps with corresponding left camera image via HDMI. The subsequent computing unit calculates a coherent 3D point cloud. Our developed FPGA-based 3D measurement system captures a large measurement volume at 24 fps by combining a multiple view with eight cameras (using Semi-Global Matching for an image size of 640 px × 460 px, up to 256 px disparity range and with aggregated costs over 4 directions). The capabilities and limitation of the system are shown by an application example with optical non-cooperative surface

    FPGA-based operational concept and payload data processing for the Flying Laptop satellite

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    Flying Laptop is the first small satellite developed by the Institute of Space Systems at the Universität Stuttgart. It is a test bed for an on-board computer with a reconfigurable, redundant and self-controlling high computational ability based on the field pro- grammable gate arrays (FPGAs). This Technical Note presents the operational concept and the on-board payload data processing of the satellite. The designed operational concept of Flying Laptop enables the achievement of mission goals such as technical demonstration, scientific Earth observation, and the payload data processing methods. All these capabilities expand its scientific usage and enable new possibilities for real-time applications. Its hierarchical architecture of the operational modes of subsys- tems and modules are developed in a state-machine diagram and tested by means of MathWorks Simulink-/Stateflow Toolbox. Furthermore, the concept of the on-board payload data processing and its implementation and possible applications are described

    A novel algorithm and hardware architecture for fast video-based shape reconstruction of space debris

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    In order to enable the non-cooperative rendezvous, capture, and removal of large space debris, automatic recognition of the target is needed. Video-based techniques are the most suitable in the strict context of space missions, where low-energy consumption is fundamental, and sensors should be passive in order to avoid any possible damage to external objects as well as to the chaser satellite. This paper presents a novel fast shape-from-shading (SfS) algorithm and a field-programmable gate array (FPGA)-based system hardware architecture for video-based shape reconstruction of space debris. The FPGA-based architecture, equipped with a pair of cameras, includes a fast image pre-processing module, a core implementing a feature-based stereo-vision approach, and a processor that executes the novel SfS algorithm. Experimental results show the limited amount of logic resources needed to implement the proposed architecture, and the timing improvements with respect to other state-of-the-art SfS methods. The remaining resources available in the FPGA device can be exploited to integrate other vision-based techniques to improve the comprehension of debris model, allowing a fast evaluation of associated kinematics in order to select the most appropriate approach for capture of the target space debris