162 research outputs found

    Towards a Scalable Hardware/Software Co-Design Platform for Real-time Pedestrian Tracking Based on a ZYNQ-7000 Device

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    Currently, most designers face a daunting task to research different design flows and learn the intricacies of specific software from various manufacturers in hardware/software co-design. An urgent need of creating a scalable hardware/software co-design platform has become a key strategic element for developing hardware/software integrated systems. In this paper, we propose a new design flow for building a scalable co-design platform on FPGA-based system-on-chip. We employ an integrated approach to implement a histogram oriented gradients (HOG) and a support vector machine (SVM) classification on a programmable device for pedestrian tracking. Not only was hardware resource analysis reported, but the precision and success rates of pedestrian tracking on nine open access image data sets are also analysed. Finally, our proposed design flow can be used for any real-time image processingrelated products on programmable ZYNQ-based embedded systems, which benefits from a reduced design time and provide a scalable solution for embedded image processing products

    An Optimized and Fast Scheme for Real-time Human Detection using Raspberry Pi

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    This paper has been presented at : The International Conference on Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications (DICTA 2016)Real-time human detection is a challenging task due to appearance variance, occlusion and rapidly changing content; therefore it requires efficient hardware and optimized software. This paper presents a real-time human detection scheme on a Raspberry Pi. An efficient algorithm for human detection is proposed by processing regions of interest (ROI) based upon foreground estimation. Different number of scales have been considered for computing Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) features for the selected ROI. Support vector machine (SVM) is employed for classification of HOG feature vectors into detected and non-detected human regions. Detected human regions are further filtered by analyzing the area of overlapping regions. Considering the limited capabilities of Raspberry Pi, the proposed scheme is evaluated using six different testing schemes on Town Centre and CAVIAR datasets. Out of these six testing schemes, Single Window with two Scales (SW2S) processes 3 frames per second with acceptable less accuracy than the original HOG. The proposed algorithm is about 8 times faster than the original multi-scale HOG and recommended to be used for real-time human detection on a Raspberry Pi

    Low-power pedestrian detection system on FPGA

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    Pedestrian detection is one of the key problems in the emerging self-driving car industry. In addition, the Histogram of Gradients (HOG) algorithm proved to provide good accuracy for pedestrian detection. Many research works focused on accelerating HOG algorithm on FPGA(Field-Programmable Gate Array) due to its low-power and high-throughput characteristics. In this paper, we present an energy-efficient HOG-based implementation for pedestrian detection system on a low-cost FPGA system-on-chip platform. The hardware accelerator implements the HOG computation and the Support Vector Machine classifier, the rest of the algorithm is mapped to software in the embedded processor. The hardware runs at 50 Mhz (lower frequency than previous works), thus achieving the best pixels processed per clock and the lower power design

    Real-time pedestrian recognition on low computational resources

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    Pedestrian recognition has successfully been applied to security, autonomous cars, Aerial photographs. For most applications, pedestrian recognition on small mobile devices is important. However, the limitations of the computing hardware make this a challenging task. In this work, we investigate real-time pedestrian recognition on small physical-size computers with low computational resources for faster speed. This paper presents three methods that work on the small physical size CPUs system. First, we improved the Local Binary Pattern (LBP) features and Adaboost classifier. Second, we optimized the Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) and Support Vector Machine. Third, We implemented fast Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). The results demonstrate that the three methods achieved real-time pedestrian recognition at an accuracy of more than 95% and a speed of more than 5 fps on a small physical size computational platform with a 1.8 GHz Intel i5 CPU. Our methods can be easily applied to small mobile devices with high compatibility and generality

    Hardware accelerated real-time Linux video anonymizer

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Engenharia Eletrónica Industrial e ComputadoresOs Sistemas Embebidos estão presentes atualmente numa variada gama de equipamentos do quotidiano do ser humano. Desde TV-boxes, televisões, routers até ao indispensável telemóvel. O Sistema Operativo Linux, com a sua filosofia de distribuição ”one-size-fits-all” tornou-se uma alternativa viável, fornecendo um vasto suporte de hardware, técnicas de depuração, suporte dos protocolos de comunicação de rede, entre outros serviços, que se tornaram no conjunto standard de requisitos na maioria dos sistemas embebidos atuais. Este sistema operativo torna-se apelativo pela sua filosofia open-source que disponibiliza ao utilizador um vasto conjunto de bibliotecas de software que possibilitam o desenvolvimento num determinado domínio com maior celeridade e facilidade de integração de software complexo. Os algoritmos deMachine Learning são desenvolvidos para a automização de tarefas e estão presentes nas mais variadas tecnologias, desde o sistema de foco de imagem nosmartphone até ao sistema de deteção dos limites de faixa de rodagem de um sistema de condução autónoma. Estes são algoritmos que quando compilados para as plataformas de sistemas embebidos, resultam num esforço de processamento e de consumo de recursos, como o footprint de memória, que na maior parte dos casos supera em larga escala o conjunto de recursos disponíveis para a aplicação do sistema, sendo necessária a implementação de componentes que requerem maior poder de processamento através de elementos de hardware para garantir que as métricas tem porais sejam satisfeitas. Esta dissertação propõe-se, por isso, à criação de um sistema de anonimização de vídeo que adquire, processa e manipula as frames, com o intuito de garantir o anonimato, mesmo na transmissão. A sua implementação inclui técnicas de Deteção de Objectos, fazendo uso da combinação das tecnologias de aceleração por hardware: paralelização e execução em hardware especial izado. É proposta então uma implementação restringida tanto temporalmente como no consumo de recursos ao nível do hardware e software.Embedded Systems are currently present in a wide range of everyday equipment. From TV-boxes, televisions and routers to the indispensable smartphone. Linux Operating System, with its ”one-size-fits-all” distribution philosophy, has become a viable alternative, providing extensive support for hardware, debugging techniques, network com munication protocols, among other functionalities, which have become the standard set of re quirements in most modern embedded systems. This operating system is appealing due to its open-source philosophy, which provides the user with a vast set of software libraries that enable development in a given domain with greater speed and ease the integration of complex software. Machine Learning algorithms are developed to execute tasks autonomously, i.e., without human supervision, and are present in the most varied technologies, from the image focus system on the smartphone to the detection system of the lane limits of an autonomous driving system. These are algorithms that, when compiled for embedded systems platforms, require an ef fort to process and consume resources, such as the memory footprint, which in most cases far outweighs the set of resources available for the application of the system, requiring the imple mentation of components that need greater processing power through elements of hardware to ensure that the time metrics are satisfied. This dissertation proposes the creation of a video anonymization system that acquires, pro cesses, and manipulates the frames, in order to guarantee anonymity, even during the transmis sion. Its implementation includes Object Detection techniques, making use of the combination of hardware acceleration technologies: parallelization and execution in specialized hardware. An implementation is then proposed, restricted both in time and in resource consumption at hardware and software levels

    Histogram of oriented gradients front end processing: an FPGA based processor approach

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    The Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) implementation of the commonly used Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) algorithm is explored. The HOG algorithm is employed to extract features for object detection. A key focus has been to explore the use of a new FPGA-based processor which has been targeted at image processing. The paper gives details of the mapping and scheduling factors that influence the performance and the stages that were undertaken to allow the algorithm to be deployed on FPGA hardware, whilst taking into account the specific IPPro architecture features. We show that multi-core IPPro performance can exceed that of against state-of-the-art FPGA designs by up to 3.2 times with reduced design and implementation effort and increased flexibility all on a low cost, Zynq programmable system

    Real-Time Robot Vision on Low-Performance Computing Hardware

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    Small robots have numerous interesting applications in domains like industry, education, scientific research, and services. For most applications vision is important, however, the limitations of the computing hardware make this a challenging task. In this paper, we address the problem of real-time object recognition and propose the Fast Regions of Interest Search (FROIS) algorithm to quickly find the ROIs of the objects in small robots with low-performance hardware. Subsequently, we use two methods to analyze the ROIs. First, we develop a Convolutional Neural Network on a desktop and deploy it onto the low-performance hardware for object recognition. Second, we adopt the Histogram of Oriented Gradients descriptor and linear Support Vector Machines classifier and optimize the HOG component for faster speed. The experimental results show that the methods work well on our small robots with Raspberry Pi 3 embedded 1.2 GHz ARM CPUs to recognize the objects. Furthermore, we obtain valuable insights about the trade-offs between speed and accuracy

    Entwicklung von Objekterkennungssystemen für SoC-FPGA Plattformen

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    Object detection is a crucial and challenging task in the field of embedded vision and robotics. Over the last 15 years, various object detection algorithms/systems (e.g., face detection, traffic sign detection) are proposed by different researchers and companies. Most of these research are either focused on improving the detection performance or devoted to boosting the detection speed, which reveals two typically employed criteria while evaluating an object detection algorithm/system: detection accuracy and execution speed. Considering these two factors and the application of object detection to the domains such as service robots and Advanced Driving Assistance System (ADAS), FPGA is a promising platform to achieve accurate object detection in real-time. Therefore, FPGA-based robust object detection systems are designed in this work. The main work of this thesis can be divided into two parts: promising algorithm obtaining and hardware design on SoC-FPGA. Firstly, representative object detection algorithms are selected, implemented, and evaluated. Thereafter, a generalized object detection framework is created. With this framework, pedestrian detection, traffic sign detection, and head detection algorithms are realized and tested. The experiments verify that promising detection results can be obtained by employing the generalized object detection framework. For the work of hardware design on FPGA, the platform of the object detection system, which consists of stereo OV7670 cameras, Xilinx Zedboard, and a monitor that can visualize the detection results, is created. After that, IP cores that correspond to each block of the framework are designed. Configurable parameters are provided by each IP core so that the IPs, especially feature calculation IP and feature scaler IP, can be correctly instanced according to the fast feature pyramid theory. Finally, by employing the designed IP cores, pedestrian detection system, traffic sign detection system, and head detection system are designed and evaluated. The on-board testing results show that real-time object (e.g., pedestrian, traffic sign, head) detection with promising accuracy can all be achieved. In addition, with the generalized object detection framework and the designed IP-toolbox, the object detection system that targets any instance of objects can be designed and implemented rapidly.Objekterkennung ist eine essenzielle und herausfordernde Aufgabe in den Forschungsgebieten der Embedded Vision und der Robotik. In den letzten 15 Jahren wurden verschiedene Objekterkennungsalgorithmen und Systeme (z.B. Gesichtserkennung) aus der Forschung sowie der Industrie präsentiert. Der Forschungsschwerpunkt liegt dabei typischerweise entweder bei der Verbesserung der Erkennungsqualität oder bei der Beschleunigung der Erkennungsgeschwindigkeit. Hieraus leiten sich direkt die Kriterien für den Einsatz von Objekterkennungsalgorithmen und Systemen ab: Erkennungsgenauigkeit und die Erkennungslatenz. Unter Berücksichtigung dieser Kriterien und dem konkreten Einsatzgebiet der Objekterkennung für Serviceroboter und ADAS haben sich FPGA Plattformen als vielversprechende Kandidaten für die Implementierung von hoch genauen Objekterkennungsalgorithmen mit strikten Echtzeitanforderungen herausgestellt. Auf Bases dessen wurden im Rahmen dieser Arbeit eine robuste Objekterkennung entwickelt. Der Fokus dieser Arbeit ist geteilt in zwei Aspekte: Identifikation und Analyse geeigneter Objekterkennungsalgorithmen und deren Implementierung in einer FPGA basierten SoC-Plattform. Zu Beginn wurden eine Reihe von repräsentativen Algorithmen ausgewählt, in einer Testumgebung implementiert und evaluiert. Darauf aufbauend wurde ein Entwicklungs-Frameworks für die Erkennung von Passanten, Verkehrszeichen sowie Kopfdetektion entwickelt und analysiert. Für die Entwicklung einer FPGA basierten Plattform wurde ein Objekterkennungssystem erstellt. Eine Sammlung aus IP-Cores, die das Entwicklungs-Framework bilden, wurden für die FPGA Plattform implementiert. Die IP-Cores bieten eine Reihe von Konfigurationsparametern für den flexiblen Einsatz von neuen Komponenten, im Besonderen IP-Cores für die Berechnung und Skalierung von Erkennungseigenschaften, basierend auf der Fast Feature Pyramid Theorie. Abschliessend wurden die entwickelten IP-Cores zur Erkennung von Passanten, Verkehrszeichen sowie die Kopfdetektion integriert und gemeinsam evaluiert. Die gesammelten Ergebnisse aus verschiedenen Testscenarios der entwickelten FPGA-Plattform zeigen, dass die Objekterkennung in Echtzeit mit vielversprechender Genauigkeit erreichbar ist. Darüber hinaus können mit dem generalisierten Objekterkennungsrahmen und der entwickelten IP-Toolbox schnell und flexibel belibige Objekterkennungssysteme entwickelt und implementiert werden